Ian Boyds most amazing collection of Vincents.

Well, just as you think there cant be anything else out there that will make my eyes open wide, my mouth hit the floor and just stand there trembling, but there most definatly is a really cool Museum that I hope to visit sometime, I used to live in Australia and loved the whole place, the food, the weather, the roads , the people and their passion for automotive collections.

Now if you ever get to Jurien Bay, which is about 2 hours North of Perth, then go and see Ian Boyd, as he has the largest Private collection of Vincent’s in the World. 46 in total, Holy Moly, I mean these bikes were built from 1928 up to 1955 When peter Vincent built the first model when the Ford had only just bought out the Model A.

And to see HRD’s- wow rare indeed, Howard Raymond Davies is where the Monogram derives from and to see these rare thoroughbreds is a treat indeed. Also Peter Vincent the Pioneer of these motorcycles rode his own bike to Victory at the 1925 TT at the Isle of man, stamping some authority in the 2 wheeled manufactures.

Collectively Ian’s museum has a net worth of over $5 million and will only get higher as these machines gain in value every year.

There’s not many people who wake up every day and eat breakfast overlooking a huge array of vintage motorbikes and vehicles. Former cray fisherman Ian Boyd built his house to accommodate his enormous collection, nearly 85 in total, and it truly is a sight to see so many vintage motorbikes lining up side by side.

Ian is a well-known character in Jurien Bay and opens up his home to bike enthusiasts from around Australia. He doesn’t advertise, it’s just word of mouth which brings people to his door.

“I love it, I am a people person and these motor enthusiasts are on the same wavelength as me. Now I’m retired it’s a great way to pass the time of day, just swapping stories,” he says.

“Most of these bikes were built between 1936 to 1955 and they are all British Vincent bikes. My favourite one used to be owned by a Siam prince who also raced cars. I reckon 800 people every year come and see my collection and I get them to sign my visitors book.”

Ian arrived in the town in 1985. He is passionate about motorbikes, there’s even an engine on his kitchen table. It’s a project he’s been trying to repair for months.

“I just cook around it,” he laughs.

“This is a great town, the beaches are safe, everyone is so friendly. Jurien Bay is paradise and I don’t want too many people knowing about this slice of paradise.”

WEST Australian Ian Boyd did not have any grand ambitions when he decided to start a motorcycle collection. He didn’t even consciously decide to focus his efforts on Vincent motorcycles. His collection started with one Vincent and, well, one thing led to another.

That was 29 years ago, when Ian was a cray-fisherman pondering how to keep busy in his retirement. He has since amassed such an extraordinary collection of Vincent motorcycles that it is regularly referred to as the best in the world.


And it’s difficult to argue with that assertion. Of all the models built by the revolutionary but sadly short-lived British high-performance motorcycle manufacturer, Ian owns at least one of every model — except one. The ultra rare White Shadow has so far eluded Ian’s reach. Only 15 White Shadows were made, and their rarity and collectability were on show last year when a White Shadow (originally painted red, on special order) sold in the USA for $434,000.


Not that anyone visiting Ian’s custom-built bike display showroom, under the main roof of his home north of Perth, is likely to complain. For the most part, visitors are gob-smacked.

Most bike collectors would give their left arm (and probably part of their right) to have just one Vincent in the shed. Ian has 39. And perhaps even more extraordinary is that you could remove all of the Vincents from Ian’s collection, and you’d still be left with a classic European bike stable to die for. (I’d been ogling the Vincents for a good 15 minutes or so before I noticed the Manx Norton — although I had noticed the 1970 E-type Jaguar).

But it’s the Vincents that steal the show. From a 1935/36 HRD TTR works bike through to Black Shadows and a Black Lightning, and on to a late 1990s RTV 1200 re-creation, Ian’s bikes tell the Vincent story from pre-birth to stardom, and then from financial oblivion to attempted reincarnation.



CAPTION: It would be difficult to name the most famous of Vincent’s bikes because almost all of them were extraordinary and all have become collectable classics. But the Black Shadow, launched in 1948 and capable of 125mph, is a star. It was, at the time, the fastest motorcycle in the world. Note the air-cooled twin front brakes (drums on both sides of the wheel) and the unmistakeable Vincent V-twin engine. All the Black Shadows supposedly had black engines — although this one of Ian’s does not. “They were short on money by this stage, and couldn’t afford the paint,” he told us. Alongside the Black Shadow is an RTV1200; an Australian effort from the late 1990s intended to recreate the Vincent by blending that great old-motor styling and best-available technology for chassis, suspension and aerodynamics. The bike worked, but the business venture didn’t. Ian’s is one of only a handful that were made before the whole idea went belly-up.

For the uninitiated,  the Vincent motorcycle story is a British story — but it’s one with a strong Australian connection.

But first, let’s back up a little.

The first Vincents wore a badge that read ‘Vincent-HRD’, with the ‘HRD’ prominent and the ‘Vincent’ under-stated.

HRD were the initials of Howard Raymond Davies, a British soldier who survived being shot down and taken prisoner of war in World War One and who went on to design and sell high performance motorcycles under the HRD name.

His bikes were mostly powered by JAP engines and were successful on the racetrack. (For the record, JAP engines are not from Japan. JAP was a very English firm created in the early 1900s by a chap named John Alfred Prestwich who used his initials to name his business, as was the practice in those days.)


