My 1928 FORD AV8 Roadster

Well, Hot Rods really are never finished, you just continue to wrench, change looks and idea’s etc and thats what I love about Hot Rodding, My 1928 Ford Roadster is no Show ride, it is no super high Dollar Performance machine, nor is it a trailer Queen either.

What it is, well- To me anyways, is a Nostalgic styled AV8 Hot Rod that you would of seen on the streets on Southern California back in the late 1940’s.


It is something I really have a passion for since I was a Teenager. lucky for me I had a Three Window Coupe in the UK but my Dream was a Roadster and to have one in California, so dreams do come true and wanted to share my little Model A machine with you.

This is a real Henry Ford Body and Chassis, and the stance I have as you see it here is right on the money, have a look at many Vintage pics and you may see a late 1940’s Roadster similar to mine, I wanted to keep the Side Aprons on, these are the step covers that your fenders bolt to. Below is Jack Mickleson’s Roadster in about 1942. I think it was the last dry lake run before World War 2 was underway, I believe Don Francisco owns it but have yet to see if this Roadster survived.

Back in the day, the Hot Rodders would drive to the Dry lakes such as Harpers, Muroc or the famous El Mirage and then strip the fenders and head lights off as well as the windshield and then see how fast they could run on them dried out lake beds.

This is how she is right now, still may change a few little things and then fine tune all the time, I am hoping to eventually Louvre the front hood and the rear Rumble Seat lid.

I used a Genuine 1932 Grill and Shell and fitted the Model A Hood to it with Old style belts, then used one of Limeworks Stainless Steel dropped headlight bars with stock Model A Lights.

Shorty shocks up the front soak up as much as possible, dropped I-Beam front axle sits this front end just how I want it , I then made a Spreader bar to complete the Nostalgia going.

Not as powerful as the locomotives behind me but eventually I shall build a Hopped up Flathead for this Jalopy, right now it has a 1939 24 stud mill with Edelbrock Heads.

I shall be shortening the exhaust pipes, I did have the original Bumpers on there when the exhaust set up was made, but shall cut them back and may make a Nerf Bar for the rear.

She is sat on a set of Kelsey Hayes wire Rims with Vintage style Firestone 16 inch tall tires and it is fun to drive, she tracks a little on the freeway but thats the feel I wanted.

I have a chopped Stainless Steel windshield, another common touch that was done in the day and of course sit lower now else my head would sit up too high. LOL

it is always fun to take out, this place isnt that far from me and wanted to try and take some decent pic’s, im no pro at this but I am really happy at how these came out.

She runs stock pistons but New and right now a stock cam, later I hop to build a little growler motor that has an Isky Cam, just to get me out of trouble if I need it.

Plenty of old freight train and shunting lines around where we live and whats great is to think about 70 Years ago, this was full of Dairies, fruit trees and Flathead Motors.

Sadly, more common than not, all you will see these days is Graffiti, personally not a fan of it at all, but as it was close to the color of the Roadster, I thought a photo Opportunity awaits.

One hauls freight and the other hauls Arse!!! LOL!

Sat patiently awaiting me to jump in and stamp the right pedal and head back home, so much Hot Rod History in and around where we live in La Mirada.

A great ride and more to do, I have a Columbia 2 speed rear end for it, but have to send it away to get Bullet Proofed, not cheap but that will give me a good overdrive.

Long way to go as I would like to have Oxblood Leather interior, but for now this old Naugahyde will suffice as leather is not cheap.

Hot Rods and Trains have always gone together like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Hot Rods use to try and race the train if there was a good straight away.

VHRA Vintage Hot Rod Association of which I joined in the 90’s back in the UK, huge part of my life to be honest and going so strong there today.

I shall always keep this Roadster, I drempt about one as a kid and here I am 5400 miles away and living that dream , totally amazes me sometimes and have to pinch myself.

I have always liked vintage stuff, be it Hot Rods, Motorcycles, Juke Boxes, Chris Craft Boats, Spitfires, Hurricanes, Thunderbolts to Dakota’s, Vintage is in my blood I guess.

Hope you like my little 1928 AV8 Roadster?  I really have fun with this and enjoy the experience of feeling what a traditional Hot Rod feels like to drive and work on.

Maybe some of you can relate? As I have spoken to a few people that have Motorcycles and Hot Rods, it is a fun and to me, a therapeutic Hobby.

I will still be working on this for many years but enjoying what i do, some things work and then sometimes they dont but, mechanical parts are great to work on.

I shall be selling Hot Rod parts and Apparel so will be revamping the website a little, stay tuned to the site if you want to see what I do to this Model A Roadster of mine.

Thanks for reading my Blog today, I enjoy doing it and people often email me to say that they like looking at what I am up to out here in La Mirada.

Let me know if you have a cool ride, love to see what you are creating and of course having fun in these days, I always have a smile on my face driving the Roadster, sometimes bugs too.

Have a great weekend and enjoy life to its fullest.






Happy Independence Day

Let me take this opportunity to wish ALL of you a Happy Independence day and enjoy time with your family and friend.

I shall be working on my Hot Rod and Motorcycle and enjoying the food and festivities that this annual day brings us.

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow is another day in this great country.

The Race of Gentlemen Wildwood New Jersey 2018 A fun weekend

Well, this may take a few days to add photos and describe some of the cool rides that we saw over there on the East Coast of the USA, I had never been to Wildwood and I was not disappointed at all, its so different from Southern California, the weather changed every 5 minutes, the houses were huge, the food was great and the Boardwalk was 2 Miles long.

The Race of Gentlemen is held on the Beach front in Wildwood and with the weather being so Humid, it took a while for my camera to stop fogging up, and when it did, the fog came in anyway. LOL!


Here is a video someone else did and I have shared it for you to see of what goes on here once a year in this Coastal town.

Jennifer and I walked up the 2 mile Boardwalk in Wilwood, it had a feeling of Coney Island to me, with the fair ground and Roller coaster full of screaming kids on vacation, halfway up the Boardwalk you could see that there were checkered Posts and markers on the beach, to show the Race lanes for the Race Of Gentlemen.

As we approached the TROG entrance, you could smell the Marvel Mystery oil and sometimes a hint of Race Fuel, as it wafted towards us with the warm humid air that filled the air around the vicinity of the Race Course.

