Mooneyes Christmas Party 2016 Irwindale

I got to work and noticed some fog and gray clouds looming as I opened my shop on a Saturday Morning, but- None the less, today was the annual Christmas Party that Mooneyes host at Irwindale drag strip and it is a not to be missed event for me, mainly because it is an awesome time for me to meet many friends from all over the place and get to ctach up on how they are doing etc.

Pulling the Triumph out onto the Road and firing her up was a good feeling as the trip is only up Three Highways and about a 35 minute ride, although as its close to Christmas now, plenty of traffic and a sharp eye was needed to watch out for cars trying to cut lanes at the last minute.

Time flew by pretty fast as I cruised at about 80 all the way and mostly in the car pool lane, my idea of that is that it is the safest route to take, being that there is a Divider wall to my left, so only things in front of me and to the side have a chance of getting me, as opposed to riding in the middle lane and being open to all and sundrie.

As I pulled off the 605, I could see the line of traffic that were waiting to get into the drag-strip area, I knew that some people had actually arrived at 3AM- for them to get a good space and enjoy the hundreds of Vehicles that attend this Hot Rod and Custom extravaganza every year.

Being on a Two wheeled machine does has its advantages, as I rolled on by everyone and right up to the entrance with no wait at all, and that’s a nice feeling for sure as some of these poor buggers had been sitting a long time in traffic.

As I pulled in to the event I could see the Sea of multicolored vehicles that were lined up similar to a Chinese military show, but that’s the only comparison to that as everyone was smiling, laughing, cooking, drinking and even dancing, and I knew today’s event would be a blast.

Most years that i have attending this show has always been cold, windy and a few ties it has been raining its arse off, and, as I left my shop in the fog, I thought to my self. “Oh no not again” But I was mistaken, as pretty much as soon as I got off my steed, the sun was coming through the clouds and could feel its warmth as I approached the entrance to the show.


I have no idea how many vehicles turned up, predominately it was Chevy and Ford, but had a sprinkling of Dodge, Chrysler, Studebaker and even Volkswagen’s were there in many guises.


I took about 60 odd photos with my I-Phone until my Battery decided to tell me on that phone that it was time for it to shut down and have a melt down, but I did get many cool shots and wanted to share them with you.

I get many people from all over the globe check my blogs out as a lot of us do not just have an interest in Motorcycling, it covers a vast spectrum of interests from Hot Rodding, Drag racing, to Low Riders and Full Custom Machines.  there was plenty to see and, if you can ever get to Southern California and check out @mooneyeschristmasparty you will be amazed at the fun you will see.

So much to see and I hope you like some of these photos that I have taken, there would of been many more if my battery hadnt died on my phone, but enjoy all of you.

The weather turned out awesome to be honest and I am met many friends that I had not seen for a long long time, so glad that I ventured out to Mooneyes Christmas Show as it never fails to be entertaining as so much is going on there and always different cars, Rods and Motorcycles to check out and people are more than willing to tell you all about what they have done.

So many different styles of machines and to be honest I wish I had enough Battery to show all the drag racing that was going on all day as that was so cool to hear Motors flat out on the 1/8th.

Many of these I have not seen before and it was great chatting to all the owners and finding out what they did to heir ride, where they are from and some even gave me some great contacts for vintage parts etc.

That Green Roadster was a Raffle Car a few years ago at Ventura and boy what a sweet ride that is, the guy who won it only had ONE $20.00 ticket and he won the ride, so awesome.

Next up is my mate Becky Sue from Anaheim Rod & Custom, a really cool Girl and great family and Hot Rod shop, so glad she got to drive her Comet. Great Job Becky!

Few more video’s this time the cars coming down the side of the track after their runs on the 1/8th mile at Irwindale.

Awesome Sling shot as it cackles its way to the pits.



Mooneyes Xmas Party Show & Drag 2016

I shall be attending as this is the best end of year meet up in

So Cal, always great to see friends I have not seen for many years, make sure you make it as it will be a Doozy!

I will be riding my Trumpy to beat the traffic as you may be inline for a while to get in, if you have a flathead, make sure you have plenty of water for the radiator.
Save the date: Saturday December 10, 2016
at Irwindale Speedway
500 Speedway Dr. Irwindale, CA 91706



Rain or shine

Where the CQQLEST people and CQQLEST cars gather!
+ Car Show
+ Run what’cha Brung 1/8 mile drags
+ Pinup Contest
+ Live music
+ Vendors
+ Hot Rods, Customs, Choppers and more:



General Admission is $5.00 per person (adult)
Children, 12 years and under are free.
General Parking is $10.00 per vehicle.