CAPTION: The Black Lightning was a lightweight sports version of the Black Shadow. It weighed 170kg. The folks at Vincent were cutting edge in many areas of technology, but never fell for those new-fangled telescopic forks that other manufacturers got into.

The economics did not work out for HRD and Mr H.R.Davies, and the HRD name changed hands a couple of times, ending with another Brit by the name of Phil Vincent. Now, Phil wasn’t short of a quid — his family had money from Argentinian cattle ranches, as one did — and had already built a bike of his own. He’d also designed and registered a patent for a cantilever rear suspension set-up.

But he saw the economic sense in continuing to use the HRD name, since it had established significant racetrack credibility. Phil used the name Vincent-HRD from 1928 through to 1950, then changed it to ‘The Vincent’ — mostly because the company’s marketing effort was aimed at America, and ‘HRD’ was seen to be too similar to Harley-Davidson’s ‘HD’.


CAPTION: The 500cc Vincent Grey Flash is generally known as a limited-edition race bike from 1950. Only 32 were made and, of those, just three were built to be road-going. This bike of Ian’s is one of those three and was sold new in Argentina. Note the cantilever rear suspension, a trademark of Vincent motorcycles. Company founder Phil Vincent patented the cantilever design in 1928, at age 20.

The Australian connection to the Vincent story comes from a brilliant Victorian engineer by the name of Phil Irving. Phil had a motorcycle workshop in Ballarat in the late 1920s but, when the Great Depression forced him out of business he looked further afield for opportunities. A rather unusual opportunity came along in 1930 when he found himself being the mechanic and pillion on the back of a 600cc side-valve Vincent-HRD, undertaking a UK-to-Australia-and-back promotional ride.


CAPTION: The Rapide was Vincent’s first 1000cc V-twin, literally made by sandwiching two 500cc singles together. Parts from the 500 and 1000 are interchangeable. The Rapide was a revelation, and catapulted Vincent beyond 100mph and into the realm of superbikes.

That gig got Aussie-Phil Irving to the UK, and also made him visible to Brit-Phil Vincent. One thing led to another and, before long, Aussie-Phil and Brit-Phil had become great mates, and Aussie-Phil found himself on Brit-Phil’s payroll. It was a successful pairing. In 1934, Aussie-Phil designed an overhead valve 500cc engine which became the basis for The Vincent Meteor and, later, the more racy Comet 500. But a greater contribution was yet to come. In 1936, or so the story goes, Aussie-Phil noticed two Comet 500 engine drawings lying on a table. The drawings were coincidentally resting in a V-formation, looking all the world like a 1000cc V-twin.

Aussie-Phil and Brit-Phil agreed mating Comets was a grand idea, and so the 1000cc Vincent motor was born, in turn giving birth to the 45-horsepower 110mph Vincent Rapide. The Rapide evolved through multiple incarnations over the years including the legendary Black Shadow and the Shadow’s high-performance sports variant, the Black Lightning, which used aluminium in place of steel wherever possible and weighed in at a startling 170kg (compared with the Black Shadow’s 208kg).


It is generally (but not universally) agreed that American racer Rolland Free was riding a Black Lightning in 1955 when, wearing not very much at all, he set a world record speed of 184.83mph at the Bonneville salt flats.

Amazingly, just as Rollie Free and that great photo were making Vincent a household name across the world, the end was nigh. Late in 1955, Brit-Phil announced that Vincent’s bike-building days were over.

(Footnote: Aussie-Phil returned to Australia in 1949 and continued in the engine-design business. He was famously recruited by Aussie motoring legend Jack Brabham in 1963 to design a Formula One engine. Aussie-Phil did just that — a three-litre V8, supposedly with BSA Gold Star cam profiles — and Jack won the 1966 Formula One Driver’s Championship and the Manufacturers’ Championship using that engine. Phil died in 1992 at the age of 89.)


Below is a few more great bikes that I would love to own just one, brilliant effort and quick the nest egg for him and his family, although I sure hope he doesnt sell them all, just a great place to go and visit for sure.


So much Classic iron is a super rare find for many of these machine, so the opportunity to go and visit Ian would be such an entertaining experience to be honest.


Just look at the great choices you could have to ride everyday, an Aladdin’s cave of awesomeness in every conceivable configuration.


Even a sprinkling of cool Automobiles too, Love the Drop head Coupe as well as the 1/4 Midget Track car.


CAPTION: Ian might be a hoarder, not a trader, but sometimes he needs to shed something. This New Zealand McIntosh-built Egli frame with 35mm Ceriani forks and Works rear shocks has become excess to requirements and Ian is trying to find a new home for it. (You’ll need to bring $6,500 with you.)


Meet Up with us through out the year and Ride.

Well, I have had a meet up for a few years now, we try and find great places to visit and ride there, it usually a fun event or something you do not often see, anyone can come out with us and thought I would share it on here, you can see the link to the meet up below.



I love 2 and 4 wheeled vintage stuff and if you like things from Vintage bikes, Chris Craft Boats to ww2 Airplanes, then this is the meet for you to take part in, no attitude, just great days or mornings out and something to look forward too.

