Those of you who lie the Custom look will no doubt appreciate this jewel of a tail light assemble that is as bright as a Hardboard student and want an Old look with New School technology, well, you have come to the right place.
Have a look at this great set up that will last many moons when the cheaper versions give up the ghost.
I have used these on a few creations and love the look, the fit and the style.
These taillight assemblies offer quality-built modern innovation and design for your classic restoration. The light emitting diodes draw less from your electrical system, light up in microseconds, have no moving parts or filaments to break, and operate well in extreme temperatures. These LED taillight assemblies provide solid-state circuit boards, epoxy-coated fully sealed electronics, poly-carbonate lenses, and–depending on your application–die-cast housings, rings, or bezels. A choice of lens and housing colors is available. Installation is as easy as removing the old and plugging in the new! Get brighter, more intense output to warn those behind you with the increased visibility of Carpys Old style taillight assemblies added to your classic machine.
They look great on any application and will last many years and do not get hot like the old 12 volt Filament bulbs, a win win to be honest, they are strong and more durable than the old glass versions.
These make a great Custom look to what ever you are fitting too as well.
These are Epoxy Coated and fully sealed Electronics, no rain or snow will get into this.
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