Gene Romero Memorial on Saturday was awesome.

It was with a little bit of a heavy heart as I rode my Scrambler to Triumph in Brea on Saturday morning, but, the Sun was out and as soon as I pulled into Southern California Motorcycles, I could feel the buzz of excitement, apprehension and sadness, all mixed into one.

I parked up the Triumph and walked up to where everyone was gathered, and a nice turn out to remember the Flat Track legend Gene Romero, most remembered him as the flying Burrito and he sure was, this guy  came from a humble background, always living in a small travel trailer and with his brothers, they all had a passion for 2 wheels.

Seeing the many early Racers, fans and of course Family in one place was something to behold and I was glad that Jennifer and I could make the trip to Triumph to honor such a great guy.

Here are a bunch of pics I took from the memorial on Saturday.

I was stunned at so Many original riders that turned up for the event and turned around and saw this little fella with a huge Cowboy hat, then realized it was king Kenny Roberts himself.

I couldn’t believe I was seeing Kenny Roberts, the last time I saw him in real life was way back in 1975 at Snetterton Race track when I watched him Race my Hero Barry Sheene and Gene Romero in the Trans Atlantic Series, I shook his hand and said I last saw him 43 years ago.Kenny Replied- I had a Funny Accent and must be from the other side, I laughed and said Barry sends his regards.

I was so stoked to meet Kenny and to see all the other Vintage Riders that raced against the Flying Burrito, what a super turn out. First pic is Ricky Johnson, what a Legend there too.

In the Triumph Motorcycle shop, they had made a great Gallery of some of gene’s personal things, I loved all the riding gear, and the trophy that gene won back in 1975 when I saw him race at Snetterton. Meant a lot to me to attend this memorial, a hero of mine who ended up being a good friend and we hung out a lot at my shop with him telling me so many stories about the racing days.


Welcome to the home of Danish Beach Racing, some great times it looks like here in that Viking part of the world and fun times on the beach Racing all sorts of cool machinery.

For a long time it has been a dream to revive the history of Danish vintage motor racing and, in particular, beach racing.
In the years 1919-1924 the island of Fanø gave home to some of the most legendary riders and drivers Europe had to offer. Makers such as Mercedes, Citröen, Fiat, Opel and many more were represented, although almost all were in the hands of private daredevils.

Sadly the races on the beach of Fanø came to an end, with the tragic death of a 15 year old boy, by a tire loss from the wheel of Sir Malcolm Campbell’s Bluebird racer.
Campbell did, however, set records at over 130mph on the 1km stretch.

In the same years, races were being arranged on the west coast of Jutland, but was eventually shut down due to local regulations.

Fast forward to modern times, a group of enthusiasts in the Hot Rod & Custom community has finally succeeded in landing the necessary approvals for a vintage style race on the Island of Rømø.

Like Fanø it benefits from extremely wide and long beaches, with a hard and flat surface.
Naturally no speed records will be set, but it is our ambition to create a true time pocket with pre-ww2 cars and motorcycles in an up-to 1947 styling and engineering.
The modern version of our track will be a 1/8 mile drag strip.

Obviously we have TROG here but its no way as good as any of the European events, the spectators cant see hardly anything over here on the beach races but back home they seem to have it all figured out. Hopefully it will change here, as the more that come to watch, the more that may get into our Hobby?

So if you can get to Denmark, check out the Romo Motor festival, its a real trip of Nostalgia.

Plenty of long Sandy beach and people taking the 1/8th mile to relive what was done many years ago.

Model A above seems to be having such a great time on the beach and if this was in Black and white, you would think it was the late 1940’s.

Envious of this Flathead set up but what a great look, so 1940’s Post war, I love this Roadster.

Adrian Smith bought his Aluminum Speedster along from back home in England, for some good old fashion Sand spraying and he had a ball.

Nice to see Motorcycles against Hot Rods, just as it was way back, what a great experience this must be?

No Christmas tree Lights here, the good old traditional Flag start, thats the way to go and an awesome photo here of the Flag girl and the 5 window Model A just taking off.

This 196 Ci KK Special is so European Pre-war it is bang on the money and he raced it pretty hard by all accounts too.

You would swear this was Southern California by the Licence plate and Roadster, McCulloch Blown Flatty, what a sweet set up.

Love this 1929 Roadster, Hope to get a Top like that for mine eventually, really digging this Hot Rod as it takes off down the Beach in Denmark.

