Weekend is here but its going to be damn Hot In Southern California

I know, I know- I should not complain about the weather, but- I left the shores of Blighty back in 1997, this weekend it will be in the 90’s and I am lucky that I now have the Barn to work in, albeit no A/C.  Its surprising how much you can get done when there is a big ball of fire trying to make you evaporate.

Today I shall be packing up quite a few New exhaust systems, with more on the way, busy time of the year for me as people are wrenching on their machines and of course, with warmer temperatures, then riding season is at its most fruitful, I too love riding early in the morning as the warmth of the Sun begins to make the tarmac steam and for me, there is nothing better to clear your head than a crisp morning.

But parts have to be re-stocked and I am trying to get the New Place in some sort of order, so I can pick and pack my parts a little easier and then ship right out to my Customers, I am lucky as the Main Post Office is just down the road, so that means I can take them directly to the Loading dock to scan and load the packages and boxes onto the truck that is going out to deliver.

I am coming up with a few different parts too and this all takes time, but I am enjoying what I do and when you work from your own Workshop with no landlord hassling you, a lot of stress simply disappears.

Happy Sunday everyone and hope you get a little bit of time to be able to do some wrenching on your machine, let me know if I can help by phone or text, 714-598-8392.  keep building and keep riding.

Friday at last, the weekend begins

Its that time at last, Friday evening, its nice to know that the weekend is now here, I have many orders to try and get out the door and tomorrow I shall be up early so i can pack a bunch more orders to send to my Customers.  It’s my Birthday Monday and although i have to work, I am blessed to have another year of doing what I love and I shall be churning more parts out this week for sure.

Have a Great weekend all of you and hope you get some time to work on your steed or even get to ride it.

Ace Cafe and some explanation of Triumph Bonneville.

Well Friday Already,

I am stuck for a bit of time but thought I would add a post of my mate Mark Wilsmore on here at the ACE Cafe, talking about the Rockers and of course the Bonneville.

Have a safe weekend out there.

General Blog today just a few things I got up to.

How is everyone now that is is Hump Day?  I try and do different things every day to make the week go by a little easier, every now and again I will attach the Phone to my bike and have a chinwag as I ride locally, just to keep some of you in the loop, but thats mostly on Face Book and Instagram etc, but thought I would add the odd rant or rave or just a little chin wag as and when things crop up and I feel the need to talk about it.

It may not be interesting for you but some people like to know what I get up to during the week, or what is on my mind, and this is a good way of showing what makes me tick.

I took the Thruxton out for a test ride as I fitted New Rear Brake pads, the old ones were getting low and I have a squeal that I hate when I brake on the bike, I personally believe its the Rotor but changed brakes and still the same.


The bike will go for another configuration this year as I like to change a few things up, still in the sketching on paper in the garage process right now but I do see a few things I would like to change, for a start, those crappy Wave Rotors, did not like at all.


I love the Thruxton but the Brakes do indeed let it down big time, The front ones I removed and fitted a Beringer caliper and it is way better at stopping when I really need it.


I love the pipes the way they sit and get rid of spent gases, the bike looks pretty cool and always get a thumb up at a few places, these machines are so easy to ride and as long as you keep up regular maintenance, then you are fine as they are so much improved that the original versions that I still love but do not miss the break downs.


I offer quite a few parts for this machine and it’s Sister the T100, as well as the Scrambler too, all fun Machines that I love to work on or take out for a ride in these great California Canyons.

Yesterday I took the Thruxton for a trip out to Chino Air Museum, just for a little ride and thoroughly enjoyed myself, took it easy this time and took in some of the area as the countryside out there is great to look at when at a more sedate pace.


Sunday was a great day to get out, took less than an hour to get to Chino Air Museum, I didnt go inside as I want to do that with the 59 Club as it is a good couple of hours to enjoy all these marvelous aircraft of the past.


If you can get out here to the Museum, it is a super place to hang out, once a year they have the Planes of fame air show which is unbelievable and thoroughly worth the ride out.

I can never get enough of this as ww2 was my thing at school, as well as we grew up next to a few American Air Bases, and where I lived was the

94th Bombardment Group (Heavy) was in ww2.


