Never tire of wrenching on 2 or 4 wheels

With all this Crazy Mayhem with the virus and wear a mask etc., its nice for me to be able to just do my own thing out in the sticks and away from the craziness that has really changed the Globe right now, but I came across this photo of me many years ago when I created my own style of CR750 Honda and they were care free days that we still need to have . Below is how Life is today with just some of my very own rides and am blessed to live the lifestyle that I do.

I have a variety of machines to complete and am looking forward to new parts I will be making available to you all to help you with your own creation, half the fun is building and the other half is riding them.

I have built many styles of bikes and always scratching my Nogging to think of what to do next, but when the New Barn is completed, I shall be looking into completing some creations and more Blogs and videos to show you what I get up to out here.

If I can help steer you in the right direction , I surely will, this is like a big family to me and always feels good when a Customer informs me their ride is now on the road for the first time.

Get creative and you may have to strip that bike 3 or 4 times to get where you wanted, this bike above I built 3 times but in the end it came out just as I had envisioned it and was worth the blood sweat and tears.

Exhausts are going out the door pretty quick these days

Well, a day off at last, albeit I will be catching up on things at home etc, but- I am in my office and for once, it has started to rain.  Something that we do not get much of in Southern California, so I will engulf this as it reminds me of back home in the UK and, it also gives me a little time whilst I have a cup of splosh, to tell you that I have been selling quite a lot of 4 into 1 exhaust systems as of late.

I have not added up the amount of systems I have sold over the years but its a few thousand now and I am so stoked that Customers still like them and, they are made right here in California and not China, I get many emails from customers, letting me know they love the look, fit and of course the sound and performance that these systems make, a very unique and smooth breathing system that I am very proud of and cannot thank you all enough for purchasing.

It is unreal the places that my systems have ventured out to, Russia, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, etc as well as Australia, New Zealand and the surrounding Islands, from Hawaii to London too, I am amazed when I get the order to see where it is going. So thank you all for that and I shall be looking into some more designs when the New workshop is built, something that will always be enjoyable.

These will fit the CB500 the CB550 and the SOHC CB750 K F models from 69-78 and you will see a big difference from stock, weight for a start, sound and of course the response is way faster and smoother, rev that girl out and watch the RPMs enjoy the free flowing system and the bark as you shift gears.

These come in a variety of finishes, for the Tough look, there is Raw steel, its bare bones and will rust of you dont wither wrap it or clear coat it but it looks killer when fitted and the industrial look in really popular right now.

Also there are Color options for the systems, we get them Professionally Coated with Cerakote.   High temp ceramic coatings act as a ceramic insulation in that they protect your exhaust system from rust and corrosion. Ceramic coating will protect your exhaust from things like road salts, oil and gas, heat from your engine, and exhaust gases that flow through your pipes. Also can improve the performance of your engine’s horsepower. It helps increase the speed and maintain the quality of exhaust gas flow while keeping the temperature of the engine low. When you apply the coating to the exterior, it can make the exhaust flow faster, allowing for a reduced loss of power and temperatures. 

Above is the Burnt Bronze which has a Texture to it and helps dissipate the heat fast. You aren’t going to want to replace the items in your exhaust system very often, and you won’t have to when you use a high temp ceramic coating. The coating reduces the thermal cycle surface temperatures, reducing the exposure to a constant hot-cool cycle. This all means that the coating reduces the risk of the metal arts in your exhaust system weakening.

A stealthy 1978HONDA CB750  SOHC looks Tough as Nails sat outside the owners garage, he loved the fit and sound of his machine and rides it as much as he can, it looks great eh?

The Sidewinder is a good system too and hugs the frame tightly, it also allows for a Main stand to be used if you wanted to.

The Yoshi is my Best Seller and as you can see, it sets this machine of nicely a great Motorcycle and it gets a lot of attention where ever it is ridden to.

Above is the Titanium Color that some people order, its great to be able to offer a few colors as the bike they are building can have a matching system that suits the styling.

We try our best to come up with a great exhaust and I think that we have made many people happy that this is available not just in Raw steel, but in a variety of colors and stainless steel too.

The good thing is that this 2 piece set up comes with a Removable Baffle and you can either pack it with fiberglass to quieten it or leave as supplied for that Velvet tone, as 99% do keep the baffle in with No packing at all.