59 club carpy

So if you know of a great place to visit, i.e, a Museum, Motorcycle shop or venue, Custom car show etc, then drop us a line and we may make a big ride out of it.


Nobody races, so if you want to get your elbows in the tarmac, then carry on and we shall meet you there, we have a great bunch of people, Male and Female and different styles of bikes, but all have the same interest. Motorcycles, and if you like the same thing, we are going to get on well. A Mixture of professions too, from Teachers to Dental Specialists, thats what makes us so entertaining.


No attitudes at all. so come have have fun and see some interesting places, I am sure you will return for more.


People always seem to be happy and enjoy the ride to where ever we end up, so if you want more and even know of some cool places to check out, let us know.

59 club carpy 7

You can call or even Tex me on 714-598-8392 when ever you like too.

59 club oc2



Bonneville Salt Flats part 2

OK, the previous Blog took me so long as the photos were high quality and the download time kicked me right in the Spuds, but, I have a few more photos left but these I took with my phone, so not great clarity, but wanted to share a few more photos of the great times Jennifer and I had at Speed Week in Bonneville.


Above is this A-Bone Pick up, as we all hung out outside the Nugget Casino and Hotel in the evenings, this was a super place just to have a beer and look at other peoples rides, chew the fat with many people that had traveled from all over the globe and we all had one thing in common and that was of course Speed Week.


Check out this Pick up, very cool and old school as it had swooping fenders with rear skirts, a lot of work went into this rig and I sure loved the way it sat in the weeds, great job of it.


Envious of the Hop Up coupe, just take a llok at this really Period machine, I mean sat on cross ply 16 inch Firestone’s on 40 ford steelies and unchopped too, such a treat for me to see this.


Just when you think you have seen it all, this El Gringo loco truck was just bad ass, very cool, I am sure it bumped around on the tarmac but loved the style of this pick up.


Studebaker trucks have always been cool, almost Custom from the factory, I see this has old school ribbed bumpers and sporting 2 sets of 1939 tear drop lights at the rear, tight looking rig.


My God, Drool factor is off the hook, this Brown Suede Oxide three window was the epitome of Hot Rodding, complete with Black-walls and Stainless Hair pins, I just loved looking at this, Schroeder Race track steering box too as you can see the Pittman arm hanging out the side of the cowl.



I loved this three window as it even had an original 1932 Utah License Plate, what is not to like about this really Nostalgic Hot Rod.


How about this for a sight for sore eyes and when I say sore eyes, thats from the blinding glare off the Salt Flats today, the Rolling Bones Club drove down and they took their rides onto the Lake and when they came back each night, they pulled in at the Nugget, what a super rare sight it is to see all this Hot Rods in one place and covered in salt too. GULP!


This Slammed Hemi powered 5 window was popular with many people, the owner was super cool to chat too, as were everybody at this event, something a few events dont have any more and this place was ooozing with Camaraderie.


Just look at this sight, so much rare tin and not many places you will see as many as this in one place, it was Hot Rod heaven with out a doubt and I enjoyed every minute of it.


More salt sprinkled here than a bag of English fish and chips and every one of these rides had Salt from the lake on it, it must of taken a week to get it off, sure hope it doesnt start to rust these old bodies apart.


Just another view of the behind of these great cars , I doubt I shall be lucky enough to see anything like this line up again, unless I travel to the East coast and check the “Rolling Bones” group out.


If you ever get to Speed week, you will know that the evening meet up is a great way to wind down from the Hot weather on the salt, it was still hot out here in Wendover but a cold brew helped to cool you down.


Look at this, a gasser Corvette, there is a piece of History right there, who has ever heard of a slow Corvette? So this must be a heart attack to drive about?


” Any Salt with that Sir” This pick up with Beer Barrel grill got many looks and I saw this quite a bit blapping about at the Lake in 100 degree’s +.


El Cheapo is right but I bet he had a million dollars worth of fun on the salt?


This Business coupe was tough as old boots, loved the chop and look how nice and close the rear bumper is too, so much work in this car.


This long Closed Cab pick up had a nice Black Flatty in it with Dual carbs and 36 Torque tube headers, very cool and traditional.


Oh my, this was just the coolest Roadster there, loads of Patina, loved the Canvass top, raked and chopped windshield and the commercial lights with those Tractor Firestone tires.


How could I not take a photo from the other side too, this was in the parking structure of the Nugget Hotel and casino in Wendover, what a great show there every night for speed week.


Check this ride out and it sits so well too, had more white powder over this than a cocaine addict with a sneeze! Loved the Black steelies and white walls too.


The Flying Brick seemed to get all over the place, yet hardly any salt on it, I saw this cruising all over the courses of the salt flats too.


We saw this Model A Roadster on the way up to Wendover when we stopped for some grub just outside salt lake City, I was so surprised that a show car with custom metal flake paint would dare to take their machine on the Salt, but he proved me wrong, great little ride and it was fast too.


Tough looking 5 window Model A with a small block, cal custom finned covers, Sanderson style headers and a deuce grill with Louvre’d insert was a great attraction, I really liked it.


5 window parked up was covered in Bonneville’s finest, the roof wasn’t even chopped and thats quite a rare sight theses days, I wasnt a fan of them rims or tires but, each to their own eh?


This pick up was pretty wicked, loved the Patina and the stance, looked to have radar style 5 spokes and I bet this was a real smooth ride to where ever it drove up or down from.