I learned to ride a Motorcycle on this very runway and it is still there today. I even drove my Hot Rod on there too and of course, where I got my American interest from a very early age.


So, coming to Chino is great as there are artifacts from the very airfield that I rode on as a kid and now I am here in California with some of the planes that were located there back in 1942-45.


Am epic flying machine the Flying Fortress and rightly names as it was super hard to shoot down and would take tremendous amount of damage in flight.


So I am always happy to ride out to this place and a little eerie feeling that the plane and I really do have a connection as we were both in the same place at different times but if it wasnt for that plane in the background, I may not be here today.


So i hung out for a little while, but it was a warm day, so paid my respects and then made my way home via the canyons again. But it will not be too long until we are all back here for a visit and eventually one day my God Son Bradley selves may take the trip from the UK to come out here as he is as mad as planes as I am.


A little run around the block, just in case I missed some stuff and then back onto the Tarmac to head to my home and take my time to enjoy the Sunday at my own pace.


Weather was bang on and I enjoyed my ride through the canyon and stopped off to take a few shots for my Blog on here to try and show you where I go and what I get up to these days.


Passing the State Of California  Corrections Firing rate at a sedate speed too. Ha Ha. And so, on to the twisties and thats what I get another kick out of when there is no traffic about.


Switch backs and chicane corners are fun, as long as you commit to them, this bend was awesome as its a 15 mph limit and off cambered too as well as up or downhill, so much to take in.


Keep your eyes peeled for traffic and of course the sides of the road as there is all sorts of debri from Branches to cans to stones, as well as hidden drive ways and footpaths, be aware.


Looks easy but this is a double bend too and even sharper at the bottom as its almost a switch back and off cambered the other way, but I enjoy that and had a grin all the way there.


I pulled over a couple of times just to take some of the scenery in, not great for photos as the Sun was facing me but took some to show what I was up to and you may like to have a look.


So if you can, ride as much as possible, I feel sorry for the colder climate states as they have such a smaller riding time than we do in California, as well as Canada, but I chose to move to California for that very reason, you always feel better with the Sun on your face.

So hope you enjoyed my little Blog today and hope it gets you off to a better start of the day and makes you smile.

Downed power pole Carbon Canyon 15Sep13

But be aware of your surroundings as you really never know what may be around the next corner, look ahead all the time. Thanks again for watching and, keep an eye out for Crazy Car drivers too.

CC Rd accident 28Sep15

Totti Motori is a great builder from Italy

Roberto Totti of Bologna is one of Italy’s most prolific custom bike builders, and he’s been getting a lot of attention lately on the interwebs. One of his latest motorcycles is the 1508 Hot Rod, inspired by American custom cars from the 1960s. (The 1508 comes from the date the frame was built, 15 August.) The 750cc engine comes from a Triumph T120, with the head apparently turned 180 degrees to maintain pressure in the carburettors.



The Bonneville T120 was Edward Turner’s last production design at Triumph (in retirement Turner designed the Triumph Bandit/BSA Fury which did not pass the prototype stage before BSA went under). The new motorcycle was conceived and developed so quickly that it was not included in the 1959 Triumph catalogue. With a 649 cc (39.6 cu in) parallel-twin (two-cylinder) engine the T120 was based on the Triumph Tiger T110 and was fitted with the Tiger’s optional twin 1 3/16 in Amal monobloc carburettors as standard, along with that model’s high-performance inlet camshaft. Launched in 1959 by Triumph as “The Best Motorcycle in the World”, the Bonneville T120 was aimed mainly at the lucrative US market where enthusiasts were demanding extra performance.

Initially produced with a pre-unit construction engine which enabled the bike to achieve 115 mph (185 km/h) without further modification, the power tended to induce high speed wobbles from the single downtube frame,so in 1963 a stiffer and more compact unit construction model was introduced, with additional bracing at the steering head and swinging arm.The steering angle was altered and improved forks were fitted a couple of years later, which, together with the increased stiffness enabled overall performance to match that of the Bonneville’s rivals.


