Well, 2025 is well and truly here.

Happy 2025 to everybody that I know and of course to all my customers that have purchased from me, I am so stoked that you love what I do, next month is my 25th year, so more things to come for the Motorcycle builder from me.

We have had pretty bad fires around here as you may have seen on the tv etc, my buddy lost his house and recording studio, its frightening what fire can do when there is high wind behind it, we have been clearing the yard as we have a lot of leaves here at the Ranch house, last weekend, Jenn and I bagged up 81 bags of leaves, so glad we got that done, have to watch out for Hot embers etc, but the winds have dies down now, although they say next Sunday the Santa Ana winds will pick up again and still a few weeks away until we get rain here.

So, at home I am working on the Barn as I have a few projects I need to get out of the way, I also have 2 Vintage yamaha Dirt bikes I need to get running, clean up and sell, a 1977 YZ250 and a 1978 YZ400, bit great machines, so hope to work on them next, fun machines that the Vintage Motocrosser will love, I have noth titles and original handbooks too, so I shall post these on the website when I have them running, of course, I will give them a bit of a blast down the road and clear them out, cant beat the smell of a 2 stroke.

We went to Anaheim 1 Supercross on the weekend and had a ball, the first race of the year is always good to go to and this year we had no rain, usually it rains hard this time of the year, hence the fires are so bad as we have had a dry run, but- it was good to get out and shoot down the road to watch some racing.

I love all Motorcycles and grew up with old dirt bikes, and love watching the new series as bikes are so fast these days, its a fun event and is nice to get out of the workshop and watch some bike racing.

So, what is to offer for the New year? I will be offering More parts for your two wheeled machines as well as some Original parts for the Restorer of their CB750 Honda in line fours.

I shall also try and build a machine that showcases my 25 years here in the great United States of America, cannot believe that a quarter of a century has flown by so fast, but it sure has, so hope to have a bike out later on in the year and offer it up for sale with all cool new parts and a few bells and whistles too.

I shall be making more exhausts and different styles with options of stainless steel, Ceramic coated or wrapped etc and dabbling into some other stuff too, so keep your eyes peeled on the website, the site was down for a bit to do maintenance over the Christmas holiday and back up again now, but am contemplating a new site as I have had this many years and need a freshen up.

Thank you all for all your orders and patience, I try and answer emails and texts as fast as I can and I am looking forward to more fun parts this year and offering you more cool designs and apparel too.

So, I had better get a few things cleaned up around the ranch house and Barn then get organised for a busy year of manufacturing and creating some fun 2 wheeled machines.  Keep building and riding Y’all.


It’s the Weekend here at the Barn

I have no clue where the days go these days to be honest, I get so involved with what I do and achieve in a short amount of time, it seems that life is shooting by at over 100 Miles Per Hour for me, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.  Coming up towards 25 years in the Motorcycle industry here in Southern California is quite daunting to some extent, a quarter of a century already is almost upon me, but I have many more ideas and parts that I want to make and offer to everybody and a few more tricks up my sleeve, although that sleeve is turning into the size of Gandalf’s one lol.

But stay tuned to the website as I will always have a feature on anything new for you all to see, I have started to sell more things Like Handlebar grips, lights and electrical parts with more stuff continuing to increase as the year goes on. Something to pretty up your CB750 thats for sure.

I have a few builds that I need to sort out and build and will have a few blogs on what I am up too soon, I love all the correspondence that I receive and I thank you for that, if there is Anything I can help you with, feel free to email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com and I will do my utter best to help you go in the right direction.

Peace & Grease Everyone and, get out and Ride.


Hot this weekend that’s for sure in Southern California

Hot weather is still here and will continue for a couple of weeks I think, but 112 and 114 is a little too hot to be in the shed this weekend, plus I have stuff to do in our Garden with my Girl. so I have been out doing that, but tomorrow I have to fit some throttle cables to that K6 and tidy a few things up before I offer it for sale, its a great bike for the money with so many New parts.

I have many projects to get into later on, another 16 bikes to sort out but its fun doing it and doing it at home in my own time and do what ever I want to do, I love that feeling and always have a smile when I go in the Barn.  I love all machines and have a few different bikes to build but the platform I have loved is the inline four, always cool to see people on them.

