Well, 2025 is well and truly here.

Happy 2025 to everybody that I know and of course to all my customers that have purchased from me, I am so stoked that you love what I do, next month is my 25th year, so more things to come for the Motorcycle builder from me.

We have had pretty bad fires around here as you may have seen on the tv etc, my buddy lost his house and recording studio, its frightening what fire can do when there is high wind behind it, we have been clearing the yard as we have a lot of leaves here at the Ranch house, last weekend, Jenn and I bagged up 81 bags of leaves, so glad we got that done, have to watch out for Hot embers etc, but the winds have dies down now, although they say next Sunday the Santa Ana winds will pick up again and still a few weeks away until we get rain here.

So, at home I am working on the Barn as I have a few projects I need to get out of the way, I also have 2 Vintage yamaha Dirt bikes I need to get running, clean up and sell, a 1977 YZ250 and a 1978 YZ400, bit great machines, so hope to work on them next, fun machines that the Vintage Motocrosser will love, I have noth titles and original handbooks too, so I shall post these on the website when I have them running, of course, I will give them a bit of a blast down the road and clear them out, cant beat the smell of a 2 stroke.

We went to Anaheim 1 Supercross on the weekend and had a ball, the first race of the year is always good to go to and this year we had no rain, usually it rains hard this time of the year, hence the fires are so bad as we have had a dry run, but- it was good to get out and shoot down the road to watch some racing.

I love all Motorcycles and grew up with old dirt bikes, and love watching the new series as bikes are so fast these days, its a fun event and is nice to get out of the workshop and watch some bike racing.

So, what is to offer for the New year? I will be offering More parts for your two wheeled machines as well as some Original parts for the Restorer of their CB750 Honda in line fours.

I shall also try and build a machine that showcases my 25 years here in the great United States of America, cannot believe that a quarter of a century has flown by so fast, but it sure has, so hope to have a bike out later on in the year and offer it up for sale with all cool new parts and a few bells and whistles too.

I shall be making more exhausts and different styles with options of stainless steel, Ceramic coated or wrapped etc and dabbling into some other stuff too, so keep your eyes peeled on the website, the site was down for a bit to do maintenance over the Christmas holiday and back up again now, but am contemplating a new site as I have had this many years and need a freshen up.

Thank you all for all your orders and patience, I try and answer emails and texts as fast as I can and I am looking forward to more fun parts this year and offering you more cool designs and apparel too.

So, I had better get a few things cleaned up around the ranch house and Barn then get organised for a busy year of manufacturing and creating some fun 2 wheeled machines.  Keep building and riding Y’all.


Few More Exhaust systems available for your CB500, CB550 and CB750 SOHC

Well, the old year is almost up, a New year just around the corner and to be honest, I am looking forward to it, new challenges but new idea’s and New parts to be offered for a number of machines, something that I do like to do and offer to everybody.

So, literally a Truckload of exhaust systems finished and some will be Ceramic coated and some will be Raw steel, as many like to paint or wrap them for them selves.

I ship all over the world and continue to help my Customers, I of course build the Motorcycles too, I make sure they fit and these do not leave my place until I am happy with them.

These systems are made right here in good old CALIFORNIA and I have been offering these for 23 years, affordable and work and sound awesome, a tried and tested formula that I have had many repeat customers.



More Exhausts on the go, busy times at Carpy’s Garage

Busy day at home and more 4 into 1 Exhausts systems are now completed, I have been busy as of late and just about caught up with previous orders, I love making these and getting them sent to all over the world.

These are the CB750 and Cb500-Cb550 Yoshi style systems, some of these will be Ceramic Coated, some will remain Raw and be packed in boxes ready for shipping etc, always good to be busy and more styles coming out soon.

I sent a few boxes off to Europe today, good to get that lot on their way to their Customer and they can get their own machine back on the tarmac, the Sun is out and that always gives you a little extra boost of work ethic, so got a ton done.

Well, I best get a few packed away in boxes and put in my workshop, but just wanted to share what i get up to some days.

Thank you for suppoerting me, I am a one man show and the show is going good.