In 1967 Triumph posted its most successful year in the United States with an estimated 28,000 T120s sold,.In 1968 the T120 gained a new and more reliable ignition system. From 1971, T120 models used a new frame which contained the engine oil instead of using a separate tank (this became known as the oil in frame/’OIF’ version). A five-speed gearbox finally was fully available by 1972, but competition from larger-capacity motorcycles led to the T120 being superseded by the 750 cc Bonneville T140.

Production of the 650 continued until 1973, when the workers at Triumph’s Meriden headquarters staged a sit-in until 1975. In 1974 fewer than 1000 of the 650cc assembled machines were released by the workers, with another 38 in 1975. Production of the T120 was not resumed following the sit-in, the Meriden Motorcycle Co-Operative created after the dispute concentrating upon the 750cc twins instead. In the Harry Potter Films,on was used as Rubeus Hagrid’s’s Flying Motorbike.


This sure is a classic look yet so different to many out there. Below is yet another style.



Looking forward to seeing more of his creations.


Happy Monday, Here’s some cool Video’s

Wow- Monday already and I guess it was a hard start for you lot today as it was for me too, and I think today I shall continue with a few more videos to try and help your workday fly by, or at least give you something different to look at on your lunch break etc.

road safety6

Below is a video from back in the day about road safety, always fun to watch as our machines have changed a lot , as well as the traffic speeds too.

road safety5

It is from Los Angeles in the 1960’s and boy, to see no traffic in the towns is weird these days, it also makes me laugh when the public service film and the AMA both tell you to. “Dress Neatly” as they want you to give a good impression to your neighbors. ha ha ha


And how about this, some rare footage called “Rode Safely” This was filmed back in 1955 in Liverpool, and its some cool footage to watch on a Monday and shows how things were so much different back then, compared to today’s traffic and Laws etc.

I had to laugh at the “staged crashes” and the Old style of hand signals that have changed in the highway Code back home. This is as funny as hell to watch and I am certain that these 13 minutes will have you cracking up.

Onto part 2 now of “Rode Safely”

16 minutes of awesome footage, and for me this was thoroughly entertaining, showing me what Back home like in 1955, when there was only half a million Motorcycles being ridden on the British roads.

road safety3

Be safe out there but you don’t have to dress neatly OK? LOL.

road safety4


More old Videos for Sunday!

Happy Sunday- Well as I will be busy with my Girlfriend Jennifer today, I thought I would add some more Video’s for you lot to have a look at as you enjoy your weekend too.


Here is a great little movie set in the Land of Oz, where the rocker scene was very strong like back home in England.
Made by The Commonwealth Film Unit 1959. Directed by Ralph Peterson.

Road safety for motor cyclists, dramatically showing good and bad practice. A motorcycle gang get a lesson from a professional racer on the right way to ride on the road and what type of skills are needed for the track.

On to Some british filming back in the day too as this shows you a little about the lifestyle of the Rocker and jukebox racing.


A woman puts a coin in a juke box, signalling the start of a motorcycle race. CU shows record spinning. Various shots show motorcycle riders in leather jackets speeding through streets in and around Leicester, England. At an intersection a biker and a truck collide. Footage shows the lifeless body of the biker in the road. CU shows a trickle of blood on his face.

This material can be licensed from Budget Films

OK over to the Unites States now and back in 1970 there was a Road safety effort for Motorcyclists everywhere.


British Day at Olde Ship Inn Santa Ana

Well, St Georges day was Saturday and what better event than to celebrate it than going to a British Pub with British cars and Motorbikes on display for all to see and of course enjoy.

We always have fun on the rides and meet ups that we attend and like to show it on the website to share with you lot too.


Steve Martinez rocks up on his Black Thruxton.

We all met up near my shop in Anaheim and made our way to Santa Ana but chose to take the streets as it was a great day for cruisning about on a Sunday.

Weather was awesome and the ride was a breeze going to Santa Ana, the British pub is called “The Olde Ship” so try and check it out when you can.

The parking lot was great for todays meet up and close to the freeway makes it easy to get to.

We were fast to get some shade under the tree and worked out to be a superb day for us all.