Photo credits from now on are from Stefan Sell of Vintage Photografie

But what a shot,  Really dig this snap, it captures what Community and commeraderie is all about in the Lifestyle that we are all a big part of, wether having a completed Hot Rod or Just a fan, this pic tells the story right there.

What a Killer shot, thats Love right there, a passion for sharing and enjoying this fantastic era of our own and this is one more superb capture of happiness for sure.

There goes the Red Oxide Roadster, a period built Hot Rod and throwing the sand up at the Racer behind, love these photos as at least it makes that you feel that your there.

Love this Model T Roadster and having a VHRA plaque is kinda cool to see as well as I too am an early member of this club.


More T Vicar? Love this Purple Roadster with nice back rolled valance and 1950 Pontiac Tail lights as he sets off on his 16 inch Firestone’s on a Channeled body.

Above, this geezer is checking out his competition as he lets go of the clutch in a race up the Danish beach, I cant see the tail pipe so maybe some short headers are the go?

I am totally into this Roadster, Supercharged Flatty is something I can only dream of but there is one right there on the beach, fella has old A2 Jacket and Chino pants, very cool ww2 look.

Come in number 12, your time is up, this AV8 is another period looking vehicle, a lot of time and effort goes into these machines and they sure look great, twin 97’s and raked windshield.

That’s a big dollar Roadster anywhere these days and so glad they took the Hot Rod out and raced it on the beach, Henry ford would love this sort of stuff 86 years later.

How cool is this Tank Shift Indian? I would love such a machine and Boy he sure mist of had fun with this on the sandy beach of Denmark at Romo.

It is always nice to see other rides too, I mean back in the day there would be everything competing and this Speedster really does look the part of the GOW crowd.

This Model T is pretty cool with Gina Huber and Marvin C Jensen at the Helm and, being so high, it gets out of the sand better than most.

Another rare early Harley, look at the rear sprocket, as big as a Ferris wheel, I bet that hooked up as the flag dropped? Nice job mate.

A reall sweet Indian and two buddies hanging out on the Beach, what a great day and look, even blue skies too.

Now thats cool to see these days, a Vintage Husqvarna, love this and would of liked to have wathed this race with the other machines up the 1/8th mile track.

Talk about Dapper Dan, what a get up this Geezer has and an awesome Indian there is nothing not to like at all, some great period machines made it to Romo.

The good old J.A.P. engines were super strong in endurance racing and of course, more famous for their Speedway motorcycles.

This Five Window Model A Coupe sits really well and the sneaky header turn outs just in front of the cowl is a very neat look.

Something for everyone and these 2 very different Roadster were cool to see, hope they raced each other, looks so So Cal eh?

Here we have Timo Mattmuller and his Girl by their 29 Sport Coupe with a neat ole 4 Banger.

Friends for life I should think thats a nice Harley, I am sure that they all had a blast here at Romo?

So much Vintage Tin at Romo, its a must for avid Nostalgia and one of these days Jenn and I hope to take the trip to Denmark, and see for ourselves.

Here is Sussanne Ruppel with her 30 Special and what a great rig this is as well, love seeing Women with their rides too, great job.

Looks like a stock 29 Roadster and having fun on the Danish beach with friends

No real info on this fun photo but the guy center and to the right are Fred and Greg, the Notorious Custom Surfers..

So, this is Greg with his Channeled Roadster, Scalloped too and like the color scheme to this Hot Rod.

An eerie look early in the morn as the dew and mist just start to clear and so reminiscent of the days when in So cal they lined up on the Dry Lakes to race everyone in the late 1940’s.

Adrian Smith had his Buckland Special he built with his own hands here, sitting next to Krister Lindblm with his Oxide painted Roadster, nice pic at the start line.

I have no information at all on this bloke on his Indian but he will not be left that clean for too long as soon as he clunks into gear and lets that clutch out on the beach, fun shot though.

All ages all sorts of machines, a great event for sure, a little far away from us but one day maybe ventue out to Denmark and check this Romo Event out.

Getting set to take on the sand and the other competitor of course but it looks to be a Happy event and am sure this will get bigger and bigger as the public I am sure become aware to it.

A Vintage extravaganza to be enjoyed by all.

Chrome Dome atop of his Noggin, Flight Goggles in place, this barnstormer is ready to take them all on in his 29 Model A.

Having fun is what it is all about, heck, bring your Beer Goggles along and enjoy the ride.

