Honda CB750K Gas Tank refurbish for 1976 SOHC HONDA K6

Well, I seem to be trying to do too many things in one go some days and must learn to relax and get to a slower pace and then get it all done. LOL!  Easy to say but they do say that integrity is the winning ingredient in the race for complacency , and to be honest, in my older age, I now seem to stop for a second and look back on things and try to dissect my days at the workshop and become more productive but in less hours, if that makes any sense, work smarter not harder my grumpy old man used to say.

So, I have been restoring an old 1976 CB750 Honda up in the barn, not to a show standard, just to be a nice clean daily rider, but sometimes things comes to a halt when I need to repaint the bodywork, but this time the formula works great and now have a superb Painter thn not only does a fantastic job, actually listens to what I want, then takes time to test colors and repaint if need be, until the job is how I want it to be.

Usually my artistic flair gets the better of me and I go into a winding road of turns, trying to get a super cool design that will wow many onlookers, but as this is for a bike that I really want to be head turning but in its stock factory livery, something that is super hard to do these days, but I am almost there with the bodywork for this Honda Four.

Now, I had a fella in Santa Ana that I have used many times in the past, and gave him my gas tank and covers, plus a few hundred bucks to help him with things and that was 6 months ago, he has buggered off and never responds to my plea, so Mister Police Officer will be collaring him soon with any luck.

I had to go on Ebay and pay an extortionate price for a fairly straight set of side covers and petrol tank off a K5/K6, it was labelled K5 but the Petcock was on the left side, making this a k6 model. Honda decided it was much safer to move the petcock to the left hand side of the motorcycle because that way if you run onto reserve whilst riding on the freeway etc, you do not have to take your hand off the throttle to turn the petcock onto the reserve position, thus being safer on the road and not slowing the bike down at all in that transition.

So, I asked my Painter if he could replicate the colors of Candy Antares Red, he said of course, then I enquired would it be necessary to purchase some reproduction decals, so he could add them then clear coat over the whole tank.  Of which he replied to me. “No, , as i can mask it and make the colors up in paint.  I was a little skeptical when he informed me that it wasn’t really a problem to attain the same effect with paint rather than a decal and he also said that the new decals will fade in time but the paint will hold true. So, I said I would trust him with that and said that as soon as the gas tank turns up from Ebay, I shall bring it over to him and see what he thinks about it.

My Painter has been spraying Motorcycles for many years and has high class clients, his time is not cheap but, he does amazing work and sometimes you just need to bite the proverbial bullet and go for it.

So, as you can see by the photo below, this was the fuel tank that I purchased off of Ebay, it does have a K5 note on it but it’s a K6 as you can tell by the petcock bung is on the left hand side, but i needed a tank that still had the old decals on the side so my Painter could measure them and reproduce them in paint, a tough task for many but not my guy.

It wasn’t perfect but it was a good candidate to the many I had seen on the net for sale, so this is what we started with,as you can see it is candy antares Red but it needs stripping completely so we can address any dings or scratches and then begin the preparation of this set up for my Big 4 Honda SOHC.

As you can see in the photo here, we have blocked the tank and made sure all is smooth and even, then Black base coat is added and it looks really good right now, the next job is to match the Gold for the design on the original decal, so this takes a little time to get right but with a lot of color test sprays we go it.

Aztec Gold is painted on the tank and this will really look nice when the clear is added later on in the process, but I am super happy with the progress and how clean everything is.

Here are the side covers, they were not in the best shape cosmetically but now bloc sanded and base coat added, these are almost ready to spray Gold, but they did need to be sanded quite a bit, and now looking good.

I am super glad the way that these came out and its all blended nicely, and when the Red is laid over these, they will give a fantastic Antares Red glow, something that I am looking forward too, this paint is top quality and will not fade in out Californian sunlight compared to many other brands I have tried over the 25 years.

I know that you will be thinking to yourself, this is too purple, but, this is not done yet and you will be super stoked at the look of this gas tank when its completed.

Just look at that, this is all paint and not decals, a lovely looking fuel tank for my K6 Honda CB750K model, this will be the Jewel on the crown when it’s all done and fitted.

The side covers came out really well and shall be fitting New Emblems to them later on in th week, but this is all worth the wait for me and super happy I went this route on the bodywork.

This still needs a buff but it looks fantastic in these new colors once more and once badges and lower tank trim are fitted it will look factory, I have always loved the K5 and K6 Antares Red.