I took this with my phone and wasn’t sure if it would come out any good, but am pleasantly suprised with it, this was a fun area to be in, just by the side of the Nugget Casino in Wendover.


Loved the smooth lines on the Custom Sled, this really did have a lot of work, Nosed, Decked, Frenched, you name it, funny to see the Salt around it like on the rim of a Sangria Glass.


You can beat a drum, you can beat an egg, you can beat an opposing soccer team, but you cannot beat a traditional 50’s Model A 5 window coupe, such a wicked ride I never tire of seeing.


All the way from Washington, this Highboy was a classy ride, a really nice 1932 Roadster with the deep Ford Blue gave it a Nostalgic style that is always popular no matter what year we are in.


Here is its twin Brother, No license plate else you would think this was the same ride, Instrument Dash is cool too, but, great minds think a like eh?


Now this is right up my alley, Road or Garden path, how can you not like this Roadster, the flatty sounded awesome when it pulled into the Casino parking lot, you cant beat the sound of a flatty.


Liked this Model A complete with Knock offs and traditional rear tail light , being fenderless makes this A-Bone look a lot taller as well, come in number 46 your time is up!!!!


I really did like this Roadster, the proportions were right, even the chopped Deuce grill shell was bang on the money and loved the 32 Headlights hanging from the side of the rails.


If you look behind the cars you can actually see the salt lake, so not that far away from all the action, Wendover is the place to stay if you are coming to Bonneville but, book early or camp out.


If you get to the Nugget Early, you can grab a good spot to park your ride as this is where the car show starts every night, it goes on all through the night too, always something cool to look at and everyone is super friendly too.


I was sat down at the start line on the short course, a Customer of mine that I made some Megaphones for in Lawton Oklahoma, said he would be there with his pops, its a big lake so doubt I would find him, well this chap stood next to me said. “Carpy” What the heck, he was only parked right next to us, small world eh?

If you can ever make it out to Utah, do it, its a great place to watch History happen and one of the most friendliest events on the planet, so glad that I had the opportunity to go.

Lee munro’s First run on the Indian.

This spins out at 138 MPH but gives you just an idea of what is going on inside a cage.

Well, this is how 435 MPH looks and feels, bumpy and squirley as hell.

Here is another angle from the cockpit.

89 Year Old grandpa has a go in the coupe, spins out but what a great experience for the chap.

Last Run for speed week, watch until the end as some great camera angles, loved the last bit filmed from the rear.

Spin out, sure gets Gnarly out there.

Double Indian Scout engine Motorcycle.

Lee Munro on the long course gets to 186 MPH

Here we are with a Thruxton R having a go on the salt.

So there you go, a fun time, if you can ever make it to the Salt Flats, just once, you will then totally get the experience that we did and watch History happen right in front of your very eyes.


It is something I shall never forget, Speed week was always a place I wanted to visit to watch Hot Rods and Motorcycles Race and now that empty box has a huge Tick through it.


Thanks for following my 2 day Bonneville Blog, many people let me know that they enjoyed the write up and I hope that just looking at the photos made you at least smile today.


This Brings a close to this chapter but thats not the end, as for me I am so lucky to live in Southern California, as there is a dry lake there called El Mirage thats 90 minutes from me, and will be venturing out there next month, but a fond farewell to Speed week as I now get it and hopefully one day you can get out to this infamous Lake Bed in Bonneville, Utah.


Join the SCTA and be a part of this great organisation, as well as help Save the Salt too.


I might see you at El Mirage sometime, if you see me, come and say hello, always great to meet like minded people.


Thank you to ALL you Racers, the Teams and their hard working crew, the whole S.C.T.A org, the Bonneville Nationals inc and of course the people I met from my Old boss in Australia and my mate Shug & Ruby May, for getting there and breaking a record, what an awesome deal.


Hot Rodding started right here and thanks to people like you, it continues to grow and prosper with all your help and participation. Thanks for reading.


Bonneville Land Speed Racing is a unique sport that consists of very determined people who drive hot rods, roadsters, belly tankers, lakesters, motorcycles, streamliners, and even diesel trucks to "shoot the salt" in a simple quest to have their name added to the list of many record holders. Many years ago, the Bonneville Nationals Inc. (BNI) was formed. It's main focus would be to produce the annual "Bonneville Speed Week". The BNI hosts a spectacular week of racing each year in August, which is the highlight event of the LSR season. Speed Week consists of six days of racing (Sat - Fri), weather and conditions permitting. Entrants come from all over the world to participate in the week long event. Spectators are allowed to walk through the pits, view the vehicles, and talk to the drivers and crew members. Public parking is south of the pit area, on the west side of the race track, outside the cones. Be sure to bring a hat, dark glasses, sunscreen and shade from the sun. Don't forget a camera with lots of film/memory/tapes, because you will want to remember everything you see and hear. Binoculars are also a great idea since the race vehicles are at least 1/4 mile away as they travel down the course. The salt flats are located approximately 88 miles west of Salt Lake City, UT on I-80. The spectacular scenery and racing conditions at Bonneville make it one of the most popular areas in the world for speed. The colors, excitement, people and smells are some of the reasons we race addicts return to the salt, year after year. Better known as "Salt Fever". CATCH IT!