Colony Boys
Go Getters
Gamblers Mark
Hot Rod Trio


For Pin-up Contest information, please contact:
Mitzi at


Visit out Facebook Event Page:


PLEASE COME EARLY TO GUARANTEE A PARKING SPACEPreregistration does not guarantee a parking space. Although we do have reserved sections for the car show entries, all parking is based on a first come, first served basis. Please arrive early to secure a parking space. Gate opens by 6AM. Parking is managed by Irwindale Speedway. Once the parking lot is declared full, the gate will be closed and no vehicles will be permitted into the parking area until an official confirms an open space. MOONEYES does not have any control over the parking situation. We apologize for the trouble and any inconvenience this may cause.
Please do not setup tents in open spaces or block empty spaces. Please cooperate with the parking lot attendants at all times. After all, they are just doing their job.

moon14Make sure that you Come early, park early, take it easy and enjoy a fine day at the show!


Tomorrow, December 10th, I’ll be at, Mooneyes X-Mas Party at Irwindale Speedway in my Santa Suit! If any photographers want to shoot with me, send me a message! See you tomorrow bright and early!


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding the parking situation.
Thank you very much.





SHOW CAR Registration:
All show cars are limited to pre 1965 model years.
PREREGISTRATION ENTRY FEE: $20.00 includes 1 car and 2 persons.
Registration Entry Fee at the gate (at show) is $40.00 (1 car & 2 persons)
Motorcycles are $15.00 Preregistration or at the gate.

Entry form: – SHOW CAR Entry Form
Registration is CLOSED



DRAG RACE Registration:
RUN WHATCHA BRUNG! Test your car & your skills!
PREREGISTRATION ENTRY FEE: $40.00 (race car entry fee)
PREREGISTRATION ENTRY FEE: $40.00 (motorcycle/drag bike entry fee)
Preregistration includes 1 vehicle pass and 2 wristbands.
Drag cars are limited to pre 1969 model years.
Trailer parking: $20.00 (Trailer must fit within 36-foot space)

Entry form: – DRAG RACE Registration
Registration is CLOSED




Please print the document, fill out the form completely and send it in. See form for our address and related information. For any specific questions, please contact us at or by calling (562) 944-6311.


Registration period:
*Registrations may end early without any notice, depending on space available.


All vendors must have a City of Irwindale business license and they must apply for the business license online at
Please note that the cutoff date for applying for a business license is Monday, December 5, 2016.

Entry form: – Vendor Booth Application
Registration is CLOSED

For all inquiries please contact or call direct (562) 944-6311



Pendine Sands 2016 Speed Trials

This is one of the best places in the world to experience Hot Rodding at its very best, sat on the far west side of Britain, Pendine Sands in Wales has so much racing history on this infamous beach.



I just had to post some photos I saw and will credit those who took them. the Sidewinders put this annual event on and a lot of work it needs to get to where it is, so when you get a chance, drop them a line than thank them for all their hard work.

Steve foster photo.

Photo: Steve Foster

This is an old mat of mine Matt Farrant and he posted the fasted time of 117 miles and hour with his flatty powered Roadster pick up and was the fasted man on the sand for the second year running, great job Matt.

Photo. S. Foster

I see my mate Melissa with the Bandanna on her noggin and she drove her ride on the beach faster than her old mans Hot ROD.

Photo. Steve Foster.

Photo : S. Foster

Mat Farrant giving it his best on the beach with a recorded speed of 117 , thats awesome.

Checking out the program  as these 2 Nostalgically dressed girlies enjoy the day. photo. S. Foster

Photo. S. Foster

OMG-Scot Blown Flatty, would love that myself, great job and shot.

Photo. Steve Foster

Love this shot of the roadsters on the beach lining up for their run.

Photo. Steve Foster.

My mate Sarah Bradley gets ready to run her roadster up the beach.

Photo Steve Foster.

Waiting for the flag to give them the go ahead to light them up and make the pass up the beach.

Photo. Steve Foster

Great shot here, love the Duvall style windshield and the frog mouths.

Photo S. Foster

Channeled 5 window looked Bad ass.

Photo. S. Foster


Photo. Steve Foster.

This looks so much fun.

Photo. S Foster

How can this not be fun?

Photo. S. Foster

This 29 Roadster is all set for his run at the speed trials.

Photo. S. Foster

As old timey as it gets, this bobbed fendered Roadster is itching to go.

Photo. S. Foster

T Roadster gets a helping hand.

Photo. S. Foster

Wishing him luck.

photo. S. Foster

Frigging amazing set up.

Photo. S. Foster

Number 362 gets a good start on his run up the Welsh beach of Pendine Sands.

Photo. S. Foster

Getting as much traction as they can as they start their run.

Photo. S. Foster

How low can you go?

Photo S. Foster

Great shot.