The was a fun atmosphere that you could feel as you walked into the where there were some bleachers located, the unfortunate thing was that now that everybody knows about the Race of gentlemen, Everybody turned out for it, and it was almost impossible to see anything from the side lines of the beach and no chance of getting up into the sand dunes as that was already packed.

But-after standing on Tippy Toes, we decided to acquire some Pit passes and hang out in the area that I always dig anyway.

It may be titled, the Race Of Gentlemen, but quite a few Ladies were in the Mix of racing, something I am super stoked about, My Girl loves Motorcycles and Hot Rods and would be more than eager to race me and probably beat me every time, which will be fine by me, I love watching Women Race.

What a Great little Roadster, this shorty Altered ran fast and hard all weekend and skinny tires was a plus in soft sand tracks and was great fun watching her beat the guys.

Two Orange County friends of mine made the trip, over 2500 Miles to attend this event, and are riding Early Harley’s at the Track, now there’s a couple of people that have a True passion for our industry and lifestyle, it was Hot, and very Humid, so 10 out of 10 being able to sport vintage style race Sweaters.

We chatted for a little while and as the heat started to take an impact, we left for a walk of the rest of the pit area of which was a hive of activity as racers rush to dial their machines in.

Really loved this 28 Roadster, it is my kind of style, has so much cool patina too and ran really well on the sand.

How cool is this, I have splash Aprons left on my Model A and hope to have something cool painted to the side, but the added coolness was the exhaust’s exited out of them.

I liked pretty much everything on this Roadster except the fan, but each to their own and loved the oil filter case and the Aircraft braided Plug wires too.

Lining up on the beach, Hot Rods and Motorcycles all gather to get ready for racing at the Tower and a Flag start gets them off to a flying start, just like back in the day.

Commercialism always catches up, that boat out in the distance had an LED display advertising board and kept cruising by, modern technology meets old I guess.

Little Flatheads and inline four Motorcycles squared off with each other, these were fun to watch and even though some of these machines are 70 years old, they sure started to get fast .

Everybody was really into the racing, be it Motorcycles or Hot Rods and, what an experience as this is how it was invented here in the States and boy was it exciting.

Sushi heads back from another race, unfortunately he took quite a tumble and was sent to the hospital but is on the road to recovery now and God Speed to you Sir!

Motorcycle clubs race each other and great commeraderie was seen.

Lisa English heads back from taking the 29 Roadster for a Hot Race on the beach, so great to see Girls getting into this and beating the guys too.

East Coast style, unchopped but channeled, I never see too many East Coast Hot Rods as I live on the West coast, so this was great to see for me and it ran string all day long.

I had no Idea this was Eli English, couldn’t get to see him in the Pits as he was busy but loved this coupe, Great Hot Rod Family too.

Tidy Three Window sat happily on the fine Sand at Wilwood, really nice looking rig, Chromed 32 grill shell, Dropped headlight Bar, BLC lights, 40 steelies on Firestones

It sure was humid on Saturday, before I went to the race, I looked at a few rides that  were scattered about the Beach, loved it all and many different styles and models to see.

This 30 Model A with what looks like a Dodge Truck grill shell set up seemed to have fun and received plenty of attention in the Pit area as I arrived here.

Really well built Roadster, Loved the Kelseys, the 48 Chevy tail lights and the push bar at the rear, as well as the marvel Mystery Oil catch can like I have on my Roadster.

Plenty of different styles of Hot Rods to look at and get really close too, that was a bonus for me, the day was going to be great.

Very tasty and sits so well on the sand, nothing I don’t like on this Roadster, its bang on the money in my eyes and was glad to be able to look over it as we walked around the Pits.

Great Minds think a like, I have Edelbrock heads where he has Offy but we have same intake and carbs and the same Catch tank too.

Nice to see people chlling and cacthing up, chatting about their machines and what they hope to do with it, this Triple 6  Model T Roadster looked like fun and it sure was.

This A Bone say really high but, was an advantage on the deep sand and he ran all weekend long too.

Love the Barney Navarro 21 stud heads, running triple carbs, not a fan of the Alternator but a great ride none the less.

The Pits were a buzz with activity and the smell of Castrol Oil or Marvel Mystery was definitely in the air when we arrived.

What a wicked Roadster, Love it all and the Flathead sounded so sharp and crisp too, I even loved the Color of the body too.

This old Fella in his Altered Model T rang hard and Long all weekend, showing the younger guys what Racing is all about, wearing a Buco style Crash Helmet this guy was serious about Racing.

Lining up in thePits to get ready to lanes  you Raced at the Wooden Surf Towers and then Flag started right there on the beach.

A couple of Five Window Coupes Pass like ships in the night one with steelies, one with wires, getting ready to do battle as the Races start to get a little closer here at Wilwood.

Awesome Roadster, NJ plates, Quick change and Flatty powered a real cool Period style Hot Rod.

See, what a fun sight, people hanging out and getting ready to take their own contraption for a blast along the sandy beach and go for all its worth at the Race Of Gentlemen.

This got my attention real quick, take a peel at this rail, Killer set up with the rear tank acting as a pressurized Radiator , some neat touches to this Jalopy for sure.

Tri- Carb powered, Alloy 24 stud heads, Crab Distributor and look how cool the tubing was that exited the water pumps and headed back to the tank at the rear of the chassis.

Take a look at the Banger, loved the Headers on this Model A, it was simplistic , functional and reliable too.

This is the fella from Gas Monkey Garage and he drove the rail in a few races and looked like he was having a lot of fun sitting on a bodyless Hot Rod.

Coupes are not just for Chickens and we saw many here at Wilwood, what I liked is that I had never seen these cars as they were mostly East Coast machines.

This Channeled 5 window is so East coast style and for me, great to see, they do say the reason so many were Channeled on the East Coast was many of the floors were rotted from the harsh weather conditions, so it made sense to channel the cars and also cut the rust out, sounds pretty feasible to me. This is Eli English who owns and runs Traditional Speed & Custom.

Early Plate on this Model A, I noticed many liked to use the single stop light in the middle, looks great and makes use of the three holes that are there from factory.