It’s so great to see that the Cafe Racer Scene and Rockers image still holds strong today, – and to see it carried so well in places like Hong Kong – is so enthralling for me as the Cafe Racer lifestyle is now well and truly world wide. For many years – people looked at me in my Rockers attire and just could not work out what I  and my Motorcycles were about, but now, – with the wonders of the Magazines and now- the internet, its so much easier to discover things and if interested in that culture, eventually evolve into it, adding your own twist.


Here is a great Video that explains some what the scene in Hong Kong and I hope to fly over there and meet some of these great people, I have some Brit mates that now live there too and even though we would be on Queens road in Hong Kong, it will feel like the Kings Road in London.


Kenji De is so similar to me and many of my Ton up friends around the world, that have taken on this style for the passion and of course, the lifestyle, it is hard to explain but this style absorbs you like a sponge and I have made so many friends all around the world with the same interests and one day hope to Meet Kenji and his Rocker buddies and do the Ton in Hong Kong.


Enjoy the video, just wanted to share today.

Have a Great Sunday.


Peace & Grease

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Well, going to Norwalk Blvd and stopping outside the famous Open Eyes, has always been a cool thrill for me, so much Hot Rod History in that little Yellow building and here we are again for the huge show that generates so much excitement and popularity, that I hope one day Shige can buy next door and make this an even bigger event.

I have been attending these shows since I moved here from other shores back in 2000 and to go to this show is a superb social event for me, some people I have not seen in years but also some people I have seen the day before, this is a fun family atmosphere with Genuine interest in our “Hobby”- ” Lifestyle”

The sun seemed to be up early today and as I kicked the Royal Enfield into Life, I could feel the beads of sweat running down my face like I was about to be shot out of a Circus cannon into an awaiting Net, that was made of wet paper .  But the Royal Enfield jumped into life, ticking over like a well oiled sewing machine, I clunked the gear shufter into first and it ubruply Grinded into the gear and then it was go time, Revs up, Clutch out, arse down, elbows up and I am now off to Norwalk , with Blues skies and a full gas tank, life seemed to smile at me, as to say. ” Go on son, have a brilliant day.


Well, as I took the back streets, it took maybe 10 minutes for me to pull into Norwalk Blvd, and slowly but surely I could see Hot Rods, Customs and every kind of style of machine on either side of the road, as I pulled up to Mooneyes, I was ushered into the driveway, where upon I was blasted by the sounds of the 50’s, some fella playing a stack of platters and I was digging the vibe Daddy’O!


I took my Brain Box off and was Greeted right away By the Manager, Chico, such a genuine bloke that I have known for over 17 years now, he welcomed me and thanked me for attending, how nice is that? Don’t hear that much these days and it goes a long way in my book. ” What book is that I hear you ask?”  The book of Pleasantries!


Man! Was it hot, not even 10:15 it was Hotter than the inside of a Pizza oven on a Saturday evening.  But I was here and there were a ton of like minded souls there, soaking up the Sun, the Sounds and all the cool vendors and machines that adorned this infamous place for a Custom Couture that I dearly love.


I left my Brain Bucket sat on my bike, another cool thing with Mooneyes is its a safe place and I love that trust ethic at a show, very rare indeed.


The next person to take time out of their day was the owner of Mooneyes and a super friend of mine.


SHIGE SUGANUMA:  What a fantastic Bloke, flys over from Japan to meet all his Customers and genuinely take time to see how you are and ask about how things in the business and life is going, a rare find these days.

With more and more people pouring in, I wanted to get around and try and take a few snaps with my phone, not an easy task as so many people darting about but, I wanted to try and share with you lot what I did today, as many like my Blogs etc.

I walked along to the Vendors and wanted to say hello to my mate Keith Weesner, such a superb artist, always has time to say hello and another bloke I have known over 17 years now and as crazy as I into Hot Rods and Art, maybe even more so.


So many rides parked all over the place, it was fun walking around, talking to people and checking the latest machines out.

moon 1

I bumped into my mate Big Dan from the Dynotones, these guys are the best 60’s Surf, Instrumental band anywhere, they rock it 24/7, try and ctah them at one of their gigs.


I saw so many rides there today, everything from Nostalgic Hot Rods, to Metal-flake Kustoms, it was great to see other rides that I have never laid my eyes upon and everybody seemed to be having fun.


If you are ever in Sunny So Cal, check Mooneyes out, they have all you need for your ride and what a historic trip down memory Lane you will have.



As the day got hotter, it was time for me to do another quick walk about and say high to friends and cross the road to see vehicles that hugged the kerbside and boy was there some neat rides there.


So, here is to the next event, this show is on until about 3-4 pm so go check it out, so easy to get to off the 5 freeway for Cars and Bikes, this has it all.

Check out the workshop too.

Hope to bump into you at this event next year, have a great weekend all of you.



Life behind Bars

Well, 17 years seems to have flown by and here I am, still playing with two wheeled contraptions.

As a kid , I was fascinated with Motorbikes and at any opportunity I would drop everything to watch , hear or just read about these mechanical machines.

I have lived all over the world and seen some fantastic motorcycles and knew that one day I would be lucky enough to reside in the United States of America .