El Diablo Drag Pipes Ceramic Coated Silver SOHC CB750 Chopper

Thought I would get a set of my ” El Diablo” Drag pipes Cerakote coated in Silver, they look like Polished Aluminum and the advantage of this is that they will not Blue like chrome does.

I have always liked the way cerakoted exhaust look and stand out to any weather compared to chrome, I fitted these to my Chop and love the way they look on the bike.

Is Cerakote exhaust worth it?
Cerakote is by far the best option available when considering high performance ceramic coatings. It lays down smoother than anything else we have found on the market, and it can be applied to so many different materials including engines and exhaust systems.
I have sold a few sets already and hope to be making more of these Drag pipes next month as I have almost sold out of my inventory.
These were easy to fit and I did away with the old Exhaust flower clamps and shims, these have floating flanges and sits in the cylinder head tighter and bolt on.
Available now and I ship world wide, I am here to help too, discounts on orders of 2 sets or more.

Exhaust Systems I manufacture- Sound Bytes From Customers

Howdy one and all

Here we are once more with a small Blog, this time I thought I would look about for some sound bytes of my exhaust systems for the Honda and Triumph etc, I have been selling these for 23 years now and continue to make more performance systems for other makes as I continue to help the Motorcycle fraternity with well made American Products.

New Products Coming Soon

Well, its been over 23 Years now since I first started this and I have always enjoyed the journey, anything to do with 2 wheels is a plus for me and I am sure it is for like minded folk like you lot, who have followed me all this time and repeatedly purchased my products for your ride or friends etc.

I think I am now going to push the envelope a little more and start to offer parts on a wider range of Motorcycles as well as different brands too, making this a One Stop shop in a way, I always like to help people complete their ride and this will be a bigger website with a faster load capability.

I am pushing as hard as I can to continue to help everybody out, as I now have my Very Own Barn/Workshop now, I can start to slowly increase Products and offer them to you direct from my place, I am going to be trying a few different Exhaust systems and on slightly different models, as I want to cater for many cool rides that we all enjoy.

I will be visiting with a few well known Manufacturers of other parts too, so hope to cover an array of two wheeled Motorcycles and get you the best price for your hard earned buck.

My exhausts systems are still going well as I have $100 off them right now and as gas is so expensive I thought I would leave them at that price for a while and give you a great deal.

From completely rebuilt front forks that are polished, new uppers and new seals and springs etc, ready to bolt on and go for your ride, to OEM parts for your 500 -550 or 750 Big 4 Honda.

I hope to help you all and also I may start to make videos like I did years ago to see if I can help any of you when you get stuck on a project, you can always email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com with any questions and I will always get back to you, failing that, you can call or text me on 714-598-8392 for a faster response, I am here to help.

Thanks for looking and pass the word, I love what I do and hope that you do too?

Exhaust for SOHC Honda’s 1969-1978 The SIDEWINDER

I have been getting a lot of compliments on the 4 into 1 Exhaust I manufacture called The Sidewinder, this really is a great performing system that not only fits well, it sounds crisp and is a true Performance pipe.

These power houses are available in Raw steel, for that Industrial Look, or you can wrap them with Heat wrap for your Custom look, but also I get these Cerakoted in Ceramic and have a Choice of Colors of Black, Silver, Titanium and Burnt Bronze.  These are designed to fit the HONDA CB750K CB750F inline Four Models of the SOHC size, that’s from 1969 up to 1978.

Also , the advantage of this system is that you can still run with your center stand attached as these pipes wrap to the right hand side of your engine and clear the oil pain, the second thing is you have a totally clear access area to your Oil filter housing, which makes for easy oil changes and filter swaps etc.  A really well made system that is affordable and pretty easy to fit, even on your own.  I have done this many times and so glad I went this route, the whole system itself is about 13 pounds so easily lighter than the stock version.

These are all made right here in California and ready to fit to your bike and get you back on the tarmac, these are held into the Cylinder head by floating Flanges, so no more messing around with either half shims or them finned pinch clamps, simply bolt on with 8X35mm Bolts or if your head has studs, then these just slide right on into the ports and simply tighten sequentially.  I use a Stainless Bolt to attach the tail pipe to the header, as springs tend to jump off over bumps, mostly made for the track, so a tried and tested method is a high quality stainless bolt that I supply with the system.