James O’Donnell and Andrew Fiallo have a good chin wag as meeting up with mates is always good and plenty to catch up on too.

The 2 Steve’s chill out as we all get ready to have a look at all the British cars that turned up for a belated St Georges day.

James “Oakley” O’Donnell has always made the meetings we have had and is a great 59 Club member who enjoys riding his Thruxton.

Steve Martinez has his Thruxton all kitted out and rides all over the place, a great guy too.

Amanda and Steve parked up with their Bonneville’s respectively.

Steve Fellons Plate says it all about the club to be honest- Nice one Matey!

Barry “Bare” Baxter rides his Guzzi everywhere.

Been A Racer, A pilot and even A software engineer, a great addition to the 59 Club Family and is a fun bloke.

Refusing to compromise with a lower seat or shocks, Bare sometimes gets a little out of shape until the wheels are rolling but- we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now- Don’t hit that Bloody bus mate.


In the Car park where we hung out with all the Brit cars, it was a fun day with free pint of beer and fish and chips too!

Amanda and Andrew are a great couple and both ride with us and each other, Loves a funny thing eh?

Amanda and Andrew ride a lot together and its great to see, Motorcycling is fun and so much you can do and get to easier on 2 wheels.

Andrew prefers the off road trail style of Triumph, the Scrambler is a very versatile motorcycle and I am sure he gets to many great areas on it.

The weather was perfect for this event and sure glad that we were lucky enough to park up under some shade as it got pretty hot.

James, Matt and Eric chew the fat on this British day, our club has a varied range of ages which makes for a fun time.

Matts Bonneville has had quite a few changes and he likes the way it is going.

Heading off for a Blap on his steed as the weather would be good all day.

My mate Steve Dennish Of Limeworks Speed Shop in Whittier beckons his wife Carol, to get her arse out of the car. This Rover P6 2 litre brings back some fun memories for me as a kid as my old man had one when he started a Taxi company, great cars, Me and my brother Both owned P5 Rovers.

Eric jumps on his Tango machine and heads out with those awesome rasping megaphones that get your attention, this is a cool bike.


Its a great color and the first I have seen like this and Eric loves to ride around the O.C. on it.

I took this as I sat at the traffic lights, always great to see and hear the rumble of these British twins.

Below is some of the cars that turned up and the Cortina Mk1 Estate belongs to my mate Steve Dennish son “James, great to see these cars.

Yes thats an Aston Martin right there.

Great Vintage tin for all to see, great people too.

I saw this Morris traveler but what is strange about it is its not like a stock one, this was a sedan that was converted and looked weird to me.

Now, this was a different kettle of fish and loved it, even the color.

James cruises out in his Cortina Estate.

Steve and Carol close behind in the Rover.

Here are some more photos that I took of the cars that were there at the show.


Plenty of MG’s to look at for sure.

So tiny though eh?

I’d drive that .

Thats super cool.

MG GT V8 had a nice rumble to it.


Lotus turned up with a Growl too.

Bare checking out the cars and likes the Riley 2.5 Litre.

So much to see and a fun day it turned out to be

Just wicked.



Loved this too.

I think this is a MG- TC but a very nice job.

Plenty of Brit tin to have a look at.

This was so small.

Even a Roller turned up too.

I remember driving my Old mans Spitfire as a kid just this but blue.

Not my cup of Tea but sure many loved it.

A Pride of MG TC and TD”s sit in the Sun on this great Afternoon at the Olde Ship Inn.

This bought me back to so many memories, I used to jump on this very number Bus to Islington, and the old Route Master Double Decker was a huge part of my life, catching the 135 Brimsdown in Enfield to the Great Cambridge road was something I will never forget. “Fares Please”

What a great Sunday.

59 Club Meet Up is always fun!

Well, it was that time once again for us to sling our legs over our machines and head on out to Roscoes deli and Bar in Downtown Fullerton for our Monthly meet up, seeing as it stays light in the evening now, this was our first meet up here since last year, and what a cool turn out it was too.

Not only did many of our members turn up, the Brand New 2016 Triumph Thruxton R that I test rode earlier in the day from Southern California Triumph in Brea ,who kindly offered me the opportunity to have a blast on the 100 HP Beast, thundered into the parking lot, to the amazement of many.