Sat in the Pits before entering the beach staging lanes, a hive of activity was going on but the Humidity was Killer on Saturday, I have never experienced that before but was so glad that we made the 2500 mile trip here to see this event take place in New Jersey.

Lisa in her Roadster, she was having a blast and not afraid of giving this 29 Roadsters Right pedal a hammering as she raced the guys all weekend.

Last puff of hos Cancer Stick before he hits the beach, Smoking is dangerous, racing Vintage Hot Rods is too but thats half the fun, racing Jalopy’s I mean as I dont smoke.

Hot Rods and Motorcycles out on the Beach at Wildwood, the Breeze helped thats for sure and I was surprised how fast the tide came in and, it came right up to where they were racing.

A different set of T&A’s on the Beach to what you lot normally see right?

People came from not only all over the States, but Globally, especially from Japan, so cool to see the Nostalgic culture is World Wide still and seems to be increasing, but any racing is dangerous and poor Sushi crashed his Harley, he rattled his head and went to hospital but I hear he is ok, just a little battered and bruised.

Believe it of not- This is Gene Winfield himself, I spoke to him and said what did he think of this meet, he said he loved it, I asked him if he had raced and he said hell yeah and was excited, he also informs me that This coming Saturday will be his 91st Birthday.

Gene wearing an old Patco style Race helmet drives back from a Run up the Beach, just look at that Blown Ardun Flathead motor, must be $100,000 in that Motor alone easily.

This 5 window looks to be an original Race car of the Jalopy Races era and un chopped too and great to see this racing once more.

Another unchopped 5 window, headlights covered up and hood sides fitted, this was a great traditional car thats daily driven.

Scott Sheehan ran strong all weekend, this Roadster is really dialed in, its not happy in the soft sand, but where it is a little more compacted, the A-Bone comes into its own and he was hard to beat.

Scott’s Ride is bang on the Money, a tough ride and tuned really well, it sounded awesome too.

Traditional Modified look Great in Suede Black and Red Kelsey Hayes, sat on the ground well and was a tough machine, loved the Flathead too.

Killer Roadster, I thought it was a California car as I saw Chino on the Hood, but East coast, and a great job done for sure on this 32 Special, ran hard and straight as well.

How cool is this 29 Roadster? I mean , it is right on the money here, Drilled I-Beam, Juice Brakes,Steelies with Firestones, Flathead mill 32 grill shell and Ox Blood interior, I loved this.

Loved the Patina on this Roadster as it came back from its run up the beach, the old boy was having a blast and probably said to his wife  first thing in the morning

. ” Just shooting up to the Pharmacy to pick up my prescription” LOL!

Making the turn into the pits to get ready for another run at TROG.

Bikes came back from there run, riding on the Beach is not as easy as you may think.

Easy Lad, Easy- the sand sure gives you a work out if you are using handlebars.

Everyone was having fun though at this event and thats the main thing, there was plenty to see thats for sure.

Loved the front springer and the bars on this Harley, sounded great as he went by me.

Wo Boy! This HD was starting to fight the rider all the way through the pits, must of been quite a work out and am sure was aching for a few days after the Races.

I really liked this Harley, it sat so well and was proportioned right on for me, great job number 143 thats a Killer machine right there.

Plenty of Riders and Drivers got stuck or had a few little mechanical issues but- it was all resolved pretty fast to my surprise.

I loved that Belly tank that was on the Beach and it ran all weekend, must of been bumpy as hell.

A fun atmosphere at Wildwood, the people were all friendly and had a blast taking on all the other Hot Rods as they made their start up by the Wooden Tower, to a Flag start.

Keeping the Motorcycle up in Soft sand in the Pit area was a tad difficult at times but, some how they kept it pointing in the right direction and got to their service area.

My mate Jimmy White of Circle City Hot Rods in Orange, California came all the way up with his Machine.

Jimmy White makes the save as the soft sands kills power and steering, but he kept his cool as always and ploughed through this part of the pits as it gets pretty tore up in the area from all the traffic that was moving to and from the staging lanes all weekend.

Back on the Power and no worries as Jimmy heads into the Pit area for some refreshment and a little service work on this Humid day in New Jersey.

The Flat Bastard was running well all weekend too, these are not cheap machines let me tell you, some of these are worth in excess of $20K to get them right.

This old fella in his 30 Roadster ran a tight ship, the 255 ci flatty sounded strong, it sat well and handled the sandy beach pretty well.

Seeing this Model T was great, it was light as hell and rab pretty strong with the 4 Banger and I think surprised a lot of people on the track this weekend.


What is not to like about this Roadster, Canadian Heads, Thickston High rise alone made it great, sits well and sounded amazing as it drove by us in Wilwood.

Pulling in from racing on the beach, the pits were getting a little chopped up but that made it good for me to be able to take a few photos as they drove into the area.

I watched this 1928 Model A Run all weekend and loved the whole look of this Period machine, what a great Hot Rod, loved the lines and style, the guy was having a ball with that Jalopy.

28 Roadster sat high but looked great and seemed to handle the sand pretty good, maybe due to the height, still see the Running Board struts showing.

I tried a few different vantage points at the Pits but to be honest, it was so busy, if you moved, someone would jump in your place, so I stood fast for a while and took snaps when I thought it would make a good picture.

Everybody got a run but the wait time was too long to be honest and the humidity was up the Ying Yang.

Cleaner than any cats Arse, this Roadster was bang on, even the doors fitted well, my ones are about as close as I dare and could still stack pennies in the gap below, this machine was just put together meticulously and it showed and good on him for bringing it out for all of us to have a look at.

50’s style 5 window sat really well and had the Roundy Roundy Chicken wire windshield.

Some of the photos I have taken look similar to others but I assure you that these were on different races and times of the day, but hope these do not bore you as they do not me, I love looking at Hot Rods and even though each photo is almost 10 megabytes and takes ages to load onto my website, I believe its worth all the time and energy I have put into it to share with everyone.

Hurry Up and Wait was the order of the day but- I am sure all the races had something to chin wag about as they waited for the OK from the man in the Tuxedo and the Bird with the flag.


The T-Wrecker was pretty cool, bring Broken down Motorcycles back or towing Hot Rods down the beach and ran fine all weekend.

