Happy 4th Of July everyone

I love having this day off, gives me time to reflect how lucky I am to live in such a great country, I have always loved living here and especially here in Southern California where the weather stays pretty constant and ideal for taking your motorcycle out and about.

I have much to catch up on and as my girl is heading back from the East coast, it will give me some time to try and sort the workshop out a little as I have way too many bikes in there that need attention, I dragged a few out of gardens and the K6 that I am working on never ran since the 80’s. I was just going to see if there was a chance I could get it running, but it has turned into a project that I should of left alone. But you know how that goes, when you think to yourself that you will just clean this up, change that etc, well I have done so much I should of ripped it down the frame and started fresh. But it should look nice when done and out of the way to give me a little room to start on another one.

The rear wheel I just could not clean up, due to the rust that had accumulated from sitting in a back yard with sprinklers that went off twice a day for years, so I had to pull the rim apart and located a new old stock 18 inch rear rim and purchased new spokes. Polished the hub and fitted new bearings.

Next up was the beaten up rear sprocket carrier, its seen better days but do not have a spare, I have a 78 one but the offset is different, so I will try and clean this up as best I can using my little buffer wheel and some compound, but it wont be too show polish as I am getting too pernickety with this and really just need to get it running well and of course riding well.

As you can see, the poor sprocket carrier has seen better days, bearing is fine and will repack with grease but need to clean it up a little before I attach that to the hub and then the sprocket as well as the Guard, but that is at the chrome shop as I am waiting on that.

Still a little more to do before I am happy with it but at least this is getting back together and I am now waiting on the rear swing arm I took out as I have sent that off to get powder coated as that too was rusty and needed attention from sitting for so many years. But will keep you updated as and when I work on this old girl, it will be fun to ride with all new parts and will be dead stock, I now have Brand New 4 into 4 exhausts for it that I purchased in Japan, so this will look pretty cool once done. I will ride it a little then offer it up for sale.

Have a great day and hope you enjoy what ever you are up to in the world, I thank you for all your orders too and if I can help just drop me a line. carpy@carpyscaferacers.com





The Rocket Four Motorcycle I built out of a non running CB750 Four Honda back in 2007

Time does indeed scream by at a pace that I really cannot fathom these days, but I am glad there are such things as you Tube etc that keep videos that I posted all them years ago.

Here is the “Rocket Four” Bike that I created out of an old non running inline four, I love these 500 pounders and this was a great build that none were around at all when I did this, so it stood out, I have no clue where the bike is now but hope they had fun with it?

Fun days and The seat I made for this bike came on to be a best seller for me, sending over 500 of these Rocket Four seats all over the globe, quite proud of that to be honest.

Steve McQueen’s 1969 “Sandcast” CB750 Honda SOHC up for Grabs

This is a rare “Sandcast” 1969 Honda CB750 “Sandcast” that’s historically significant for two reasons, firstly it was the world’s first “superbike” and secondly it was bought new by Steve McQueen through his production company Solar Productions.

For those who may not know about this 500 pounds of Iconic Motorcycling Mastery, here is a small run down of the inline four Japanese History.

Having captured five consecutive championship titles in the historic 1966 World Grand Prix Road Racing Series, Honda decided to withdraw from the World GP circuit beginning the very next season. Upon that announcement, the company turned toward its primary target; the development of high-performance consumer machines. Thus it would achieve through the application of technology obtained in road racing.

Honda was in those days exporting more than half of its Japanese-made motorcycles. The company, however, did not offer large-displacement sports bikes, even though they were in great demand in developed countries such as the U.S. Moreover, sales of Honda motorcycles in America had begun to drop in 1966. Accordingly, American Honda had been asking for the development of new products.

The Dream CB450 was released in 1965 as a high-performance bike. Featuring a two-cylinder DOHC engine, it had been created at the request of American Honda, which wanted a higher-class version of its predecessor, the 305 cc CB77. Yoshiro Harada, who was in charge of the development project, reflected on the product’s history.

“In 1960,” he recalled, “the U.S. market for large motorcycles was approximately 60,000 units annually. Of these, most were imports from British makers. The Japanese market was comparatively much smaller, with monthly sales of several hundred units. But through our understanding of the situation we decided to develop a 450-cc bike, specifically a mass-production model, that could be sold in the U.S. as well as Japan.”