Photo. S. Foster

Another roadster heading out.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Heading into Pendine.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Chilling with everyone on the beach.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Lets see who is the fastest the.

Photo: Martin Stockton.

Where it all happens from the start to finish.

Photo: Martin Stockton 

A set of hungry Quads

Photo. Martin Stockton

Great shot on the line.

Photo. Martin Stockton

We shall meet you on the Beaches.

Photo. Martin Stockton

This 29 is almost ready for the take off.

Photo. Martin Stockton

5 window looks sweet.

Photo. Martin Stockton

This is a really cool shot, love the whole frame, the color is awesome.

Photo. Martin Stockton.

And we are off!!!

Photo. martin Stockton

Roadster Pickup is having some fun here.

Photo. martin StocktonAnother great shot looking through a model A window.

Photo. martin Stockton

Epic photo of the start line.

photo. Martin Stockton

Another cool capture of the start.

Photo. martin Stockton.

Taking it all in.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Putting the Modified through its paces.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Matt Farrant takes off on his 117 MPH Flatty, great job Matt.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Great photo and the geezer is having a blast.

Photo. Martin Stockton

My mate Sarah Bradley ,cruises the Beach.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Matt Farrant, giving it his best shot and winning the fastest flatty of the weekend at 117 MPH, Sweet.

Photo. martin Stockton

The VHRA official filling station.

Photo. Martin StocktonMatt Farrant, getting geared up and going through his check list procedure so he is calm and collected for his run.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Epic panoramic view of the run.

Photo. Martin Stockton

Awesome machine.

My Mate Martin Grossmith in his A Bone and now in the 100mph club.

Martin is sat and ready to wind it on at Pendine Sands.

Great photos here of some mates I know from back home, must of been fantastic experience.

Below is a vide of Dean Lowes Roadster pick up at Pendine.



These sands have been raced on for many many years, even in 1951 the motorcycles all took part in racing.

So, with over 150 entries at Pendine, this only seems to get bigger and better.

photo credit. Elie Rose and my mate Mel Gee driving.

Photo: Elie Rose photography with Mel in her ride.

Photo credit: Stefan

Stefan Marjoram|Art & Photography.


Photo Credit: Stefan Morjoram. With Sarah Bradley in her Roadster.

Stefan Marjoram|Art & Photography

Stefan Marjoram|Art & Photography

Photo: Stefan

Photo: Stefan

Photo: Stefan “The Lads”

Photo: Stefan

Photo: Stefan




Insane Meat Slicer Turbo Visor from back in the day!

As a kid, I used to think that this was nuts even then and now, well how frigging crazy is this invention to see, I cannot imaging the distraction from the noise of this circular Buzz saw that screams around at the speed of sound to “Fling” off any H2O that maybe sitting on the visor.

So Today I thought that I would show some of these Crazy inventions and make you smile today, but- in all the many decades of riding I have done back home and all over Europe, I have never encountered one of these.

Were there ever any injury’s from this contraption at all I wonder?

Even the infamous Formula 1 race car driver Graham Hill tried this insane idea out.


So I wonder what happened to these things, as these were very antiquated inventions.

So I did a little research and bloody hell, they still frigging make them.

Some use them for Go karting and racing, how mad is that?

So . Pardon the Pun-it has actually come full circle?


So keep your eyes out for one of these, but I bet you hear it coming before you see it, it is sure to sound like an old Bi-Plane losing power.

So, what is there now that maybe knocks this into a cocked hat?

How about this then?

Now there cannot be anything more embarrassing than this contraption.


So, stick this on your Christmas list.

Bonneville’s Speed Week is Cancelled for Second year



​    The SCTA President/Race Director Bill Lattin & the BNI Chairman Roy Creel spent this morning (July 20th) on the salt. The most they could find was 2 1/4 miles of salt suitable for a safe race course. The rest of the salt flats
are either wet or wet and muddy. If the wet salt gets
dry, future events could be possible.

The Nugget will be refunding for reservations for one week

BNI Membership Form.

Racers at Bonneville Salt Flats Pepper Potash Firm With Complaints

WENDOVER, Utah—Are the Bonneville Salt Flats turning into the Bonneville Mud Flats?

Hot rodders who race on them think they are. The expanse of whiteness—hard, flat and fast—has shrunk, they say. The crystalline surface that smashers of land-speed records have made their hallowed ground for nearly a century seems slushy and thin.

The culprit, the hot rodders are convinced, is potash. The potash here is potassium chloride, a kind of salt. It is used in fertilizer, gunpowder and lethal injections.

Just south of the salt crust, across Interstate 80, there’s a single potash mine. The mine sucks brine from under the flats, extracts the tiny percentage of potash, and lets the rest dry out into waste heaps of table salt. So much salt has been removed, the racers believe, that the crust itself is disappearing.

