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Many people try and fit a new exhaust and then they leak at the head, that’s mainly because you have used your original crush gaskets and they have flattened out too much to seal again.

Well, problem solved, here we have the correct Genuine HONDA gaskets for the CB500 and CB550 model, dont buy cheap imitation silver convoluted ones, as they do not crush enough to seal correctly. Fit genuine Honda versions that I offer, I have sold over 2000 of these and every machine I have created or serviced and has to have the exhaust removed, I always refit new Copper Crush Gaskets from Honda.

I always have these in stock and use them on my rides, but do not buy the silver versions as they are terrible, stick with the tried and tested copper set ups and you will have no issues.

With over 18 years here in Southern California, I have serviced so many of these and the bigger brothers too and never re use old gaskets, if you want a really tight and good seal, then go with these, you cannot go wrong.

Many Customers are repeat buyers from me and I like people to get value for money, thank you for all supporting me in this business.

I ship same day and you will be glad that you chose the right crush gaskets, I have tried all the aftermarket versions but they do not seal anywhere near as good as genuine Honda ones.



Weight 0.5 lbs