Well Friday Already,
I am stuck for a bit of time but thought I would add a post of my mate Mark Wilsmore on here at the ACE Cafe, talking about the Rockers and of course the Bonneville.
Have a safe weekend out there.
Well Friday Already,
I am stuck for a bit of time but thought I would add a post of my mate Mark Wilsmore on here at the ACE Cafe, talking about the Rockers and of course the Bonneville.
Have a safe weekend out there.
Wednesday already
Well I thought to start the day off right I would add some Videos that I personally like.
Below is the Race Of Gentlemen, I think it may change to Race of Gentle Folk as lots of Girls are getting into this and I applaud that.
Below is a video from New Zealand, plent of mates over there are into the same as I, so thought I would show you this and yes, like back home, Right Hand drive.
Next up is back home a few years ago at the Ace Cafe with Mark Wilsmore.
Below is a day with the froggies, these guys know how to put on a show, check it out.
Have a Great Wednesday and hope this puts you in a great frame of mind to get you through the next few hours.
Peace & grease As Always.
How is everyone now that is is Hump Day? I try and do different things every day to make the week go by a little easier, every now and again I will attach the Phone to my bike and have a chinwag as I ride locally, just to keep some of you in the loop, but thats mostly on Face Book and Instagram etc, but thought I would add the odd rant or rave or just a little chin wag as and when things crop up and I feel the need to talk about it.
It may not be interesting for you but some people like to know what I get up to during the week, or what is on my mind, and this is a good way of showing what makes me tick.
I took the Thruxton out for a test ride as I fitted New Rear Brake pads, the old ones were getting low and I have a squeal that I hate when I brake on the bike, I personally believe its the Rotor but changed brakes and still the same.
The bike will go for another configuration this year as I like to change a few things up, still in the sketching on paper in the garage process right now but I do see a few things I would like to change, for a start, those crappy Wave Rotors, did not like at all.
I love the Thruxton but the Brakes do indeed let it down big time, The front ones I removed and fitted a Beringer caliper and it is way better at stopping when I really need it.
I love the pipes the way they sit and get rid of spent gases, the bike looks pretty cool and always get a thumb up at a few places, these machines are so easy to ride and as long as you keep up regular maintenance, then you are fine as they are so much improved that the original versions that I still love but do not miss the break downs.
I offer quite a few parts for this machine and it’s Sister the T100, as well as the Scrambler too, all fun Machines that I love to work on or take out for a ride in these great California Canyons.
Yesterday I took the Thruxton for a trip out to Chino Air Museum, just for a little ride and thoroughly enjoyed myself, took it easy this time and took in some of the area as the countryside out there is great to look at when at a more sedate pace.
Sunday was a great day to get out, took less than an hour to get to Chino Air Museum, I didnt go inside as I want to do that with the 59 Club as it is a good couple of hours to enjoy all these marvelous aircraft of the past.
If you can get out here to the Museum, it is a super place to hang out, once a year they have the Planes of fame air show which is unbelievable and thoroughly worth the ride out.
I can never get enough of this as ww2 was my thing at school, as well as we grew up next to a few American Air Bases, and where I lived was the
I learned to ride a Motorcycle on this very runway and it is still there today. I even drove my Hot Rod on there too and of course, where I got my American interest from a very early age.
So, coming to Chino is great as there are artifacts from the very airfield that I rode on as a kid and now I am here in California with some of the planes that were located there back in 1942-45.
Am epic flying machine the Flying Fortress and rightly names as it was super hard to shoot down and would take tremendous amount of damage in flight.
So I am always happy to ride out to this place and a little eerie feeling that the plane and I really do have a connection as we were both in the same place at different times but if it wasnt for that plane in the background, I may not be here today.
So i hung out for a little while, but it was a warm day, so paid my respects and then made my way home via the canyons again. But it will not be too long until we are all back here for a visit and eventually one day my God Son Bradley selves may take the trip from the UK to come out here as he is as mad as planes as I am.
A little run around the block, just in case I missed some stuff and then back onto the Tarmac to head to my home and take my time to enjoy the Sunday at my own pace.
Weather was bang on and I enjoyed my ride through the canyon and stopped off to take a few shots for my Blog on here to try and show you where I go and what I get up to these days.
Passing the State Of California Corrections Firing rate at a sedate speed too. Ha Ha. And so, on to the twisties and thats what I get another kick out of when there is no traffic about.
Switch backs and chicane corners are fun, as long as you commit to them, this bend was awesome as its a 15 mph limit and off cambered too as well as up or downhill, so much to take in.