So, in 2000 I entered California and the first Motorcycle I created was a 1976 CB750 of which I gave the Cafe Racer styling.

carpys vw

The livery was in the style of the 1970’s Formula 1 John Player Special Team of Gold and Black.

carp 750 carp7501

This motorcycle caused a huge stir in the American Motorcycle community and put me on the map as as Motorcycle designer and builder.


17 years later and my 50th creation is almost completed , I wanted to build another CB750 and this time use some crazy Candy flake colors of which covered most of the Hondas of SOHC guise.


This time I chose a 1975 CB750F model Super Sport and went with a Black Wrinkle Finish Engine, Dressed out with Stainless Steel Allen Head Bolts throughout.


I also designed a Brand New 4 into 1 Exhaust System that made the Header pipes swing out to the right hand side and then tightly under the chassis and a unique short turn out tail pipe.


I took the stock gas tank and cut out the filler neck and welded it flat, then welded a Harley Gas Cap bung in its place to give this tank a cool smooth appearance .


Next up I took some 18 Gauge steel and hand bent the seat base to the style I was looking for, then I cut another piece of steel into a half circle and hand pounded it on a sand bad and then used my Air Plenisher and shaped it into a cowl, then tig welded to seat base, once that was done I then cut a teardrop shape out of the rear of that cowl, to allow for a unique Tailight for the bike.


I upholstered this seat base with Brown Naugahyde and did tuck n roll design.


I rebuilt the front forks and machined the  lowers to have finned grooves in them, rebuilt the front and rear wheels with polished Hubs and stainless Steel spokes and shoved New Rubber on them.


With 14.5 inch New Shocks makes sure the rear end keeps smooth and some Italian Rear sets clamp tightly to the frame. But still More to do and wanted to show you some progress photos, Hope you like what I am doing here, a little out there but, that makes it more fun. Stay tuned to my Blogs on more as I will ALWAYS be messing around with 2 wheeled Machines.




59 Club O.C. Section had a Great weekend.

Hey all

Well, this weekend was quite a busy one for the 59 Club Orange County Section as Saturday Morning we all met up at Boys Burgers and then Jennifer and Amanda both led the Club on the route to the Classic car and Motorcycle show that was being held at Seal beach.


The day was Hot and an early start was needed to try and get to the event before we started to cook, as every year it is warm there, even though it is by the beach, it gets bloody scorching some times, so, with 15 riders we headed towards the Seal beach area.


Great Formation of riders and very enjoyable ride, its way better than just jumping on a freeway as they tend to be boring, dangerous and not much to look at.


We arrived at the Naval Grounds and was greeted by the Navy Soldiers, who kindly showed where we could park our two wheeled machines, it was right by the water and a nice breeze to have on us.

We then left the bikes under armed guards and then we caught a free shuttle bus to the event, it was an old British Double Decker with some of the upper windows taken out and felt nice with the cool sea air coming through the bus as we took the short 5 minute trip to the event.

This show is enormous and usually everyone veers off to their favorite car or motorcycle and we either bump into each other or catch up later on.

Jennifer and Amanda led the group and did a fantastic job, well done Girls!

The Sun was starting to bake us but what a great show with tons of Cool Classic iron to look at and further up on the seafront they had the Motorcycle section.

Plenty to see there too and this Annual event seems to be getting bigger and bigger, great to see but I think they need a few more Vendors as so many people come to this show nopw, I know people would buy their wares.

I may have a booth and show a bike at the next one, problem is, there are so many events on through out the summer here in California, it is hard to keep up with what is what and I end up forgetting, then kick myself later on.

If you can make this show- Try and do it and there is something for everyone here, a Mixture of Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles and the atmosphere is really great, everyone is happy and more than happy to talk about their ride they have on display.

I had a blast but the weather was bloody warm and amazing as its by the beach, but there are a lot of shops and restaurants to go and check out too if you get out here.

Below, I bumped into  Fellow Brit.-Mike Brewer from the TV show- Wheeler Dealers, he has a New side kick and was trying some live video at the show, ya never know who you may meet at an event we go to.


We stayed for quite a few hours and could of easily stayed longer if the Sun stayed back a bit, but a great Saturday and a relaxing ride with great friends.

Tomorrow we ride to Griffith park to see our mate Andrew Chaves place as he works at live Steamers where all the smaller gauge trains are built, serviced and run, should be a blast!

It’s always fun with the 59 club, come and check us out  we are on meetup.com under Carpys Cafe Racer Meetups 59 Club OC and maybe you would like to come ride with us?


Hey there All

Happy Monday, and by now you have gotten over the chomping of Eater Eggs and the like and now back to reality and into work once more and try and get the week off to a bang, and I want to help by showing an old movie, not in English at all and having the word FARTS as the start just cracked me up.


The movie is called FARTS FEBER which roughly translated means ” SPEED FEVER”


Norwegian propaganda motorcycle movie
Don’t be a motorcycle hooligan and ruin for the other nice motorcyclists – I believe that was the message 🙂


This movie was produced in 1958 it is about 10 minutes in length and is more of a documentary on not to be a Ton Up Boy and if you want speed, go to Speedway.


I see the 250 Jawa  was a predominant bike featured in this film, but there are Many Triumph and BSA’s in the shots and to be honest some awesome footage for the time, loved the roads and the advice on braking back then, teaching road discipline and give way to pedestrians etc.


