Anaheim Loses Custom Car Guru Stan Betz

Anaheim Loses Custom Car Guru Stan Betz


Legendary hot rodder and custom car builder, Stan Betz from Class of ’46, passed away today (Sept. 28). An AHS Hall of Famer, Stan had recently celebrated his 90th birthday.

Betz, who lost his right leg below the knee to polio at age 3, grew up  on a 10-acre orange ranch on Lemon Street in Anaheim.

Stan Betz holds a miniature roadster from the 1950 film, To Please a Lady. His collection of around 60 classic movie miniatures was featured on an episode of "Visiting With Huell Howser."
Stan Betz holds a miniature roadster from the 1950 film, To Please a Lady. His collection of around 60 classic movie miniatures was featured on an episode of “Visiting With Huell Howser.”

But Betz wasn’t interested in ranching or learning his father’s skill as a hybridizer of orange trees and other fruit bearing plants.

What really caught his attention, and kept his interest for the rest of his life, was cars. And he had a great role model to encourage him.

Stan Betz, 86, sits behind the wheel of his custom-built, Model 34 Ford hot rod.
Stan Betz, 86, sits behind the wheel of his custom-built, Model 34 Ford hot rod.

His uncle Dick Kraft, one of the original hot rodders, was known for his many innovations, which included building and driving the first rail job called “The Bug.” A clone of “The Bug” is on display in the National Hot Rod Association Museum in Pomona. Kraft’s other custom-built cars are highly collectible.

Like his uncle, Stan’s cars have become famous in the automotive world and are shining examples of his legendary skills as a master car builder and painter.

His journey to becoming the center of the 1950s rod and custom culture, as well as a businessman who figured out a way to make money at doing something he loved, included a stop at Anaheim High School.


A 1946 grad, Betz confesses to having spent most of days at Anaheim High in the machine shop working on hot rods. He owned a Model-A roadster with a V-8 engine that was shoe-horned in during welding shop. Three years later he built a track T that he raced on local outlaw tracks when he wasn’t working the night shift at a gas station.


Back in the ‘50s, when hot rodding and car clubs were in high gear, Stan’s shop (a single car garage he rented for five bucks a month located in the alley behind the police station) was the meeting spot for The Street Sweepers, a car club he founded, named and sponsored.

Along with holding their meetings, the Sweepers would punch louvers, which are vents located in strategic positions on a car’s body to allow hot air to escape. Betz and his team were stamping louvers in hot rods, racecar hoods, deck lids, fenders, or anything a custom-car owner wanted punched. Guys came from miles around to get ventilated.

Stan Betz displays a neon clock from his business, Betz Speed and Color. He sold the paint shop to Sherwin Williams in 1993.
Stan Betz displays a neon clock from his business, Betz Speed and Color. He sold the paint shop to Sherwin Williams in 1993.

When not at Betz’s shop, the Sweepers would hang out at the 76 Station at the corner of Palm (Harbor) and Center (Lincoln) or at the Bean Hut, a.k.a the La Palma Drive-In. The Sweepers gave this iconic hangout the nickname “Bean Hut” and the drive-in became the favorite of car clubs throughout Orange County and beyond.

Back in the 1950s Stan drove a 1932 Sedan with a “hot flat head” that he finished in bright yellow. He also owned a ’51 Ford pick-up with Von Dutch flames, a cut down hood and “big and little” tires.

stan 3

His love affair with the automobile continued throughout the decades when members of the Street Sweepers traded in their custom rides for college degrees and lives in the slow lane. Stan stayed in the trade and created automotive masterpieces.

When the louver business slowed down, Betz added paint products to his enterprise, which became Betz Speed and Color. His shop became known as the best place to find the exact color, especially for customers who wanted to match an existing stock or custom paint color.


Featured in countless magazine and newspaper articles, Betz has also been included in “Hot Rod History – Book Two: The Glory Years” by Tom Medley. Chapter Two is dedicated to Betz, “one of the best paint mixers around. Betz works in the sun and can match paint to an exactness that defies even the computers.”