“See our tire tracks?” Larry Volk was saying one windy July day. Mr. Volk, a 70-year-old hot rodder, is chairman of a group called Save the Salt. He had eased his Ford F-150 onto the flats in search of a course for Speed Week, where hundreds of vehicles of different sorts strain to go as fast as they can. This year’s events are to begin Aug. 13.

The tire tracks were light gray, the color of wet wallboard. “That’s mud,” said Mr. Volk. He got out and jabbed at the goop with a screwdriver. “All we want,” he said, “is the salt they take off put back on.”

South of I-80, the excavators of Intrepid Potash Inc., were digging at a moonscape of canals and man-made lakes. Its 48 workers ship 100,000 tons of potash a year at $500 a ton. From their side of the road, the salt crust’s plight doesn’t look so cut and dried.

Speed thrills, but to potash miners, potash thrills, too. “It supports life on Earth,” said Hugh Harvey, an Intrepid executive spending a day at the mine. He placed a potash granule on the tip of his tongue and grinned. “It lights up the mouth,” he said.

Intrepid hardly sells any of its salt waste. At $15 a ton, it isn’t worth the trouble. “To be perceived as helpful,” as Mr. Harvey puts it, the mine already pipes tons of it back onto the flats. The rest of the salt, standing in the rain, will dissolve back into the flats, Mr. Harvey says, in a few hundred years.




That isn’t fast enough for the hot rodders. They want the mine to pump a lot more salt a lot faster, and they want the owner of the salt flats—the federal government—to mandate it, now and forever.

After years of delay blamed on budgets, the Bureau of Land Management is soon to decide—possibly before Speed Week starts—and won’t say a thing yet. But two of the BLM’s geologists—who took the flats’ most up-to-date measurements—have just retired. Their calculations have left them asking the bed-rock question: Has the salt, in fact, been shrinking—or hasn’t it?


“What’s normal?” said Bill White, 68. He was standing on a berm in the warm wind, looking over the salt with his fellow geologist, Jim Kohler, who is 65. Said Mr. Kohler, “What’s back to normal?”

The flats have been around since Lake Bonneville dried up 14,000 years ago. The first speed record, set in 1914 by Teddy Tetzlaff in his Blitzen Benz, was followed by the first potash mine in 1917, a response to German gunpowder superiority in World War I.


Potash mining took off in the 1930s, hot rodding in 1949. The two coexisted until the 1960s, when the racers say they began having trouble finding a 13-mile straightaway of hard, thick salt.

Experts confirmed it. In 1988, the BLM, which is part of the Interior Department, said the crust was shrinking by 1% a year. In 1989, Save the Salt was formed. In 1997, after years of campaigning, it persuaded the potash miners to voluntarily put some salt back.

At the time, Reilly Chemical Inc. owned the mine. For five years, Reilly pumped brine under I-80 and onto the crust. Intrepid bought Reilly in 2004. While Mr. Harvey says it doubted the effectiveness of the pumping, Intrepid kept it up, just not so fast. In all, it reckons, the mine has dumped 8.2 million tons of salt onto the flats—enough to fill 81,176 hoppers in a train 911 miles long.

What happened? Not much.


Checking the old measurements, the geologists found errors. They recalibrated the old figures and matched them with their own new ones. It turned out that the flats hadn’t changed in 16 years. The crust was as thick in 2004—two feet, more or less—after years of pumping, as it was in 1988, after decades of mining.


As for the area of the flats, it fluctuates with rainfall, but its raceable surface still covered about 35 square miles.

The big surprise was that the brine pumped from the potash mine had no effect at all. It barely added to the salt’s thickness or expanse. It dribbled right through the crust and into the desert’s aquifer—a sea no amount of pumping will ever fill up.



“We just gather facts,” says Mr. White.

The racers don’t buy it. They’re certain the salt has gone mucky since Intrepid slowed down its pumps.

If the BLM won’t force the mine to keep pumping, they say they’ll go to Congress and the courts. They haven’t brought in any outside geologists, but they have brought in a lawyer, Russ Deane, to argue their case. “There’s a history of abuse on the flats,” he says.

The BLM’s retired geologists blame the weather. In dry years, they have noticed, race reports call the salt fast; in wet years, it’s slow.

Mr. Kohler and Mr. White were rolling over the flats in their Ford Explorer, leaving gray tire tracks. What about that mud? Doesn’t it mean that the crust has thinned to nothing?

“That’s a misconception,” said Mr. Kohler.