The CB450 sold relatively well, but it did not win acceptance as a major product. The majority of American riders, it seemed, did not judge motorcycles simply by how fast they could go. They also wanted responsive torque performance so that they could get the power they needed without downshifting. For many local riders, motorcycles represented a means of recreation and relaxation rather than rocket-sled performance.

Harada visited the U.S. around the summer of 1967 to observe the CB450’s impact in local markets. He even went so far as to detail the machine’s superior performance to the staff at American Honda, telling them it was even better than the 650 cc models by Norton and Triumph. However, they did not see the point in riding a 450 cc bike. Instead, they simply held to the belief that “bigger was better.”

The 650 cc displacement size was the largest to be found in Japan, yet these bikes accounted for only a few percentage points in the overall market. Harada therefore decided to develop a bigger model, as an obvious nod to the U.S. market. However, the request given by American Honda, ‘”the bigger the better,” seemed quite vague to him. Based on that advice alone, it would be difficult for Harada to determine the right displacement.

It was then that Harada learned from a reliable source that Britain’s Triumph was developing a high-performance model with a 3-cylinder 750 cc engine. This bit of news determined the engine specification. By October 1967, the outline for Honda’s new larger cc model had been defined: it would be driven by a 750 cc engine having a maximum output of 67 horsepower (one more than Harley-Davidson’s 1300 cc unit, whose maximum output was 66 horsepower).

A team of about twenty members was assembled on behalf of the development project in February 1968. The design of the CB750 FOUR had officially begun. However, Honda was already the industry’s leading producer of motorcycles, thanks to the popularity of its classic Super Cub. By introducing the CB750 FOUR, the company planned to become the world’s top manufacturer in terms of quality as well as volume. This model’s competition, however, would be formidable, since the pack included comparable models from Triumph, BMW, and Harley. Therefore, the new Honda would have to offer a superior level of performance and reliability in order to lead the field.

A 4-cylinder, four-muffler engine structure was to be the basis for design so that riders in every market could immediately associate the bike with the stunning performance of Grand Prix machines. Moreover, the handlebar position would be elevated – popular among American riders – to emphasize the bike’s dynamic, “wild” image. As Honda’s first mass-production model with a large powerplant, the CB750 employed various technologies designed to ensure high production volume and easier maintenance for the owner.

Integrating Design with Human Engineering

The objective of Honda’s basic development plan was to make long-range, high-speed touring safer and more comfortable, while achieving superior output. Therefore, the emerging science of human engineering – called “ergonomics” – was to be incorporated structurally, right down to the finest detail.

To facilitate the collaborative process among design engineers and production personnel, common engineering targets were established for product development. These included the following:

[1] Ensure stability during high-speed cruising (between 140 and 160 km/h) on highways, yet retain an ample margin of output for effective maneuvering in traffic.
[2] Provide a braking system that is reliable and resistant to high loads by anticipating frequent rapid decelerations from high speeds.
[3] Minimize vibration and noise in order to reduce rider fatigue during long-range cruising. Provide an ideal riding position for comfort and the proper operation of controls based on human-engineering principles, and design the mechanisms so that the rider can easily learn how to operate them.
[4] Ensure that various ancillary devices, such as lights and instruments, are large and reliable. They must be designed to help the rider make sound judgments and ensure sufficient visibility for surrounding vehicles.
[5] Extend the service life for each device and ensure that it provides for easy maintenance and servicing.
[6] Create original designs that also are easy to mass produce by utilizing newer, better materials and production technologies. This applies particularly to cutting-edge surface-treatment technologies.

The satisfaction of these requirements meant that the team would have to utilize the vast reserves of engineering information Honda had accrued in the manufacture of Grand Prix machines. Moreover, computer systems would be introduced in order to streamline the various steps involved in development. However, computerization ultimately did more than that. It increased the efficiency of numerous development tasks, including plan modification in the prototype phase, design changes, hardware modifications, and testing. It even reduced the time needed to plan a line for mass production of the CB750 FOUR.

The First Motorcycle to Offer Disc Brakes

Fortunately, Harada had come across some after-market disc brakes in a motorcycle accessory outlet during his trip to the U.S., and they had proved effective in the CB450. As a result, he immediately visited Lockhart, the developer and manufacturer. After consulting with the supplier’s staff regarding the ideal design, Harada left the company with a set of their products. He secretly believed the new model they were going to develop might offer an opportunity to adopt disc brakes.

