Wishing you ALL a Very Merry Christmas.

Well, here we are, on the Cusp of Christmas Day and most people locked away in their houses and told to stay there, so, with that in mind, I wanted to at least try and raise your Spirits by wishing you All a Merry Christmas and sure hope that the New year brings us a healthier one.  I want to thank you all for supporting me in this tough times and hoping that the positive side of this Pandemic is that you all got to spend some time in the Garage, Shed or back yard and wrenched on your projects to pass the time.

I too will be glad when we can wave goodbye to 2020, what a terrible year it has been, still some way to go until all of us can get out and meet but I hope that you have maybe come up with a cool creation to put together at your pad, to keep you busy and to show everyone your creative flair and aptitude.  Customizing Motorcycles will always be fun for me and I continue to do what I can to try and offer you all the quality parts that I manufacture and sell Globally.


Well, Have a great Christmas and if I can help, you can drop me an email at:  carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or a Text at 714-598-8392 Always try to help anyone out of a jam.

Using up old snotty parts

Well, it is still hot as hell here in southern California, and I have been flat out with work, so not too much time on the Blog side this time but always try to post something to show you guys n gals out there.

I have a few bits and bobs laying around in my storage, an old 5550 frame, some rims and a set of tires etc, I may build a little Brat bike to take out on the dry lake when the races are on- As that 550 Honda is a great size machine to blap around on and right now I just have a few parts, but will start to piece it together and see where I end up, it may be a forever buld, but hope to have it running and rideable at some point and see what route the style goes.

I used to have quite a stock pile of old parts back at the house and in storage, but things do slowly get used, but that does not mean I wont find more, as I always turn up stuff from time to time.

Be nice to have a few more old snotter laying about like a i used to and maybe a road trip for later on in the year to see what I can locate on one of our travels.


A New Era is now here but, we shall always be riding our Motorcycles, no matter what is thrown at us!

CORONA DIARIES 2020 from the  deep warm depths of La Mirada. California

August is now out the window, on its toes and halfway down the road, thanking god that his part of 2020 is now in the can and hopefully the next time August comes around, we might be able to life a more normal lifestyle.  I mean, the one we have now sucks like a new Dyson and I will be glad when we can count down the 2020 timer on December 31st approaching midnight.

Things here have been quite crazy work wise, as I have exhaust orders up the Ying Yang and many daily custom parts flying out as soon as I make them, which tells me that people are at home building and creating their own unique two wheeled machines and I am super stoked to see that you are putting all your frustrations and down time to great use and at the end of your build, you would of created your own transportation and can enjoy 2021 way better than this year.

So today i thought I would put some vidoes on my Blog to help your day and week for that fact, go by a little easier.

And for the next segment of two wheeled entertainment.
Life in the megalopolis can grind down even the most badass individual. When the city rubs Aki the wrong way one too many times, she hustles her way onto some sweet retro custom motorcycles and gets gone… Tokyo Gone.

Next up is the amazing Jody Millhouse of Thornton Hundred motorcycles, which is based in good old Blighty, over in Milton Keynes, home of the Concrete Cows.

Thornton Hundred Motorcycles work using the latest in CAD design and CAM manufacturing technology to create truly unique designs. They are constantly re-investing and with every success comes fresh investment into new products and manufacturing techniques. They are dedicated to creating a relaxed and personal buying experience from our workshop that is based just outside of Milton Keynes, near Junction 15 just off the M1. They are also committed to delivering exceptional customer service, responding to all enquiries in a timely manner, inside and outside of working hours.

Now, check out just one build of a Brand new 2020 Triumph Bobber, as Jody takes a new ride apart and transforms it into what I would call a “Fat Attack” and creates a beast of a machine that has Cad Custom parts, hand made stainless exhaust and Custom Lower trees, I loved the clip ons that use a snap ring, very Novel. May not be your Cup of Tea but wanted to share his video as he creates some awesome works of moving art. You will have to put up with the odd commercial in between the build but its worth the look at the quality that Jody is known for.

Sunday and plenty to do in the Garage

Hey you lot, hope things are OK with everyone?  And you are trying to get on with your Motorcycle Project in this Pandemic. I am still flat out playing catch up and thats a good thing to be busy.

With the weekend crashing by so fast, its hard to sometimes catch up on a daily Blog, but I try as I know many people read what I am up to etc and like to hear from readers of the things they are doing to their 2 wheeled machines in this strange times that we are in right now.