Hope that some of you get time to get out on your machines this Summer, before it gets colder further North, lucky for me, we can ride most of the year round, I ride every single day and never tire of it to be honest.

I’m still busy with my parts and builds and more to come later but just wanted to say howdy and do a quick Blog as its been a while, but always check my daily emails and texts.

Have a great weekend and thank you for all your orders, I am here to help, next year is 25 years in business and its going to be exciting as ever.



I went out for a Pint of milk, Came back with 10 CB750 Engines

It’s a funny old world, I mean, I initially went out to get a pint of milk and on the way there I came across a stash of SOHC Motors that a buddy of mine needed to off load as he was clearing his place out for renovations etc, what better way of getting rid of them then to let me have them.  And, as I have a Long bed Pick up truck, I thought to myself I should be able to get all 10 engines in the back of the F250.

Lucky for me, it’s only 4 miles from my place, and as my old beast only does 6 Miles to the Gallon, it was well worth taking the turck to go and get these SOHC in line Four Motors, they had been sat outside in the Californian sun for many many years but I can use some of the parts even if some of the motors are locked up etc.

It was no easy task carrying 10 CB750 Motors from a back yard and loading them onto my truck, at 230 pounds each, every one became heavier and heavier, by the time I had dragged the 10th Engine out and up and onto my bed of the F250, i was feeling as weak as watered down beer. But I got them all on and then thought about it, man- That’s just over One Ton of Engines, and the F250 is a 3/4 Ton.

I know I will have use for these, even for parts alone, I have a small collection now that for now I shall place in my barn and wait until later on when I have some free time to see what is what.

These towed home no problem in my pick up and that hardest part was unloading a Ton of engines, as it was only 3 miles from my place and I was already tired from throwing tem up onto the pick up bed, but, not as far to move to the barn.  I sure felt it afterwards as thats 2 ton moved in less than 2 hours.

I have stored them away now in the Barn, but I am still working on New doors for the outside, so will just have to tip toe around for a bit until I am ready to hang the doors up.

Glad to have got them and I know I will be turning to a few when I create some more machines for the tarmac, nice to have spares at your finger tips though.

I have another Motor in a frame you can see and one more on a dolly in the shop that I need to move over, always something to do at my New location, it will take a little time to get it how I want but then it will be icing on the cake as working from Home is always the easiest and more enjoyable way of working i think.

I have a lot of work to try and catch up on since our European visit but refreshed and ready to take on another chapter in the life of Custom Motorcycle creation, I have a few ideas for more exhausts, Handle bars and other parts, so stay tuned to the site if you can.

Oil leaks whilst i was away need to be cleaned and gaskets fitted, Doors painted and hung, and then organise the bikes and where the parts will go is something that is not to be rushed but everyday there is something to mess about with and I enjoy so much.

Thanks for reading my posts, I like to share what I have been up to and its great hearing from you too and seeing what you are building at home, if I can help I always will be it via email carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or call / text at 714-598-8392 as its a pleasure having a chin wag where ever you are in the globe.



Picked up 6 CB750’s today

Sometimes I get a call asking if I could clear out a garage or back yard as it has a motorcycle in it, this time it was 6 CB750’s, so what closed the deal was it was free but a friend of mine I have known many years and helping him out was the least I could do, and as he was less than 4 miles from me, I took the big G F250 out there and loaded up and bought the bikes home. I dont like to have to many as the place gets jammed packed but, its hard to not when it is so close to home.

To be honest, I can never really turn bikes down, especially CB750’s as I have had over 150 of these over the years and parts are always good to have handy, so I could not say no to this fella and help him out of a predicament too, these were in the back yard of his place, so a huff and a puff as some had flat tires etc but, determination is always key here and I wanted to get these home to eventually be used as another build. Once I get the Barn doors completed I shall space in the workshop to haul these up there and find a corner to rest them up together.

I have always enjoyed coming up with another build, they do take time and of course money, but when you hear them fire for the first time in many years, its something you get quite a buzz from, I get many texts or emails from Builders and customers who tell me that they just got their machine to run and I feel so stoked for them as I understand the euphoria that they feel when they first time you hit the starter or kick the kick starter and the engine coughs into life.