One of his award-winning vehicles was a roadster he named “2032,” a completely custom-crafted candy raspberry red highboy pickup with Lincoln Mark VIII running gear.


Along with cars, Stan had a unique collection of MGM movie miniature cars, boats, trains and other vehicles that Hollywood filmed being driven over cliffs, crushed, crashed and blown up in thousands of movies. The 100-piece collection was featured in an early episode of “Visiting with Huell Howser.”

California Moto Market This Sunday, Hope you can support it

We’re back and bigger than before! We just finalized our vendor list and are SO excited to share that we have 28 brands represented at the October 1st California Moto Market! Check out who will be there:

girls on bikes Life

Atwyld – BH&BR – Biker Gear Club – Cardo Scala Rider – Carpy’s Cafe Racers – Dainese – Fable Riders – GRBG Made – Gigi Montrose – Heyltje Rose – Hinterland Empire – Jackalope Trade Shop – Maus Taus – Modern Moto Magazine – Moto Chic Gear – Motorcyclist Magazine – OC Motorcycle – Rebel Soul Collective – Renegade Products USA – Roland Sands Design – Shoei – Speakeasy Original – Support Badass Babes – Stellar Moto Brand – Wasted Times – Wind and Throttle – Wild Ones Ride


We have a “Ride ‘em In” Ladies Only bike show running from 12pm to 2pm: Just ride up to the gate, grab a number and a tag and try your luck! Our 8 awards will be in the following categories: Best Vintage, Best Sportbike, Best Cruiser, Best Classic, Best Paint, Modern Moto Favorite, LB Lita’s Choice and People’s Choice. There are absolutely NO rules (other than Ladies Only) so if it’s got 2 wheels and an engine… its in!

Food trucks, Raffle prizes galore, Ducati test rides, music, beer probably.. whats not to love?!

This is Hosted by California Moto Market & Ducati Newport Beach as well as Triumph Newport Beach.

Of course we shall be there Carpy’s Cafe Racers, and Promoting Women riding too.

girls on trumpy

This will be great and I always promote women riders, My Girl rides and my buddies in our 59 Club O.C. section ride, so if you can come out, say hello and it will be great to see you.


We have a booth there, just like for the Brown/Tan Eazy up and we shall have Apparel on display for you to look at.

Have fun this Sunday and support this event, you may win a prize too.

You can call or text if you need any more information at 714-598-8392, Look forward to seeing you, come by and say hello as it will be great to meet like minded folk.


Toe Tapping Tunes for Thursday

Hey there you lot

Some people ask me what songs I like, I have a varied range of interests in the Rockabilly, Rhythm and Blues, Country and even Cajun, I shall add some somgs I like Old and New and maybe you will enjoy these.


Back in the day when I was going to my first Rock N Roll weekenders in 82, Below is the song Zodiac- by the Rhythm Hawks and is about their Ford Zodiac, I had a Consul and a Zephyr but the Zodiac was like the Cadillac of fords back then.

That was a toe tapping song and that brings me right up to date and this time it is with this great young and up coming band called The Runawayz and are doing their version of it.

Now Steve Gibbons Band did this song when I was young and impressionable and I really wanted a BSA when I first heard this hit. I can hear Ronnie dawsons style in this.

The Kabooms from Argentina with a great tune. ” I got News for you”

Next up back home in UK is:
BOPFLIX SESSION with THE DOEL BROTHERS (UK) performing track ‘Futile Blues’, out on El Toro Records. Filmed in Alton, UK (Feb, 2017).

Awesome grungy sounds of the Delta Bombers.

Here is a wicked video filmed at my mates Vinyl shop in Camden. BOPFLIX SESSION with Sarah Vista performing new track ‘I Wish You Hell’, out now on 45′ on Gallow Romantic Records! Filmed at Sounds That Swing (No Hit Records), Camden, London (2016).

Now the Pringles are from japan and Bopflix recorded this, awesome to see.

‘Coming In Hot’ Pat Capocci RUBY RECORDS (bopflix sessions) BOPFLIX is a superb song as Pat is one of them Natural old style Rockin voices you will eat up.

