
California Clarifies lane splitting.

By SUSAN CARPENTER ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER For years, California motorcyclists have enjoyed the benefits of a non-law. California is the only state in the nation that doesn’t legally prevent lane splitting, or traveling between lanes of stopped and slower-moving traffic, but there haven’t been hard and fast rules governing the practice. Until now. A […]


Unusual Motorcycles

Well, this time along the way I often stop and ponder to myself and think what I do is crazy, but some of these people must either be completely bonkers or on the verge of being Rocket scientists. I am amazed at the amount of ingenious and far fetched mechanical marvels that pop up on […]


Crash Helmets

Well, i thought I would add a few things about the old Brain Bucket, that’s right, the Crash Helmet, by law we have to wear them, OK, some states do not but to be hnest, i feel safer with one on, albeit not a full faced as I prefer the open faced skid lids but […]