I have a multitude of things I have to try and get sorted, over 50 more exhausts to build, more Tee shirts to design and I have a 550 Honda to Rebuild Carbs, a Triumph Scrambler that needs a service and a bunch of Customer orders I need to pack and get ready to ship for tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be my 58th Birthday, hard to believe that I am approaching that bloody Golden age in 2 years, but I feel like I am in my 30’s and thats because I have a great girlfriend that helps me in what I do and achieve, and having a strong support system is paramount when it comes to a business.  And with Jennifer at my side, we can accomplish much more than if i was trying to do it all on my own. She rides her Own Motorcycle and I am so fortunate that she has the same passions and interest as I do, we make a great team.


Well, I am going to get a few things done but I was thinking of things I may like to do some day and I thought about Hill Climbing on two wheels, its a fantastic sport for spectators too, maybe one day I will have a go, id prefer a Vintage bike but hey if the opportunity arises, I’d give these bikes a shot. Have a great Sunday everyone.


Friday at last, the weekend begins

Its that time at last, Friday evening, its nice to know that the weekend is now here, I have many orders to try and get out the door and tomorrow I shall be up early so i can pack a bunch more orders to send to my Customers.  It’s my Birthday Monday and although i have to work, I am blessed to have another year of doing what I love and I shall be churning more parts out this week for sure.

Have a Great weekend all of you and hope you get some time to work on your steed or even get to ride it.

Corona Diaries- The year of the Mask

Well, here we are, the weekend is almost upon us, things are still bad when it comes to Covid-19, this is a crazy time for us all, but- We have to live life and try and work the best that we can with what we have these days, and I hear from many Customers of their way to get through some of the lockdown and boredom, by working on their own projects in their Garage, barn, Shed or back yard.

I must admit, working with a mask on is hard, but lucky for me, I dont have people coming to my workshop to ask about parts, most will call, text or email about the issues they have with their ride.

I sure hope we find an antidote for this as I do miss riding with people and having a chinwag in person about pretty much anything two wheel related these days, but I shall continue to write a few blogs as I go along in life and share what I get up to in the garage.

I receive many orders in the day time and night, I think people sometimes believe that I work 24-7, and if I could, then I would, but I need my rest too, but, I do try my best at getting your parts to you as fast as I can but- due to this Virus, many places that I use are either closed or part time, so that holds me up in ceramic coating or steel supply etc.

So, if you can bare with me until this gets a little more manageable, I will en-devour to get your parts out of the door in a somewhat timely manner.

Be safe out there and hopefully we can get this Virus beat and all go riding like we love to, so- stay safe, stay positive and stay in the garage Wrenching.

Thank you so much for supporting me in this tough times we are experiencing in life.

Peace and Grease




Balancing on Craziness !

hey you lot, I am super busy trying to Balance all the work thats come in and it is no easy thing but- I wanted to show you this amazing video of a Trials rider ing balance, not much more to say but I am in awe of this.

Thanks again for all sticking with me, I am getting parts out as fast as I possibly can.

My Old Thruxton was a Fun Machine

Having a day to remember this afternoon, remembering my 2013 Triumph Thruxton that I bought as stock as the Proverbial Rock in Brea and then set about changing a few things as I went along and get it to the style and menacing Gnarly Growl of the mufflers as I hit the apex of a curve somewhere in Southern California. Below, even after a couple of weeks of owning this Thruxton, I hadmade some Monarch Megaphons out of stainless steel and changed the Shocks to a set of TEC piggy backs.

Although the stock Thruxton is so much fun to ride, I just cannot leave stuff alone, I have always tinkered with anything I have owned to try and make it look different and this Thruxton was going to get some sort of make over, but, I didnt want it off the road for long as I use it all the time. Thus a long timed transformation begun and boy what a Fun time I had with this little 900 machine.

Well, by the time came for me to enter the DGR, the bikes Livery had already changed and many modifications had gone by, but this was a great look that I came up with that reminded me of the old JPS formula 1 days and I rode the heck out of the twinline in this guise.

Now this was still ongoing and was not happy until I had changed a few more things but, I still kept this girl on the road, she loved to be ridden and ridden hard, and I got all the moneys worth out of this Thruxton and it was just a fun motorcycle to jump on and go.

I rode this machine in all sorts of conditions and Triumph did a superb job designing this 900 engine as it took what ever I threw at it and more.

It would be nice to keep every bike you owned but I am no Jay Leno, but at least I have some photos that I took to remember some of the fun machines I was lucky enough to own and ride a lot.

I have ridden this to many places and in the Boiling Sun or pouring Rain, the bike only ever failed a couple of times and that was a Puncture and a set of Blown Shocks, other than that, this just ran and ran.