The Local shop back home has been preserved, bloody awesome.

If you really like old British things and you live in the West Country then visit Oakham Treasures in Bristol (near Gordano Junction of M5). They have everything that was ever bought and sold in local shops over about the last 100 years. The stuff on display is not just packaging either, all of the contents are still inside. I’ve been a few times, here are some random sample pictures I took.


The grocery store is the largest of the shops on display at Oakham Treasures. Stocked from floor to ceiling behind the original shop counters and weighing scales, there is a vast array of not only real live grocery contents, but their packaging, merchandising and advertising signs as well!

The store provides a fascinating view of the vast number of grocery brands in existence throughout the 20th century. Famous names such as OXO, Coca Cola, Colman’s, Heinz and Huntley and Palmers have all changed little in appearance, whereas others, such as Birds Egg Substitute, Smiths Crisps and Black Boy Coffee are all long gone!

As you browse through shelf upon shelf of stock, you’ll be amazed at just how many old products you recognise from your past. Do you remember doing the laundry with Rinso, Fairy Snow, Drive, Clozone, Fab or even Omo? It’s all here in this vast treasure trove of grocery items, just waiting to be rediscovered by you on your nostalgic trip down memory lane.


Oakham Treasures is the demonstration of one man’s passion for collecting memorabilia throughout his lifetime. The owner, Keith Sherrell, born in 1939, is a 5th generation West Country Farmer, and began collecting farm machinery in the 60’s as a sideline to his business of buying and selling used farm machinery. As Keith says, ‘I started buying a bit more, and selling a bit less. The things I really loved I kept and it went on from there’.

More recently, Keith turned his interest into the retail area, and has steadily built up a huge and varied museum across all aspects of the old high street including an old grocery store, haberdashery, hardware store, chemist, tobacconist, off licence, and sweet shop.

Keith has spent years travelling the country visiting auctions, seeking out nuggets for his museum. He is also an avid eBay surfer and as his reputation has spread he has purchased more and more artefacts through word of mouth and regular contacts.


Keith runs the museum with his wife Frances, and 3 daughters, Ruth, Helen and Diana. Amazingly, no outside help has been drafted in to create or run the museum. Keith and his 3 farm hands painstakingly catalogued and arranged the displays themselves over a number of years. Keith has drafted members of his team to work in the museum and café, and his wife cooks the freshly prepared food which is sold in the café.

General Blog today just a few things I got up to.

How is everyone now that is is Hump Day?  I try and do different things every day to make the week go by a little easier, every now and again I will attach the Phone to my bike and have a chinwag as I ride locally, just to keep some of you in the loop, but thats mostly on Face Book and Instagram etc, but thought I would add the odd rant or rave or just a little chin wag as and when things crop up and I feel the need to talk about it.

It may not be interesting for you but some people like to know what I get up to during the week, or what is on my mind, and this is a good way of showing what makes me tick.

I took the Thruxton out for a test ride as I fitted New Rear Brake pads, the old ones were getting low and I have a squeal that I hate when I brake on the bike, I personally believe its the Rotor but changed brakes and still the same.


The bike will go for another configuration this year as I like to change a few things up, still in the sketching on paper in the garage process right now but I do see a few things I would like to change, for a start, those crappy Wave Rotors, did not like at all.


I love the Thruxton but the Brakes do indeed let it down big time, The front ones I removed and fitted a Beringer caliper and it is way better at stopping when I really need it.


I love the pipes the way they sit and get rid of spent gases, the bike looks pretty cool and always get a thumb up at a few places, these machines are so easy to ride and as long as you keep up regular maintenance, then you are fine as they are so much improved that the original versions that I still love but do not miss the break downs.


I offer quite a few parts for this machine and it’s Sister the T100, as well as the Scrambler too, all fun Machines that I love to work on or take out for a ride in these great California Canyons.

Yesterday I took the Thruxton for a trip out to Chino Air Museum, just for a little ride and thoroughly enjoyed myself, took it easy this time and took in some of the area as the countryside out there is great to look at when at a more sedate pace.