Mr. White stopped the car. Mr. Kohler got out, crouched and scraped at the ooze with a pick. “It’s not mud,” he said. “It’s surface gypsum, windblown and waterborne.” The damp gypsum was merely coating the crust’s surface. Mr. Kohler hacked into it with his pick, and a chunk of hard salt flew up.

“That’s the crust,” said Mr. White. “About two-feet thick here. I’m skeptical that’s ever going to disappear.”

Mr. Kohler stood and shaded his eyes in the glare. “Is this place doomed?” he said. “I don’t think so. The activities out here—mining or racing—won’t change it much. These salt flats will still have a salt crust. And they’ll still be flat.”


Last week, we reported that the 2015 Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats was in danger of canceling due to the poor conditions of the salt surface after recent heavy rains. Over the weekend, Southern California Timing Association (SCTA) visited the site to scope out a usable race course for Speed Week. According to a source that is close with SCTA, 260 out of 338 Speed Week entries voted on a web survey that they would continue to race this year if a single three mile short course could be used. Unfortunately, with input from the Bureau of Land Management, the poor salt conditions lead SCTA to cancel the 2015 Speed Week. On SCTA’s Facebook page, they stated that, “The SCTA President/Race Director Bill Lattin & the BNI Chairman spent this morning (July 20th) on the salt. The most they could find was 2 1/4 miles of salt suitable for a safe race course. The rest of the salt flats are either wet or wet and muddy. If the wet salt gets dry, future events could be possible.” HOT ROD spoke to Bill Lattin, who told us that, “Going towards the big end of the big miles, it gets really rough. And before that, it’s too wet; a bunch of people are getting stuck.”


While we were expecting the announcement on July 22, conditions were bad enough to warrant a quick decision by SCTA. While the 2015 Speed Week has been cancelled, Lattin confirmed that SCTA is still planning to run the World Finals race from September 29 to October 2, 2015. Racers are disappointed, but are looking towards the positives. Andy Leach from Cal Customs was going to bring out a brand new build, a ’34 Chevy stretched to run Comp Coupe and powered by a 427 LS. He says, “We’re a little bummed, but it does give us more time to prep the car for the World Finals.” Steve Watt of Maxwell Industries, where the Speed Demon Team streamliner is being built, was disappointed at the news but not disheartened. “It will give us plenty of time for next year.” The team was going to work down to the wire to get the Speed Demon Team streamliner to Bonneville to defend the HOT ROD trophy no matter what kind of track the SCTA was able to prep for Speed Week. With the event cancelled Watt is focusing on getting test runs of the new streamliner, which is considerably lighter and has new data acquisition capability. Stay tuned to HOT ROD News for future Bonneville Salt Flats racing news. While you mule on today’s Speed Week news, take a throwback to Roadkill Episode 20, where Freiburger and Finnegan rebuild a land speed racing 1981 Camaro, and attempt to run at the 2013 Speed Week with the then-new Chevy ramp truck! This early Roadkill episode is true to the name when things don’t go as planned on the salt flats.

Mt Baldy Ride 59 Club O.C. Saturday May 23rd





Meetup at Alea’s.  Breakfast… kickstands up at 10:00.

3371 E Miraloma Ave, Anaheim, CA

It will be time to take to the mountains this Saturday (23rd) as the 59 Club O.C. Section spend the day checking out this scenic and curvy Mountain area that Motorcycles were ideally suited for.

If you want to come out for a ride, then meet us up at Alea’s Cafe on Saturday Morning, we leave at 10am and Bare will be leading as he knows them roads quite well.


This will be a fun ride and with great people, I have never been on this route and am looking forward to it immensely.

So sling your leg over your steed and come and spend a few hours with us as we enjoy the So-Cal countryside.

We would love to see you for the ride as this will be a great day for it and your Motorcycle.


Bare suggested this Route:


The best route for Baldy ride; 57-210W-Off at Azusa turn left at exit street, right on Azusa. Handy Mobil station a block up on the left (one way street), Continue on Azusa to San Gabriel Canyon and continue to the Chrystal Lake turn off, about 22 miles. There is a little food place at Chrystal Lake mostly outside seating, not that I would recommend it. Save your appetite for Mt Baldy. We will then go back down San Gabriel (11 mi) to East Fork road and turn left. Take East Fork to Glendora Ridge road, this is a real switch back, about 4 mi, then continue down to a stop sign (5mi) and turn left. Go about 12 miles to Mt Baldy road stop sign and turn left. Go about 400 yds to a restaurant on the left. All distances are approximate! after lunch those who live east of Mountain Road in Claremont can go down Mt baldy road to the 210. Those who live west and go back across Glendora Ridge to Glendora Mountain which will take you down into Glendora. My choice. Get in all the twisties I can!