These are getting harder to find in back yards these days, I remember at one point I had 25 CB750 Honda’s in my back garden and driveway about 20 years ago and I have built every one of them over the years, so I was quite stoked to have these and bring them home. But don’t want the place to look like a junk yard so have to hold back on other stuff I have been offered.

Nothing super rare like sandcast etc here, but a couple of K1’s of which I have always liked anyway as never was a fan of the Ko with the Big side covers etc, there is no rush to do anything with these 500 pounders, so just unload and put them up in the Barn later until I come up with a build plan for them.

I have spent a lot of my life with Motorcycles and finding new stuff is always fun, just bringing them back with a plan of getting these to be back on the road in one form or another is always a challenge that I quite enjoy.

I have some Motors to look at tomorrow, so who knows what I may bring home, the hunt is half the fun and even though they are what I call snotters, parts are always handy to have when building machines.

So now is the time to unload these and see what is there and then I can mentally remember what these are as I store them and know that I have a choice of frames and years if I get into creating a new Build that will turn into something head turning, its hard to refuse when you build motorcycles and parts for a living, some will get it, many will not and think its some disease etc. LOL!

Of course, if I do start a creation, I will be sure to post on the website and share with you lot as many of you ask what I am up to these days and I thank you for that, I will be making more new parts too, so keep checking back on the website to see what’s going on, I do like to post blogs too and give you lot something to read.


Getting closer to Spiral Ham time

Jeez, time is flying by and I have many projects to get wrenching on, bikes to build and engines to strip but I do make fun Gift idea’s like Mechanical Lamps and also I am coning with new affordable parts for your machines, so be sure to check the website regularly as there may be some stuff that appeals to you.

From seats to handle bars, from Mirrors to signals, I hope to try and offer a bigger variety of products to help you get on the road, I mean, I am now coming up to 23 years doing this and never do tire of making parts available and, at a affordable price.

I hope to make more Gauge faces , so you can change out your faded, cracked or boring stock faces, I first did this about 35 years ago, nobody was making anything like this, so keep ya eyes peeled for cool sets.

I am always here to help, if you cant find something, Call, email or even text me on 714-598-8392 and I will do my best to get you covered, its what I do.



Making a Motorcycle Work Bench from Scraps of Timber

Some of you may know that we have had a Barn built now for my New workshop, and as you know, materials for building have literally gone through the roof- So I thought that whilst we are refurbishing the California Ranch house, I will try and repurpose some of the timber that we ripped out of the ceiling in the kitchen.

The timber is old but solid and of course, ceiling truss material is 9 inches deep, so, instead of sending the old timber that’s in a pile outside, to the tip- What better way than to give that wood a new lease of life and of course, help me out along the way too.  So, I decided to use some of the scraps of timber laying about and see if I have enough to make myself a Motorcycle table/Workbench, as I like using timber and even the Harbor freight tables are $599 and last a couple of years.

Once I pulled some of the old Plater Board off the timber, then spent a bit of time removing the old nails that were in all the timber etc., I then cut the bad pieces off and see what I had, I figured that I would have just enough to assemble an 8 feet work bench for building or servicing Motorcycles and wanted it to be heavy enough to with stand a bit of hammering ad of course welding too.  And I am sure there are many of of you out there like me, that like to repurpose stuff, save your cash for other more important things in life, and feel a little proud of the fact that you made something out of just trash.

You decide what you want to make and then just get on with it, I had no real plan, just a few measurements, I measure the longest bike I have and said well lets say from tire to tire its 7 feet, so an 8 feet table will be just about right for securing a two wheeled machine of up to 800 pounds on this construction.  But, even though its waste material, I want it to be level as there is nothing worse than a wonky table right?

This timber is so thick I am super stoked that I could make use of the materials that were Original part of the Ceiling of the house, so I started to cut and then screw these pieces together and knew that this was going to be a cool set up for what I need here at the Barn.

To say the work bench is sturdy is very much an understatement, I wanted to make sure that this will last for many years, build it right from the get go and you will have something that will last probably your lifetime if done well. I cross braces the bench using the rest of the Rood truss material and this is now super rigid and I will have no issues mounting a motorcycle atop this set upo.