Sunday was a great day to get out, took less than an hour to get to Chino Air Museum, I didnt go inside as I want to do that with the 59 Club as it is a good couple of hours to enjoy all these marvelous aircraft of the past.


If you can get out here to the Museum, it is a super place to hang out, once a year they have the Planes of fame air show which is unbelievable and thoroughly worth the ride out.

I can never get enough of this as ww2 was my thing at school, as well as we grew up next to a few American Air Bases, and where I lived was the

94th Bombardment Group (Heavy) was in ww2.


I learned to ride a Motorcycle on this very runway and it is still there today. I even drove my Hot Rod on there too and of course, where I got my American interest from a very early age.


So, coming to Chino is great as there are artifacts from the very airfield that I rode on as a kid and now I am here in California with some of the planes that were located there back in 1942-45.


Am epic flying machine the Flying Fortress and rightly names as it was super hard to shoot down and would take tremendous amount of damage in flight.


So I am always happy to ride out to this place and a little eerie feeling that the plane and I really do have a connection as we were both in the same place at different times but if it wasnt for that plane in the background, I may not be here today.


So i hung out for a little while, but it was a warm day, so paid my respects and then made my way home via the canyons again. But it will not be too long until we are all back here for a visit and eventually one day my God Son Bradley selves may take the trip from the UK to come out here as he is as mad as planes as I am.


A little run around the block, just in case I missed some stuff and then back onto the Tarmac to head to my home and take my time to enjoy the Sunday at my own pace.


Weather was bang on and I enjoyed my ride through the canyon and stopped off to take a few shots for my Blog on here to try and show you where I go and what I get up to these days.


Passing the State Of California  Corrections Firing rate at a sedate speed too. Ha Ha. And so, on to the twisties and thats what I get another kick out of when there is no traffic about.


Switch backs and chicane corners are fun, as long as you commit to them, this bend was awesome as its a 15 mph limit and off cambered too as well as up or downhill, so much to take in.


Keep your eyes peeled for traffic and of course the sides of the road as there is all sorts of debri from Branches to cans to stones, as well as hidden drive ways and footpaths, be aware.


Looks easy but this is a double bend too and even sharper at the bottom as its almost a switch back and off cambered the other way, but I enjoy that and had a grin all the way there.


I pulled over a couple of times just to take some of the scenery in, not great for photos as the Sun was facing me but took some to show what I was up to and you may like to have a look.


So if you can, ride as much as possible, I feel sorry for the colder climate states as they have such a smaller riding time than we do in California, as well as Canada, but I chose to move to California for that very reason, you always feel better with the Sun on your face.

So hope you enjoyed my little Blog today and hope it gets you off to a better start of the day and makes you smile.

Downed power pole Carbon Canyon 15Sep13

But be aware of your surroundings as you really never know what may be around the next corner, look ahead all the time. Thanks again for watching and, keep an eye out for Crazy Car drivers too.

CC Rd accident 28Sep15

New Ducati V4 Unveiled


With speculation rife that everyone from Harley-Davidson to Triumph to various Indian two wheeled giants, are lining up to buy Ducatifrom the beleaguered post-Dieselgate Volkswagen Group – we shouldn’t forget that the really important news is the imminent arrival of their new V4 superbike.


Driven by the firm’s desire to recapture their World Superbike domination, and in support of their recent renewed focus and resurgent success in MotoGP, the new V4 will be a road bike evolved from the track – rather than a road bike turned racer.


The firm’s Panigale has been a rampant success in showrooms, and no slouch on the track in the hands of Shane Byrne and Chaz Davies, but the race department needs access to more than the current 1198cc V-twin Panigale R can muster. With that bike already developing an impressive 193bhp in road trim – and a claimed 215-plus bhp race-ready – the firm has to be chasing a tangible step-up, which can’t come from weight loss, so has to come from power and control.

ducati v4

The likelihood is that we’ll see more like 205-210bhp in road trim, but over 230bhp for race teams. With the Panigale R’s enormous 112mm pistons slapping away at 11,750rpm (116mm in the stocker, redlining at 10,500rpm), the Superquadro is already at its outer limits for bore and rev ceiling harmony. More revs mean more power, and that’s far more achievable with multi-cylinder engines – but an inline four is too ordinary for Ducati, hence the move to a V4.