If you want to find out about how to join this Nostalgic and prestigious club, check out:

I love this Club and have a passion for all Nostalgic Motorcycles, be it old or new but have that certain style to it from the days of the café Racers of Britain in the late 1950’s.

Roadster up on the Auction Blocks.



Now, this is a Cool Piece of Little Nostalgia that i would love to own, but its all available to the public if you make a bid on the Auction that is coming up, The Rodders Journal did a write up on this cool Flathead powerd Roadster and I wanted to share it with you lot.


The Unknown Roadster Auction

It’s a rare opportunity to own a bona fide hot rod survivor. But that’s just what Auctions America is offering when the flathead-powered Model A Ford “Unknown Roadster” (TRJ #61) crosses the block at their upcoming California auction. It’s one of several historic rods and customs (some of which have also graced our pages) consigned for the event. If you have the opportunity to be there July 31st through August 2nd at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel, it’s one you won’t want to miss.


The Unknown Roadster earned its moniker because despite its early- to mid-’50s design and construction, no one has uncovered any history prior to 1962. Styling cues like the deeply channeled body and cycle fenders lend an East Coast flavor, while other details like the ’40 Ford dash, roll pans, louvers, and nerf bars hint at a West Coast ’50s show rod past. To add to the mystery, a 1955-issue dime is affixed to the center of the steering wheel, possibly marking the date of the little roadster’s completion.



Bob Conner originally discovered it in a lean-to in Colorado around 1970. It took nearly 20 years for him to purchase the old Ford, and shortly thereafter Colorado hot rodder Gary Vahling took ownership. Gary was able to piece together a little bit of history, including the possible identity of a previous owner, a man named Bob Flager, and a 1962 photograph taken by Fort Collins hot rodder Ed Koski. Before long Gary’s brother Frank bought the car and installed a fresh flathead before selling it to Greg Hopkins of Dothan, Alabama.




Our feature in TRJ #61 chronicled Greg’s journey driving the roadster on its solo maiden voyage from Colorado to Alabama. He snapped dozens of artful photographs as he traversed the states on the back roads and “blue highways.” We had the opportunity to see the Unknown Roadster in action when Greg brought it to Baltimore for our TRJ Revival last year. He drove it to every rod run, cruise, and party we hosted–and the crowds gathered everywhere he went. More recently he installed a Vern Tardel-built 286-inch flathead with a Cyclone 3×2 intake and heads, a four-inch Merc crank, and an Isky full-race cam–all hooked to a venerable 3-speed toploader.

In addition to our story in TRJ, the roadster was featured in Pat Ganahl’s Lost Hot Rods II and Volume 10 of Mark Morton’s Hop Up annual. But the next chapter will be written in just a few weeks when it crosses the auction block in Southern California. We’re excited to see where it ends up, and hope to see it out on the road again in the near future. And in this day and age, we don’t doubt more of its history will come to light as time goes on.


The Auctions America California sale is quickly earning a reputation for featuring hot rods and customs fitting of its Southern California location. In addition to the Unknown Roadster, Gene Winfield’s custom ’35 Ford shop truck is being offered following its well-documented resurrection by Texas’ Hatfield Restorations. And there are a number of other former TRJ feature cars crossing the block as well, including Bill Layman’s Ronnie Dragoo-style chopped, Cad-powered ’54 Merc and the Jackman Brothers’ famous Deuce sport coupe clone, built by Harry and Tom Jackman.

Over 400 cars will cross the block at Auctions America’s California sale, and you can click here to see a complete list and photos of them. There are offerings representing a broad range of eras and styles–and fitting a broad range of budgets to match. We hope to see you in Burbank later this month, and if you won’t be there to see the excitement firsthand, you can catch the highlights by tuning in to NBC Sports Network August 1st and 2nd.



Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal

I made the cover of Lightning Magazine in Japan!

Well, I am pleased to announce that I just made the Cover of Lightning Magazine, Japans leading Lifestyle and collectors edition.

To be able to make it into a Japanese magazine s something, I managed to get 10 pages in Lightning back in about 2006 and now, here I am on the Cover, I feel proud but very honored to be able to be the person they want on their cover.


The Editor was great fun and we had a good day when they came to visit me at my shop in Anaheim Californioa last week.

It was so cool to see my Alloy Cafe Racer featured on the cover, as well as it is sporting one of our newest exhausts systems on it, the good old Dunstall style 4 into 2, with megaphones.

I spent many hours trying to configure this machine, this has so much work you may never even notice, but I really like all the lines of my Alloy Tarmac eater.

The Velocity stacks are each made on a lathe, no mill, just a lathe and boy are they sick, and have stainless steel removable mesh filters too.



My Cafe has a very rare ARCES Italian front end that I took off a Formula race bike of the 1970s, and has a set of Marzocchi clip ons to match the era.


