Wednesday already, time does fly when you are your own Boss!

Another day at the shop and time does indeed fly, so I will try and take some photos of whats going on and share it with you on a blog as many people email me to say that they follow our day t day rant and am glad some of you dig it.

How long have I been into these machines?  well I guess as long as kids back home used to try and smoke a fag!   oops – Cigarette to you lot’


I am going to be fitting my New 4 into 2 exhaust system on my alloy bike and then take a few shots and video of that machine, that way you can see and hear the tone of these megaphones, but will be a few weeks as yet but stay tuned on that.




I hope you enjoy what we do here and I hope to try and Blog a little more once I get the shop t how I want it, since the move it has slowly taken shape but time and money both prevail, but I have some cool idea’s in the making so stick with us as we want to be your one stop shop.




WW2 Seafire Fighter plane fully restored

Well, I wanted to post this on my blog today, to restore a plane is something else, to restore a war bird is another thing and to have it flown is mind blowing. This is an original WW2 seafire that we used for the Navy in Britain and for the American troops to fly off aircraft carriers. An awesome restoration, the hours it must of taken to get this right, he even made sure all the cannons were fited and function,attention to detail is just mind blowing and the ONLY one in the globe flying.
Sit back and watch this cool and unusual war bird make history, one mans dream did turn into reality.
if I had a hat on this morning I would take it off and tip it towards you mate. Brilliant Job.





OK, people ask me what helmets do I like, there are many I do like and am a distributor for, but the Torc helmet is great value for money and looks like an expensive helmet that stands out in the crowd, and especially when it is the Route 66 Series T-50 models that have more flake than a East coast City in Winter.

Take a good look at this RED SUPER FLAKE MODEL, this is a size LARGE and boy does it look sharp. And if you have 80 Bones in your pocket, well, what a great deal to purchase something that looks like a more expensive unit out there.

The quilted Suede Diamond stitched lining is not just comfortable, but is removable, and that’s an awesome feature to have with a skid lid as we all sweat through our noggins.

So, if you have a size Large melon, then this is for you, with its Deep Candy Ruby Red Flake paint, this will get you noticed and boy is it affordable though us.



Just have a look and see if this is for you, as we shall have other sizes in and colors, as well as more models too.




We want to try and make these as cost effective for you as possible, sure we want to make money but if i can keep these as cheap as possible you will come back on occasion when you need stuff as well as tell your friends about us.


So take your time and if you need any help, just drop us a dime at 714-996-4597 or you can always sling us an email at where we are more than willing to reply and give you as much help and advise as we can.



Thanks for looking on here, check our other pages as we shall be adding every day, it takes me time but I think you will like what we have to offer here.


Peace and Grease as Always.




Some video’s for you to view at your leisure- Happy Monday.

Happy Monday- yeah, it soon gets here doesnt it? Well I thought I would ease you into your Monday, by adding some cool old video’s, then at your own time and pace, you can view them and see what you think.
the one below is typical old English styled Home movie type episodes, I remember wheh I used to go to saturday Morning Pictures as a kid, they would show these before the big movie came on, I have to laugh at the music, Motorcycles and a orchestra just dont seem to mesh eh?
So below, enjoy.

Next up, people ask me all the time about the History of the Cafe Racer, to be honest, there are many stories, and i have heard from old fella’s that raced from Cafe to cafe as early as the 1940’s in London but in the 50’s and 1960’s most cafeteria’s or milk Bar’s. all had a juke box, you would select a record, jump on your bike and race against others to see who can get back first and of course, before the record ends.
To even to get back first is some feat, but to beat the record playing, well you must of hit the magic TON (100 MPH ) and that too is some feat back in the day.

Now, a movie that hit the big screen in 1964 was called the leather Boys, here is a bunch of clips from the movie to give you something to watch today, may not be your cup of tea but this was one of the cafe movies to watch if you were into motorcycles back in the day, I must of seen this 100 times.

OK, now to cross the waters from back home in the UK, we shall now buzz over to the land of the rising Sun, and the Cafe Racer scene has been followed for many moon’s and wanted to show this documentary of the cool rides out there in Japan.

We get many emails asking about the motorcycles, the clothing, the apparel, the lifestyle etc, and we try our best to help accomodate every queston, and the reason that I type out blogs is that some of the things I am into, many of you are too. As well as being informative, I believe that the Motorcycle lifestyle that we are into is almost family like, you lot are friends of mine and people that I genuingly believe to be a big part of the motorcycle fraternity of Cafe Racers.
This year I shall try to do a little more and if I get the New Royal Enfield this year, have a few rides for charity etc, I would also like to maybe at some point, build a give away bike and the money used for that can go to a charity, as I like to help where ever I can and promoting the fun of motorcycling is something that I have always held close to my heart.
Being a leo, I am a giver, I will walk the extra mile and I do cross the T’s and dot the I’s when it comes down the completness in things.

Many people I have spoken too, really are having fun with motorcycles, people now have a healthy hobby that creates more froends and a closer relationship with kin, and thats a good thing.
I have also seen a lot of Father and son builds and that really is something that turns my dial,but the cherry on the cake for me is seeing how many Gorls are now riding and even building their very own machines, this is something I have always wanted to see more of and is now coming to fruition.