Many a time I took the back Canyon twisty roads out to the Chino Air Museum, as I love ww2 Aircraft, its always fun riding out here and gets the cobwebs of the week blown cleanly out as you hit the curves on Carbon Canyon Road.

But a fun machine and something i wanted to share with you lot today as I sit at home ans catch up on orders for people bikes that they are completing in this Pandemic time we are all in.

I made a rear Cowl from Aluminum and set a Lincoln Zephyr style tear drop LED tail Light in the back, as this Cowl would also store my gloves, Goggles and documents inside.

I loved this set up and was finally happy at the final guise, it did turn many heads I must admit and never got pulled by Mr Plod either funnily enough.

This time Soft Tanned and aged leather was used with 2 inches of High Density Memory Foam to make sure my Arse did not get numb on our long rides that Jennifer and I took.

This bike sat well now, big 5.5 rear tire made sure that this stuck to the tarmac and a set of Berringer brakes up front on a wave rotor made sure I stopped in time.

The Full Stainless Steel Italian Zards Barked well and I wrapped the front in Space EX sleeves that kept my legs from burning and it really worked well to be honest.

I needed that Fog light on many occasions and it gave my Trumpy that European look, I sell the fog light kit still today to people all over the globe, as well as the headlight with internal LED signals, I hand made the fender from an old BSA model.

Another one of My Products that I designed and manufactured, was the Knuckle Duster Heel guard, I had sold many of these and they really do add some cool detail to the bike, many of which people forget about. I also drilled and welded tubes in the swing arm and chromed for that Custom look.

This was a nice ride height for me and took some time to dial in to how I wanted it but now in this guise it would whip into the corners like a Go kart.

I hoped you liked a little insight into my Triumph Thruxton EFi 900 Cafe Racer machine? I sure had a Blast getting this to how it is now.

Hope that you lot get some time in the saddle this Summer and enjoy what we are so lucky to have and share the commeraderie of the road with other like minded people.

Sure be nice to see some of you when we are out on our travels, we have made so many friends in this industry and always glad to meet other enthusiasts such as your selves.

It is always good to get out and when I get back, my mind is clear and I am ready to design and make new parts once again, this has been a fun 20 years doing what I do.

If there is anything I can do to help you along with your machine, just drop us a line at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or text on 714-598-8392 as I am here to help.

Thanks for reading my Blog today, its fun to do, takes a bit of time but always worth it if I cheer your day up a little bit.

Peace N Grease to Each and Every one of You!






Always here to help if you get stuck on a project at home.

Well, with all this lock down around the globe, people are getting bored, but- on a good note, people are getting into their long term projects and want to finish it in this time that we all have at the moment, so as of late, I have been running around like a headless chicken . Trying to fill orders, answer emails and texts as well as phone orders and questions, and try and build a bike and design parts, its all going a wee but mad but, I continue to push hard and try and come up with new parts etc.

I am going to be making braided oil Lines for the 77 and 78 CB750 as they are  longer than the other models , so in a few days you can look out for them and maybe help me and pass the word that more products will be coming out of the shop soon.

Once all this pandemic settles down and we are all healthy and back on track with life, I shall shall continue to make parts for Motorcycle and Hot Rods and some other services I may be offering too, so keep checking back on the blogs at least, as I try to be your one stop shop, many follow but I really have a passion for this and I push hard every day in what I do and hope that you like what I am making these days for your machine.


I am hoping to be manufacturing more exhaust systems and may delve into a few more Models too, as I seem to be getting quite a few inquiries into other Honda’s and system styles, so there is something I am now looking in to and will of course share any news as and when I am ready to share with you lot.

I love all sorts of machines, this was My Ducati that i should of kept, boy what a fun toy that was to blap around the twisties here in California.

If you need anything, just drop me a line at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com and I will do my hardest to help out or even just advise, thats what I am here for and maybe steer you in the right direction if you get a little of course in your build etc.

The main thing is to have fun, we have all been there at times of the crossroads, just as you think you are making headway, there is always a fork in the road, or an obstacle that you do not think you will be able to get around, so just drop me a line, call or even Text me, and I will be here to try and help you out of your dilemma. 714-598-8392




Sunday and I am busy in garage

Well, no day of rest for me today as many people need parts for their rides, so I have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends, as I know what its like when you start on a project, you want to try and get as much completed as possible whilst you are still all fired up about the idea right?

So today not much of a Blog but a little tv show I was featured that you may or may not have seen, just thought I would share it.

Right, I got to get back into it as I am making Kick stands this afternoon.