I have follwed this magazine for many years and am so suprised at how many collectable people there are in the land of the rising sun and they sure do enjoy what they have.

We spent a few hours conversing on what turns my dial and why I am into Motorcycles etc, I grew up owning and working on Japanese motorcycles and thats how I used the name “Rice Boiler ” On my latest machine thats just finished.

Motorcycles have alwasy been part of my life, I love many styles but am a wee bit of a traditionalist when it comes to the 70’s motorbikes that I grew up with.


I used all sorts of cool tricks on the Rice Boiler and one thing i wanted to be a forst to do, was to use CB750 Connecting Rods as Mirrors.

The same about the exhaust hanger, we made the exhaust out of Stainless steel and then used a big Block Ford Con Rod for the hanger.

As you can see, I even have a Z900 right now, as I shall be making exhausts for the Z900, the Z1000 and also I shall be making exhausts for the KZ series Kawasakis and also I have some to build for clients that have GS750E and Gs1000 Suzuki’s, so keep checking back on the website, as we shall also be making swing arms again and a few more cool parts.






The Alloy Machine gets a lot of attention and is a super machine, I will let it go but not for peanuts this time as this is a rather unique build with very rare race parts on it and one off items.

The 4 into 2 exhausts keep selling out and I am glad I created this style as it give the bikes some classic curves.






I also enjoy painting and designing Tee Shirts and a good release from a stressful day at the workshop.

Thats an Original RR250 flat top 2 stroke Harley and has Never ever been fired up, its a sweer ride but tiny in comparisson tothe 750 Honda.



The 4 into 1 system of ours is a great seller and we are making them for 350 and up now, with more style and more models coming out soon.



Thats Old Jack- My security gueard in all his Original Rocker Gear!




Our Mechanical Lamps are a hit, all hand made from recycled parts here at our shop, very cool gifts for people.


The Rice boiler- My latest ride.

I still cannot believe that I made this magazine- I am so stoked.



You can tell I was in a great mood that day.





So- thank you my friends across the water, I hope to be in your country next year and attend some of them shows.




Have fun with your machines.


Iron Works magazine No more!

Publisher Pulling Plug on IronWorks Magazine

Bryan Harley

Bryan Harley

Cruiser Editor |Articles|Articles RSS|Blog|Blog Posts|Blog RSSOur resident road warrior has earned his stripes covering the rally circuit, from riding the Black Hills of Sturgis to cruising Main Street in Daytona Beach. Whether it’s chopped, bobbed, or bored, metric to ‘Merican, he rides ‘em all.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

IronWorks Magazine, a print magazine catering to Harley-Davidson enthusiasts and custom motorcycle aficionados, will print its last issue in March 2014 after an illustrious 24-year run. The magazine was created by Dennis Stemp and his wife Marilyn in 1989, bringing the world of V-Twins to thousands through insightful articles, crisp photography and a high level of professionalism. Originally a family run business, the magazine was purchased in 1995 by Hatton-Brown and became the company’s first consumer publication.

IronWorks Magazine
After a 24-year run, the publishers of IronWorks Magazine have decided to pull the plug following the March 2014 edition.

The Stemps stayed on with the magazine until Dennis passed away in 2003. Marilyn continued to carry on the legacy started by her husband and is one of the most reputable editors in the industry thanks to an affable personality, dedicated work ethic and skills as a writer and photographer. Her son Vincent also worked for the magazine as Tech Editor. With new challenges facing print publications in the digital age and the evolution of reader tendencies, publisher Hatton-Brown decided to pull the plug on the magazine.

While it is sad to see the magazine go under, fret not for the Stemps. Apparently, Marilyn plans on embarking on a new venture, Iron Trader News. Actually, Iron Trader News is the original title of the publication before it assumed the name IronWorks. In a post by Stemp on the IronWorks Facebook page, she claims the new venture will “continue bringing dependable, intelligent information to bike riders everywhere.”

We have no doubt this is true and wish the Stemps much success in their future endeavors. She’s already got the foundation for the new site up and will soon be populating it with content.

Here’s the post from Marilyn via the IronWorks Magazine Facebook page.

“It is with some sadness that I write to inform you that Hatton Brown, the publisher of IronWorks, has decided to cease publication of the title after 24 years, effective with the March 2014 issue. Some of you may have learned this news as it was ‘leaked’ and I apologize if that’s the case. It’s not what I would have chosen.

“As much as this represents the end of an era for the IronWorkers, it also presents an opportunity… for us to express gratitude for the fulfilling work we so enjoyed and the great times spent among you, our friends in motorcycling. You allowed us to tell your stories, showcase your craftsmanship and peek behind the counters in your shops. We appreciate your support of and interest in IronWorks over the years and prize the friendships that have been forged. I speak for the entire staff when I thank you for the many entertaining and enriching experiences IronWorks enabled.

