My Triumph Thruxton Daily Ride

My 2013 Triumph Thruxton has served me well over the years, compared to my vintage triumph, this is chalk and cheese in the reliability league and the bike has given me many thousands of miles of fun and still does. it has now had 3 different guises since I acquired the bike from Socal Motorcycles and it certainly gets a lot of attention.

I bought the bike but it was the British Racing Green Color scheme, I’m not a fan of green but, stuck it out as long as I could but, saw so many this color, that I had to do a few things to make it into the bike I really want to ride. I first made a Diamond Upholstered seat for it, long before people were doing it and got a lot of compliments, then I set about designing reverse Cone megaphones in Stainless Steel, and that sure did get people looking.

Next up was to remove the swing arm and weld tubes in to make it look like drilled holes, then re-chrome it, soon as I did that, I fitted New Alloy Rims, wide 5.5 rear from Canyon of the TT range and this really filled the swing arm out nicely.  I repainted the gas tank and made side covers as well as the front fairing and the rear cowl, making the seat fold down to allow access to the storage compartment.

The New rims were such a change in handling for this machine, the fatter tire grabbed the tarmac like glue and this was a fun machine to now take out and enjoy .

I loved slinging my leg over this 900 and tear away up the road with a smile on my face, it was now a machine that was starting to get dialed in to how I wanted it, but there was another look I wanted after a while, I mean I also build and design bikes and parts, this is my business card, so always like to change things up and now its on its way to its third livery.

I removed the fairing and was contemplating a different look, so it came to my mind to fit An Alloy Gas tank and side covers, but, I wanted to make an alloy rear cowl for the bike, so with Egg shape Hammer in Hand I set about and made a rear cowl, then frenched a pocket into the rear cowl to alloy for a Vintage light but have a LED insert in that light, old with new.

Loving the look of this and am glad that i went this route, this time I wanted to change the seat padding and went for a soft Tan leather with Diamond Stitching.

Now this sure is comfortable and feels way better than the old one as I simply wore it out with my fat arse sat upon it all the time and this is now comfortable once more.

I now have my Alloy Gas tanl on the bike and sometimes I fit different seats when I make them to check for fitment and this bolted right up with no issues at all.

Right now here she is sat at home and I really do like the way she looks, Classic styling and its a fun machine, this afternoon I shall change out the grips to go with the New leather seat and give the bike a better flow and color coordination. I shall take some pics later in the week to see how they look and feel first.

The front fender I made from an old BSA mudguard and then welded some brackets to the side and the contour is just how I want it too, came out well and love the look of it. if you look at the lower part of the chassis, you see I have my own hand made Bash plate that I made out of Aluminum and then added a Bottle opener, just in case ya stuck when you are out camping.



The Zard pipes sound great and may polish them to get a mirror finish to accentuate the rear cowl that I made as I love how this has turned out as a one off design.

You will also noticed that I wrapped my headers, this was something I wanted to try with an Aircraft application and rather than the old school wrap, I thought that this would look pretty cool as a slip on heat Sock, and sure glad I went this route as these Performance pipes get bloody hot when riding.

I also have a set of Works Performance  piggy back race shocks to soak up the bumps, not cheap but my old shocks I had that were TEC, Blew the Nitros out of them when I was in the Canyons on a few pot holes, so a more expensive and professional set were purchased and I am also a dealer for Works Performance and so glad that I have these now as it is night and day on suspension set up.

I also designed and made the Knuckle Duster Heel guard, and offer that on my website as well, I then blanked off the rear passenger foot peg hangers to tidy that area up a little.

Bike now sits well and I am happy with the look, I will be fitting the grips and will show the pics on here so you can see what they look like.

I went with some Cole Foster grips, looked at many but thought that these would be best to go with my leather seat, and am happy with the choice and are really comfortable too.

Really happy with my choice and my hands will thank me later too.

Sat next to My Hot Rod, the Triumph looks happy in its new set of clothes, looks a different bike too, still a little more I want to do as I go along but, thought that I would share some pics on a Blog and see if you like what I have done.

Here is a list of what is on here.