I don’t understand a word of Norwegian but it didn’t matter as the Rock N Roll Boogie song most of the way through was super cool.


The chunky Speed demon got his comeuppance when he met his demise racing on the road. A lesson there, Don’t over take on a bend.


And wear a Skid lid too, although a few shots of the Ton Up Club guys didn’t have their helmets fastened at all.


Watch all of the movie, its only 10 minutes but well done for back then and some great footage and moving shots to say the least.


it just goes to show that the Rocker scene was strong all over Europe by 1958, so an epic TON UP Movie for me and gets the Thumbs up!


I hope to acquire a copy to keep as this is the first time I have watched this am am surprised I have never seen it before.


I am glad I got to see it and wanted to here today to get your Monday off to a Bang!


Thanks for watching, Ride safe but have fun none the less.




Ace Cafe Orlando To Open spring 2017

Construction of Ace Cafe Orlando Rolls Toward Spring 2017 Opening. It’s the first North American outpost of the world’s most celebrated London-based motor-diner. The new destination in Central Florida Will Feature full-Service restaurant, bars, live music Stages, retail Stores, dealership, gallery and more…Construction workers are in high gear completing the 35,000-square-foot parcel bringing more than 175 new jobs to the local economy. The Orlando Ace expects to draw over 400,000 people to downtown annually.



Since 1938, Ace Cafe London has been a mecca for those passionate about cars, bikes and rock ’n roll culture. The original location on London’s North Circular Road began as a simple roadside cafe for truckers, then evolved into a popular destination for rock ‘n roll-loving teens riding motorbikes during the ’50s and ’60s. Today, the Ace has a multi-generational appeal from motorsports enthusiasts from all over the world.

Ace Cafe Orlando is located on a three-acre parcel in downtown Orlando at the corner of West Livingston Street and Garland Avenue, now known as “Ace Corner.” The Ace is renovating and refurbishing three 100-year-old buildings – once home to Harry P. Leu’s supply company – preserving the structures’ authenticity and even repurposing its original materials (for example, every table inside the Ace is made from the wood and heavy timbers reclaimed from the barn on property) – while also evoking the essence of the original Ace Cafe London. “We’re thrilled to welcome Ace Cafe to downtown Orlando,” said Thomas Chatmon, Jr., executive director of Orlando’s Downtown Development Board and Community Redevelopment Agency. “This entirely-new destination’s unique blend of restaurant, bars, retail, live music and event spaces will entice a variety of demographics to downtown. The Ace’s economic impact will be immeasurable.”

ace florida

Much larger than its London namesake, Ace Cafe Orlando spans two floors and will feature a full-service restaurant, two kitchens, four bars, a coffee bar, a communal counter, a mezzanine that overlooks the main floor dining area and stage, and private and semi-private spaces for groups both large and small. Rounding out the offerings inside the Ace are Rockers Speed Shop (selling official branded Ace gear and apparel); a BMW motorcycle dealer; Dainese D-Store (Italy’s most famous high-tech riding gear and accessories brand); EagleRider motorcycle rental company (the world’s largest motorcycle tourism company); and Stonebridge Motorgallery, selling an ever-changing line-up of original motorsports and rock ’n roll-inspired artwork, photography, sculptures, and memorabilia, as well as collectable vintage and one-off custom motorcycles. World-renowned artists including Michael Lichter, David Uhl, Antonio Merinero and Makoto Endo, as well as local favorites, will be represented.


Under the tutelage of Executive Chef Christopher Truesdell, the Ace’s menu can be defined as American Gastro-Diner fare, featuring made-from-scratch home style comfort food with a twist that captures the authentic spirit and flavors of some of the best diners and backroad joints across the country, all at an affordable price point. Of course, there is also a nod to Ace Cafe’s roots with authentic British favorites like Bangers & Mash, Fish & Chips, and Chicken Curry. A carefully-curated list of house-made specialty craft cocktails, fresh juices, Super Martinis, wines, cold-pressed and hot spiked coffee drinks, spiked and non-spiked fresh gelato milkshakes, and an amazing beer list of craft, domestic and imported brews across 104 taps headline a bountiful array of adult beverages available from four fully-stocked bars. The Ace is also family-friendly, complete with sharable appetizers, fresh super food salads, Gluten-free options, and a children’s menu, not to mention all the eye-catching cool cars and bikes on display on any given day. Ace Cafe Orlando is destined to become a popular destination for all ages in the middle of the City Beautiful.


And then there’s the great outdoors at Ace Corner — the siren call for motor- and music-lovers, alike. Guests can drink and dine on a large outdoor backyard patio, or grab a Julius Meinl coffee while admiring hot rides through giant garage doors that open onto a large “car park,” (parking lot) where the coolest vehicles will become the focal point each day for car club and bike meets and mingling. Parking is free for Ace guests, with several public parking garages also in close proximity. When complete, the entire three-acre area can host up to 7,000 guests.

Following the opening of Ace Cafe, attention then turns to completing two key spaces inside Ace Corner, now under construction and on track for a summer 2017 opening: an 8,000-square-foot, one-story live music and bar venue called The Blue Cap Shack, also home to the area’s first Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ, the Kansas City-based BBQ restaurant voted “Best BBQ” by Anthony Bourdain, Chef Wolfgang Puck and USA Today; and a Backyard Beer Garden featuring an outdoor stage for live music accommodating up to 1,200 people, ideal for bike and car meets, concerts and private parties.

