Well, what a frustrating few days that I have encountered, modern technology is great, until it takes a spiralling fall into the abyss. I have been pretty good on my computer over the years, with no training as such, I just worked my way through any problems and if I was stuck, my web guru Christian Riggs, would help me out.
But, I had no idea that Google changed servers and the site went down, so no way of knowing how to get the site back online, my mate was such a brilliant help and its up but as its new software, the whole blog and typing format is nothing like I am used to, so forgive any mistakes as I am learning as I hen peck at this keyboard.

Things are busy here at the shop and I am trying to get a few more parts available over these next few weeks as it will not be long until the Festive season begins and I am as Busy as Santa trying to get all the presents out the door.

So, thanks for bearing with me over the last week as it was quite the trip getting everything back on line, but persistence paid off and we are all rolling along now, yeah, the rear brake may be binding a bit but I will smooth things out on the format here.

If you need any help with anything on my website or a problem with your Motorcycle etc, just drop me a line carpy@carpyscaferacers.com I am here to help, and have been for almost 25 years now.