Motone Alloy Gas Tank

Motone Side Covers

Cole Foster Grips

Custom Clip 1″ on’s

Wide wheel kit from Canyon

Custom Drilled and Chromed Rear Swing Arm

Upsweep Rear Polished Alloy Caliper Bracket

Zard Stainless Steel Exhaust Kit

Titanium Aircraft Heat Shield Sock

Speed merchant Finned Engine Covers

Wave Brake Rotors

Beringer 4 pot Brake Caliper

Hand Made Alloy Mudguard from a BSA

Hand made Seat with Leather Upholstery

LED internal turn signals and 6000 Lumens headlight

4 inch Chromed Fog light

Custom hand Made rear Cowl with LED Rear Light

Works Performance Piggy Back Racer Shock Absorners

Hand made Knuckle Duster Heel Guard

Joker bar End Mirrors

Lithium Ion battery by EarthX

K&N Pod Filters

Fender Elimination kit

Custom Horn

Hand made Alloy bash plate with Bottle Opener

Power Commander

Irridium Spark plugs

LED rear Turn Signals

TEC Front Steering Stabilizer

Custom Machines Foot Pegs

Rear Blank Off Plates On Hangers





SONNY’S Oh So Sweet – Alloy SOHC Machine

Welcome to Readers Rides, I started to do these about 15 Years ago and think I should return to these, so people can get inspired from many peoples own creations, they can see their machine and what it consists of parts wise and many have my parts on their Motorcycle, so if you have time, drop me a line with as many cool photos with good angles and maybe some great back drops, ie- Bridges, River, castle, Pub, Water fall, Bricks etc and lets feature your Machine. Show the world that we have very similar tastes and look forward to opening the Global book of our readers Rides.

Below is the first cool bike that I hope to receive more pics but- a Good taster to get you lot going, how about Sonny Morrisons CB750K Model Cafe Racer, Sonny is from Rancho Cucamonga in California and about an hour from me.

OK, I am still awaiting some more information on this build but will feature it and add when I get more input from the owner, above is Sonny Morrison’s SOHC Honda and its a Cracker.


What a great looking Cafe Racer Machine, right up my alley, or as you look at this photo, right next to a Rock wall, this machine is tough and and enjoying the 19 inch front Lester Rim and either a 16 or 17 inch rear.

Sonny used one of My Custom 2.5 Speedometer gauge Brackets that I manufacture and it certainly looks at home on top of that Polished triple tree, love the dampener set up on-top too.


Hand Rolled Alloy Gas Tank and Seat really suits the bike, not sure where he found this set up but will let you know when I have a build or spec sheet from him but it sure looks nice.

Has my 4 into 1 Exhausts system and the Rear Sets I sell, this CB750 is built for getting around the twisties on any day of the week.

Loving the Manx Tank, I am guessing its from India, the front forks look to have been rebuilt and polished, that 5 Gallon Tank will get him a long way too and love the fact he used hos original rear Mudguard for that Classic look.  Clip one and minimal controls really does make this SOHC stand out.

Thought I would share today and hopefully will be receiving more photos and spec sheet soon. get out in the shed and start building your two wheeled Machine and hope to see some photos of your garage soon.

You can send photos and Spec sheet to: and i will feature on the website for all to see, spread the word, lets see your Rides.


Sonny Just sent me this, so thought I would add it on here.


Up here in the Great Northwest Territory of Idaho one has to be creative when building a motorcycle. Finding parts locally is like finding gold. This is my story on my 1973 Honda CB750 SOHC Café Racer build.

After finding Carpys Café Racers online and drooling over his incredible builds I decided to give it a go. I purchased my bike as an old 70’s chopper, I had to drive 140 miles round trip but once I got the bike home I started the stripping process, everything I couldn’t or didn’t want to use came off the bike,

First to come off was the rusty chopper forks and the 21inch brakeless front wheel, I then found a new fork assembly with the inner parts I needed to bring the bike back to where I wanted it,  the donor bike was half buried in the dirt and had been there for decades, the old guy wouldn’t sell it to me unless I took the whole thing, no rear wheel, gas tank, seat, controls or gauges, it was just the frame that was cut up, the forks and a crusty frozen motor.