Japanese bikes, especially Honda, are still affordable and the good thing with these Rising Sun machines is that the Honda Motor compant envisioned servicing for many moons, so made more parts for every model, I mean how about this, you can still buy points, cam chains, pistons gaskets etc for a 40 year old motorcycle. Something that still amazes me to this day but is such a great feel of releif when I hear them say ” yes, we have that in stock”!

I am now going to try and make more exhaust systems for all rides and I now will be selling 4 into 1 for sohc, dohc and now the CB400-4 and Cb350-4, so keep checking our website for the parts pages as we try and add all the time.

Other things is that I hope to offer more helmets to people, some will be one offs that I paint and I am sure that you will enjoy tthe style etc.
I am also offering more tee shirts as i have a brand new design coming out that needed to be done.
Here at Carpys Cafe Racers, I hope to make more seats, some different handlebars, more head lights and even going to start my own artwork again, as i like to still draw from time to time.

Hopefully I can make some shows over 2014 and want to come down to Florida to see Jason and the boys at Dime City etc as we have all become good mates in this fun adventure of motorcycle design and creativity.

The shop will have a few more changes too, as I am trying to make it more workable for me and some other cool things in the planning as I hope to build or buy a 1929 Ford roadster as i had one before but had to sell it when all my mates moved out to go their seperate ways and I love Hot rods, the whole Nostalgia thing is what I and many are all about.

We have also just bought a New Miller tig welder and that means I can start to design a few more parts and get some cool things flowing from my brain to the table, the designing is what I love and hope to continue with.
I want to make it to more shows and get to meet more customers as I speak or email so many, it is nice to put the face to the name, and I really look forward to that this year. If any of you are or will be coming to California, how about dropping by to say hello? We are always pleased to meet you and hear how your builds are going, as we get people pop in from all over the globe as we are quite close to Disneyland.

I shall be treating my Alloy Bike to a New set of our 4 into 2 exhaust systems and I think my ones will be Stainless steel to match all the shiney stuff on that Classic Cafe Racer Motorcycle and then take some video of me riding the bike so you can hear and see how the bike is no matter where you are around the globe.

Royal Enfield “Ace Cafe to Madras Cafe” from Paul Minor on Vimeo.

4 into 2 Dunstall style Exhaust for S.O.H.C. Now Available $499

What a Great start to the New year and here is our Latest Product from us at the shop.

Here we are with my New 4 into 2 exhaust systems, they are now ready to be Double Nickel plated and then they can be shipped off to anyone that has a 1969-1978 CB750 HONDA.   That’s the S.O.H.C. Machine


These are a great exhaust and I shall be adding more photos as I go along, I shall also be fitting a set to my very own Cafe Racer machine so you can see and hear them as i fire it up and ride her around.  We are very excited about our New product as the Mac style are OK but have no thickness and sound too quiet.


So many people asked me about this set up and I hope you like what we have done here as it took quite some time, once these are Nickel plated they can be shipped and that will be next week for sure, so place your orders as I only have 12 sets right now.


Have a look, you will see that these are all hand bent and welded, these take time to make but thats how they did it back in the day and that is how I want them on my bikes and thought that you lot would also like them.

These will look in the same style as the Paul  Dunstall pipes of the day and am sure that you will like the way these sweep upwards too.

Sturdy and hug the frame well, these also have a Brazed captive nut so if you want to mount your own bracket to where ever you can, it is there for your disposle.


Once these are Nickel plated, these will shine and look just like they were originals from back in the day, we looked long and hard at designing these ans fitted this system a dozen times until i liked the bends and the sweep etc and I am now pleased to say that this is how I envisioned these to look like.

Have a look and see what you think, by next week I will have these Nickel plated and they will look great, but wanted to get these on the website for the New year and I have now managed that. I fitted these but painted this Black so you can see how they look a different color but this also is fitted to a 1977 CB750K and it fitted very well.

These are $499 a set and come complete with Nickel coating and the baffles as well, these will really set your machine off and we are proud to have these for sale to you.

Finally these are ready and I am happy to offer them to you, and yes of course we ship all over the globe too as we make all the other exhausts from cb350 up to the dohc 750, so keep checking our product lines as we are going to be making other systems too.


These Exhaust systems are ideal for you if you are building that Cafe Racer, Brat or Custom machine, or – just want to take your old rusty stock pipes off and have some exhaust that scream the style of the race track days of the mid 1970’s, and we tried hard to get these to look the part.

Please let us know if you want any more photos etc and we shall do our very best to answer all your questions.  I am sure that you are curious now and as I said we only have 12 sets of these right now, we shall be manufacturing some more but have many other systems we are working on right now, including Royal Enfield too.

So- have a good look and remember, these are raw steel, 049 wall from cold rolled, but we shall be Nickel plating them to give it that Vintage look.  These sit very well and give the Motorcycle a Racing look right out of the box.

We just painted these Black, so you could see them as a different color and they look pretty cool like that as well.


Also these are removable baffles too, look how thick the Aluminum end cap is. These are first class and you will see how well the systems are made when you unwrap them.

Shipping is about $45 to NY and FL and a wee bit cheaper the closer you are to us as we ship via FED EX.








I wish you all a very happy 2014 and hope it brings you all great health and wealth.



We really appreciate all your orders, visits and emails, as well as the thousands of phone calls that we had last year, with out you I could not do what I love, so thanks so much for making my 2013 a fun one and look forward to more things going on in 2014.

Been so much fun meeting new customers and making friends all over the world- I cannot thank you enough for all your support for last year.

Next year is going to be Fun,Fun Fun!