The Screwheads Are Buggered Up On My Motor & Cant Shift Them.

This is as common as White Honda Civic Hatchbacks.

OK, Most of the screw heads are softer than a stamp collectors hands and the things will just get chewed up like cheap bubble gum.

The best bet to get the screws undone is to get ya self a cheap  impact screwdriver, I bought mine from harbor freight.

Then I basically use the Phillips fitting on the screw head, then bash the balls out of the impact and the screw will come undone.

Once they are out and you want to replace them, I use stainless metric Allen head bolts.

These will last bloody years and come undone so much easier years down the line.


“How Can I Stop My Handlebars Hitting The Gas Tank


Well, there is quite an easy solution to this, simply weld a blob of weld on the bottom of the steering stops under your frame, maybe an 1/8th inch, check it and turn the bars to see how close you like it.

This is real easy to do, make sure you unplug the ground from your battery though as you can weld your points shut.

Alternatively, you can drill a hole and thread it in the lower triple tree, as that has steering stop lugs, then you can attach an M3 or M4 bolt and that can be adjustable for steering.


My Oil Pressure Light Stays On?

My Oil pressure light stays on.

This is a common fault, the old switch that is actually by your starter cover on the right hand side, is most probably buggered up and the ball check valve is seized, Simply remove and purchase another from Honda.
They are still available.

But what I do is actually fit one of my OIL PRESSURE GAUGES on the side of the motor above where your points cover is, that way, this gives you a true reading of whats going on inside your motor at all times when the engine is running.


My Oil pressure light stays on.

Routing Wiring For Clubman Bars

How Can I route my wiring for Clubman handlebars?
Well, as you know, the stock bars have the wiring inside the bars and that’s a real pain in the dirt box to pull out, now, you can drill the clubman’s and feed them through, but encase you want to remove the bars, you will be in the same position again with removing all the wires.
The easy solution is to “C” notch the switches, to allow the wires not to get squashed or pinched when you tighten the switches.
then simply route them under the bars and you are all good to go and no frustration.

How Can I Fit My Own Front Fork Seals?

How can I fit my own Front fork seals?

Easily, if you have removed your seals, what I would do is go to home Depot, or to your ACE hardware store and buy a 1″7/8″ piece of plumbing plastic pipe about 3 feet in length.  Simply drop the seal over the fork tube, then slide the plastic tube over your fork tube and tap with a rubber mallet, this will fit smoothly and evenly and will not damage your seal.

Biggest Tire I Can Use On My 750 Honda?

What’s the Biggest tire I can use on my 750 Honda?
Ok I always run a 110X90X19 on the front and on the rear I run a 130X90X16 or 18″.
You have to take into account the stress of the frame when you are in corners etc, as too wide a tire may look cool, but when the frame flexes a little bit, it will rub the shock spring.