Hey Gang

Well, here at C.C.R. westrive to continue to improve, I have ventured into other realms of our hobby and I shall be offering new products as we go along this for ever twistie road.


Keep checking back as we will be adding all the time, if you look to the right , you will see new products that I have made or have offered, and that changes everytime I introduce a part.




I shall be offering New exhaust systems too, some for the CB750 and some for the GS1000 as well as CBX and some for the Triumph Thruxton too.

I am also going to be selling new Custom made Oil tanks that have that race look and you can leave your side covers off to show the cool detailing of the oil tank, there will be round, pill shape and flat styles, so stay tuned on this.






Next up will be other machined parts like oil filter housings, triple tree’s and clip ons.


I am also looking at another front brake set up to swap out and hopefully supply a full video, explaining how we do this swap, that way it is really easy for you to do the same thing on your mean machine.


We do have a NEW website coming out this year with many new features and I know you will enjoy that, it will be very interactive and I am sure you will find it so much easier to navigate around etc.


Right now I am concentrating on a few Customers builds, but also I shall be having MY own CAFE RACER on display at STURGIS this year, if you can make it to the Buffalo Chip you can see my bike and 29 other cool Cafe Racer builders and their rides at this one off show that’s bound to take some of your breathe away.

With Gas prices climbing up faster than an ill fitting pair of underwear, many people are turning to the 2 wheeled variety and I have seen a sharp spike in the interest to make their ride ” A little more cooler” and I am glad to say that all my competitors are saying the same thing.


There are a lot of cool shops out there making some unbelievable rides of which some-are simply stunning- and I am happy that this industry is getting very popular and friendlier.


Motorcycling should be fun and friendly, I have made so many friends all over the world and, when I meet them its great to hear what they are building and, what their trends are in that part of the globe. I have been doing this many years and will continue to do so.


So, if you are reading this, then you are genuinely interested in what I do and I thank you for that, it takes a lot of time and effort to keep the website up to speed, answer phones , pack orders, build bikes and R&D new parts, but I love it and I thank you for all your purchases.


Stick with me and I will look after you, I am going to be stepping it up in many area’s soon from leather jackets-helmets and Apparel, to Motorcycle parts, DVDS and some charity rides.

Have fun with what you do and I cant wait to see what you have created, so always send us photos of the bikes you are building as we like to pass this on to everyone else that reads this.

I am also on Facebook under Steve Carpy carpenter or Carpys Cafe as well as twitter under 750racer and lastly i am even doing the instagram too under 59 club.


Now, get back in the shed and start wrenching!!!!!!



What’s going on at the shop this month.



Busy times at C.C.R.


We have a few projects getting finished and also some have just gone out of the door and will show some of these on the site a little later on.



But right now we are in the beginning of the Hot part of the summer and it will only get hotter, so I generally keep the doors closed and the fans on and see what we can achieve in these summer months.



Today had a great guy drive down from Phoenix in Arizona with an old 70’s style Chopper that he wants converted to MY style of Cafe Racer motorcycle, so this is going to be a cool little ride and am sure the bloke will be stoked when it is all transformed.

We also have a NEW website coming out soon with other cool parts as well as a Readers Ride page again as that was popular when I started that 13 years ago.

Also- many other parts and loads of apparel that I am sure you are going to like.

Plus- I am building a bike to Buzz about on and maybe you will dig the style of this bike and catch me at some events that we shall be attending later?