The good thing was there was plenty of people around to help if you got stuck in the boggy sand, but there really were too many people in the pits to be honest.

A cooler Breeze later helped big time and that tide started to move in real fast, then later the fog came in too but was still in the 80’s.

If you look hard enough, you can see Two Motorcycles that are 3/4 of the way up the track, guy on the right is getting down over the tank the best he can for the Win.

Mechanics and drivers all hung out between races to stratagise and come up with some sort of game plan to edge the other racer out, I think just Nail it and go would be my Philosophy.

A Hole Lot of Regerts?

Orange Turtle Deck T- Roadster makes its way up the beach, you can see someones drone trying to chase it.

Come in Number 416 your time is up, this was part of the Beach I could not walk on, but some people came to his rescue once they noticed he was struggling, ever tried to push a Motorcycle in the Sand? It’s bloody hard work.

Heading out, decent tire tread helps a lot and this geezer seems to be alright for the moment, as he makes his way to the staging lane.

Getting to the pits was a bit of a task in the afternoon but, most people got it sorted out. But this young Bloke seems to be well in control to be honest.

How thew hell was this bloke clean? I mean he lined up, raced, and then made the return and not a spec of sand on him.

Another super clean machine makes it back virtually unscathed, quite amazing!

Old Fella’s still having fun and getting a work out too, love seeing this and great job mate.

Getting a little bumpy now but a good area for me to take a few snaps as the bikes came back from their Races and return back to the pits once more.

Now I have no idea what a Scrubby Puffer is and not sure I want to either, as the dude in the super cool Yellow Sedan looks on.

This Blokes Indian wanted to stop for a breather as it was pretty Hot in the afternoon but he got it fired up after a bit of kicking and swearing and on his way.

How cool is this 29 Model A? Period car here and he has a blast in that all day.

Digging the Bars on this, looks like he is 2 up but thats another geezer on a bike right behind him.

Motorcycles and Hot Rods, a Super Combination if you ask me and everybody got along.

I think that is Mr Chin in his Roadster, this is an original built Hot Rod from back in the day, I saw this Race up at the RPM Nationals in Santa Margarita Ranch last year, a consistent machine for sure.

Theres a different angle shot I took of this super Nice 28 Roadster, what a really cool ride, great job mate I loved it.

I wanted the McCullogh Blower and intake oiff of this machine, it sounded wicked and you could tell the power difference right away.

A work out but something that you wont forget when you finally get home and the next day you have more aches than a set of infected teeth.

This Board Track Racer was consistent in running hard and did really well on the Sandy Conditions.

Model A Coupe bouncing its way back, making more noise than the waves crashing in behind him.

This 34 Roadster was really well built, sat well, drove hard and handle awesome, a nice Hot Rod there.

This inline Four Indian did well and he even rode it home, Loved seeing all these old bikes having a go on the Sand.

A Mixture of everything here, Mid engine Roadster Ran pretty Hard all weekend too.

If at first you dont exceed, feck it, leave it there.

Fog was coming in and it was Humid at the same time and, the tide was coming in too.

Gene Winfields Blown Ardun Powered Roadster, with the 90 year Old behind the wheel was just Epic.

Getting ready to line up and GO!!!!!

Gene will be 91 years Young This coming Saturday, how cool is that?

New Jersey Roadster sits patiently and waits for the go ahead to race.

See how sometimes it gets foggy from the humidity? it will then rain, then get even hotter, so weird to me.

Another Rail with a Flathead and clean as can be, this was really well built, so much time and detail in this creation too.

Lisa awaits her start as she sits in the 29 Roadster with everybody else.

Hey, Come on you lot, lets get this race underway, times a wasting and I got stuff to do.

Getting ready for the Big Off, almost ready to go as they all sit on the Beach getting Hot.

Come on lads, give us a push.

I took so many shots, I am trying to keep them as cool as I can, dont want you lot getting bored of the same car but these are pretty cool to look at.

Looks like at some point in time, this 28 Roadster had Schroder steering or a bell set up, as you can see the hole in the side for the pitman arm to exit the steering box.

This Bloke was having fun with his A-Bone all weekend.

This Roadster was just so right, loved everything I saw and it sounded really crisp too.

Evans Heads equipped with a Quad Intake Manifold, check the exhaust out too.

Plenty of activity later on in the day.

Jenn thought the Security Guard looked like The Big Lebowski, I must admit he does look like Jeff Bridges.

Some awesome Motorcycles here, not so sure on the cut front fender but the rest is on the money.

This Young Lady Ran all weekend and the Modified was super clean too.

In the Pits and Boy was it getting crowded in there.

I would love this for my Roadster, this had a unique sound of its own as he hit the Gas pedal.

Even Billy Lane turned up and Raced here.

People braved the Sea to get a free view of the Racing here at Wilwood.

Getting ready to line up against each other and head on up the beach , the geezer with the Penguin Suit on lines em up.

Trying to get as many races in before the Mist gets in, the tide gets in and the storm gets in.

Things seem to be rolling to a start a little faster now and thank god as I was sweating buckets and hoping my camera would not fog up with all this Humidity on the Beach.

The Tuxedo bloke reminded me a little of ED ROTH.

Our guy from the O.C. Grant Peterson jumps of his Checkered Harley and goes for it and wins.

East Coast special, Un-Chopped and Channeled and ready to Rock.

This school teacher had his Pupils build this, for shop class, how cool is that? Ran great too.

Heading on the Return from Racing, I liked this Model A and the lines were clean.

You can see that the tide is now getting closer to the shore.

What a Killer 3 Window Coupe.

I think the guy in the Leathers rode to the event.

Pit crews heading to the cars as the time gets closer to race.

There is that rail again, I wonder if he will be running with a body on it for next years event?

More drivers heading back for their final run.

How fun would this be eh? he must of been grinning all the way up the Beach.

The smell of Burnt Gas and oil, a great Combination.

Running a little Rich there Sir?

I loved this shot, I shoulf of done it in Black n White for a period feel to it.

Gene Winfield getting ready for another run in the Blown Ardun Roadster.

Outta My Way Buddy, I’m in this next Race.

What are these Two Guys up to? Laying bets?