“That said, I do regret not being able to follow through on some editorial plans. We’re doing our best to find placements for promised articles that remain unpublished at this time.

“If you are an IronWorks subscriber, you are entitled to a refund for unfulfilled copies. You may contact Hatton Brown directly or drop me a note—about this or any other concern. And do visit our new Facebook page for Iron Trader News. We’re reviving the original title that predates IronWorks to continue bringing dependable, intelligent information to bike riders everywhere.

“Thanks for your interest in IronWorks. It was a great ride.”

Marilyn Stemp
IronWorks Magazine/Iron Iron Trader News

The One Motorcycle Show in Portland – we shall be there. Feb 7th 8th and 9th

OK People, Here it is, The One Motorcycle Show in Portland.

This will be one the the best shows on the calendar, there are so many cool builders there and a great chance of meeting up with them and having a chin wag and of course, seeing what everyone else has made.

If you can only make it to one show, make it to this ONE.  A fun event with many different styles of Motorcycles and of course cool art work, helmets and a ton of great ideas that have been put into these machines and inside too.

People from all over the place will be attending and you can be certain there will be something for everyone’s taste, real builders, real people and all approachable.

So, get these days booked up and get your Arse into gear and we shall see you there.


The One Motorcycle Show 2014



5 years ago when we hosted the first One Motorcycle Show, we wanted to get people together for an event centered around the idea that the greatest bikes were the ones built, restored, re-worked, re-invented and re-imagined for a reason. We wanted to bring the builders and bikes together, give them a place to tell a story, and make some friends with other like-minded folks. A motorcycle show for motorcyclists by motorcyclists.

We’re particularly excited about this years show. It has been our simple and always challenging goal to make each show twice as good as the year before. With that in mind, we listened to the comments and suggestions from last year. The overwhelming consideration was that we had outgrown the space. Over 120 custom motorcycles + 6-8,000 attendees a day… we need a bigger space. We’re very excited to announce that we have a new location about a ½ mile away with twice the amount of space. It’s the building of One Show Dreams.

We are very pleased to announce once again that the show is FREE to exhibit and to attend. This show is the culmination of the hard work volunteered from everyone involved, and the sponsorship from brands and companies who see the value in an event like this.


Date and Time

Friday, February 7th
6 p.m. – 1 a.m.

Saturday, February 8th
11 a.m. – Midnight

Sunday, February 9th
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.


800 SE 10th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214


Free & open to the public.


For more information, log onto Facebook or follow @the1moto on Instagram.



Matthew Allard
Nicholas Coleman
Doug Werner
Emily Humphries-Baumker
Ola Stenegard
21 Helmets


Keely Rademacher
Mike Sweeney
BT Livermore
Brent Wick


Rob Wiens
Ginger McCabe
Ornamental Conifer
Jimi Damone


Q. I have a question and I don’t see the answer here.
A. Email for more info. Please don’t call the venue directly.

Q. Where is the show?
A. 800 SE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97214

Q. When is the show? 
A. Feb. 7th from 6pm-1am — Feb. 8th 11am-12am — Feb. 9th 11am-3pm. RSVP and join the pre-show conversation on Facebook.

Q. How much does it cost? 
A. FREE! for everyone.

Q. Who can go? 
A. If you are a human you can come. Please no pets. If you are under 21, sorry no booze.

Q. Where can i park? 
A. Motorcycles reserved parking out front. Cool cars across the street from entrance. everyone else there is plenty of neighborhood parking. Please be careful of the city parking laws you will get towed.

Q. Is there Food and beverages? 
A. Yes, we have food vendors, and a variety of beverages including beer and wine.

Q. Is there Coffee?
A. Yes See See Motorcycles will have a coffee cart.

Q. Do i need cash? 
A. Yes but if you forget we have an ATM available.

Q. Can i buy goods?
A. We have a small shop featuring show merch and other stuff. (credit cards OK!)

Q. Is there toilets? 
A. Yes, Portapoty, sorry people clogged the toilets last year.

Q. What kind of bikes will be there?
A. Look at the builders list below.

Q. Is there Motorcycle art? 
A. Yes, look at artist list.

Q. Will there be music? 
A. Yes, we have 5 bands (see schedule.)

Q. Can i bring in outside food and beverage.
A. No! We must operate under county health codes please be considerate.

Q. Can i bring flyers to my event?
A. No, we would rather people respect the bikes in the show, thats why we put on the show.

Q. Other things to consider?
A. Please be nice, this show is the accumulation of the hard work by the community, all it takes is one sour situation to change the way the show operates, be considerate, and have FUN.