The day of the 1966 Tokyo Motor Show, scheduled for October, was fast approaching. However, Harada was still unable to make up his mind. Therefore, he brought two different brake specifications to Soichiro Honda and asked for some advice.

“We’ve designed two separate specifications having different braking systems,” he told Mr. Honda. “One uses conventional drum brakes and the other had disc brakes. Of the two, the disc-brake specification had only recently been developed, so it will need more tests. If disc brakes are adopted, we aren’t sure we can meet next spring’s completion target.”

Mr. Honda’s reply, though, was simple and direct: “Well, of course we’ll have to go with disc brakes.”

The CB750 FOUR was a hit at the Tokyo Motor Show, flashing its big disc brakes to throngs of admirers. Rave reviews began pouring in.

However, immediately following the show, many hours were spent analyzing the remaining problems. Before the model’s commercial launch issues that needed to be solved included increased wear of pads and noise in the brake pads, problems that were generally associated with disc mechanisms. They had to be solved in order to “achieve higher power while maintaining safety,” which was a key requirement in the development of the CB750 FOUR.

Mr. Honda, in his reply to a question from an engineer, explained Honda’s objectives in developing the CB750 in the January 1969 issue of the company newsletter (No. 124):

“When I went to Switzerland last June,” he said, “a policemen on a white police motorcycle came into the park where we were. He then got off his bike. I was watching it, thinking what a small motorcycle he was riding. I was amazed to find it was a Triumph 750 cc. So, actually the motorcycle was fairly big, but it looked small since the policeman was so big. [Laughs] I knew then that our bikes wouldn’t sell in foreign markets if we kept building them according to our Japanese perceptions. That’s why I suddenly became enthusiastic about this, and it’s why I started telling them to develop a bigger model as soon as possible.”

The CB750 FOUR was released in the U.S. in January 1969. That year, Honda held its first U.S. dealer meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, a gathering of motorcycle dealers from across North America. The meeting’s objective was to motivate sales, which had been sluggish since 1966. As a strategic move prior to the coming spring season, the meeting was also attended by company representatives from Japan, including Soichiro Honda himself. The event’s true highlight was the introduction of the CB750 FOUR and other new models such as the Z50 and SL350.

“A retail price of $1,495 was announced by American Honda’s President Kihachiro Kawashima at the Vegas meeting,” Harada remembered. “Since large bikes were selling for between $2,800 and $4,000 in the U.S. at that time, all 2,000 dealers burst into thunderous applause when they heard its price. I’ve even heard that the machine fetched a premium as soon as it was on the market, selling for $1,800 to $2,000.”

Honda was soon deluged with orders for the CB750 FOUR, and the initial production forecast of 1,500 units a year became a monthly figure. Even that, however, was not enough, so the number jumped to 3,000 units.

Employing an Idle Facility to Produce a Large Motorcycle

Saitama Factory (currently Wako Plant) and Hamamatsu Factory were in 1969 selected to produce the CB750 FOUR’s engine and body, respectively. American Honda sent two engineers to Saitama Factory to join the staff for a series of tests, in which 300 items were checked from the user’s perspective. Honda Motor had high expectations for the exportation of the CB750 FOUR which was believed to be a strategically important bike for increasing the sales of other Honda models on the U.S. market.

This was Honda’s first attempt to market a big bike, and therefore it would be hard to forecast sales accurately. For that reason each plant decided to make effective use of idle production facilities, normally used for power products. This would serve to minimize the company’s overall investment. Modifications and overhauling, however, would be needed before their equipment could be used to build the CB750.

Honda’s previous models used a spilt-type, press-fit crankshaft having a needle bearing. However, the four-cylinder powerplant in the CB750 FOUR employed an integrated crankshaft and metal bearing. At Saitama Factory, the staff wracked their brains trying to identify the right machining equipment and line configuration to produce a part they had no experience making. They even visited automobile manufacturers in order to acquire some knowledge they could use to plan the line.

Efficiency on the line was poor initially, and as a result the production volume was at most five units per day. However, the machine became an instant smash hit, bringing tears of joy to everyone involved with the CB750’s creation. The initial production forecast of 25 units per day was pushed up to over 100 units. Back orders piled up as a result of this explosive, yet completely unexpected sales activity. Soon, the production of sand-molded crankcases, for which the factory did not have a dedicated machine, could no longer meet the rate required for mass production. In response, the entire crankcase production facility was upgraded to adopt the metal die-cast type. The line was gradually enhanced as production volume increased. However, every time the volume was adjusted, additional employees would be mobilized to run a temporary line. Everything had to be accelerated in order to produce such a number of bikes at Honda’s level of quality. Ultimately, though, the production of engines and bodies was transferred to Suzuka Factory – in July and October 1971, respectively – as part of the company’s endeavor to satisfy customer demand.

