Cool Little CB500 pop’s into shop today.


This afternoon, I heard the blap of a little inline motor, looked out the window, and sure enough a very cool CB500 came for a visit.

It had all the cool stuff, on it like Alloy Triple tree, Custom Head light and Ears etc as well as a 4 into 1 system that was heat wrapped.

It is always great to see other people and their machines, he built it him self and looks like a fun tarmac eater and a super day today to get that bike out in the twisties.

Had a quick tour round the shop and then he was off to go and have some fun riding.

I like seeing these 500-4 models as you do not often see them on the road, and if you do, its the bigger brother of the 550 displacement.

So have fun out there this weekend as especially here in So-Cal we are blessed with riding weather pretty much all year round.

I had better get back to work as I have bucket loads to do, but wanted to at least try and get a Blog out today as I know that you read them by the emails that we receive here at the shop and I thank you for that.