Stoner, Valencia MotoGP 2009
Stoner, Valencia MotoGP 2009

One version, or two?

All the indications suggest that we’ll get two engine versions across a three-bike range. The current R is 1198cc, while the base and S models are 1285cc – and we expect Ducati to continue this tried and tested route. What is beyond any doubt is that there will have to be a 1000cc version in order to comply with racing regulations for four cylinder bikes, and that those same regulations will force the release of a road-going homologation version.

Further still, this means that the new R model will have to cost less than 40,000 Euros (circa £35,500) to comply with World Superbike rulings. The race teams may force another significant point of difference, too. While all three test mules spied so far have featured the single-sided swingarm we’ve come to expect on Ducati’s flagship (ever since the massive 1098 climb-down in a post-999 world)– there’s a chance the R will boast a twin-spar item.


Why? Race teams want it; the V4’s power will be considerably increased over the Panigale which is harder to tame with a single-sided swingarm; and both the MotoGP bike and the original Desmosedici road bike also had conventional swingarms. The fact that we’ve seen two different test mules, each with different exhausts and shock positions, suggests this is very likely to happen.

Race teams want more torsional control and tuning flexibility, and the weight of a single-sided swingarm that’s beefy enough to cope with 225+bhp could well give them some sleepless nights. In contrast, road bike buyers want the single-sided look that has come to define Ducati’s flagship superbike. Add this to the move back towards a more substantial frame knitting the engine to the headstock, and the new bike looks set to mark a return to more conventional control.


Chicken or egg?


The base road bike and the S model are expected to be unveiled at the Milan show this Autumn, while the R model homologation special could be as much as a year later. Ducati’s WSB racing boss Paolo Ciabatti confirmed: “We will race with the Panigale in 2017 and 2018,” while Ducati CEO Claudio Domenicali confirmed that theV4 “would absolutely race in WSB”

Thrill seekers land speed record attempt at Pendine Sands


World land speed records are being attempted on a Carmarthenshire beach this weekend.

Custom-built vehicles and powerful motorbikes are attempting world and European best times at Pendine Sands, on Carmarthen Bay’s shore.

Pendine became synonymous with land speed attempts since Sir Malcolm Campbell broke the record in the legendary Blue Bird in the 1920s.

pendine bluebird

Welshman JG Parry-Thomas died trying to break the record at Pendine in 1927.

A businessman who said he nearly died in a high-speed motorcycle crash at an event last September raced for the first time on Saturday since suffering life-threatening injuries.

Zef Eisenberg, founder of the Maximuscle nutrition brand, broke 11 bones in the crash. Now thats gotta Smart?

pendine bike

Below, giving the thumbs up to recovery as Zef gets put back together like the Bionic man and hopes to be back up on 2 wheels again soon.

pendine bike2

He attempted to break the existing sand speed record of 184mph (296 km/h) on his gas turbine bike.

“Pendine Sands marks the next significant milestone in my recovery following last year’s death defying 230mph crash,” Mr Eisenberg, an entrepreneur from Guernsey, said ahead of the attempt.

The event, by Straightliners, takes place at Pendine Sands on Saturday and Sunday and speeds will need to be officially verified.

A sleeping Machine gets awoken as Parry Thomas car is Dug out of pendine sands back in 1969 below, no narration but great to see.


In March 1927, John Parry Thomas was making an attempt on the Land Speed Record, when his car crashed and he was killed. The car, known as ‘Babs’, lay buried in the sand for over 40 years, until Mr Owen Wyn Owen decided to rescue and restore her. Fifty years to the day after the crash, ‘Babs’ runs again on Pendine Sands.

Here is the infamous BABS being started once more and running a little more on an even Keel.

Great to see it restored.

Hope to visit one of these days and see some of this for myself as I have been to most of the Dry lakes in the USA, so a bucket list tick for sure.