I pulled the forks and carbs off then placed an ad on Craigslist advertising it for free, a guy came and hauled the sickly thing away! after polishing the fork tubes and triple tree upper I started the rebuild, new seals were installed as well as new fork boots, I bought some progressive lowering springs for the front and I then purchased a set of short shocks for the rear, this completed the lowered stance I was looking for.

I met a chap online who lived quite a distance from me but he not only had the front brake caliper and front fender I needed, but also a set of New Old Stock Lester wheels, So off I went to pick them up, when I got there he offered me a better price on everything seeing that I drove so far, he also threw in a rear fender and some misc parts for free, A really nice guy!

I ordered a new stainless shorter café front brake line from Carpy’s Café Racers which made the install a breeze, I had the front brakes stopping on a dime in no time!, I then moved onto the controls and speedo, since everything stock was missing I bought aftermarket clutch, brake and throttle mechanisms along with all new cables, I then ordered Carpy’s Café Racers lowering bracket for the Drag Specialties Speedometer.

I installed a set of clubman bars and bar end mirrors and the whole front end finally came together, from there I moved onto the engine, I installed new Dynatec electronic ignition along with new matching Dynatec coils and wires, it made a huge difference when starting the bike, just a slight push of the button and it starts immediately. Then I ordered a set of Carpy’s Café Racers Yoshimura style Ceramic coated 4 into one exhaust, although it came with a baffle, I decided not to use it, I like the raw open exhaust sound and wouldn’t change it for a thing.

By the way, it’s been a couple years now and the Ceramic coating has held up great, they still look new! I just love rolling on the throttle and listening to her ROAR ; )… I found a place in India selling the aluminum Manx style tank for the CB750 Sohc, HOWEVER… it did not fit and the fuel petcock mount was an odd thread and I could not find a pipe thread type to fit, I basically ground it down and made an aluminum block, I drilled and tapped it to fit an original factory Honda dual outlet petcock, then I had to cut off the tank mounts, reconfigure everything and have an aluminum welder fix me up, it added some coin to the price of a tank that was supposed to be bolt on and go!

{P.P.S.}  That Singh guy from India has made some good parts but many parts do not fit, just be aware.

Buyer beware of anything from India!.

I decided to get an aluminum café seat pan and seat, but this time from a maker in Florida, this to was an issue as I waited months to receive it, seems they lost my order! the quality and polish was excellent though once I received it. I then bobbed the rear fender and added a Triumph tail light. I ordered new aftermarket side covers, mounting rubbers and factory emblems then painted the side covers gloss black with a clear coat.

I ordered Carpy’s Café Racers Billet Aluminum Rear Sets for the CB750 and love the fit and finish, the bike shifts like a champ and is comfortable to ride even on extended journeys, one of the best purchase’s I made, well other than the Yoshimura exhaust!, I rebuilt the carbs and jetted them to what Carpy runs on all his bikes running the Yoshimura exhaust, I started with Pod filters but have now changed out to a custom made one piece billet aluminum air cleaner. I’m sure I am forgetting a lot of stuff I did during the build but it has been a couple of years now. Having multiple bikes means the Café Racer doesn’t get ridden as much as I would like but I have to share my time among them or the other bikes will get jealous…LOL.

One thing about using Carpy’s Café Racers web store is the parts are tested and always excellent quality, shipping is fast and if you have any questions, Carpy himself will answer them. It was a fun time building the Café Racer and it draws attention everywhere I go.  It’s fun to come out of a store and have 2 or 3 guys standing around the bike admiring it. All I can say is….I don’t have a witness and I can’t prove it, but this is my story and I’m stickin to it…..



Spirit Racer – Hedonic Triumph Thruxton R

The Custom Motorcycle creations that are turning out today is so far advanced than back in the day as we have so many good machines from Water jet cutters to 10 axis CNC machines that can design , print and shape pretty much anything that you can pull out of your mind and install in Machine coding to its control box.

Still, you of course will still need the skill set to be able to achieve just some of these processes, and when you look at today’s builds, not only is the engineering so smooth, the tolerances for detail are even finer.