Suzuka Factory was then building the CB500, using a production line within its automobile plant. However, there were problems with this facility, including a restrictively narrow corridor along the line that hindered the smooth flow of parts. Therefore, with the assumption of CB750 Four production, the factory took a long-term view and changed the L-shape line for body assembly to a straight-line configuration. The move offered a better work environment and vast improvements in employee safety.

The organizational structure and operator training were improved, too. To that end, a dedicated organization was formed for the production of the CB750 FOUR by gathering selected personnel from the Honda 1300 and TN lines. The resulting vacancies on those lines were then filled by personnel from the factory’s auto plant. Those assigned to the motorcycle production line were then given orientation concerning the major differences from automobile production, particularly with regard to the prevention of damage to the product’s exterior. Accordingly, the line started up on schedule, with all cost and quality objectives satisfied.

Creating the Nanahan Boom

Honda had succeeded again, bringing other Japanese manufacturers into the arena with sports bikes featuring large, 750-cc engines. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to state that the Honda CB750 FOUR was a pioneer model in that regard. In fact, it gave birth to a new category known in Japan as “Nanahan*1.” Yet the Honda model, with its decidedly high-performance intentions, also fared very well on the racing circuit.

The in-house racing team at Honda R&D brought their CB750 Fours to compete in the Suzuka 10-Hour Endurance Race scheduled to be held in August 1969, soon after the model’s commercial launch. Honda dominated the race with a one-two finish by Blue Helmet MSC. The team of Morio Sumiya and Tetsuya Hishiki took first place, while the pairing of Yoichi Oguma and Minoru Sato came in a close second.

Veteran rider Dick Mann, meanwhile, streaked to victory on his CB750 FOUR at the AMA Daytona 200-Mile Race in March 1970. It was a ride that sent customers throughout the States running to their Honda dealers. In reflecting their conviction that “bigger is better,” American riders soon wanted a bigger bike with an engine offering even larger displacement.

The American hunger for large bikes was enhanced with the 1972 launch of Kawasaki’s hot new 900 cc ZI. Forced to develop a more appealing sport bike with a larger engine, Honda launched its 999 cc Gold Wing GL1000 in the American market. The units were initially exported from Japan, but as demand grew production switched to Honda of America Manufacturing (HAM). In May 1980, the first U.S.-made GL1100 machine rolled off the line. It was very well received in the U.S., becoming a major force in the growth of local production activities.

*1 Nanahan: Meaning 750 in Japanese, the term was used by the development staff to maintain the confidentiality of their new model. Nanahan later became a popular term, and was widely used in magazine circles.

Steve McQueens ” Sandcast” CB750 Sandcast is now up for grabs.
This 1969 Honda CB750 is an early-production model that was acquired by Steve McQueen’s Los Angeles–based Solar Productions movie production company in July 1969. The bike is powered by a 736cc inline-four featuring a “sandcast” case and is finished in red with chrome fenders. Features include a five-speed transmission, a chrome four-into-four exhaust system, quad Keihin carburetors, an electric starter, a front disc brake, street lighting, a two-up seat, and both center and side stands. The bike was acquired by the seller in 2016, reportedly from its second owner of 45 years, and subsequently underwent a two-year mechanical and cosmetic refurbishment that was completed in February 2022. This CB750 K0 Sandcast is now offered with original sales documentation, a letter from Honda Motor Company, a copy of an invoice from American Honda, refurbishment records, a Honda tool kit, a yellow-on-black California license plate, and a clean California title in the seller’s name.

The fuel tank was refinished in Candy Ruby Red with gold and black stripes, and the oil tank, side cover, upper fork covers, and headlight bucket were painted to match. The duplex-cradle frame was media-blasted and repainted black. Features include chrome fenders, street lighting and reflectors, a two-up seat with chrome trim and a rear lip, folding passenger foot pegs, and both center and side stands.