Keep your eyes peeled for traffic and of course the sides of the road as there is all sorts of debri from Branches to cans to stones, as well as hidden drive ways and footpaths, be aware.
Looks easy but this is a double bend too and even sharper at the bottom as its almost a switch back and off cambered the other way, but I enjoy that and had a grin all the way there.
I pulled over a couple of times just to take some of the scenery in, not great for photos as the Sun was facing me but took some to show what I was up to and you may like to have a look.
So if you can, ride as much as possible, I feel sorry for the colder climate states as they have such a smaller riding time than we do in California, as well as Canada, but I chose to move to California for that very reason, you always feel better with the Sun on your face.
So hope you enjoyed my little Blog today and hope it gets you off to a better start of the day and makes you smile.
But be aware of your surroundings as you really never know what may be around the next corner, look ahead all the time. Thanks again for watching and, keep an eye out for Crazy Car drivers too.
Always a great place to meet up, swap a few stories, have some food and beverages and have a look at life on 2 wheels, if you can make it out to Fullerton, it will be great to see you, always a fun night and always great Motorcycles turn up.
If you are into Motorcycles, the old school style of these machines, and enjoy meeting like minded people, then come along as you are always welcome in our group, we are close knit family style Motorcycle club that enjoys riding to interesting places and like this meet, we like to just hang out and chat to other Guys and Gals that like what we are into.
We shall be at Roscoe’s in Fullerton from 6:30pm onward, be great to see you, no hang ups, no attitude just great people. see you there tomorrow.
Thus, he broke three stereotypes at the same time. The first, common in the cinemamainstream: women rarely do so (and usually, punished and repentant, they give up this way). The second: that in an artistic film can not show motorcycles. And third: that a motorcycle movie can not be artistic.
The announcement of “Girl Meets Bike” appeared in the summer of last year on the MotoRmania portal . It raised a lot of interest, as well as some fears that the film would not duplicate the stereotype of a girl who does not have a machine and rescues her male colleagues. Not wanting to bet too much, I will mention only that since the plot deals with the beginning of a motorcycle adventure, it is not surprising that the freshwater does not deal with everything from the beginning, but the matter does not end there.
The main character, Kat, is not the only motorcyclist in this story …
The story of the rise of “Girl Meets Bike” also proves that thanks to human kindness and support, even in times of commercialization, beautiful projects can be created. Eric Tretbar finished photography in the summer and sought funds for post-production. This was achieved through the idea of social funding. On the Kickstarter portal, 182 people have declared their willingness to support the film, and since it has managed to raise the required 10,000. dollars, work on editing, sound, music could move on.
The supporters will receive a DVD with the film (when they are finished) , as well as various gadgets, such as original shirts (repainted with a garage method and packed for shipping in a small author’s room;) Eric emphasized that the fabrics and paints are non-toxic and the manufactory wind energy).
Low budget independent films rarely have language versions, but different volunteers undertake the translation of the film, it will have subtitles in Spanish, French, and even Chinese! Actor Ralf Schirg, who plays one of the main figures – Martin, has translated the dialogue into German. On the other hand, a team composed of Polish competitor Gymkhana Oscar Kubicki, Magda and me, created a Polish version of the inscriptions. Eric Tretbar, a fan of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s work, would also like to see the film on a big screen in Poland, so we hope to meet at the cinema. MotoRmania has offered the media patronage of this beautiful initiative.
Unfortunately, the premiere scheduled for the end of November has now been postponed to April-February – a lot of trouble has spawned a hurricane paralyzing New York City, which houses copyrights and recording studios where music was to be recorded (in the garage of the sixties R & B ).
Happy Friday all
Well almost the weekend, i have some Major bike stuff to complete but wanted to at least say hello today, time seems to fly past when you get busy in life etc,try and get out on your motorcycle, I shall be supporting my Girl in a ride this weekend.
Have a fun day and if you can get a chance, get out and take some nice smooth roads that are relatively quiet and get into them curves, you dont have to be fast to have fun, I love long winding bends that you roll in and throttle out of, so much fun.
I think I shall book a weekend away in Big bear with my girlfriend soon so we can ride up there although, we have Bonneville Speed week coming up fast.
Hey All
Well here we are again and wanted to try and bring you a custom set up that you may well like to have on your inline Four machine Honda.
Been here over 17 years and love turning out different parts for you all and I send my parts all over the globe, so this time I though a Custom exhaust system might be in order and here it is.
This is a Super Custom design and internally has a bag of tricks that a Magician would love to own, its secret but all you need to know is that it will give you More performance.
It will be available as a Raw Steel set up or as you see on here right now, a Custom Version where We send you the header and Wrap kit, and a Chromed rear tail section and removable Baffle.
