I Didn’t Know That? Low Fuel

This one is more for modern cars then hot rods but we didn’t know about it until we found this blurb in “Trucks” So we thought we would share it anyway.

Most any manufacturer nowadays has an electric in-tank fuel pump. Leading cause of death? Overheating due to low fuel levels. Today’s pumps are actually cooled by the fuel and when the tank gets too low, the pump is exposed and gets hot. The pump actually starves momentarily as you stop, go, and corner, which only adds to the problem. Don’t wait until the light is on to refuel

Good Thing You Have A Cat

We all spill and sadly guys we are adults now and Mom is not there to clean it up for us. But more to the point, how many times have you griped over the cost of “Super Clean” or another related clean up products. Spilling fluid of any kind on the garage floor is still best handled with kitty litter. It works better than any commercial absorber and doesn’t have any dust in it.

Seems Like A No Brainer?

Draping a sheet or towel over your workbench area when working on something small with lots of parts that could scatter will help you to find them more easily. Leave the material loose and lumpy instead of smooth, and anything that gets dropped or falls will sit in the material instead of rolling off the bench and into a dark crevice.