“As we get closer to opening, it is so rewarding to watch this multi-faceted project come together,” said
Mark McKee, CEO and Chief Gearhead of Ace Cafe North America. “We are building something so special, a place that’s focused entirely on the Central Florida community. From petrolheads and aficionados to would-be enthusiasts who want to take a rental spin on the weekend, to concert-goers who want good music and specialty cocktails, to families searching for a fun and affordable dining spot – the Ace is for everybody.”

Ace Cafe is the most famous motor-diner on the planet. Ace Cafe North America holds the exclusive licensee rights in North America and South America for this world-famous brand. Ace Cafe Orlando is the first North American venue for Ace Cafe. For more information, visit Ace Cafe USA www.acecafeusa.com, and connect on Facebook and Twitter @AceCafeUSA, Instagram @acecafeorlando_official.


John Surtees, former F1 and motorcycle world champion, dies aged 83


Tributes have been paid to John Surtees, who died on Friday 10th March 2017. He was an acknowledged great of the motor sport world and the only racer to have won world championships on motorbikes and in Formula One.


Surtees, who was 83 years old, was admitted to hospital in February with an existing respiratory condition and after a short period in intensive care died peacefully. He was much admired among his contemporaries, and by subsequent generations of drivers and fans, and had remained involved in motor sport after his retirement from competitive racing in 1972.


Surtees won the 500cc motorcycle world championship in 1956, 1958, 1959 and 1960 with the MV Agusta factory team, for whom he scored 22 wins at the top level before switching to cars, making his debut for Lotus and winning the Formula One title for Ferrari in 1964, which included a remarkable win at the Nürburgring and one at Monza.

John Surtees

It was an achievement made all the more impressive given the level of competition he faced, beating Graham Hill and Jim Clark into second and third places. During the 12 years he raced in F1 he won six races from 111 starts. He also took a third place for Ferrari at Le Mans in 1964.


He left the scuderia having been at odds with the then manager in 1966, a decision Enzo Ferrari, who hugely admired the British driver to the extent that he invited him to join the team twice – something unheard of at the time – believed was a mistake for both parties and cost them a further championship.


Lewis Hamilton said: “I just heard about John Surtees. To end the day with that kind of news is very sad. He was a legend of the sport – a lovely guy who did so much. It’s a shock to everyone. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.”


Hill’s son, Damon, posted on Twitter: “Such a lovely man. We have lost a true great motorsport legend. RIP John.” Ferrari also acknowledged the part he had played for the scuderia, tweeting: “John Surtees, Motorsport legend and 1964 World Champion with Ferrari, passed away. Our thoughts are with his family.”


The team went on to describe him as “The Great Surtees” and said “Ferrari has lost one of its greatest drivers” in a commemoration on their website.


Jenson Button posted: “Today we lost one of the all time greats on two and four wheels. We will miss you John… rip johnsurtees.” The former driver and commentator Martin Brundle tweeted: “Rest in Peace John Surtees, a great champion in every respect. Sadly he’ll never get the Knighthood he deserved. Condolences to the family.”



John Surtess was a huge Icon of mine, along with Mike Hailwood, Barry Sheene and Randy Mamola, I was sure hoping he would live long enough to be knighted by the Queen for his services to the Motorcycle and Car racing fraternity.


I met him and Sheene at Snetterton in the late 1970’s when they had the Trans Atlantic races on, such a great bloke, kinda like your Grandad.


I was envious of him racing the Vincents, what an awesome machine for its time.


I just wanted to say a Big Thank you to John for ALL the Records that he has achieved, you are a true Gentleman and I will always look up to you, although you are up there anyway to look at.


Nationality United Kingdom British
Born 11 February 1934
Tatsfield, Surrey, England
Died 10 March 2017 (aged 83)
St George’s Hospital, Tooting, London, England
[hide]Motorcycle racing career statistics
Grand Prix motorcycle racing
Active years 19521960
First race 1952 500cc Ulster Grand Prix
Last race 1960 500cc Nations Grand Prix
First win 1955 250cc Ulster Grand Prix
Last win 1960 500cc Nations Grand Prix
Team(s) Norton, MV Agusta
Championships 350cc – 1958, 1959, 1960

500cc- 1956, 1958, 1959, 1960

Starts Wins Podiums Poles F. laps Points
51 38 45 N/A 34 350
Formula One World Championship career
Active years 19601972
Teams Lotus, Cooper (Inc non-works), Lola, Ferrari, Honda, BRM,
non-works McLaren, Surtees
Entries 113 (111 starts)
Championships 1 (1964)
Wins 6
Podiums 24
Career points 180
Pole positions 8
Fastest laps 11
First entry 1960 Monaco Grand Prix
First win 1963 German Grand Prix
Last win 1967 Italian Grand Prix
Last entry 1972 Italian Grand Prix
24 Hours of Le Mans career
Participating years 19631965, 1967
Teams Scuderia Ferrari
Lola Cars/Team Surtees
Best finish 3rd (1964)
Class wins 0

May you rest in peace John but I know you will be on Gods track up there Racing The Duke and Mr Sheene.