We will also offer a Black Or Silver ceramic option too, so you have pretty much everything you need to decide on color and look etc.
You simply fit and have fun, as that’s what it is all about, this is a great set up and I know some of you will be right into this out of the bat.
No need for the old flanges and also on 77 and 78 Models, none of them terrible Half Moon shims to bother with, Just remove your stock spigots, fit New Crush Gaskets ( We offer them too ).
Fit to bike and hear the difference, this will breath like New lungs and boy does it look sharp.
I ship 6 days a week and also over sea’s. I help on the Customs forms too- so you do not get hammered on import taxes where you are not supposed to anyway.
Have a look and see what you think, this is a unique set up, as used by AMA Race bikes back in the day, I found the magic formula and this is the result, hope you like it.
Drop me a line at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com and I will give you all the information you might want to know about this great exhaust system, I am here to help and help I shall.
You can also drop me a Dime at: 714-598-8392 and, if you are still a little impatient, you can text me on that same number, how’s that for Service?
I have to chrome the tail sections so that take a week but other than that these are ready to go. Thanks for taking your time out of your day to check out whats going on here at carpyscaferacers I really do appreciate it.
Well, July came in fast and Hot, so hot infact I wasn’t too sure if I should jump on the Trumpy but once I slung on My leather jeans and boots, I knew I was committed to doing this ride and to be honest, even though it was crazy Hot here in La Mirada, we were riding to the coast and will at least get some Sea Breeze to help us cool down.
I really enjoy going out and riding with a bunch of friends and today was no exception.
So, we pulled the Triumphs out, I fueled up early in the Morning, Jenn went off and got hers whilst I lubed my chain, checked tire pressure and did a visual inspection on my Thruxton, as everybody should really do when they are going on a ride. Once that was completed, we waited for Tim Albright who is a mate of ours, and is a 59 Club member as well as living just up the road from us, soon as he pulled up, we got ready to make the trip to the Meet up, of which that was a few miles up the road at a Burger joint.
Plenty of people turned up for this July ride and was great to see some Newbies that had seen our posting for a ride and have them come hang out and see what the 59 Club is all about.
Fellow Brit Brendan Cowman turned up on his Thruxton Ace, he is originally from Birmingham and an Aston Villa fan, I cant hold that against him though. LOL.
We all made sure we had fuel and discussed quickly the route that we would be taking, going to Palas Verdes will be a nice change and, even though it was hot as hell right now, I knew the sea air would be a lot cooler as we got closer to the beaches etc.
Jennifer lead for a bit and I was super stoked to see her take the lead, its fun to see everyone having fun, we had fun right out of the Bat as Amanda forgot her license, so whilst she went and got that, we got ready and then left a few minutes later and turned up outside her house, such a blast as I am sure the neighbors must of wondered what the hell was going on as 16 riders pull up on Triumphs and Moto Guzzi and stop outside Amanda’s house.
Soon as we did that we took a couple of pics and made our way to the cooler part of SoCal, even if it was only a couple of degree’s, it would make all the difference., the ride was pretty hot to start of with but the closer to the Sea you got, the better the air was becoming, something I think we all needed with this crazy weather pattern we have now.
The ride was fun as we took side streets and only got separated for a few seconds as having 16 riders can take the road up and the traffic lights caught us out, but being an organised club, soon as they notice missing riders, the main group pull over to wait for us. It worked out really well and enjoyed the ride through the back streets, although long beach was an eye opener but fun none the less.
We rode up past terminal island and into Palos Verdes, the smooth winding Coastal roads were a nice change, although we did have a huge Van going slow for a few miles, but laughing at the people playing Gold at Trumps place made it worth while.
We stopped off in this parking lot opposite the sea and found a really cool Pub that was tucked in the corner of a bunch of Nail salons etc, called OFlahertys Tap House and boy was it a fun little Bar, the Barman was a great laugh and made us all what we wanted, we stayed there at least 90 minutes, soaking up a few suds and having some food, looking at old Platinum albums and cassette tapes in frames and vintage guitars, it suited the barman who was with out a shadow of a doubt an old school headbanger.
Although Steve Fellon Below looked like he had one too many! LOL!
It made for a superb stop to be honest and gave us some time to cool down and have a chine wag with everyone, and after a couple of Lager Shandys, I was ready to get back on the Tarmac once more and have a fun ride back.
There were 16 Riders and it was a good turn out, everyone was great, no issues and no break downs, and as we went up through the twisties I took a video or two just to keep and show later on.
A fun day out and more to come as we head on into the riding year with many great places to visit.
