Old bike of Mine.

Hey There Everyone

Well being Throw Back Thursday, here is a little CB750 I created some 7 years ago and still going strong today.


Fun machine with tons of power and the response was bang on, all I did was ride the heck out of it until such time it was to send to the New owner and that bike was just a blast to ride anywhere.


Just thought I would share today, have a great Thursday all as time always seems to go fast.


It is hard to write a blog everyday but I try as I know you lot like to see all sorts of things and the emails I receive, ask me to continue to post articles, photos and anything that I like to be honest.


Not sure who the Girl is, i think it is a friend of the owner of the BRG73.

cafe Racer motorcycle from CAFE RACER on Vimeo.

Kick Back Motorcycle show LONDON

One of the up and coming leaders in the European motorcycle shows these days is the Kick Back show in London, many builders come out to bring their best builds, many built at home in the shed.


Today, I wanted to share a few photos with you to let you see just a sprinkling of the creations that are around across the pond.


If you like motorcycles, then you will love this show as many styles and creations jump out at you, this show has a warm and friendly atmosphere and people from across Europe travel to see the bikes that are being displayed.


Many favorites of course but for me, this should be called Kick Arse!

What an awesome Triton, I’d love to hear this fire up, the Up-sweeps look great and so tightly fitted, great job.


This show seems to be taking a hold now and I am sure that the venue will just get more and more following in London and am so glad that so many shows have come up back home in the Smoke.


Cafe Racers, Brats, Bobbers, Choppers, Trackers and Customs are all sprinkled here at KickBack, hopefully one day I can revenuer back home and see them in real time.


Below, the Old Step through, many people had these back in the day, my brother has one and used it on the dirt roads as thats all we had when we were kids, so great to see these “old memory” Bikes making a come back.


Check out the Flying S Jap Suzuki- I had an AS 50 when I was 16.


So many cool builds and styles, something for everyone.


We have many shows here in the USA too and hope to feature them as and when they come up.


The choppers are always worth a look as none ever the same and I love the uniqueness of that.


This has had a lot of work to make it what it is and many just build these at home and as a hobby.


Above you can see that this FAT ATTACK Trumpy has had major surgery and the Brat/tracker look is really popular now and I would love to take this out.


I am sure that you will find a favorite here in these machines and I love the way the future of Motorcycle building is going.


I see many of these styles over here and I cant get enough of them, so continue wrenching everyone its a blast.


Not many specs that I can give as they didnt give any – But just enjoy the photos and hope that some of these bring a smile to your face today.


Beemers are very much sought after today and I can see more and more making the transformation from Stock to Custom and its good to see.


Two differently built machines but look great together, this is so much fun seeing so many cool machines being created.


Another Double Overhead Cam with old and New technology is something that always grabs my attention where ever I see one.kickback9 Above, I would so easily lose my license running around on this, it cry’s out to be ridden hard!


When I was 17 years old I had a GT500 and that thing would pull like a steam train, wish I had kept mine.


Cant stop loving the 70’s Muscles machines, unless you have ridden one of these, you cannot understand something called. “Power Band”.- But Look hard, what’s different about this Motor?


These Street trackers are popular now and I bet this is so much fun running around.


Great looking Sportster, I have an old 883 I shall play with later on.


Thanks for reading my Blog today, if you are in London in April this year, then Kick back is on again, make sure you can find time to check it out, if you do go, send us some photos, love to see it.




Just a few Video’s for your enjoyment today, have a great week.

Here is the 2015 Show Below.

And finally 2016 show, enjoy all my friends.

Just a little Nostalgia today

Friday already- where does time go? it is crazy how quick the minutes tick by and before you know it you are almost in your grave.

So today as i have a lot to do, I thought I would add a little video i took with my Phone one day at my old shop 5 years ago almost, sure had plenty of CB750 honda’s to work on.

Hope you enjoy this, and have a great Friday Y’All.

Next is about 6 or 7 Years ago so not good quilty as it was my phone but at least you can get an idea of what I did and still do, Motorcycles are MY Passion.

Peace and Grease

carpy wall


Just a chin wag whilst on my Motorcycle.


Seeing as it is now Feb 1st, I thought that I would try and start a little more blogging as I go along, not sure how they will come out but may be entertaining for you.

Trying some different media’s here as everybody seems to use their phone to talk, take photos and now live chat at times, so- to try these things out I have used my I-phone but its not the best- as my gyroscope is out of wack so sometimes the camera will jump, soon to get a new phone though.

This was about a month ago, may not be the best clarity on you tube but something to watch, as I  fitted New megaphones to the Triumph Scrambler and she sure did sound throaty when I took it out for a little spin.

scrambler siamese megaphones1

A great sounding bike now it breathes and I am contemplating purchasing a Scrambler for my own use as they are bags of fun to ride.