Napier-Campbell Bluebird
Napier-Campbell Bluebird

Vintage Moto X Des Nations Farleigh Castle 2017

Well, People ask if my family are into Motorcycles, My old man was and guess thats what got me and my brother into it, We had shitty bikes as a kid, what we bought with our own money but, to us they were millions dollar machines, I think it made us better riders as we had crap bikes but rode them as hard as any of our mates did on their expensive machines.

Below is My Brother  (Mike Carpenter) with his restored HONDA CR250 that he stripped to the frame a rebuilt with a buddy of his using just his spare time, such a great machine and I managed to locate some of the parts over here in the USA for him to be able to make sure all was bang on the money. I guess it does run in the family, what a killer machine.


I have been into both style, where my brothers passion was Moto X and still today at the ripe old age of 53 he is still riding and entered for the second year, the VMXDN at Farleigh Castle in Bath Somerset. Below Mick and Life long mates Kevin Edwards #11, Probably the best mechanic for Motorcycles I know of anywhere in the world to be honest.


The Biggest Vintage Twin Shock Evo Event In The World, he had an awesome time Racing and was stoked to finish them all, Well Done Bruv.


Mick says “.I look forward to this every year,its by far the best old school Moto cross meet there is,seen some very big names here,who would ever think the likes of Jeff Stanton,J M Bayle,Jeff ward, Jeff Emig, would be riding in Wiltshire,well the guys who put this event together make sure there are top class riders there who you can get to meet in person,its a cracking weekend of top class racing,amazing crowd and some great classic 2 strokes racing,def go ever year”


Such a great event to go see if you can and a gnarly track too. More ruts there than an abandoned Pikey Campsite.


So. just a quick blog to show what My Brother Mick is into and you gotta love the tree pulling power of these Crazy machines, great job Bruv, yeah we are identical eh?

carpy & Mick

So, if you can get to the 2018 VMXDX do it as its a superb meet.


Aboveis my Brother back in the 80’s Having a go, I think it was at Patchquick in South Devon . Have a Great weekend everyone.

New 4 into 1 Exhausts for the 500 and 550 Honda available soon

Pleased to announce a New style of 4 into 1 system for the good old Honda inline Four CB500 and the CB550, something I am happy to offer and many people asked me about.


So I went about and got it sorted, I have the prototype done and now going into production with these as I type this little write up.


I am stoked to be able to offer you these systems soon and boy do they sound great, fit well and of course, Perform all the way through the range of motion.


These are a little Powerhouse and I know you will enjoy this special system that will be made on Million Dollar tune bending machines and quality all the way with these.


Here is the other thing, these are not made over sea’s, these are made here in the USA and am proud to offer that, I am a small business and I help other local businesses, thats what keeps us all going and pleased to offer you all my USA made parts.


Below is the sidewinder fitted, I only plopped the baffle in as I will be Nickel plating that one, so as I revved it , the Baffle shot out, LOL, but you can hear what its like with no baffle, this exhaust does come with a baffle by the way and you can either Rivet it in place, or ue machine screws, your call. The Baffle does not have packing as I like it that way but, you can add glass fiber packing or steel wool if you wanted to muffle it more, but I doubt yu will as this is a crisp sound that many like.

I also offer this with 2 different tail section options, there is the Razor and the Hot Rod, you decide, below is the Razor, thats slash cut and shorter than the up sweep but a cool custom look.



A very popular set up and easy to attach to your inline four bike, it is also louder than the up sweep tail pipe.


Below is the Hot Rod, this is a cool Turn out for that Old school style, something I am passionate about and I am stoked to offer this option too.


Its a great set up and I make that for the 750 too but as you can see on this 550-4 it is a nice and tight set up and gives the ride a beefier look I think, hope that you like this as well.


Take a look at some of the pics of the styles and make your own mind up, I enjoy what I do and like the feedback I am receiving.


Let me know your thoughts as input is so important from potential customers.


Here are a few pics for you to have a go through to see if you like any of the models shown for your CB500 or CB550 Four Motorcycle, thanks for taking your time to read this today.