Getting set up to Race each other as the Tide comes in and the Waves start to crash towards them.

Loved this 4 Banger, the headers were Bloody awesome.

Oilers Mid Engine Roadster was way cool to see and watch it run and it ran hard all the way.

Camera men all over the place from all over the world.

Grant gets set up to race an Indian on the beach.

Grant Petersen almost touch the Sea.

The Mist is coming in and rain comes down but, only for a short while, I have never experienced weather like this before, even when I lived in Australia.

Coming in Hot, 13B aptly named Four Bits comes into the pits, keeping his speed on so he does not bog down in this silty, soft silver sand.

The Daytona Flyer heading back out to race again.

Hanging in there on his Henderson.

Marvel Mystery Oil T- Roadster had some Motor issues, the timing jumped a tooth on the gear sprocket, so they rebuilt the motor over night and ran, very cool.

How frigging Tough is this Coupe?

I loved this 5 Window, really mean looking ride with a great stance set up.

It sure turned heads I tell ya.

Pretty cool 5 Window Model A Coupe with Frenched Model A Tail Lights was a great looking set up.

How much fun would this be at El Mirage? Or anywhere for that matter.


Getting into it with as least wind resistance as possible.

That Throttle is turned as far as it can go on this blokes Sickle.

Having fun and pushing the boundries of your two wheeled machine,and experiencing something that was done many many years ago.

Both Rails going Hell for Leather and it was a fun race too.

The 34 Roadster takes the Win on this Race and by quite a margin too.

The Young lady was hauling ass and winning by a big gap, but the guy on the Indian did not give up and pushed as hard as he possibly good, never back off on a race at all at anytime.


This Girl was leading all the way and as she approached the Checkers, for some reason she backed off, to allow the guy on the Indian to take the win.

Cam snappers 28 Roadster was cool, but as a couple of Motorcycle guys crashed racing, the cops made everyone wear Modern DOT helmets, thats kinda ruined the event to be honest.

What a wicked 29 eh? I watched this all weekend and it sounded great out of them Lakester style headers.



Now thats some Close Racing right there and so enjoyable.

Good to watch these two battle it out and it was who wanted it the most, we all saw Lisa win but the tower gave it to the old fella, you should of heard the Crowd fire up.

Number 24 trying to position himself to get some good traction by laying his body weight over the rear tire.

Some neat racing that I will never forget.

Caught him up but Just missed out by a nose.

This fella looks as relaxed as hell but he was sure having a blast on that Indian Motorcycle.

Enjoying time in the saddle and I loved this machine.

Doesnt look fast but he was hauling balls to be honest, very cool Model A Roadster.

Next up is Scott Sheehan who hails from Bay City in Michigan its a city that in Bay County that is located near the base of the Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron. His Roadster is dialled in and on harder packed sand this would haul ass, winning 2 of the 3 races, he lost this race that I took photos of, because the rear end broke out, the sand was soft but, Scott kept the pedal hard to the steel and straightened it out but the other guy had managed to keep his straight to take the win. here are a few shots I took that I thought were pretty cool.

Digging in like a Tick on a Dog, but Scott keeps the Gas ploughed down.

Scotts hands are literally crossed over, fighting the girl all the way but not giving up, and thats the way to go on sand, as if you back off you will lose momentum.

People got a show this day and I was cheering him through my camera lens as I kept snapping pics of this epic race.

Flat out is the only way to go and persistence does pay dividends in the end but great to see to be honest, it just goes to show how unpredictable Sand can be.

You can see the Roadster has straightened out and is now in a perfect squat, getting power to the rear wheels and torqueing the rest of the way.



That was a Great Race and good entertainment for the Audience as well as onlookers in their Jalopy’s. Nice job there Scotty!

This Roadster has the Perfect stance, everything is great and I enjoyed watching it speed up and down the beach all weekend in Wilwood N.J.

How can you not have fun in partaking in an event such as this? I sure hope we get to do some more in Southern California.

Great times these two had, belting along the beach on their bikes and giving it all that it is worth.

Another Fine Model A and kept it on all four wheels the entire weekend too.

The Great lakes Special returns back down the beach, he had fun all the weekend.

Yet another Model A I liked, this 1929 Model was fun to watch and it sat really well.

Riding back to the start again, I could stop looking at the fella in the Pink lid, Cops made Competitors wear DOT lids on Sunday.

Killer 5 window, these #14 old Jalopy was tough as nails and warrants a couple of photos for sure on here.

There ya go, two different angles, what a cool piece of Hot Rod History right there.

I am glad I managed to grab some photos, I’m not a photographer as such but like to click away and see what I get when I go to shows and events as this is my passion and lifestyle, in that I mean Hot Rods and Motorcycles.

Hands up as he just loses out, but thats racing and he gave it his best shot. The Girly whooped his Arse!

Hot Rods, Sand, Sea and Surf, how cool.

That Model A is so right, could not stop watching it run up the track, just a well put together machine.

Great to see so many Roadsters and not one the same at all, that makes us all unique in this hobby and love what we do.

I wonder how much clean up this took when he got the chassis home? As I am sure it was ready for its new body.

This Young lady should of been named, Mrs Consistent, this ran well and enjoyed watching her take on the guys.

We also enjoyed watching this Tub race, yet another well put together Hot Rod and he had such a Blast racing .

I took this as he had finished the race and was heading back down the track to return to the pits.

Quad Carbed Roadster ran hard and sounded well dialled in, yet another cool machine that got a lot of attention .

How can you not like this Roadster, Epic build mate, well done.

29 Roadster with Kelseys and knock off Caps looked great with the T Wrecker next to him.

Hubba Hubba, just take a look at this 5 window, such a great example of a Hot Rod.

Model A on stock rims sits high but probably good in the soft sand.

Yes mate, sweet as a nut this ride, really is.

Boy did this sit high.

He was having fun and I guess if he broke down, at least you could easily crawl under it.

Was drawn to this Model A Roadster quite a bit, I have 36 Torque Tubes in storage that I want to use as exhausts and needed to see how loud these were by the doors.

But this has a 4 Banger in it so I could not gauge the noise level as a V8 will be way louder thats for sure, but really liked this Roadster.

