Well, 2025 is well and truly here.

Happy 2025 to everybody that I know and of course to all my customers that have purchased from me, I am so stoked that you love what I do, next month is my 25th year, so more things to come for the Motorcycle builder from me.

We have had pretty bad fires around here as you may have seen on the tv etc, my buddy lost his house and recording studio, its frightening what fire can do when there is high wind behind it, we have been clearing the yard as we have a lot of leaves here at the Ranch house, last weekend, Jenn and I bagged up 81 bags of leaves, so glad we got that done, have to watch out for Hot embers etc, but the winds have dies down now, although they say next Sunday the Santa Ana winds will pick up again and still a few weeks away until we get rain here.

So, at home I am working on the Barn as I have a few projects I need to get out of the way, I also have 2 Vintage yamaha Dirt bikes I need to get running, clean up and sell, a 1977 YZ250 and a 1978 YZ400, bit great machines, so hope to work on them next, fun machines that the Vintage Motocrosser will love, I have noth titles and original handbooks too, so I shall post these on the website when I have them running, of course, I will give them a bit of a blast down the road and clear them out, cant beat the smell of a 2 stroke.

We went to Anaheim 1 Supercross on the weekend and had a ball, the first race of the year is always good to go to and this year we had no rain, usually it rains hard this time of the year, hence the fires are so bad as we have had a dry run, but- it was good to get out and shoot down the road to watch some racing.

I love all Motorcycles and grew up with old dirt bikes, and love watching the new series as bikes are so fast these days, its a fun event and is nice to get out of the workshop and watch some bike racing.

So, what is to offer for the New year? I will be offering More parts for your two wheeled machines as well as some Original parts for the Restorer of their CB750 Honda in line fours.

I shall also try and build a machine that showcases my 25 years here in the great United States of America, cannot believe that a quarter of a century has flown by so fast, but it sure has, so hope to have a bike out later on in the year and offer it up for sale with all cool new parts and a few bells and whistles too.

I shall be making more exhausts and different styles with options of stainless steel, Ceramic coated or wrapped etc and dabbling into some other stuff too, so keep your eyes peeled on the website, the site was down for a bit to do maintenance over the Christmas holiday and back up again now, but am contemplating a new site as I have had this many years and need a freshen up.

Thank you all for all your orders and patience, I try and answer emails and texts as fast as I can and I am looking forward to more fun parts this year and offering you more cool designs and apparel too.

So, I had better get a few things cleaned up around the ranch house and Barn then get organised for a busy year of manufacturing and creating some fun 2 wheeled machines.  Keep building and riding Y’all.


Summer is here and time to get back on 2 wheels

We are so lucky here in Southern California, we are blessed with Sunny days most of the year round, albeit the price we pay is we get Earthquakes and we got a couple of big buggers on July 4th and 5th, with a few aftershocks on their way.

But other than that, we are fortunate to have year round riding weather, but thats not the case for most of the other parts of the USA and the world etc, especially places like Canada etr.  They have a very short riding season and its this time of year that many riders are slinging their legs over the two wheeled creations and pounding the tarmac.

If you need parts, well I am here for you all, as well as any enquiries as to how to hopefully come up with an answer to a frustrating system on the bike, maybe Carburettor issue ? Bad coils? or what oil and plugs do you recommend etc.


My job is to help you get your machione on the road for the first time or, for the millionth time again, its all good and this really is the best time of year for the two wheeled industry.

I love what I do and if I can help you get you back on the road, then I am a happy Bloke, I can help you with many parts, I have been doing these cool Vintage Stke Tuck n Roll seat assemblys for the K series Honda’s for many years and they turn our great, fit well and are comfortable, but more than anything, made by me right here in California USA!

So, have a great Tuesday and if you need help you can email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or even Text me on the same number for a faster response. I ship out the same day if I have the part in stock too.

I make parts for Triumphs too, so stay tuned to the website if you have a Twinline Motorcycle and need help with that as well, this seat style I make for the HONDA and the TRIUMPH and was the first to do this style many years ago and continue to push the enevelope in making new parts for the bikes out there .

Thanks for reading my Blog today, I try and keep you up to date with whats going on, if you have a 350 to a 1000 I can usually accomidate you and get you back on the road fast, but i also have a passion for Motorcycles, been into these bkes for decades and thats where I get a lot of experience from as I have ridden them for so long.

Have a fun Tuesday and hopefully you get some time to wrench or ride on your favorite machine out there.


8000 Classic rides sitting there for you to take home.

Just scroll past these crap banners as i cant get rid of them.







Well, here is the holy grail of cool old snot and rust to spend the day rummaging around in, I would love to dig around here for a few days to be honest.
I spent over an hour adding photos from around the internet but- I am pooped, so this is enough for you lot to get ya heads round, enjoy.

There’s probably not one of us reading this who hasn’t at one point dreamed (or still does dream) about owning a salvage yard. The possibilities for vehicular mayhem and resurrection are just about endless, and you’d have plenty of places to stash your project cars under the guise of a legitimate business. Unfortunately, not too many salvage yards left have much old stuff, but L&L Classic Auto in Wendell, Idaho, does, and the owner is retiring and putting up the business and all of its 80-acre inventory for sale. From the seller’s description:

80 Acre Auto Salvage in Idaho. The largest in the North West, with an inventory of over 8,000 cars. The owner is ready to retire. Built from the ground up, this yard is one of, if not the oldest, largest continually operated yard. It is a piece of American history. Mostly domestic vehicles with a sprinkle of others. Located in Wendell, Idaho, there is plenty of room for expansion. Give us a call; we would love to tell you more. Or better yet, come view it for yourself. 2 miles north of Wendell, it is located on a main highway and only 3 miles off of the freeway. We sell cars and parts all over the world. Probably only 75 percent of this yard is actually inventoried, since it was started in the 60′s. This place needs an energetic car lover that could update the inventory and incorporate a website to capitalize on global sells. Someone who wants to save history, not crush it!



  • The majority of our inventory is heavy with 50s-70s parts. Many of our parts were removed when these cars were only 5-10 years old andd safely stored away.
1912-1931 Ford cars
Some T parts teens-20s, fair to good selection of parts for all As including drivetrain and sheetmetal
1932-1948 Fo

rd cars

1949-1954 Ford cars
Torino- Rancharo
Falcon- Maverick
1949-1959 Mercury cars
Our Ford parts inventory is very large. The Ford sections cover approx. 60 acres. Lots of pre WW2 parts including rebuildable flatheads and flathead parts. Good selection of model A and T parts. We have a heavy selection of post war Ford and Mercury parts and very good coverage through the 70s models. Very good selection of Y and FE block parts. Good selection of 50s-70s Mercury and Lincoln parts including rebuildable engines, transmissions ect. and sheetmetal. Good stainless and trim selection for all models. Our Thunderbird inventory starts with several 1958 model parts cars and we have good coverage through the late 70s. We have always been into Mustangs and still have a large inventory of parts cars, lots of cars through 70 and fair coverage through the 80s. Good sheetmetal, trim, engines ect. Fairlane,Comet, Torino, Cougar owners are not left out either, we have lots of parts for all of them. Our Ford truck section is HUGE and we have a very good selection of parts for all years through the 80s.  We also have a large selection of NOS Ford parts purchased from old dealership inventories, these parts range from 50’s-70s and include sheet metal, trim,moldings and drivetrain parts.  Feel free to email us for specific parts requests of go to our parts inquiry form and we will contact you with pricing,shipping ect. Or call the parts counter (208)536-6607
1946-1948 Chrysler cars