Yes these do come with a Baffle and I do not add any packing to it, I like the 95 Decibel output but if you feel it is a tad loud for your area, then any local Motorcycle shop sells the fiberglass packing or use some steel wool and wrap around the baffle and refit until required sound is found.  No other sound like this, other than a 30 year old Yoshi.

The Photos I have shown are Raw steel, but Ceramic coating is available but takes 10 from order as I take it out to the company to do their coating but worth the wait, I do not store any in house coated, only because we get the odd Earthquake and don’t want to scratch anything if they moved when we get a shaker here.

I personally Pack these systems and send them out to you, I help Over sea’s Customers on the duty form, so you don’t get any silly fee’s, remember, I have been doing this almost 23 years, so know my way around the shipping forms. I packed these in a 16x16x21 double walled box and make sure that it doesn’t move when in transit.

Let me know if I can help you with one of these systems for your Machine, be it Stock, Custom, Café Racer. Brat. Tracker or a Dailey parts Runner, this exhaust will give you more pep and looks pretty cool too.  It breathes so well you will be stoked at the velvet tone that it emits at the rear end.  Looks Great and value for money, way better than the Chinese stuff that’s out there.

I am super stoked at these systems and have many repeat Customers from all over the states and the globe, I love to hear from customers that really do enjoy the burble that these 4 into 1 exhausts make and the throttle response is second to none. All would suggest you up jet 2 sizes on the main, but that’s it, these run so good.

If you need any more information, please drop me a line at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or call or even text me on 714-598-8392, thanks for checking in and hope that you enjoyed this page on the Sidewinder Exhaust.

Raw Steel System : $380

Cerakote Coated :    $480

Fun times ahead at the workshop.

Well, a New year and New projects, I have a bunch of bikes that need to get running and then decide which way to go in the way of building and creating something cool from the shop but many different platforms are sat in the Barn, just awaiting some wrench time, but I do enjoy creating New rides.

I get many questions on how do I put in the Knee inserts on gas tanks, well, first off, I find a damaged tank, I don’t want to use a good solid undented gas tank, seem a shame to bash the crap out of it to be honest, so I usually have something about the shop or in storage that I can use and love to repurpose something that has been discarded, but I do use ear defenders as I have already got  Tinnitus from years of grinding metal, riding motorcycles with No ear plugs and going to many gigs and standing up front by the speakers.

I really enjoy making parts for the machines I build and of course offering it to customers too, its a noisy job but if it was easy, then everyone would do it right?

I have a few ideas for New parts this year, so keep checking back with me, also I hope to offer parts for different models and brands of Motorcycle, so I should be able to help you all, my Customer Service really is hard to beat compared to the many shops that have sprouted up recently, this is my career and my passion not just a business.

If its engine parts you need, drop me a Dime or Text on 714-598-8392 and I am more than happy to help you lot out with your project, this year should be a fun one and maybe I will meet some of you at an event?  I have built many Motorcycle over the almost 23 years I have lived here in Southern California and look forward to building many more.


The Hot Rod and Razor exhausts Now in stock, this is how they sounds too.

Christmas time almost here

Tick Tick Tick is all I can hear right now, but its all cool, I have managed to get my Customers parts in the mail to them and in time for the big day too.

I thought this week I would add a video of stuff that interests me and this time it is an Indian Factory making the little 70cc 4 stroke Motors for their Impress bikes, looks like a Honda to be honest but great to watch.

If I can help with your orders, drop me a line or a text on 714-598-8392  email is carpy@carpyscaferacers.com

My 4 into 1 is still making people happy after 22 years in business

Well, for 22 years I have been sending my very own 4 into 1 exhaust systems to Customers all over the globe and along the way I have many repeat customers.

I love hearing from them too, as they perform really well throughout the power curve and sound so cool when you get on the loud button.

Alexander Iverson purchased the 4 into 1 system for me and is over the Moon with the look, Fit and of course sound and I am sure that you will be just as happy when you purchase a system from me?