The Oilers Turtle Deck slammed Roadster sounded great as it belted along the beach and was pretty fast too, but you would feel every bump being that low to the ground.

Tide was starting to come in but they still raced until it was almost at their tires and this was great to see these 2 rides on the Beach together.

These Boat Tail was just plain weird looking to me, not a fan at all to be honest but- Each to their own Right?

The Boat tail ran up to the end of the track after every heat of Races were complete and the drivers and riders would follow them back to the start line once more.

Giving it some Beans, the 34 Roadster Races the 5 window and the Roadster takes the Win.

This little Belly Tank was nuts, but loved it, how the fella hung on in there I do not know as the Torque of this motor would pull you out of the seat.

How wild is this? That’s the smallest drop tank I have seen, I had a P-38 version but way longer than that, albeit mine had a V8-60 motor, but this 4 Banger was Hopped Up!

Looks more like a Straight 6 Motor than a 4 Banger, the Tiny Drop tank must of been a small feat of Engineering genius to be able to get this to all piece together and a good job too.

I would drive it for sure but I am sure its a Bone Shaker, but, just like they would of built it back in the 40’s for sure.

Quick way of stopping the H2O from getting in as we got a few Sporadic rain flurries and the Humid Air didnt help all day for sure, look how clean this is and Loved the finned Intake.

How cool is this, 1936 5 Window Coupe was the Tow vehicle for the Belly tank, thats Priceless.

Check out the bigger Brother Drop Tank, this is one serious Piece of Kit too and ran well all weekend.

This was a greast piece of Nostalgia and loved watching it throughout the weekend, by the time I noticed it, I kept missing a photo opportunity, but not this time.

Check the 5 window and another Belly tank, complete with Cool Cockpit cowl, what a killer Duo.

The Tornados Club had some great machines Racing at TROG and glad I was able to see them.

Three More great Tornados club Hot Rods Park in the Pit Area.

The Pits was busy all day, it got too busy and the next day the Pit area was closed off to the public as people were getting in the way of the lane that goes out to the track.

People came up in their Hot Rods to watch the races and parked on the beach as there was a little Classic car show on.

Another Clean 28/29 Roadster cruises about and looked pretty sweet.

This Roadster was show quality and the Young Lady had a great heavy Right foot and was into it all weekend and beat many people, awesome job 533.

What a Blast this must be to Throttle this Mid Engine dry lake racer down the Beach for all its worth, a Real cool Lakester for sure.

This Roadster sits well, ran hard and is worth a pretty penny for sure, loved it.

Narrowed with Suicide front end, Schroder Steering and on Kelseys with Dirt tracker tires, this Japanese Special was so cool.

This geezer must of won something as he looks as happy as Larry! Maybe it is LARRY?

There is that Daytona Flyer once More, he sure enjoyed himself here at Wilwood.

Above, Gene Winfield in the Blown Ardun Roadster, this Motor sounded every $100,000 that was put into it, a phenomenal machine and guy.

Heading out to head to his Hotel, Gene Revved the Motor and it was music, purse Music.

Loved seeing the Rides heading on out of the Beach.

Hot Rain started to get a little thicker as a Storm was approaching, so it was a good time for us to make a move to our Bed & Breakfast where we can get changed and go eat.

These 5 windows were parked at the Car show on the beach, they couldnt race even if they wanted to, as they didnt have Flat heads or 4 Bangers, but looked cool in my eyes.

Dig the Nerf Bar and Vintage Hot Rod Trophy Topper on the Spreader Bar, two buddies having fun on the Beach.

There goes the Jalopy Racer, Great piece of American Hot Rod History right there and still running, and Racing today.

The little Silver Bullet heading back for some food and rest after a day of Sand and Sea.

Now that really is a well built 5 window on Deuce Rails and the Flatty sounded Gnarly, Great job #52.

This Old Fella had a smile all weekend and I know why in that machine, it ran really well too.

Handle Bars and flat caps were the order of the day, the Roadster ran well at Wilwood and is a good looking Hot Rod, always loved this Dark Blue Color.


This 4 Banger 5 Window was another Hot Rod that was right on the money, getting some of the cooler Breeze that was coming in from the storm approaching helped keep them happy.

Lisa brings home the Roadster after spending the day, teaching the Lads how to Race on the beach, loved this girl and she really has a passion for the Hot Rods, great to see this, well done Lisa.

The Toughest looking Coupe out there, this was a real head turner, the right stance and look, and great to see a coupe that has had a full chop and keeps the insert, not often you see this.

Another Ride that ran well through out the Race Of gentlemen was this 34 Roadster, so much more room than a Model A too.

As you can see, it was a little ride to be able to get off the Beach at Wilwood, but cool to  watch as the Hot Rods and Motorcycles headed out in line like Geese going to a Bread crumb Outlet, these ran all the way then under a tunnel that was beneath the Boardwalk.

The Girls also made them selves known, especially in this T- Roadster Modified, it was a great looking machine and was really consistent on the track, they sure had fun all weekend.

Mile High Model A Club was well represented here, no way could this get stuck in the mud.

This ole Fella ran all weekend but never lit that Cigar, but I saw him make quite a few runs in this Roadster and the Flathead sounded really healthy.

This East Coast Unchopped and Channeled Coupe is reminisent of all the old small format Hot Rod magazines I read Decades ago and was great for me to see for myself.

Service Car was another cool sight as you really never see these and to take it out on the beach and open it up was a real treat and glad he bought this along, great job Sir.

Having fun in the 28 with his Girl as they head out from the track to get some food for the night after spending time Racing, I am surprised how this has no Sand all over the body.

This 1928 Black Roadster was right in every-way, from Motor to Interior, I loved this look and have always Like Henry Fords Black lacquer Paint scheme.

This Bloke was having fun all weekend too, a great Vintage Harley that pulled pretty well and got up to a fair amount of speed in a short distance, sits well too.

Scott had a Blast all weekend in his Roadster, him and His Girly had such fun I am sure, this Roadster is dialed in and gave it all when he was under the flag.

This FORD 1936 Five Window with Ribbed Bumpers, Hollywood Flippers looked really cool.

