Looking forward to a more positive Healthy year

A couple of days left in this terrible Pandemic year, good riddens to it and sure hope that 2021 will be great for us all, of course it will take probably half of that year for all of us to get back on an even keel so to speak, but we shall get there and life will change for the better.  Where we can go out and eat, enjoy meeting folk again, even attend shows and Motorcycle meets etc, life is so short and precious and I think that everybody’s attitude will be a tad different now too.

I love making parts or just building bikes, I am no Pro at this, and didn’t go to school to learn how to either but I grew up with 2 wheeled machines and still to this day do not own a Snap On tool, just the old Sears Craftsmen’s lol. The photo above is me about 20 years ago with my Rocket 4 seat base I created and, still sell today. And Below, was when I helped Dennis Roth create a tribute trike to his dad who passed away Ed Roth, and of course, it had to be CB750 Powered. How much fun did we have with this, hope to find photos of the finished product one day when it was on display at the SEMA show in Las Vegas.


Some tunes to get you through the day .

Always good when you are taking a little easier when you are having a Christmas Break, to put some sounds on and enjoy this time.

I used to go and watch Ronnie Dawson Play so many times back home in England, he rocked the show every time and always was cool with fans, miss the fella.
Here is Ronnie on the Conan Obrien show rocking it up.

Sleep La Beef was a great guy too and saw him many times in England, Miss his tunes too.

2021 Has to be way better than this year

Well, as I sit in the office, I am very fortunate where I am located, smooth tarmac, winding country roads and as I type this, I see and hear some cool machines blapping by on a Sunday morning, their way of shaking the Covid19 Blues.  Riding a Motorcycle is the best Social Distancing out there and when I am on my machine, it gives me time to clear my head and think of other parts I can make and bike builds I can have a go at.  Hoping that you are doing something similar right now, world wide people are in the same boat but the freedom of two wheels certainly stops you from going completely mad.

Honda CB 750 four Poster


I have a few ideas for new parts for these 500 pounders and other models too, and riding always gives me time to mentally fit the part on the bike and see what it looks like, I am lucky to have this week off and that will give me time to get some creative juices going and also I can pen a few ideas down by my computer for later builds of machines once my Barn is built.

If I can of course help you lot, I am always here and you can of course email or even text me and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Enjoy the days off if you possibly can and of course stay safe, but if you can ride your machine, get out there, it will do you a world of good, yes of course- Wear some sort of Mask.

Wishing you ALL a Very Merry Christmas.

Well, here we are, on the Cusp of Christmas Day and most people locked away in their houses and told to stay there, so, with that in mind, I wanted to at least try and raise your Spirits by wishing you All a Merry Christmas and sure hope that the New year brings us a healthier one.  I want to thank you all for supporting me in this tough times and hoping that the positive side of this Pandemic is that you all got to spend some time in the Garage, Shed or back yard and wrenched on your projects to pass the time.

I too will be glad when we can wave goodbye to 2020, what a terrible year it has been, still some way to go until all of us can get out and meet but I hope that you have maybe come up with a cool creation to put together at your pad, to keep you busy and to show everyone your creative flair and aptitude.  Customizing Motorcycles will always be fun for me and I continue to do what I can to try and offer you all the quality parts that I manufacture and sell Globally.


Well, Have a great Christmas and if I can help, you can drop me an email at:  carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or a Text at 714-598-8392 Always try to help anyone out of a jam.

Keep Positive everyone, we shall all get through this soon.

With all the negativity that I see and hear on the internet, Radio and television etc, I am so glad that I can just close my garage door and do my thing that cheers me up no matter what, and thats either creating new parts or building something.  Many of you are in a lock down of some sort and with any luck, are in your Garage, Shed or Barn and trying to create a cool project so you can enjoy it when ” National No Mask Day” Approaches.

I have been selling many exhaust systems, which shows me that people are indeed wrenching and getting things done to pass the time, so a Positive can come out of a negative thats for certain and cannot thank you enough for purchasing my products and keep me going in these tough times.

I shall be designing many New parts in 2021 and am going to enjoying kicking 2020 in the Rockery and a fresh new year with a fresh new outlook, things will get better for us all and I sure hope to see some of you on the Tarmac in 21 or at least see some great photos of your rides and what you have created at home.

If you need any advise or help with your build, feel free to email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or text me on 714-598-8392 I really am here to help and this is my life, not just a job.

Have a good week and I sure hope that you can keep yourself busy in these times and look forward to a way better 2021.