Thanks for reading my little Blog, I didn’t take the photos, you can thank Stefan Sell as he is a great photographer for these shots that I have shared. Have a Great weekend everybody.

Right, time to play with my very own 1928 Model A Roadster.











Girl Meets Bike Movie very strange Independant Movie

I am all for Movies that have motorcycles in and saw this a long time ago but I cannot find the whole movie but, here is the trailer and thought that you may want to see this on Two Wheel Tuesday.

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Instead of a wedding dress, the girl buys a motorbike that not only becomes her great love, but also the mount on which she embarks on the most difficult journey – a journey in search of herself. girl meets bike3A motorbike for an average citizen and consumer of pop culture is an attribute of individuals in one way or another socially maladjusted. Or it involves aggression and crime (bad gangs in sensational movies usually appear on black motorcycles) or is a tool of unrealistic and doomed to fail, a utopian escape from reality (as in the movie Easy Rider). Eric Tretbar, an American independent filmmaker, screenwriter, filmmaker and filmmaker, inspired by the story of his acquaintance who, after divorce, re-emerged with a motorcycle, has created an authorial, artistic film about a woman who finds the courage to search for his own way and life according to your rules.

 Thus, he broke three stereotypes at the same time. The first, common in the cinemamainstream: women rarely do so (and usually, punished and repentant, they give up this way). The second: that in an artistic film can not show motorcycles. And third: that a motorcycle movie can not be artistic.:-)The announcement of “Girl Meets Bike” appeared in the summer of last year on the MotoRmania portal . It raised a lot of interest, as well as some fears that the film would not duplicate the stereotype of a girl who does not have a machine and rescues her male colleagues. Not wanting to bet too much, I will mention only that since the plot deals with the beginning of a motorcycle adventure, it is not surprising that the freshwater does not deal with everything from the beginning, but the matter does not end there.


The main character, Kat, is not the only motorcyclist in this story …

The story of the rise of “Girl Meets Bike” also proves that thanks to human kindness and support, even in times of commercialization, beautiful projects can be created. Eric Tretbar finished photography in the summer and sought funds for post-production. This was achieved through the idea of ​​social funding. On the Kickstarter portal, 182 people have declared their willingness to support the film, and since it has managed to raise the required 10,000. dollars, work on editing, sound, music could move on.


The supporters will receive a DVD with the film (when they are finished) , as well as various gadgets, such as original shirts (repainted with a garage method and packed for shipping in a small author’s room;) Eric emphasized that the fabrics and paints are non-toxic and the manufactory wind energy).


Low budget independent films rarely have language versions, but different volunteers undertake the translation of the film, it will have subtitles in Spanish, French, and even Chinese! Actor Ralf Schirg, who plays one of the main figures – Martin, has translated the dialogue into German. On the other hand, a team composed of Polish competitor Gymkhana Oscar Kubicki, Magda and me, created a Polish version of the inscriptions. Eric Tretbar, a fan of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s work, would also like to see the film on a big screen in Poland, so we hope to meet at the cinema. MotoRmania has offered the media patronage of this beautiful initiative.

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Unfortunately, the premiere scheduled for the end of November has now been postponed to April-February – a lot of trouble has spawned a hurricane paralyzing New York City, which houses copyrights and recording studios where music was to be recorded (in the garage of the sixties R & B ).

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(105 min / USA) – A high school shop teacher buys her first motorcycle with her wedding dress money, leading her away from her controlling fiancé into a new circle of motorcycle friends who are attracted but threatened by her new found freedom. As she learns to ride, she must interpret their offers of riding advice: are they subtle forms of control? Or crucial knowledge, without which she might get herself killed? (


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Just a chin wag whilst on my Motorcycle.


Seeing as it is now Feb 1st, I thought that I would try and start a little more blogging as I go along, not sure how they will come out but may be entertaining for you.

Trying some different media’s here as everybody seems to use their phone to talk, take photos and now live chat at times, so- to try these things out I have used my I-phone but its not the best- as my gyroscope is out of wack so sometimes the camera will jump, soon to get a new phone though.

This was about a month ago, may not be the best clarity on you tube but something to watch, as I  fitted New megaphones to the Triumph Scrambler and she sure did sound throaty when I took it out for a little spin.

scrambler siamese megaphones1

A great sounding bike now it breathes and I am contemplating purchasing a Scrambler for my own use as they are bags of fun to ride.