We always have fun, no pressure, no attitude, just a great time with all.
If you want to come and ride with us sometime, always check out our schedule at:
Thanks for looking and if you need any more info, you can drop me a dime at.
714-598-8392 Text or call.
or email at:
carpy@carpyscaferacers.com More than happy to help.
Thanks again for reading my Blog today.
Well, 17 years seems to have flown by and here I am, still playing with two wheeled contraptions.
As a kid , I was fascinated with Motorbikes and at any opportunity I would drop everything to watch , hear or just read about these mechanical machines.
I have lived all over the world and seen some fantastic motorcycles and knew that one day I would be lucky enough to reside in the United States of America .
So, in 2000 I entered California and the first Motorcycle I created was a 1976 CB750 of which I gave the Cafe Racer styling.
The livery was in the style of the 1970’s Formula 1 John Player Special Team of Gold and Black.
This motorcycle caused a huge stir in the American Motorcycle community and put me on the map as as Motorcycle designer and builder.
17 years later and my 50th creation is almost completed , I wanted to build another CB750 and this time use some crazy Candy flake colors of which covered most of the Hondas of SOHC guise.
This time I chose a 1975 CB750F model Super Sport and went with a Black Wrinkle Finish Engine, Dressed out with Stainless Steel Allen Head Bolts throughout.
I also designed a Brand New 4 into 1 Exhaust System that made the Header pipes swing out to the right hand side and then tightly under the chassis and a unique short turn out tail pipe.
I took the stock gas tank and cut out the filler neck and welded it flat, then welded a Harley Gas Cap bung in its place to give this tank a cool smooth appearance .
Next up I took some 18 Gauge steel and hand bent the seat base to the style I was looking for, then I cut another piece of steel into a half circle and hand pounded it on a sand bad and then used my Air Plenisher and shaped it into a cowl, then tig welded to seat base, once that was done I then cut a teardrop shape out of the rear of that cowl, to allow for a unique Tailight for the bike.
I upholstered this seat base with Brown Naugahyde and did tuck n roll design.
I rebuilt the front forks and machined the lowers to have finned grooves in them, rebuilt the front and rear wheels with polished Hubs and stainless Steel spokes and shoved New Rubber on them.
With 14.5 inch New Shocks makes sure the rear end keeps smooth and some Italian Rear sets clamp tightly to the frame. But still More to do and wanted to show you some progress photos, Hope you like what I am doing here, a little out there but, that makes it more fun. Stay tuned to my Blogs on more as I will ALWAYS be messing around with 2 wheeled Machines.
Well, a change is sometimes as good as a rest and My Girlfriend Jennifer, thought it would be a great idea to have a long weekend away in Arizona, as I have always wanted to see the Grand Canyon as well as London bridge and of course, ride a bit of Route 66 on our Triumph Motorcycles.
The build up to this was I had purchased a New Ford Transit 250 and that thing is taller than a Basket Ball players Locker, so Ideal for us to carry a couple of motorcycles and everything else needed to camp out when we decide to go places etc.
We fitted a RV electrical outlet to the side of the Van and had 2 receptacle sockets installed, along with breakers etc on the left side of the wall of the van, this way, we can stay in an RV camp and hook up to their power, thus having our own little place where we have a blow up bed, a Kurig Coffee Maker and an Amish heater, we were all wired and that also saved us Hotel Bills.
So, we Loaded the Van up and headed up the 15 Freeway to the 40 and first stop was the London bridge, now I have not seen this place and I would of gone over it in the car with our parents when I was 4, but by the time I was 5 in 1967, the London Bridge had been sold and was being taken apart, Brick by Brick, and then shipped over to Arizona and put back together like a huge puzzle.
I remember at school as kid my teacher saying “Why would they put a bridge in a desert”?
So, when I approached the Bridge, I was gobsmacked, believe or not, I thought it was just a Museum piece stuck on concrete in the desert as an attraction, I was so stoked to see the Colorado River running through it with tons of cool speed boats cruising under the Famous bridge.
What a fantastic place, the weather was 101 and everybody seemed to be having fun on the River, some of the Boats must of been over $1 Million and these big Motors just idled as it cut through the water like a Hot Knife through Butter.
What a great and surprising experience for me, after ALL these years, I thought the Bridge was on a piece of dry Concrete, so my head was in quite a spin when I got to see the Bridge doing what it is supposed to do, and made my trip even more fun.
We stayed there for a few hours, ate at the side of the Bridge and just relaxed for a bit and enjoyed all the cool expensive water craft just cruising up and down the river, I loved it all, but, time was ticking, so we headed out of this great Historic area and then back onto the 40 freeway heading towards Williams. The weather was still bloody hot and we needed to get a few miles under our belt as we wanted to get into Williams before it got dark.