I used 3.5 inch screws to get into the timber with some bite, this thing isn’t going anywhere and am happy with the way it is looking, the work bench will be invaluable for me and so stoked to be able to use up some scrap material that was going to the dump anyway.

I also used some thick MDF I had laying about from old storage racks and that sits across the subframe, giving a sturdy platform and will allow me to use some old wood sheeting that was an off cut. I am lucky to have a chop saw and a table saw, as well as battery screw guns, but this was quick a quick build and I must admit, very therapeutic for me as I enjoying making stuff. Better make sure you have a Vacuum cleaner too as more dust than the Sahara desert that’s for sure.

I did have 5 tables at one point when I had the big shop, but they do take up a lot of space and had them in storage for ages, there is something about making your own workbench though and I will use it all the time, and if I don’t need to, then I can push it over to my racking area and still have room for my Hot Rod to be parked inside so I can do some wrenching on that as well. Of course, I have a long way to go on fitting out my workshop and the fun is taking your time and putting stuff up then maybe changing it if it doesn’t work how you want it, the good thing of now having your own workshop is there is no Landlord breathing down your neck.

As you can see, with an off cut of 1/2 inch Ply on top of the table, it really finishes it off, I have also fitted a Bump Stop on the end of the table for the wheel chock to sit up against tightly.

I shall clean this up as its been sat in the shed, then I shall secure this to the bench using some Coach bolts and a nut and washer underneath as I need this to be really secure, as when I run a Motorcycle up onto the table and into the chock, I need the wheel chock to hold the front end of the bike tightly, so these ones have holes in the legs and that means I can secure it to the platform.

Ready for Bolting down and you can see I have a strong bump Stop right on the end of the table, I will also use some Long Eye Bolts to fit to the sides of the Table, that means I can tie down the handlebars for even more Security when I am out of the workshop.

I am sure I will clean her up after everything is bolted down etc and not sure what I may add but as you can see, this is a super strong Motorcycle table and I simply use my Ramp to run the bike up and into the chock, then simply take ramp off and hang that up. No cost really at all, this heavy set up will last as long as Noah’s Ark I think.

Super stoked to pull a Bike ramp out and Jenn gave me a hand and we loaded this project machine up on the work bench, it was great, sturdy and easy to put up there, the wheel chock holds it in place but I still need to add some hardware to be able to tie the front end down on case we have an earthquake etc.

As you can see, there is plenty of room behind the bike and a CB750 it 7 feet from tire to tire, and I am pleased I created an 8 foot work table so I can weld or grind and get some parts prototyped up at my own leisure.

This bike may take on a few guises until I am happy as to how I want it, thats the fun of doing your own stuff, but now I have a solid table, I feel much better when I have to belt away at a gas tank, as the metal tables you see, tend to flex about too much.

The other thing with this set up is I have the height where I want it, if I need to sit and do wiring, I can use a mechanics stool, I will finish the tie downs this week and maybe later I might paint it but right now I am happy how it is and hope you lot dig it too?

I have plenty to do on this project and a few Customers want me to create their builds, so I have every confidence in my work bench, way stronger than that Chinese crap that you see advertised out there.

I have much to do in the barn and more things to make, hang up or secure to the beams or the walls etc, but- when you get surplus second hand timber, well, you have to use it right away right?

Maybe it will inspire you to get in the Shed, Barn, garage and bung some scraps of wood together, its fun building stuff and even more when it doesn’t cost you anything.

Thanks for taking an interest in what I do, I love my job and enjoy building Motorcycles, servicing and of course, making new parts for these old Bone Shakers.

I will keep you posted as to how this Motorcycle and of course, any others that I work on in the Barn, I get many emails asking for pics of what I am up to, so now I can stop, take a pic and post it, that’s what’s fun about being your own boss. I have my Courier bike to finish too, so plenty of Irons in the Fire, so stay tuned……………….





The TT is now here, hope to try and catch some on Tv over the next few days


2022 Isle of Man TT began on Sunday May 29 and ends on Friday June 10. mow, there will be many close calls and unfortunately sometimes riders who have crashes at such fast speed either end up in Hospital and sometimes the Morgue, that’s why this is one of the worlds most grueling Motorcycles Races and has been for over 100 years.

The rider is OK and was released from hospital custody according to his family yesterday. Great job by the corner workers and marshals!