So, there she is, stunning is all I can say, I have New Chrome Gas Cap and lock for it too, so this will be already to fit to my machine soon, and quite excited to get this on the bike, its the best parts when it all comes together as a cohesive piece.

All three sitting in the California Sun and I am taking it to my workshop where I shall put in the cupboard as I need to polish the valve cover this week, but then I can put this all on after.

This was a lot of work but completed in a timely manner, something that loads of painters I have used have always struggled with time management, but as he paints all the time for many Motorcycle and Custom cars, this was a fun job for him.


How much for a professional paint job like this?  Well, save your pennies as its $3500 but you can get a cheaper job and it wont last like this and I am more than happy with it, no runs, no curtains, no orange peel and, no decals to peel off.






Feeling Exhausted this month at Carpys Garage

I seem to always be burning that proverbial candle at both ends as of late, but, I do see some light at the end of the tunnel and have a few pokers in many fires right now, interesting times for sure, I am also working on a new website to make it less complicated and with so many hackers out there, I need to change things around a bit and its good to start a few new things from time to time.  I mean, 25 years is a long time doing anything, but I love what i do and continue to push the Motorcycle build and parts envelope when ever I can.

Once I have organized the Barn here at the Ranch, I shall be introducing some video’s of things that people have asked for and let you know what I have been up to with regular Vlogs etc, its a good platform to have these days and with all the Ai stuff flooding the market, its good to be updated with the latest software to help things along with E Commerce etc.

Just wanted to say hello and I shall be doing a few things to show what’s going on here in Southern California, new bikes to build for customers and my self and of course some New parts that I am working on for Motorcycles, Hot Rods and Vintage truck parts like my 1970 F250 Ranger that was featured in a Movie.

25 Years in Business- Time sure does fly by.

Where has the time gone? I mean, it seemed like only a couple of years that I took the big Silver bird across the Ocean to land in Southern California, but- There it is, a Milestone for me of course and a quarter of a Century has simply blown by, although I have accomplished many tasks over the year and now, I have my own Barn/workshop with no worries of Landlords breathing down your neck and building parts at my pace rather than other companies.

I love what I do and working at Home is something I have always enjoyed, I have plenty of projects to get on with, bikes to build and of course make parts and offer to you all around the globe, I am drawing up a few ideas’ as I celebrate Presidents day and am enjoying the sunny day here at the Barn in Southern California.

I will be designing some New exhaust systems, my old tube bender has retired but located a closer company that will help me with the mandrel bending to create more unique exhausts for many different models, its an exciting time here at the shop.

It certainly has been a tough year with the fires getting so close, the air had so much ash in it but now all seems to have settled down and I can spend more time in the Barn, as I need to concentrate on a few projects I need to finish and after all that can begin some new products that I have been quite excited about over the last 12 months.

So feel free to keep checking back or drop me a line at as I always reply and if you are in need of a quicker response, fee free to text me on 714-598-8392 and I will help you out.

Have a great presidents day and hope you have fun with your machine as much as I do?

Thanks and again and here is to another 25 years.


Well, 2025 is well and truly here.

Happy 2025 to everybody that I know and of course to all my customers that have purchased from me, I am so stoked that you love what I do, next month is my 25th year, so more things to come for the Motorcycle builder from me.

We have had pretty bad fires around here as you may have seen on the tv etc, my buddy lost his house and recording studio, its frightening what fire can do when there is high wind behind it, we have been clearing the yard as we have a lot of leaves here at the Ranch house, last weekend, Jenn and I bagged up 81 bags of leaves, so glad we got that done, have to watch out for Hot embers etc, but the winds have dies down now, although they say next Sunday the Santa Ana winds will pick up again and still a few weeks away until we get rain here.

So, at home I am working on the Barn as I have a few projects I need to get out of the way, I also have 2 Vintage yamaha Dirt bikes I need to get running, clean up and sell, a 1977 YZ250 and a 1978 YZ400, bit great machines, so hope to work on them next, fun machines that the Vintage Motocrosser will love, I have noth titles and original handbooks too, so I shall post these on the website when I have them running, of course, I will give them a bit of a blast down the road and clear them out, cant beat the smell of a 2 stroke.

