I have heard from a few of you saying that they are having a hard time getting the electrical pliers they require to fit the terminals on their wires etc.



So now I have sourced mine from Japan and can now offer these to you, now they are not cheap and the are way different from your run of the mill strippers, as stock pliers will not be able to crimp the male and female B1 terminals we use.

I have used these for over 13 years and they work every time, this is a great tool and not only does it crimp, it cuts and strips as well.



Not much more to tell as this does what it is supposed to, and I must of wired Hundreds of motorcycle with this tool over the years and now available to you on my website.



I also sell the terminal kit on here and will also be selling the terminals separate over the next few days, so stay tuned on the part page for some great deals.

If your harness is as torn up as an old mattress, then grab a set of these and clean the ends up, like me, I have to shorten the electrical as i run Clubman bars and do not want a mass of spaghetti all jammed inside the headlight bucket, as that will cause all sorts of issues too and wires will pop loose.

This is a good solid item that will serve you well as it serves me every day, I always use these crimpers and you will be so glad you have these rather than struggle with stock ones that do not have the C-Cup recess to allow the correct crimp on your wire.



Well, people ask me about the exhausts and I am awaiting photo’s from customers as they build their creations.


Here is a cool ride that Steve Burrell built and is on the road, tearing it up, and having fun with his machine.

Steve lives up near Boulder Colorado and has purchased many many parts from us for his machine and he is bloody happy to be able to get cool stuff like this and now enjoys getting out on the twisties and having fun.

As you will notice above, you can actually use the main stand on your bike with this particular Exhaust system.

This is a great sounding system and easy to fit, as you will see in the photo, the system hugs the frame really well.

I sell these in RAW steel, but as you can see, this one is ceramic coated, but that is quite expensive down here of which I CAN get coated for you but $180 extra, so sometimes its cheaper to go to your local coating company.





Many people have bought these and we ship all around the world.

You can coat these, chrome them, powder coat them or wrap them, they look cool which ever way.


I do not weld a bracket on these as they sit pretty tight, but, you can mount to your old rear foot peg bracket and thats easy to do as the system is raw steel and easy to weld, most people will add a small bracket here.

Just have a look and see what you think, a really cool set up and, affordable too.

This does come with a Removable BAFFLE that is retained with a set Allen head bolt underneath the exhaust at the rear.


I am sure you will enjoy this set up and the sound just rocks.