So, take for instance, the factory Triumph Thruxton R motorcycle, I mean, it is the quintessential Cafe style motorbike that Triumph them selves have re-invented and added everything you need for modern comfort and of course ride ability. When the Thruxton R first came out here in the states, I was one of the earliest test riders of this model here and I was amazed at the way it handled, looked, felt and of course, reacted when I gave its neck a bit of a squeeze.

The Perfect bike, nothing needed I thought to myself, but when you then give one of these thoroughbred motorcycles to a French Motorcycle company named Hedonic of which means.

Definition of hedonic

1of, relating to, or characterized by pleasure
2of, relating to, or characterized by hedonism
The Creator of this head turning machine is French Man Serge Heitz and he has made a number of head turning master pieces over time and this time he wanted to make sure you looked more than once when you see this Triumph Thruxton R heading towards you.
About 90 minutes from Bordeaux , the workshop is equipped with everything you require to fabricate steel to alloy and they sure know how to handle that.
Any Motorcycle created by Hedonic will get so much attention to detail, you will be gobsmacked for at least half an hour when you see a finished product come rolling out of their doors.
The bikes curvy Fairing, swooping lines of the Belly Pan and side covers and also the curvature of the Bobbed front Mudguard, are all hand made from Aluminum, with well over 150 hours of kneeling, banging, smoothing and hand massaging these components to the bike that you would think Rolls Royce engineers were creating this.
The Aluminum parts were all hand rubbed for that brushed look to show the quality of the material and see no cheating had occurred, this is simply a work of art and so pleasing to the eye.
The front end is ample enough for the roads of anywhere to be honest but Serg was not happy keeping it stock and wanted to put a twist to the front end of the bike by fitting a Yamaha YZF R6 front end, no easy task, no plans and some careful measurements and patience paid off.
The Rims were changed in favor of 16 inch items and a set of Firestone square edged champion style tires were fitted, not everybody likes these but I personally do, albeit they handle like crap but look so thick and fill the bike out.
Custom Clip ons were made with some very cool touches such as integrated brake master cylinder and clutch cable and wear inverted levers. To slim down the bike’s proportions the factory indicators have been replaced by tiny LED units mounted to the fairing and rear wheel hugger.
Under that Fairing is a custom triple tree along with some Moto gadget instruments, the whole top end is cleaned up and just shows the quality of the french man and his team can do.
The Engine is just under 100 horses and ample enough for anyone to get into trouble with but a cool set of exhausts were made with Turbine rear caps to finish this Futuristic look off to a tea.
The Brown Leather seat unit is a nice touch and I look forward to seeing a few write ups in magazine on this European Machine as it has so many cool angles that just flow, it would be nice to see more about it.
Just wanted to share this with you today and hope you liked it half as much as I did, what a fun machine, something I would love to take out for a blap.

Italian Thoroughbred Thruxton R is pure Class.

Caff bikes terminology has not changed, back in the day, these words seemed to be only understandable to the sub- Culture that lived and breathed these British Factory bikes that were stripped down, parts either sold off or re-fabricated to enhance the Motorcycles speed, Handling and of course performance, but as well as looks, your machine needed to stand out, to really stamp an exclamation mark of Ton Upmanship. This has been my lifes interest and when I saw this machine, well, I just had to Blog about it.


But, now in 2017, we have come a long way, a few years ago it was still a sub culture in the Caff World but, with people creating unique looking machines, the media on the two wheeled industry could not but notice this newer trend of creating your very own Rocket and the proof of that pudding is when Meridian turned out the Triumph Thruxton in 2004, it sure turned heads and the sub culture took a back step and now it has gone mainstream.

Nothing wrong with that, just look at the Brand New Triumph Thruxton R, I mean look at them, they have an old look, but- They have a strong, reliable engine that produces so much power to the ground its breath taking, the lines are so smooth and flowing that even Alberto Vargas could not equal that in any of his renderings.

New modern technology with front forks, full floating brakes and sturdy swing-arm, gives this bike a Classic look with futuristic handling.

So, when you clap your eyes upon a Thruxton -R, you think to yourself, “This is as far as you could go with a Caff Racer” I mean, what else could you do to make this machine any more appealing.