We went to Anaheim 1 Supercross on the weekend and had a ball, the first race of the year is always good to go to and this year we had no rain, usually it rains hard this time of the year, hence the fires are so bad as we have had a dry run, but- it was good to get out and shoot down the road to watch some racing.

I love all Motorcycles and grew up with old dirt bikes, and love watching the new series as bikes are so fast these days, its a fun event and is nice to get out of the workshop and watch some bike racing.

So, what is to offer for the New year? I will be offering More parts for your two wheeled machines as well as some Original parts for the Restorer of their CB750 Honda in line fours.

I shall also try and build a machine that showcases my 25 years here in the great United States of America, cannot believe that a quarter of a century has flown by so fast, but it sure has, so hope to have a bike out later on in the year and offer it up for sale with all cool new parts and a few bells and whistles too.

I shall be making more exhausts and different styles with options of stainless steel, Ceramic coated or wrapped etc and dabbling into some other stuff too, so keep your eyes peeled on the website, the site was down for a bit to do maintenance over the Christmas holiday and back up again now, but am contemplating a new site as I have had this many years and need a freshen up.

Thank you all for all your orders and patience, I try and answer emails and texts as fast as I can and I am looking forward to more fun parts this year and offering you more cool designs and apparel too.

So, I had better get a few things cleaned up around the ranch house and Barn then get organised for a busy year of manufacturing and creating some fun 2 wheeled machines.  Keep building and riding Y’all.


Merry Christmas to ALL my Customers around the world

Well, the time has flown by this year, way to fast to be honest, but its here now and whilst I am still busy, i need to stop and charge my own batteries so I can be fully charged for 2025, I hope that you have enjoyed your Motorcycle this year, whether it was just riding or rebuilding, a feel of accomplishment is hard to beat when you hear that engine crackle into life from a long time in a cold corner some place.

So, I am enjoying some good festive food and of course give me some time to watch some you tube stuff and relax with Jennifer and the animals we have at the Ranch, and I wanted to thank you all for purchasing from me and I always appreciate the emails and phone calls that I receive.

So, I thought I would add a video of stuff that I like watching and am sure that you will enjoy too or may of already watched it yourselves, if you have then I will be adding more over this Festive season for you all to enjoy.


Wishing everybody a Very Merry Christmas and I am always here to help, either by phone, by email or even by text, coming up to 25 years in business and love every moment of it.

Count down to Turkey day!

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, but its a celebration that I enjoy food wise and of course, me originally being a Redcoat, people think it may bother me, but- if it wasn’t for that day- Oct 19th 1981, well I wouldn’t be here if my original country and planted the flag. So I celebrate Turkey day with open arms, I love the American flag, be it : The Stars and Stripes Old Glory The Star-Spangled Banner The Red, White and Blue I have it tattooed on my left elbow and the union Jack on the right, I guess you can call me an Anglo-American.

But, as it is almost upon us to share and eat the food that  Thanksgiving is based on, a harvest feast shared by the Wampanoag people and the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth in 1621. This event is known as the “First Thanksgiving”, though the term was not used at the time. It’s the most wonderful time of the year in the US – a time for food, family, friends, and being thankful for everything really.

As a kid I always wanted to be American, My Dad hated it and as I was into Rockabilly music, he used to say I looked like a Yank, I thanked him, much to his annoyance. I have a few special Turkey day sales on right now to say thank you to all my customers over the last 12 months and will be enjoying the Thursday gorging on all the lovely grub that my Girl will be cooking.

I am still trying to come to terms with the New website format, so forgive a few mistakes and placement of photos but just wanted to say that I hope that you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving and Thank you for choosing me for all your parts for your Motorcycle, it means so much.

Back online after some glitches but all good

Well, what a frustrating few days that I have encountered, modern technology is great, until it takes a spiralling fall into the abyss. I have been pretty good on my computer over the years, with no training as such, I just worked my way through any problems and if I was stuck, my web guru Christian Riggs, would help me out.

But, I had no idea that Google changed servers and the site went down, so no way of knowing how to get the site back online, my mate was such a brilliant help and its up but as its new software, the whole blog and typing format is nothing like I am used to, so forgive any mistakes as I am learning as I hen peck at this keyboard.

Things are busy here at the shop and I am trying to get a few more parts available over these next few weeks as it will not be long until the Festive season begins and I am as Busy as Santa trying to get all the presents out the door.