Which ever way to go, I am here to help, I look after all my customers and over seas I adjust the customs forms so you dont get hammered with Duty fee’s etc, and as the system is a 2 piece, I can get it in a smaller box, which means cheaper shipping as well.

Exhaust Systems update

The time is flying her in Southern California, I am so busy right now, mostly with exhausts and making other parts for our beloved Machines, etc and I really appreciate you supporting me in these times that we are in right now.Volume is a little quiet but just wanted to say hello to ALL you out there.

Exhaust systems for CB750 CB550 and CB500 Models

Need a great sounding 4 into 1 exhaust system for your inline four? Something not only affordable, but made right here in California, not in some sweat shop in China.

Back in 2000 I began with the first to offer 4 into 1 Performance 4 into 1 systems, nobody was offering them and I wanted to have that sound of yesteryear when people Street Raced and Drag raced, to show who’s inline four was the best sounding and fastest. That crackle of the system was synonymous with all the 70’s Japanese Motorcycles that had landed over here and people wanted to hop these engines up. Here is my First one that I offered almost 2 decades ago and I am still going strong today.

Since then I have sold well over 1000 units of just the 750 alone and close to 900 on the 550 and 500 systems, a goal that I am very proud of reaching and of course surpassing too.

Made right here, these 4 into 1 systems are made from steel and have the option of a Raw material for that old Race Track style, or you can choose a few different color options and get your system Cerakoted with Ceramic paint and stand out from the rest.

So if you want Raw steel or Coated, I am the man for your inline Fours requirements, as this is not Just a job, its a lifestyle for me, above is a Bronze color ceramic Coating 4 into 1 that a Customer ordered and boy does it look great.

Let me know your requirements and I will see if I can help you get that machine back out on the tarmac and have fun hitting the corners on weekends etc.

I love to help you get your machine running and of course sounding great and this is a super way to go and easy to bolt on and go.

We ship all the time and to all over the globe with customers in Finland, Russia, France, Spain, and even have sent systems to Cuba!  Your one stop shop, with more parts coming all the time.

Give me a shout if you need something for your ride, be it a 750, a 550 or a 500, I love to help and that what it is all about.

These make great gifts too and you know they will be stoked when they unwrap their new Performance system for their Honda four Motorcycle.

Thanks for reading my Blog today and hope that you can have fun with your motorcycle this weekend. If I can help, you can call or even text me.

New Stainless Steel Exhaust for the Vesco Honda Creation

Well, the Rains are here again tomorrow, so had to tear into many projects to try and get ahead of the storm, as it will restrict me to many things I need to do to create this Custom Motorcycle, the Exhaust I originally tried out was pretty Bad Arse- But I wanted something really trick, so for a few days I sketched a couple of Idea’s and came up with my Latest design.

This is my latest system and I have called it the “Y-Block” And this system breathes like a man with Three Lungs.  Seriously, this is a great bit of Kit and hand made from 049 Stainless and not only does it perform, it is light weight yet sturdy. This is so much better in Stainless and wanted to show the Globe that cool stuff does indeed come out of sheds and Garages.

A lot of time and effort went into this system and I am happy at the end result, this will look great on the Vesco Honda and am sure many will ask about all the details that the bike has on it, there is so much to do and have to do all I can in the short amount of time to get this machine back up and running- no easy task and still quite a way away from completing this build.

The system will fit ALL of the 750 Motorcycles from 1969-1978 in the SOHC Range and will fit the CB750K, CB750F and CB750A models too, the design took some time to create how I drew it but it is bang on and I cannot be more happier than how the “Y-Block” free flowing System has turned out.

All quick release springs, this is a slip on system just like the old race bikes and wanted to give a little more Hot Rod look to this set up and I feel that I have accomplished that style and look. This has a Nickel Plated Removable Baffle and sounds just like a deeper version of the Yoshimura style system.

The fit and finish is superb and great ground clearance too, wasn’t sure if this was even possible a few weeks ago but after many drawings of concepts etc this is the end result and it looks so good, I am super happy that I went this way and it sure does look Custom. Sat on the workbench and rwady for it to be fitted to the Custom machine when I get it up to assembly.

This is my design and its a 4 into 2 into 1 set up that really lets the gases flow hard and escapes at the end through a baffle at a faster pace than many out there, and I really wanted a trick looking set up that not only looks and sounds great, but performs pretty well too, and this sure does meet the bill.