The weather was perfect for our meet up and the bar was busy too, with superb Sandwiches to scoff on and beer in massive Glass Trophy style Goblets to partake in liquid refreshment.

It was a great evening and 18 Motorcycles showed up and enjoyed the camaraderie amongst everyone at this cool venue in Fullerton.

That’s my girlfriend “Jennifer’s” mean machine and her mum made the cover for her T100, looks wicked eh?


Plenty of people came out and had a look and, as the evenings are lighter now, we shall continue to have a meet up here at Roscoes.

Corey’s Custom Bonny is at the top of the parking lot and Very Hot Roddy along with pinstriped Skid lid.

Even a New Speed twin attended of which I shall be making Megaphones for and should give it a more aggressive growl.

Plenty of eye candy to take in at this great Bar and grill and if you can make it out one of these evenings, you will enjoy it for sure.


Nice to have this cool group with no attitude, just a passion for Motorcycles and its lifestyle with the 59 Club O.C.

We had a Plethora of style, Cafe, Scrambler and Bonny all on parade.

James O’Donnell Rides his Thruxton all over the place and got the Trophy for best attendance a few weeks back with the club.

This guy is a True Iconic Fellon, but thats just his last name. No not iconic.

Above, a good mate Steve Martinez and his stunning Black and Silver  Thruxton of which he rides regularly.

Plenty of things to look at at Roscoes itself but tonight it was the parking lot that grabbed the attention.

My Girlfriend Jennifer rode up on her T100, she loves this machine and is a New rider and gets more and more miles under her belt when she can.

Above, Steve Fellon with the “Slave Master “club hat, enjoys our buddies 175 Honda and brings back good memories.

Above, Amanda talks to Jennifer on how she likes to Wheelie where ever she can on her way to work each morning. LOL!

A great amount of British iron here tonight and we all had an awesome time, try and make it along to a meet up of ours sometime.

Fellon having relapses of jumping off curbs and running across farmers property back in the day.

The lads from Southern California Triumph Motorcycles came along and bought the New Thruxton R to show it off to all. But they had to have a few Beers first to settle their nerves.

Barry- AKA- “Bare” found a short cut to our meeting, great fella and his Guzzi Racer was sat all proud.

Above, Michael David Smith arrived on his trumpy, works many hours but always makes time for the club meet, thats dedication for you.

Some of the Lads chewing the fat, whilst I was chewing on a Sandwich!

Julie jumps on the New Thruxton R and that 1200 cc feels appealing from her 175 Honda thats for certain and she fits the bike very well indeed.

Corey and his lovely wife Julie admire the New Thruxton and Corey contemplates his Mrs blowing the doors off his Bonny if she bought it.

Fits this Thruxton R like a glove, its a fun bike as I rode it this morning and has bags of Torque.

Every digs the roar of the Stainless Steel megaphones as Julie hits the loud button and her old man comes to investigate.

So many bikes and a warm evening made this meet up very memorable and nothing to do with Kobe’s last game on the tv either.

I always enjoy our 59 Club events and people all seem to have fun, swap stories and genuinely  enjoy the evening with everyone.


There is Julie again on that Thruxton, its a wicked machine and Id love to have that in my own stable.

I can see the figures running through her mid if this is a plausible deal for her, this is truly a 100 Horse Torque Monster.

The Girl of my Dreams Jennifer, rides me me as much as she can, and enjoys organizing 59 club events.

More Trump here than Donald!

My 2013 Thruxton sits patiently, I truly love riding my cafe, its all dialed in and I enjoy the Canyons when I can.

Big J sits on the New Thruxton R and is surprised he can touch the floor- Barley!! LOL

This sure would get him to work a little faster, but he has a Thruxton 900 and thats so much fun anyway.

Maybe if the Lotto numbers come up he can grab this and keep both machines and teach his Girlfriend Carole how to ride?

Our mate Eric Dye has a Trumpy that you can never lose in a parking lot, this tangerine dream is a sweet ride.

Oh Oh- Is Corey working out what the Payments would be on that Thruxton R?