So, thanks for bearing with me over the last week as it was quite the trip getting everything back on line, but persistence paid off and we are all rolling along now, yeah, the rear brake may be binding a bit but I will smooth things out on the format here.

If you need any help with anything on my website or a problem with your Motorcycle etc, just drop me a line I am here to help, and have been for almost 25 years now.

1966 Honda CL77 Honda 305 FOR SALE only 972 Miles

Here we have the last of Honda’s 305 models, which began with the dry-sump CA76 in 1959, moving on to the wet-sump CA77 Dream in 1960, then the CB77 Super Hawk in ’61, and finally, the model we are dealing with here, the CL77 Honda.

I have had this in bits and pieces and a box of unmarked parts and thought that at least I will fit the motor and see how this old girl looks, I mean, she is now 58 years old and cool to see this in a rolling condition.  The motor turns over with lots of compression. The old guy I got it off a while ago now has had it from New and it has had many changes in color, the owner powder coated it this color for some reason but its a cool looking ride that can easily be finished off to whatever you want in your style.

I just have way too many bikes here at the Barn and with 15 more builds to try and complete, I think its time I offer this up to people for a great price of $800 !!!

Thats a great deal and has paper work and license plate etc the brakes work, new tires as well, a fun bike, even to park in a shop or on top of a table, as its a superb focal point.

Have a look and see what you think, I was contemplating just sticking it up on the wall but, I have so many things to do I think its a shame not to let this go and someone can easily finish this as all the parts are there.

I am in Southern California, so you would have to arrange shipping if you are out of state , but you get a lot of bike for that money and the original License plate too with original tags on it, very rare indeed, plus those exhausts are super hard to find these days too.

The motor was a very decent piece of work, the aluminum crankcase split horizontally so the oil contained had no way to leak. When Honda had originally developed the motor in the ’50s, the C75 being on the Japanese market in 1956, it had a dry sump, the oil in its own container, like the English bikes. But that soon changed to the wet-sump concept, requiring less plumbing—always a good idea.

The CL powerplant was very similar to the CB’s. The parallel twin’s 180-degree crankshaft had four bearings, a ball on the left end and three rollers, with needle bearings on the connecting rods. Keep them all lubricated and that crank could happily go 100,000 miles. The cylinder barrels were alloy, using cast iron liners and alloy heads, with two valves per cylinder. None of this pushrod nonsense, as a single overhead camshaft powered by a chain running between the two cylinders did all the work. With an externally adjustable tensioner. A pair of 26mm Keihin carbs, with excellent air cleaners, put the gas in the combustion chambers, to be compressed 9.5 times. Sparks were provided by an ignition system that employed an automatic advance mechanism, coming to full advance at some 3,300 rpm. Spin that baby to 9,000 rpm, and the better part of 28 horsepower could be found at the end of the crankshaft. A single-row primary chain ran the horses to a wet clutch, then through four gears, the main shaft running on pressure-fed ball bearings, and out on the right side to a final chain drive.

The CL frame was quite different from the CB’s. Since the Super Hawk was not expected to go bouncing over rocks and logs it had a tubular backbone frame running from steering head to swingarm pivot, with the engine actually suspended, having a short pair of arms connecting the cylinder heads with the frame. Honda techs, figuring the Scrambler might well get quite a number of hard knocks, created a loop frame, with a single front downtube splitting in two so as to cradle the engine and provide a place for a good skid plate. And also wiping out the electric starter, which had been just in front of the CB’s cylinders, but had to be removed to allow for the downtube. No worries, as it was an easy kick-starter—if the rider used the proper amount of choke.

The Scrambler had a curb weight of 337 pounds and a wheelbase of 52.4 inches. Suspension was average, with a booted telescopic fork at the front, preload-adjustable shock absorbers at the back. Travel was not even 4 inches, so the bounceability was limited. The wheels were 19 inchers, shod with what was then called “universal” tires, which were far happier on the road than struggling in loose terrain. Early models had a small drum brake with a double leading shoe on the front wheel, and equally small single leading shoe on the back. The brakes worked OK, but without the force of the Super Hawk’s, as the engineers seemed a mite concerned with a rider applying a bit too much pressure while on a dirt surface. They were enlarged on the later models.

The 40-tooth sprocket on the rear wheel meant high speed touring was certainly not this model’s forte. The silver-paint gas tank held a little less than 3 gallons, with knee grips; the side covers were color matched. Ivory-painted or chromed fenders showed off the painted frame, the latter in black, blue or red. The early version had a long, skinny, high-up dual-straight-pipe exhaust running out the left side, which could make a hellacious noise; soon the system had a small muffler at the far end.