Re-chromed rims measuring 19″ up front and 18″ at the rear are laced to clear-coated hubs with zinc-plated spokes and were mounted with IRC Grand High Speed GS-11 tires during the refurbishment. Suspension consists of a rebuilt telescopic fork with black rubber gaiters and clear-coated sliders as well as a swingarm mounted with dual chrome-shrouded shocks. Braking is from a disc with a rebuilt caliper up front and a drum at the rear.

A re-chromed handlebar equipped with dual mirrors is clamped ahead of instrumentation consisting of a 150-mph Nippon Denso speedometer and a matching tachometer with an 8,500-rpm redline, both of which were refurbished at Motorcycle Gauge Restoration Services in the Netherlands. The five-digit odometer shows 22k miles. Total mileage is unknown.

The 736cc SOHC inline-four features an early-production “sandcast” case with a rough texture formed by a gravity-casting method rather than die-casting that was used for most of the model run. The engine breathes through a quartet of 28mm Keihin carburetors and a chrome four-into-four exhaust system. An overhaul of the engine at Charlie’s Place of Glendale, California, in 2019 included replacement of the timing chain, tensioner, roller, and guides as well as the pistons, stator, starter, and points covers.


Engine number 1001370 falls within the range of the approximately 7k Sandcast engines produced.

Power is sent to the rear wheel through a five-speed transmission and a replacement drive chain.

A copy of a July 1969 invoice from American Honda to the dealership owned by McQueen friend, stunt double, and riding companion Bud Ekins lists delivery of a red CB750 that was noted to be “For Mr. Steve McQueen.” The serial number shown (1001064) matches the number stamped on the bike’s frame, a photo of which can be viewed in the gallery. 

The bike is accompanied by a notice of transfer mailed to the Department of Motor Vehicles in Sacramento, California, from American Honda stating that transfer of ownership to Solar Productions Inc. was made on July 23, 1969. The card lists a vehicle identification number that matches the number stamped on the bike’s frame and a vehicle license number that matches the yellow-on-black California license plate .

An awesome machine with some great History too.

BaT Essentials Seller: Niteroi Location: Santa Barbara, California 93101 Listing Details Chassis: CB7501001064 Engine: CB750E1001370 Early-Production Sandcast Model Refurbishment Completed in 2022 22k Miles Shown, TMU 736cc SOHC Inline-Four Five-Speed Transmission Candy Ruby Red w/Gold & Black Stripes Electric Starter 4-Into-4 Exhaust System 2-Up Seat w/Rear Lip Front Disc Brake Private Party or Dealer: Private Party Lot #71469

Corona Diaries- The year of the Mask

Well, here we are, the weekend is almost upon us, things are still bad when it comes to Covid-19, this is a crazy time for us all, but- We have to live life and try and work the best that we can with what we have these days, and I hear from many Customers of their way to get through some of the lockdown and boredom, by working on their own projects in their Garage, barn, Shed or back yard.

I must admit, working with a mask on is hard, but lucky for me, I dont have people coming to my workshop to ask about parts, most will call, text or email about the issues they have with their ride.

I sure hope we find an antidote for this as I do miss riding with people and having a chinwag in person about pretty much anything two wheel related these days, but I shall continue to write a few blogs as I go along in life and share what I get up to in the garage.

I receive many orders in the day time and night, I think people sometimes believe that I work 24-7, and if I could, then I would, but I need my rest too, but, I do try my best at getting your parts to you as fast as I can but- due to this Virus, many places that I use are either closed or part time, so that holds me up in ceramic coating or steel supply etc.

So, if you can bare with me until this gets a little more manageable, I will en-devour to get your parts out of the door in a somewhat timely manner.

Be safe out there and hopefully we can get this Virus beat and all go riding like we love to, so- stay safe, stay positive and stay in the garage Wrenching.

Thank you so much for supporting me in this tough times we are experiencing in life.

Peace and Grease




Built a set of Custom forks for a Customer, thought I would share.

Many people have sent me their forks over the years to rebuild, polish or just hop up a bit as they get tired after 40 years of taking punishment from all road surfaces over time.

As the photo shows above, this is the old set that I am going to be working with, I strip these down, clean up and then what I do is machine some cool looking ribs into the stanchions to have that Custom look and then magnaflux it to make sure all is ok.  Once that is done I polish the lowers and then get brand new fork tubes made for the uppers.

I like to use as much Genuine HONDA parts as I possibly can and these will look so clean when everything is put back together and then you fit to your inline four machine.

As you may be able to see, I have New Hard Chromes fork tubes fitted and I have just put the OEM Honda Fork seal in place, here is the trick that I use to fit these seals, also- Remember, make sure the lettering faces upwards not down.