Of course I will offer this as a line for the HONDA CB750, CB550 and CB500 a little later on but first i want to see how it performs on the bike and will give a full run down when I have all that completed, but this New System really is a unique set up that I will be happy to offer to all of you soon for your inline Four Motorcycles.

I will weigh it later as its so much lighter than the steel versions and when it is in its brushed Stainless guise, its a real head turner with the welds turning that nice Bronze color.

A fun looking Exhaust that I am proud to put my name on and I am sure will get quite a lot of interest for other peoples rides, so today turned out a great way to bring the week to en end.

This will be easy to fit to your very own inline four, even if you are on your own as it weighs nothing and comes apart easily for assembly etc and the springs are way easier to remove than undoing bolts .

I wanted to have something different out there and to show that I also love Hot Rods too, it’s all a cool lifestyle that I have always been into and now have a great system for the inline Four Honda’s.

When the Vesco Brat bike is completed, I shall take a lot of photos of it, as well as some sound bytes of the exhaust system, I will still use the Yoshi style baffle as I love that tone.

So with that- I shall bid you a fond farewell and get back into the Garage, as I have a million more things to do and as the storm approaches, I need to get in there fast.  Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, let me know your thoughts, as input is so important from My Customers.




New ceramic Bronze Exhaust systems now available

Well, I have now added this great Custom Burnt Bronze metallic ceramic Coating color to the 4 into 1 Exhaust systems we make, this is a superb Custom application that really enhances the look of your two wheeled machine and wanted to show you how great this looks.

Its almost a Metallic look and I love the way it looks and this is a New look for Exhaust systems and wanted to offer this color on the systems we manufacture here in California.

We ship Globally and this is a 2 piece set up so easier to fit and cheaper to ship as well.

I am glad to offer this Color to you and you simply go to the exhaust page and chose the Ceramic Color you would like, be it Burnt Bronze, Black or Silver, as well as Raw Steel or a show version of Stainless Steel.

These also come with a Chromed removable Baffle and what is good about my systems is that if you wanted to, you could cut the tail pipe down to the length you lie and the baffle will still fit.

So if you are looking for a Custom Exhaust for your inline four from 1969-1978 SOHC Honda or even the DOHC version, we make them here and offer them to you in different finishes.

Our systems flow and Perform, over 1500 systems sold around the globe and over 18 years in business, love doing this and we get great feedback and many repeat customers too.

Thanks for looking, I love this Color and look forward to seeing it on other Customers machines, let me know if I can help.


For all your Motorcycle needs

Happy Tuesday Everyone

Rice Boiler


Fast approaching the 18 year Milestone here at Carpy’s Cafe Racers and have always enjoyed what I do here in Sunny California, and today is another great day and seeing as its Blog Tuesday, just wanted to than you all for purchasing from me and all the great emails and phone calls that I receive from you.



Trying to make New parts as well as sell the Classic ones too, I listen and if I get enough interest then I try and make the parts happen and so far it has worked out well.


So if you need Handle bars, to seats, to great Exhaust systems, I am here for you and once again thank everyone for all your support I really appreciate it.

Have a Great day and look forward to maybe one day meeting you at some of the shows we shall e attending this year, off to New Jersey in March, should be a Blast.



My Exhaust Sights & Sounds.

Many people ask about my systems and what they sound like, so, armed with an Iphone I had a go at having some recorded for you to listen to.

Below is a 4 into 1 system for a CB350 Honda, and man is it a crisp set up, Customer loved it.

Footage is not good but a chap came by as he fitted my 4 into 1 on his DOHC Honda and loved it.

Below is a CB750 with a raw steel exhaust system of mine fitted.

I have sold over 1000 Of my exhaust systems, been doing this over 17 years and love it.

Oh yeah, these not only breathe well, listen to how crisp they responce is on the throttle, this bike had not run in over 20 years, so changed oil and gas, fitted my 4 into 1 and she ran really well.

Below is a few pics of bikes with the systems on, love what I do and so glad you chose a product made right here in California.


Available for many in line four Honda’s, just drop me a line at or a dime at 714-598-8392 as I am here to help, you can also text me on that number too.