We were really lucky with the traffic and clicked along at a decent speed and not really slowing for bumper to bumper traffic at all, just lucky I think and it certaingly made the trip a lot more easier to bare when traffic is light.
Above, as you can see, we pulled onto some of Route 66 for a tick and stopped off for a coffee at the Road Kill Cafe, it was pretty busy here and a few restaurants are scattered along this road.
Seligman was the town and this weekend they had their Annual fun Run, which we thought was some Charity mini marathon, only to find out it was a cool car show held there.
On Route 66 through out the United States, there is always great places with history, artifacts or just old buildings and I find it most entertaining when we go to great old towns and try and make the whole event a fun and happy one. And of course, try and not get arrested there.
We headed out of Seligman and then we were back off the 66 and onto the 40 again, but not for too much longer as Williams was not too far away now and as i was starting to feel the miles on my eyes, i was glad to pull into the RV station in Williams and looked forward to unloading the van and having a cuppa.
Nothing quite like having your own Brew in the van when you feel like it, and as we hooked the RV Plug into the parks power, we were ready to stay and enjoy this area for the next few days.
We unloaded our bikes and really wanted to enjoy the warm weather that was here to greet us, the unusual thing for me was that in Arizona, there was No helmet law, I am a great believer in the use of Crash helmets but sometimes its just fun to try it and see how it is and, as the town has a max 25 MPH law, its pretty safe. especially in town as the speed limit is 15 MPH so a fun time we had riding about checking out some of Williams town out.
Pete’s Gas station was awesome as they had all sorts of cool memorabilia there to look at, I loved the place, Original Old 1930’s Gas pumps, Old 1950 Flathead ford parked up and a cool speed shop by the side, so thought I would take a few Black and white photos to try and set the scene we saw as it was like stepping back in time there.
Jenn loved riding around and exploring the places that Williams has to offer and, for a small community town, it does have quite a lot to offer you when you visit.
Lots of old buildings there and this was an old Parlor where the gents go to get a bot of exercise , for a price, if you know what I mean?
Here are some pf the cool places we stopped off in the town.
If you find yourself in Williams, there is always something to go and look at, the food is good and the people are really friendly.
The next Morning Jenn and I woke up and we headed to the train station and jumped on the old Steam Train that takes us to the Grand Canyon, quite a laugh going on this Old Steam Train and all the carriages are 1950’s and earlier, such fun to travel this way.
This Steam train is not powered by Coal any more but vegetable oil, how about that, so im sure the wild life must wonder if its burger king approaching them or In & Out Burger.
Below is just some small video that I recorded on my phone, but it just does not really show the immense size of this hole in the ground.
I was blown away with the sheer size of the Canyon, boy what a place and I understand now why it is one of the 7 wonders of the world. made me Wonder- Why I hadn’t visited before. LOL!
If you have not visited this place, then put a tick on that bucket list.
Such a mind blowing place that I was quite nervous about walking anywhere near the edge, as its a 1 mile drop to the bottom, but the school kids were just perched on the edge sitting wiggling their legs- I couldnt look.
The train ride was a blast and alll sorts of singing and adventures on the whole journey there and back.
Loved riding route 66 but this day was cold and windy, but the day before was 101 degree’s but I loved it all and so did Jenn, except riding in a cross wind, that was a whole new experience for her.
Some of the photos I took whilst at the Grand canyon for you to have a peek at.
Jenn and I both took photos and were glad we did as so much to see.
This was the South Rim so next time we shall ride to Vegas, then take the old road to Hoover Dam and then onto the Grand canyn that way to see that scary Glass bridge.
On Route 66 we saw so much stuff, I was blown away with some of the old Cars I saw and a super break away from work to do this with my girl, loved every moment.
I took photos where ever I saw cool stuff, it was really a fun drive too on Route 66 and I had no clue what we may see.More to see if you want to have a look on here.
Tons of stuff to see long Route 66 and so much more that we hope to go back and explore, such a great time away and, it was just 4 days too.
If you lot get a chance, spend a few days travelling across Route 66 as it still holds many cool places and artifacts.
Last bit is Oatman in Arizona, Old Gold mining town, the Burro’s stayed and have been there ever since and walk the streets trying to get food from you.
This sign we saw on the road was super cool and had to take a photo of it.
By the way- it did get cold there for a day, here was our bikes in the morning with lots of frozen ice covering them. BBBRRR!
Until Next time Route 66- looking forward to more discoveries on that Iconic Mother Road.