I use a piece of UPVC tubing that I bought from Home depot for about $2.00, this slides down the tubing and sits snug on the seal, but it fits inside the aluminum stanchion perfectly.

I simply tap the Plastic tubing with a Rubber Mallet until the seal bottoms out on the shoulder and there you go, no press needed and no damage at all, I have been doing this method for over 20 years now and never ever have I had a fork that has leaked by using this tubing.

I use some Harbor Freight Circlip pliers to snap the Original 2 hole clip back into the recess inside the fork leg, you will feel it seat when you let the pressure off the pliers.

I use as much genuine Factory parts where ever possible, and in this case I use New old stock Dampner Bolt and Copper crush washer, just to make sure all is new and fits as it is supposed to.

I use genuine Honda Dust caps to make sure all the crap stays away from the forks, then- Just to add some super cool Custom finishing, I like the way these complete that Custom styling on the front end.

See what I mean? Its a nice Custom finished look that really does not cost a lot of money and it is chrome, no plastic crap.

I have always used ATF for forks, the old Pro Racers mechanics used it and I still do today, I also used stainless washers on top of the springs to set the pre-load.

That’s is how much I pour into rebuilt forks and people ask me “How do you know how much to pour in”?

This is one of my Bibles that I use on things like fluids, point gap, timing and the like, always served me well.

I also make sure that ALL the threaded holes are chased through with a tap, this makes sure that the refit goes smoothly and you dont scratch the lovely polishing I have done.

I make sure that I hand polish the lower clamps and use stainless nuts and lock washers, this set up is really a thing of beauty and I am so stoked when I complete a set for a customer, a lot of work and time, but boy is it worth it and changes the look of the front end.

A great looking set of Lowers that will turn heads where ever you go, not a five minute job and not made in China either, all done from right here in California.

These are now ready to ship out to the Customer, so he can easily fit them in to his triple tree’s.

Just take a look at them, what a cool set up these are and all New hardware, Hope that you enjoyed this blog about that what I do with the good old inline fours.

Let me know if I can help you with your Honda, I have been doing it here in California for 20 years and never tire of it, it is a passion of mine that I hope shows in my work?

Thanks for taking your time to read my Blog and hope it may of inspired you to work on your machine?

Re-Creating My Vesco HONDA CB750 Brat bike for the OG show in March

I am not and never have been a fan of dead lines, but right now I do have one in hand, March 23rd, thats when the OG show Custom Show is on and somehow I have to strip the Brat bike I built and hopefully finish it in time for the show.  No easy task when you consider that I have other jobs to do and of course, I have to tear the bike down to the bare frame and then make a start all over again.

So, the bike is ready to begin the strip, the bike will have a few tricks to the frame as I shall first remove the upper rails and then add my Custom Removable adapter kit to the top, this makes removing the engine so simple or just the cylinder head if you want to work on the bike with the motor still in between the chassis rails.

As you can see, I have used painters tape to mark where I want to make a cut in the frame to remove the rails, I use a sawzall for this job and will be using my steel inserts to replace what I am taking out of this 500 pound Honda CB750K machine.

As you can see I am making the first cut, when the kit is back in place, the integrity of the chassis will not be compromised, it will be rigid as hell, done many like this and of course YOSHIMURA did this to many race bikes and sold a Kit back in the day.



Once this is out, I shall clean the frame up using an air grinder with a Fiber wheel, this will clean the area up and then I can start to make the replacement frame.

As you can see, the inline Four Motor is ready to come out, and at 230 pounds, I want to lift this as quick as I can and not have to go too high, I have always used a storage moving Dolly to rest the motor on or put it on a milk crate as they are the same size, but Milk crates are getting hard to find these days, so a Dolly it is.

So, I straddle the bike and then with one quick lift, the motor pops up and I rest it on the frame, then walk to the right and plop it on the dolly and its out as easy as that.

So, the inline four mill is now out of the bike and I can push the engine into the garage where I shall work on that later, we have storms and rain forecast tomorrow for 4-5 days, so need to get this done and the frame to be stripped bare by the end of the day.

Right, now I can see what I have to work with as I plan and making the top kit first and thought I would share this as many people have purchased my kit and are happy how it works out for them and, saves them so much time when they need to remove the cylinder head or complete Motor.