Many people loved this Yellow 29 and I sure did too, a Timely piece that catches the spirit of Years of Drag Racing gone by to the present, a super example of Drag Racing.

Looking like this was a barn Find, this 28 got lotsa of great looks from spectators, I loved this A-Bone and he am sure enjoyed this weekend driving it.

Heading home with the Mrs and nice to see some Brit stuff Blapping around the Beach at Wilwood New Jersey.

Outta my way I’m coming through, this Rail was put together right and am looking forward to see this with a Body on top of the frame next time.

Hoping that we all get the chance to do this back in California again as we have as many Vintage Rides down here and so many more Beaches too, lets do it California!!!

Meaner than a scolded Cat, this 5 Window would look great anywhere, If Elmer did anything to this ride, then it would of been done right and, it looks right to me.

Another period Coupe and this time East Coast TY RODS 5 Window, amazing Historical HOT ROD and was stoked to be able to see this for myself.

Indian heading home after thrashing about in the sand.

Check this Harley out, looks the parts and rides really well, they sure love their Motorcycles out here on the East Side of the Country too.

Another fella on his Hawg and sitting well on the sand as he heads home to have a few Brewskis to get that sand taste from out of his mouth.

Trying to get back to their Hotel before the heavy Rain arrives as a Storm was indeed approaching.

Du’Vall and Hallock Windshield look great, but not so when they have a top up, just looks a little weird, but thats just me, each to their own, with out the top they look Killer.

The Rain was just starting and we knew it would down pour later so many people made sure they were on their way back before the storm took full effect here in New Jersey.

OH OH! Here comes the Rain- Take Cover !!!

Old School AV8 heading home as we were about to leave too.

This Lady Loved her Harley and had many Runs on the beach and seemed to enjoy it all, thats a cool Girl right there.

Unusual rear tail lights on the 29 as it sped passed me on its way home.

This Flathead sounded so mean, I listened to it idle and wished I had chatted to him as it was really a dialled in Flathead, Great job mate that made my day listening to it.

I have Always liked Indians and we were spoiled at the Race Of Gentlemen with plenty of them Racing the Harleys at Wildwood.

How bad ass is this Flathead Roadster, Super Bell axle, Roll bar and long Radius Rods made this a Nostalgic step back in time for me.

Louvered deck lid, Classic Push Bar, Moon caps and Firestones with a Roll bar, just a great HOT ROD that looked fast even when it was parked up.

Mom and Dad heading home, bet they never told the kids what they were up to this weekend.

Yellow Peril heading home after having the day driving up and down the Beach, so much room when they are not chopped eh?

Now thats a super Happy Face, the Double deuce heading South Bound.

Scott Sheehan heading back to the Hotel with his girl after a day of spraying Sand over everybody that watched him today.

Scott had a full day of get squirly and loved it, this is a great Roadster with a strong Flathead Motor for sure.

This 5 Window didnt race as it isnt a Flathead or 4 Banger but, sure a neat HOT ROD none the less and sits well on the sand.

So glad that Jennifer and I made the 2500 mile trip to the East side of the country to check out TROG, it sure was fun for us and enjoyed the whole 4 days away, I wasn’t sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was for us.  Thanks for reading the Blog, I didnt type much as I figured the photos would really speak for them selves, I know there is a lot of photos but- If you are like me and dig the Nostalgia Hot Rods and Motorcycles, then I am sure that you smiled at a few of the snaps I managed to take.

Thank you for reading and hope you follow me on here.  Hope to see you at an event, come up and say hello as it is always great meeting like minded people such as Me and Jennifer.

Race Of Gentlemen Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow we load our bags up and head to New Jersey, stopping of in Philadelphia to pick the car up, we head to Wilwood to watch TROG the Race Of Gentlemen, on the beach, just like they did in the 30-thru 60’s, this is a great event and looking forward to it.

Been a long time since I have been to the New Jersey, I think it was way back in 1990 when I met Lance Sorchik of jersey Suede fame and have been itching to head back out to the East side of the states ever since, I have never been to Wildwood and this will be an adventure for Jennifer and me, be great if we could both get early Hand shift Bikes later, we have the Post War model A Roadster but to have the 2 Old racers will be fun too, albeit we both have a Triumph each already. A fun weekend about to start for us and hope we get to meet some of you folk too.

Hope to see some of you there?

Jennifer and I are really looking forward to spectating this year, people come from all over the US to race their Hot Rods and Motorcycles, Flag Start, just like back in the day, what great fun.

I live for Hot Rods and Motorcycles and many like minded folk will be attending, it will be an epic meet and hope to take as many cool photos to share with you lot as I can.

See if you can make it to NEW JERSEY, head to Wilwood, you will smell the Gasoline right away.

Many people will be attending, there will be a party atmosphere and great evening entertainment too.

The weather will be warm, the surf will be crashing in the back ground and watching Hot Rods racing Hot Rods and Motorcycles will be so eventful this weekend.

So, hope you can make it out there, if you can, look out for us and say hi, be great to meet like minded people who share the Nostalgic lifestyle that we live.

Hopefully we can do this on our side of the country one day again as it is such a blast.
Watch these cool 3 stage videos of how Pro BMXer Heath Pinter builds his 8/29 Model A Flathead Powered Roadster and takes to Trog 2017.

How cool watching Girls race their machines and whooping the guys.

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All sorts of great looking rides, all different and, thats what I love about Hot Rods.

Three Windows, 5 Windows, Roadsters, Tudors, sedans, Modifieds, Belly tankers lake styles, they will have it all, Flatheads, Bangers you name it.

Just healthy fun taking your ride along the sand in 1/8th mile sprint and see how you do.

So, stay tuned on my website as when I get back I shall Blog all about it, you can also see what I am up to on my Facebook, Carpys Cafe Racers or Carpys Garage and on instagram Carpys garage and will try and live stream a little if I have a signal.

All the fun of the fair in NJ, beach and surf one side and fairgrounds on the other.

Even the Choppers came up from Burbank to make this event.

So, stay tuned and when I get back I will add photos that I took and let you know how it went on the East Side of the Country.


Model A Roadster in Australia, ” The Road to Gulong.