One magazine called the CL77 a “gentleman’s Classic,” and a gentleman should not be found wallowing in deep mud or struggling in a sandy stretch. Leave the genuinely rough stuff to the ungentlemanly types. This is not to denigrate the bike, which was built not to win races but to appeal both to the sporting types and to those who might be interested in some minor off-pavement excursions. And it worked, selling quite well in the increasingly competitive marketplace.

But after the better part of 10 years with the 305, Honda thought it necessary to move on…with the even better 350 model.

As you can see, I have the Original License Plate and you can see the original tags when he had it in 1976, thats a rare plate for sure.

I also have the original registration paperwork as its still in the documents tube that was affixed to the plate, you can clearly see 1966 model on there.

Very unique to find these days and for 800 clams, that’s a steal for sure.


Also, this is the real mileage too, only ridden locally so no miles at all to be honest.

Engine number below for you to check if you so wish.

You can text or call me on : 714-598-8392 or email me at for more info or photos etc.

I’m always glad to help out and answer questions on any of my bikes or parts for that matter, been doing this job for almost 25 years here in Southern California.

A fun machine for somebody for not a lot of money, you could get a lot of money for the exhausts alone.

I shall add a few pictures so that way you get to see what this bike is all about and what you get for your hard earned loot.

Pass the word if you know anybody as with less than 1000 miles, this bike is a rare find and I know somebody will get many many miles of smiles on this set up.


Its Sunday but always something to work on

Here we are into the first week of October already, but the weather here in Southern California is not letting us experience Fall yet, it’s almost 100 today and that restricts the amount I can do outside or even in the barn, as its like an oven in there.

So, I thought whilst I take a cold drink and have the ceiling fan revving into the Red Zone, I would blog something here for you lot to read, as I get many emails informing me that they like the blogs etc.  So here goes.

Honda’s Brand new CGX150 is an air-cooled back-to-basics retro, based on the trusty CG125 machine.

I saw this in MCN and thought I would show it on my website as Id of loved this was I was a Teenager .

Words by By Ben Purvis

In an era that’s seen technology advancing at breakneck pace and even the cheapest of new bikes getting flat screen displays and phone connectivity, there’s something refreshing about a back-to-basics air-cooled single with no bells or whistles.

That’s exactly what’s expected from a new range of Honda CGX150 machines that’s due to be launched in China.


It is powered by an 11.8bhp air-cooled, two valve, 149cc single cylinder motor that is a direct descendant of the Original CG125 engine.

Revealed ahead of its official launch in a series of type-approval documents filed with Chinese authorities, the CGX150 will be offered in three distinct flavours: a café racer, a retro tourer and a basic roadster, all harking back to simpler times.

And while the 149cc capacity means the initial models are ill-suited to European markets with 125cc learner cut-offs, the engine is derived from the CG125 that helped whole generations of riders onto two wheels between 1975 and 2008.

A smaller 125cc version of the engine remains in production today, so building a Euro-suited 125cc version wouldn’t be a huge challenge if HONDA decided there was demand.

The new CGX150 will be made in a Wuyang-Honda partnership and is essentially a rose-tinted vision of what the CG125 might have become, retaining the old bike’s rugged simplicity but with a more modern chassis design, disc brakes and ABS.

In its simplest form the kerb weight, including fluids, is a meagre 125kg and even with only 11.8bhp it’s certified for a top speed of 61mph.

The café racer and Tourer versions both offer the same power and maximum speed, according to their type-approval documents, but differ in weight. The café racer seen in red, white and blue, with a retro humped seat cowl, red-painted frame and springs, bar-end mirrors gains 1kg for an all-in mass of just 126kg. All three versions use the same non-adjustable suspension and geometry, with a 1308mm wheelbase that gives them a slightly more grown-up shape than the original CG125, which had just 1200mm between the spindles.

Up in the Barn for a little bit.

Well, I got the old Cold Lurgy, messed me right up last week to be honest, very similar to Covid, but tested and said negative, but im a weak right now and hoping to get my strength back as I have loads to do, I am more than willing to get some hard graft some but with no energy in your body, its like trying to ride long distance on a Motorcycle but you are already on reserve.