Below is a little Video I took with my phone, you may have to hit the x on the lower right to hear what I am saying but explains what I am about to do to the bike.

Hopefully you could hear me mumbling about what I was doing and hit the enlarge button too if you want, look blow and you will see I have fitted the top rail kit and will weld it in tomorrow.

Below- I have now taped the area off here I need to make my next too cuts, as on this Custom build a I really want to be able to fit the engine easier without scratching the Metalflake paint that will be on the frame, this will be a very cool set up and the chassis will be strong as ever.

You can see the tape edges and that indicates where I will cut the side rail, this is something I have wanted to attempt for the longest of time and now is the time to do it.

Well, it is done now and there you go, I shall weld in the bungs tomorrow but have to make sure all fits will and make any adjustments before I completely strip the frame.

If you look closely you will see what I have done, once its welded and then the frame painted it sire will look pretty trick and make refitting the Motor so much more easier.

Make sure that you leave enough room for a strong bead of weld to secure the bungs and keep the frame rigid, but also make sure that you allow for any shrinkage.

Also, make sure that you Vee Groove a nice valley for a stronger weld, I also drill a hold halfway though in a couple of places, just for extra spot weld strength.

Here is the frame now that the adapters have been test fitted and I am happy about the way they look, not many would even notice until they see the inserts.

So Tomorrow and the next will be welding day, this old Honda frame has holes all over the place, so a good time to address them issues and make sure all is good.

I fitted some Tapered Races in the neck for smoother steering and looking forward to stripping all the old paint off this old girl and get into some fresh color that will turn heads.

Thanks for following what I am doing, I have a long way to go and hope that I can make such a short deadline, but appreciate all the emails of encouragement from you, it is going to be a great looking Custom when completed thats for certain, and already has quite a following.





This is the Old Russ Collins Bike I created from parts.

Below is a Video but hard to hear as the old Powder coating shop behind us is loud as hell, but it was a tight motor and loved to ride it, hard to hear but this is the only video I have of it.

This machine was just a frame sat in the garage at home and boxes of old parts, and I wasn’t sure how i was going to go about this build but, as I had a russ collins Magneto I thought, what the heck I will be a traditional Cafe bike for fun.

This bike has so much work but for me it is fun and I enjoy every bike I create, sure, people say why not restore but heck, its not a sand-cast and plenty of these later K models around, I had a bucket load of parts and wanted to put something together and here it is at long last.

I started with a stock 1970 KO frame that had been sitting for many years in the back yard with 15 other CB750 Honda’s that I had acquired from an old guy out in the desert some years ago.


Then I started to get a few parts together and the light bulb came on and that was it, lets build a great looking Caff bike with a 1000cc Russ Collins Motor, what a Hot Rod that would be.

Motor was really good and came out of a running bike, compression was 185 all the way through so no point on a full rebuild, just a freshen up on gaskets and get her running.


New Chrome rims and used stainless spokes to Polished hubs I did, along with the frame being powder coated, the swing arm was too, New bridgestone Spitfires give the bike a more traditional look and really hold the road well.

Original 1970’s finned speed equip covers adorn this motorcycle and gives it the unique richness that shines from afar, I chromed the cases this time andwent throught the Whole bike with Allen headed stainless bolts.

I machined a Custom Finned Engine Bracket up to flow with the rest of the finned speed equipment that is on this bike..

This has an Original never used and out of the BOX, Paul Dunstall header set up from 1974 and this is the genuine article too. I have the trick Tri-Bar set up at the front to show you which way you are heading. Brand New OEM Fender, and I polished the fork lowers, fitted new uppers and resealed, also added the old school OEM Ribbed Gators too.

CI made my own seat, of which I made a mold from an old steel seat and then fitted the steel plates to allow for the stock Hinges to be used, then refoamed and Diamond stitched the seat for the old cafe racer look with the proverbial hump on the back, but also I made a Bobbed rear fender and fitted a old style Lucas Tail light, all of which I sell on my website www.carpyscaferacers.com and have sold many too.

I hammered and painted the tank- New side covers and new paint and has the 1000 logo on the side covers to show them what she really is. I loved the whole concept and with New petcock and Gas cap, this really looks factory to many, until they see the numbers on the side cover.

I used a set of TEC rear piggy back shocks that are 14 inches eye to eye and the rear tire is a Bridgestone Spitfire 130/90 to give it that beefy look and handles so well.