Well. over in the town of Massa in Italy, you will find Alo and his Motorcycle company, they have been creating Caff Racers for about 10 years now and when they were approached by the high end watch manufacturer Meccaniche Veloci to design and build a stylish Cafe Style Motorcycle using a Triumph Thruxton -R, well they were on board right away and began the transformation of a really eye catching Motorcycle, into a precision work of art that runs as smooth as one of the Clients Time Pieces.


Just take a look at the craftsmanship of this machine, the exhaust are of course Italian, from Zars but with a few modifications, take a look at the tail pipes to see that the ends of the silencers  features a unique 4 hole design that is reminiscent of the 4 faces of the companies Quattro Valvole watch. The headers flow so well and hug tight and high the the machine, being as one so to speak. Much fettling was applied to get this set up to look like it was from the factory and boy- Did these fellas pull that job off.


The Original Factory Plastics were removed, this machine needed to have some top quality Aluminum panels made, so to start, they decided they would hand form a front fairing but a full version reminiscent of the days back in the UK with a Phil Read style, that flowed like water from a tap. This was by no means an easy task, the lines are smooth but not straight, and to get them flowing curves, many hours of hand forming were spent in the workshop. Using just 3 pieces of Aluminum these were massaged into the work of art you see on this motorcycle, they also fabricated some side covers to keep everything in contrast with the front end.


The detail is so pleasing and reminiscent of the time pieces that Meccaniche Veloci manufacture, as even the leather material used for the Hand formed seat, used the same stitching as the time pieces have as the wrist strap, with the traditional racing stripe incorporated to show this is a fast machine. The Herringbone style stitching works very well and sets this apart from anything out there right now, all handcrafted at the workshop.


The finished example of Alo’s hard graft is so apparent, aptly named “the Bullet” This is on another level of machinery you may see of any Thruxton R right now and would love to see this at our 59 Club O.C. meet as it is such an eye catching Motorcycle and would love to hear them Zard pipes in action, as it would probably sound as deep and strong as Pavarotti himself.


So thats my Blog for today, a nice piece of Italian styling that will always attract attention, I hope you enjoyed Fridays Blog and I try to do as much as I possibly can to promote these machines and of course the lifestyle too.


Now I have to try and at least clean u my old 2013 900 and give it a go but man thats a nice machine Aldo has created.

Thruxton R Alo

Have fun with your machine today or over the weekend, looking at things like this always gets my creative juices flowing and I am now looking forward to wrenching on my own Thruxton.

Thruxton R alo1

If you are anywhere near Massa in Italy, pop in to see Aldo, they have a wicked workshop and you will enjoy their creations.

thruxton R alo3

Have a super weekend and let me know if I can help with any parts for your machines.

xmas banner




A new motorcycle brand springs from a computer

WHEN the covers come off the Vanguard Roadster at the New York Motorcycle show on December 9th the moment will mark the launch not only of a brawny new bike but also of a new brand with big ambitions. Vanguard is an audacious startup that reckons it can use the increasing digitisation of manufacturing to ride with the pack of long-established bike companies, such as Honda, Yamaha, Harley-Davidson, BMW and others, who are together set to sell some 500,000 motorcycles and scooters in America this year.


That might sound laughable. So far, Vanguard has built a grand total of one machine. At around $30,000, complete with a thumping 1.9 litre V-twin engine, it is priced at the premium end of the market (though well below the price of some superbikes, which can cost three times as much). But if Vanguard has its way, within a few years it will be selling several thousand motorcycles annually from a range of several different models.


What enables a startup to aim so high is the way digital technologies are lowering the cost of entry to manufacturing businesses that were once seen as the preserve of giants. That is especially so in the costly and long-drawn-out process of product development. From sketches, to clay models, component engineering and testing, it used to take a carmaker five years or more to bring a new vehicle to market. It is similarly slow going for bike manufacturers.


Some car makers can now do the job in just two, with the help of three-dimensional computer-aided design, engineering and simulation systems. In effect, the product—a car, motorcycle or even an aircraft—exists in a digital form where it can be sculpted and tested long before anything physical is built. It is also possible to simulate production methods.