I cannot tell you how exciting watching this race is, some of the speeds that the riders come by you are almost subsonic to your eyes, the sound, the smell the crowd, the atmosphere is only really understandable if you have been there, but here are just some highlights for you that like me, love the Tourist Trophy Races.

I will try and add videos and when I see them, to keep you updated as to how the TT is going, the weather looks better this year for sure but, even in one part of the island it is sunny, it can easily be raining a few miles further around the circuit.

Enough of my banter and onto what’s going on across the pond and all I can say is turn the sound up on some of these videos.

New set of frame Hoops made and banging out other parts too.

Well, time and tide wait for no man, woman or child for that matter, I have been flat out as of late and will be busy for some time to come for sure, albeit in the Barn designing a few different exhausts and parts etc.  Fun times ahead and I hope to try a few different brands of machines as well, a kaleidoscope of colors in parts and a good sprinkling of new tools to help you work on your ride easier.

Many people email all the time carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or at carpysgarage@aol.com with questions on their build and what they can do to get the motorcycle running a little better.  I try and help the best way that I can, I have been doing this for more years than I can remember but we are all a big combustion engine family and, if I can help, I feel great for making someone’s day.

So, today I made a bunch of round steel Flat Frame Hoops, I have sold over 500 of these and needed to make a load more once more as I was almost out of stock, these are all mandrel bent and I make them long, that way you can cut and get the look you require easier.

Tomorrow I shall continue to bang out some of these frame hoops, but this time I shall be bending the versions that have the 22 degree kick up, as I only have 3 of them left in my inventory, so I will be quite busy for some time and hope to be offering a few more parts on the website to help you get your creation on the road.

So stay tuned as there may be a part you are looking for and I make these right here, not in China, not in India and Not in Taiwan, all made in California USA.

I Always want to thank you for ordering from me, I have been running my business here in SoCal for 22 years and it just get more enjoyable every year, I get people come up to me where ever we are in the world and say, hey! Arnt you that guy who builds the bikes in California? I am always blown away by that.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me and my products, it means a lot.

Peace N grease




Another Year awaits, Have Fun Building your Machine

Well, what a bloody tough year we have all had, for me it has been crazy, what with moving to another location as well as catching Covid and then on Christmas day catching an awful cold with the same symptoms of Covid but without the temperatures, its been a long battle throughout.  From having some of my suppliers completely closing down due to the Virus to some retiring early, I have had to come up with some more ideas for parts and apparel to have for the coming year we await.

But, the positive side to this awful dilemma we are all facing right now is, we have some time in our garages. sheds or back yards, to turn a wrench, help a mate or give a whole new project a go and take any frustrations out of what’s going on in the world and turn it into a working machine that is yours and yours alone.

I love making parts or building new rides, its a therapy and an escape from life’s woes to be honest, and also there are many many failure before I find something that fits and works as it should, so for those who are trying it on your own, or building your own machine, Failure is a learning curve, we all do it and not only once. I have almost given up on a particular piece I was trying to make, I left if for a day or two and when I head a fresh brain, it all clicked and worked.

Do not be afraid to fail, I have sat and pondered and even been seen to shout at the parts calling it all sorts of names but in the end we managed to come up with a result that we are happy with, the fun is in the creating at most of course, taking your ride out and stretching its legs for the first time is such a thrill and the Euphoria is un measurable, but what I am trying to say is

Dont Give up”  There are many friends on the internet that can I advise, heck, I even put my phone and text number on my website so people can text me, rather than waiting all weekend for an answer from a company phone, i want to help the best way I can, its not all about sales for me, its Service and the camaraderie of the fellow builder.

I am hoping that this coming 2021, we can all have fun in what we do and maybe even meet at an event or on the tarmac, or at the very least, on the end of the phone of email, there is something self gratifying when you complete something on your own machine and I receive many emails and photos from customers who have really enjoyed creating a unique Motorcycle that they want to personalize for themselves.

Hoping that you can get some time and turn a wrench and have fun with that two wheeled machine of yours and maybe I can help with parts or advice?

Wishing you ALL a very Happy New year that’s almost upon us and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your orders from around the globe, you all Rock!!!!


Here is a little video I saw on you tube of a guy with minimal tools rebuilding his little Honda Cub.