Oh yes, it has a Brand New Guilerri style diamond stitched seat base and that is a new base and foam too and I believe enhances the look of this machine.

Also- Lots of polished Aluminum, like the valve cover and caps, the clutch cover and stator and gear shift cover too.  With Braided oil hoses as well. I even chromed the kick stand, but look at the front Rotor, I drilled that, rebuilt the Caliper and polished that to a Chrome look and the front rim is new with stainless spokes and a bigger front tire to fill that fender out nicely.

Brand New Non maintenance  battery, Solid state rectifier, makes sure this fires up and of course with the original RC Magneto, this has so much spark, I fitted iridium spark plugs too. You will also notice that I made New oil Lines from Braided steel hose and Drilled and chromed Kick starter for a Custom look.

You want detail? Well she has loads of it, just check out the kick starter I drilled and re-chromed and the clutch cover set up. As well as the Italian Tarrozi rear sets added for a real comfortable ride as these set your feet back about 7 inches from the stock position and perfect for the Clubman handlebars up front.

New cables help this puppy along and I rebuilt the Carbs, bench synchronized them and then once running synchronized with a Mercury stick and it purrs now.

I have hours and hours and hours into this machine, I even chromed the kick stand as it looked to dull before.

Oh yeah- Do you like my Oil tank Dip stick? I machined this from a solid piece of 6061 T6 Aluminum to dress the cap up as thats always missed on builds so wanted to cover all the bases.

This is a really cool head turning machine, as where ever you loom there is cool stuff. like polished rear brake hub, with new brake shoes and actuator. Yes new brake shoes as well.

Yes, these New tires, on the back there is what I use most of the time, the Bridgestone 130x90x16 and at the front I use a 110x90x19. Custom RED X-Ring Chain, flows with the red on the gas tank and side covers etc and this bike sits so well, them Original Dunstall exhausts are a real piece of History as they were still in the original box when I had them as they were sat in my loft for many years.

Such a period looking Caff from back home and I remember as a kid, and I am glad that I went this route, its truly a fun machine and with 1000cc it does not hang about and is really Torquey.

I love the way the bike sits, it is a good, tough looking machine and with Brand new wire harness and handlebar switches, this is reliable as hell, I am very proud of this machine and it styling.

It has a New rear brake rod, spring and adjuster to make sure this thing stops at the rear, and a New 530 Chain and new sprockets 48 rear,17 tooth front.

The RC Special is a one off and I loved doing the build, I also made up stainless braided Brake hoses for the front brake and added a 14mm Master cylinder too.

The front brake caliper is rebuilt and polished to a chrome finish and I fitted a Brand New $400 genuine HONDA front fender.

To help this bad boy stop at the front end, I fitted a New BREMBO master cylinder to the Clubman bars.

Other col parts that you will notice, unlike many others out there is that I have used genuine NOS handlebar controls, over $220 each side.

The carbs are all rebuilt with new throttle cables and custom air filters.

The New headlight has a New bucket and insides too. And a 65 watt halogen Bulb to make sure you are seen on the road at night.

This has a cool display set up with the ignition relocated at the top of the tree, I wanted to move the ignition switch away from the motor as these get hot.

Also I polished the top triple tree to look like chrome, the steering has all new bearings and brand new chrome Honda steering Nut and washer.

All the bolts are Stainless Allen heads and this has had so many hours of work done to it. A new Clutch cable and Custom Adjuster.

This is clean and under the seat will be a brand new battery, the frame is powder coated and you can see how great she looks from these photo’s.

This has a new solid State rectifier and a battery tender too.

Also the shocks are brand new TEC models and I made custom lowers to lift the rear end a little higher by 50mm.

The bike just is cool to look at and with a RC1000 Motor it really does turn heads FAST!

This has Original New Old stock Superior Waffle GT grips from 1974 and were still in Original packaging on the shelf for years and years.

I may put some more little touches to her before someone buys her but I do hope it does get a great home.

Thanks for looking at this machine, it has now gone to a New owner and sure hope they ride the hell out of it,

I doubt I will locate another Russ Collins Built Motor any more and so glad I happened across the engine over 10 years ago,

2 of my Classic machines that I have built from just old bits and pieces that were literally in the garage and all in boxes or on shelves, love what I do and hope you do too, thanks so much for looking. If you want a bike built, serviced or just parts, drop me a line carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or you can call or even text me on 714-598-8392 as I am always happy to help, been building over 17 years here in California.