4 into 1 system

So if you are looking for a great set up, thats been tested and fits and sounds great, look no further.

cb750 exhaust - Copy

Thanks for looking, enjoy your week and have fun building your machine.


Available in a few styles, Raw Steel- Ceramic Coated- And we also sell the DEI Titanium Wrap for your system too.

carpy storage2

We ship 6 days a week as well and Globally, I handle ALL the Customs paperwork to make sure you pay NO duty.

ton up exhaust

I really enjoy what I do and offer parts as well, even all the jets for your carbs too.

sling shot1

New 4 into 1 Exhausts for the 500 and 550 Honda available soon

Pleased to announce a New style of 4 into 1 system for the good old Honda inline Four CB500 and the CB550, something I am happy to offer and many people asked me about.


So I went about and got it sorted, I have the prototype done and now going into production with these as I type this little write up.


I am stoked to be able to offer you these systems soon and boy do they sound great, fit well and of course, Perform all the way through the range of motion.


These are a little Powerhouse and I know you will enjoy this special system that will be made on Million Dollar tune bending machines and quality all the way with these.


Here is the other thing, these are not made over sea’s, these are made here in the USA and am proud to offer that, I am a small business and I help other local businesses, thats what keeps us all going and pleased to offer you all my USA made parts.


Below is the sidewinder fitted, I only plopped the baffle in as I will be Nickel plating that one, so as I revved it , the Baffle shot out, LOL, but you can hear what its like with no baffle, this exhaust does come with a baffle by the way and you can either Rivet it in place, or ue machine screws, your call. The Baffle does not have packing as I like it that way but, you can add glass fiber packing or steel wool if you wanted to muffle it more, but I doubt yu will as this is a crisp sound that many like.

I also offer this with 2 different tail section options, there is the Razor and the Hot Rod, you decide, below is the Razor, thats slash cut and shorter than the up sweep but a cool custom look.



A very popular set up and easy to attach to your inline four bike, it is also louder than the up sweep tail pipe.


Below is the Hot Rod, this is a cool Turn out for that Old school style, something I am passionate about and I am stoked to offer this option too.


Its a great set up and I make that for the 750 too but as you can see on this 550-4 it is a nice and tight set up and gives the ride a beefier look I think, hope that you like this as well.


Take a look at some of the pics of the styles and make your own mind up, I enjoy what I do and like the feedback I am receiving.


Let me know your thoughts as input is so important from potential customers.


Here are a few pics for you to have a go through to see if you like any of the models shown for your CB500 or CB550 Four Motorcycle, thanks for taking your time to read this today.

My Newest Exhaust System The Predator for all SOHC CB750 Honda’s

Hey All

Well here we are again and wanted to try and bring you a custom set up that you may well like to have on your inline Four machine Honda.


Been here over 17 years and love turning out different parts for you all and I send my parts all over the globe, so this time I though a Custom exhaust system might be in order and here it is.


This is a Super Custom design and internally has a bag of tricks that a Magician would love to own, its secret but all you need to know is that it will give you More performance.

It will be available as a Raw Steel set up or as you see on here right now, a Custom Version where We send you the header and Wrap kit, and a Chromed rear tail section and removable Baffle.


We will also offer a Black Or Silver ceramic option too, so you have pretty much everything you need to decide on color and look etc.

You simply fit and have fun, as that’s what it is all about, this is a great set up and I know some of you will be right into this out of the bat.


No need for the old flanges and also on 77 and 78 Models, none of them terrible Half Moon shims to bother with, Just remove your stock spigots, fit New Crush Gaskets ( We offer them too ).

Fit to bike and hear the difference, this will breath like New lungs and boy does it look sharp.



I ship 6 days a week and also over sea’s. I help on the Customs forms too- so you do not get hammered on import taxes where you are not supposed to anyway.

Have a look and see what you think, this is a unique set up, as used by AMA Race bikes back in the day, I found the magic formula and this is the result, hope you like it.


Drop me a line at and I will give you all the information you might want to know about this great exhaust system, I am here to help and help I shall.

You can also drop me a Dime at: 714-598-8392 and, if you are still a little impatient, you can text me on that same number, how’s that for Service?


I have to chrome the tail sections so that take a week but other than that these are ready to go. Thanks for taking your time out of your day to check out whats going on here at carpyscaferacers I really do appreciate it.