Seat comes off with a flick of the key on the New Thruxton R.

The Triumph Seat now a concealed compartment for all things you need with you, Registration, Glock, etc.

Our members all having a great time as we enjoy the now lighter nights and some fun rides coming up on the calendar.


Love all the old signs and memorabilia at Roscoes, it really is a great place to meet up with friends in Fullerton.

The Night is drawing in but the fun continues as we all eat, drink and enjoy a fun evening of laughter.

Carlos pulled up on his Thruxton with his New fairing attached.

With More Fog Lights than a East Anglian British Sea Side Light house, this bike gets noticed.

Carlos will be painting this Black with checkers, s stay tuned for more.

Off goes Carlos  with more wattage than a nuclear power plant.

This 2016 Thruxton is all machine as I rode it and took it into the Canyon, it is responsive, Torquey and boy does it Growl!


Looks great as the Sun was going down, if you can get a chance to take this for a test ride, do so as they are a fun machine but- watch the power in the first 2 gears and she will lift up like a Cutter through an Ice pack!

Getting ready to go and another fun evening was had by all, thanks for coming.

Ode and Michael David Smith get suited and Booted and get ready to jump on their steeds and head home.

Amanda gives us the secret Cringe as she struggles to pull her Scottish wallet from her Jacket, whilst Jennifer smiles.



Southern California Motorcycles Spring Open House Show! SATURDAY 2nd APRIL

Well, Only a few days away and the BIG event to be held at North America’s biggest Triumph Motorcycle dealer will soon be upon us.

We shall be having a small Booth there,, showing parts and Apparel from our shop and be great to see you in Person. Maybe have some headlights, Seats and other cool parts for your british iron. So we sure hope that you will ride over to this Open house and come enjoy this fun Saturday with more Triumphs than you will know what to do with.


Where:Southern California Motorcycles
515 W Lambert Rd
Brea, CA 92821
When:Saturday, April 2 – 10am-5pm


This is a big and fun event, so jump on your Trusty Trumpy and head over to Southern California Motorcycles in Brea on Saturday the 2nd April for some great bargains, heck, you might even fancy buying a New machine as they can hook you up right there and then if so needed.



I have bought Three Motorcycles from them there and have always given me a super deal and an easy Transaction too.

Bring you and the Family as there will be all sorts of stuff going on and know that you will enjoy yourself.


Here is a Bit more about their show for you to read:


Jennifer is digging her new seat on her Bonneville. #triumph #triumphamerica #triumphmotorcycles #triumphmotorcyclescalifornia #triumphmotorcyclesuk #unionjack #t100 #carpyscaferacers #59club #59ckuboc #jenniferstriumph #girlsridetoo



Southern California Motorcycles invites riders and enthusiasts of all ages, as well as their family and friends, to join us for our annual Spring Open House. The event will take place on Saturday, April 2nd from 10am to 5pm at our dealership located at 515 W. Lambert Rd. in Brea, CA. Attendees can enjoy free food and drinks, live music, and the chance to win prizes from free raffles and a Best Bike contest. Vendors will be displaying the latest and greatest in motorcycles and more. We will have a bikini bike wash, photo booth, and tons of great deals throughout our showrooms. Our Service department is now taking appointments for an exclusive offer for onsite suspension setup. For only $40, riders can have their suspension set up (an $80 savings) in about twenty minutes. We will have over 20 motorcycles ready for demo rides from all our brands; sign-ups are on a first-come first-serve basis.

We shall be there with a few of our own Motorcycles too, so make sure you can come by and say hello, maybe even buy some products from us too?

My Girlfriends Trunpy has A New seat today- Jennifer designed it and her mum made the Union Jack top- upholstered with marine waterproof canvas- came out great , she loves it. #triumph #Bonneville #t100 #trumpy #tonup #59club #59ckuboc #acecafe #unionjack #GreatBritain #carpyscaferacers

Hope to see you pop by and have a chin wag on Saturday as the weather will be perfect for it. We shall be there early and stay until the end, so please come out and say hello, we support all businesses that are local and love to see some of you there. Ride safe.