This is the approach taken by Vanguard, which was set up in 2013 by Francois-Xavier Terny, a former management consultant, and Edward Jacobs, a motorcycle designer. Despite lacking the resources of the big producers—for now, the firm has just a handful of employees—it used software- in this case Solidworks from Dassault Systèmes.


A French company) to design a digital motorcycle before turning it into a real one. Such systems are benefiting from the falling price and increasing performance of computing power. “We now have the same level of design and engineering tools as the big boys, which would have been impossible ten years ago,” says Mr Terny.


The digital designs also make it easier for the company to gain access to global suppliers who will quote the best prices for parts they need. Design files can simply be e-mailed to a vast network of engineering firms that offer their services online.


Once road-testing and further development is complete, production of the Roadster is scheduled to begin at some point in 2018 at a refurbished industrial unit in the Brooklyn Navy Yard in New York, which is now home to a number of manufacturing companies. That is another feature of the way factories are quickly changing: with digital engineering, cheaper automation and new production techniques such as 3D printing, it may be possible to rev up inner-city manufacturing.












You read it right. Brough Superior is back. In Milan at the EICMA Show, Brough Superior unveiled a new SS100 high performance luxury motorcycle for year 2014. It’s a 1000 cc V-twin Sport Classic designed as a 90th anniversary of the most famous Brough Superior model in the company’s illustrious history, replete with technical innovations and high-tech components. The new SS100 will only be available in limited numbers and it precedes a range of exclusives motorcycles… The company executives stated that they want Brough Superior to become again the new reference in technology, performance and distinction.

Brough1Brough2Brough3You read it right. Brough Superior is back. In Milan at the EICMA Show, Brough Superior unveiled a new SS100 high performance luxury motorcycle for year 2014. It’s a 1000 cc V-twin Sport Classic designed as a 90th anniversary of the most famous Brough Superior model in the company’s illustrious history, replete with technical innovations and high-tech components. The new SS100 will only be available in limited numbers and it precedes a range of exclusives motorcycles… The company executives stated that they want Brough Superior to become again the new reference in technology, performance and distinction.

Brough5Brough6Brough Superior is a legend in the motorcycle world, known for the highest level of quality, innovation and design in its motorcycles. The new SS100 is coming out from the 20’s and 30’s -motorcycle golden age- taking for inspiration the outstanding design of George Brough that has passed over trends and years as a reference. The new SS100 keeps a minimalist simplicity, the typical round shape of the tank, the same front suspension system principle, the small diameter brakes discs, etc for an iconic neoclassical look.

Brough4Brough7Brough8 Brough9Brough10


The new SS100 is built around its specifically designed V-Twin engine whose engineering was created in collaboration with Boxer Design and Akira. Akira is a skilled company involved in engine design and development, dealing with the major manufacturers as well on racing engine development as well as mass production projects. It’s a 88° V-Twin of 997cc with cylinders integrated into a horizontal seal plan semi-dry motor casing. This motor is designed to provide great sensations through wide engine speed. As a bespoke engine it could provide from 100 to 140 hp depending on ECU settings following the customer request. More info to come. Stay tuned.


Brough12Brough11A Little Bit Of History.

Why Brough Superior bikes were called “The Rolls Royce Of Motorcycles”. It’s a motorcycle magazine road tester of one of Brough Superior first bikes who printed for the first time these words.

One day A Man from Rolls came calling, requiring Brough to cease and desist from infringing his company’s trademark, or there will be legal retribution. After an abortive attempt to talk his way out of trouble, Gorge Brough hit on the plan of showing his Rolls visitor around the small factory where by chance his hand-picked team of skilled artisans was preparing the bikes due to be displayed on the Brough Superior stand at the forthcoming Olympia Show in London. To prevent their fingerprints soiling the gleaming finish of these show bikes, the workers had donned white gloves, allowing Brough Superiror. to infer that this was the normal modus operandi for such a high-class motorcycle operation, well worthy of being likened to Rolls Royce.

The visitor, a high-up executive at Rolls-Royce – was so impressed that he gave Brough the explicit permission to continue using the slogan “The Rolls Royce Of Motorcycles.” And so the tag stuck.

– See more at: