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Here we go with one more Hawaiian themed painting that I have done on a big 20X30 Canvas, this was painted by me using House Of Kolor Enamel and I am happy with the end result.

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This is of a tiki head and it sure does look menacing, thats for sure.

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If you are into Hawaiian art, then this is right up your alley and would make one awesome present for someone in your family thats for certain.

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This would look great in a Hot Rod shop, a man cave and even a tattoo parlor, or just in your room, as this will hang anywhere and I know that people will comment on this painting.

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Very colorful and you cannot stop looking at this is it growls at anyone that walks past it.

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If you like this, then simply hit the check out and we shall get this shipped off to you,but am not sure how much shipping is as we don’t know where it is going.

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Although this is quite big, its really light, so shouldnt be too expensive to mail out and yes, we ship around the globe with all our other products.

100% of the art sales though, gets donated to my Girlfriends Niece, as they lost their house on New years Day in Hilo- Hawaii, to a Tornado, they lost everything they have except the clothes they were wearing and to make things worse, their renters insurance had lapsed as it was Christmas week.

I want to help out in some way and thought if I could paint some cool pictures, then I could sell them and send them the loot so they can at least try and get the bare necessities that they need in their life, as they are staying with the Salvation Army right now.

Many thanks for looking at this and any other pieces that I have in Carps Art, I love to paint when I can and I am sure that if I manage to sell some, the money is going to a good place.