If you think of Hot Rods, no doubt you will be thinking of California beach cruises, Detroit Autorama, Hershey swap meets in Pennsylvania etc, but- Australia has the Hot Rod bug as bad as the USA and the UK and I know this because I lived there for 4 years, working for a Hot Rod Radiator manufacturing shop in North Melbourne.

They are huge Petrol heads and I loved it, so, when I saw that the Model A in Australia was celebrating its 90th anniversary, I thought I would share this set of small videos.

Andy runs Classic & Custom Garage in Melbourne, Australia. Andy’s good friend Duncan has a build underway at C&CG of his Ford Model A Roadster.

Watch the videos as Andy gets this old stocker A-Bone to a running standard that will have full fenders and slightly lowered, but- still using its Original 4 Banger Motor, this episode, Andy removes some rust on the lower panel and makes a fresh replacement.

Below, you will see Andy has replaced some of the Bodywork and hand made some of the floor as well as seat riser, the Roadster body is about to be removed as Andy will be removing the old gearbox and replacing it with a Modern T5 set up.

Below, more work involved this time, changing the Carb to a grey Motor Stromberg was a cool idea, making a riser and flipping the linkage is a great idea, lots of work here, machining the flywheel to allow the T5 to fit and run a Holden Clutch, nice job and attention to detail Andy.

I am hoping there will be another episode after this one below, but I shall add the Gulgong show from another person to show the 90th Anniversary of the Model A. But great job Andy on this Roadster.

Below is a video of a geezer making the trip to the Model A 90th Birthday bash, Australia is a vast county, only 100 miles smaller than the States, and people travel great distances with no worries in the world, everywhere is measured in Hours not miles, great effort going all that way in rain and snow too. Tons of Model A’s as far as you can see.

I had such a blast living in Australia for 4 years, living in NSW and Victoria, everyone was great and all shared the passion that I am into, people are so genuine and enjoyed all the Hot Rod shows I attended and, I attended tons of them.




Daniel Sexton Gurney
(April 13, 1931 ) passed away Yesterday, we remember him as one of the premier racers/builders/owners the U.S. has produced…like so many other racers, Dan started out as a Hot Rodder. I only met him a couple of times at Cooks Corner as he was on one of his crazy Motorcycles, we chatted for quite some time and never forget how genuine and happy he was.
A talented man that has been taken too early.
Gone but will never forgotten.
RIP Dan.


Some History below


Dan Gurney was born to Jack Gurney and Roma Sexton. His father, John R. “Jack” Gurney, was a graduate of Harvard Business school with a master’s degree. Dan’s three uncles were each MIT engineers. His grandfather was F.W. Gurney who was responsible for the invention of the Gurney Ball Bearing. He had one sister, Celisssa. Jack was discovered to have a beautiful voice after taking voice lessons in Paris and changed his career path to became lead basso with the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York  who retired in 1947. Jack moved his family to Riverside, California when Dan was a teenager and had just graduated from Manhasset High School. After moving to California, young Dan quickly became caught up in the California hot rod culture.


At age 19, he built and raced a car that went 138 miles per hour (mph) (222 kilometres per hour [km/h]) at the Bonneville Salt Flats. He later studied at Menlo Junior College, a feeder school for Stanford University. He then became an amateur drag racer and sports car racer. He served in the United States Army for two years as an artillery mechanic during the Korean War.


His first Formula 1 victory came in 1961 for BRM and he gave Porsche its maiden Grand Prix win the following year. In a growing tradition, Gurney went on to give Brabham its first F1 win in 1964.

Gurney’s most famous driving accomplishment has become part of American lore. Piloting a car designed and built by his own All American Racers outfit, Gurney’s win at the 1967 Belgian Grand Prix continues to serve as the only victory captured by an American in an American Formula 1 car.

The win at Spa came seven days after he traveled from France to from Belgium. In that brief span, Gurney authored the greatest week of driving accomplishments the world has seen by capturing the 24 Hours of Le Mans for Ford in its iconic GT40 with co-driver A.J. Foyt on June 11, and topped it with an incomparable F1 victory on June 18. Gurney’s Golden Week stands in perpetuity.

Prior to retiring from the cockpit in 1970, the Big Eagle’s versatility led his rivals as wins in F1, NASCAR, IndyCar, and Can-Am left Gurney in rarified air. Major sports car victories at Sebring, Daytona, and all manner of domestic and international venues cemented his status as a great among greats.

Through AAR, which built and sold everything from Formula Fords to Indy cars, Gurney’s southern California den of innovation shattered speed records at the Indy 500 while capturing multiple wins at the Brickyard. At one point in the 1970s, AAR became the highest volume producer of open-wheel race cars in North America.

AAR’s winning tradition—one steeped in engineering advancements—extended into the 1980s with Gurney’s favorite car, 1981’s ‘Pepsi Challenger,’ which took a memorable last-to-first victory on the Milwaukee Mile.

As Gurney’s Eagles lost their footing in IndyCar racing, a shift to the burgeoning IMSA series representing Toyota added to the company’s legacy. Sports car racing was far from new for AAR; it’s gorgeous factory Plymouth Barracuda Trans-Am cars paved the way in 1970, Gurney’s final year behind the wheel.

An initial foray into the IMSA GTU category was upgraded to fire-breathing turbocharged GTO Celicas, and with the GTP class nearly rivaling IndyCar for the hearts of racing fans, AAR joined IMSA’s most popular show and it wasn’t long before Gurney’s Eagle Mk III chassis ran its rival manufacturers out of the series.

Just as Bobby Unser’s 1972 Eagle chassis—with the brand-new Gurney flaps installed—destroyed the existing speed record at Indy by 17 miles per hour, the Mk III caused the GTP class to collapse under the weight of its dominance in 1993. So advanced were the Mk III’s aerodynamics, Gurney readily refused to explain all of its tricks more than 20 years after the cars turned their final laps.

One last stint for AAR in the CART IndyCar Series—a championship Gurney brought to life in 1979 with his transformational ‘White Paper’—bore minimal fruit from 1996-1999, and other than supporting the racing career of his son Alex, Gurney’s team took a backseat in the new millennium to government contracts and the occasional support of fresh sports car projects.


An avid motorcycle rider, Gurney started his own line of sit-down motorcycles under the Alligator banner, and continued to work on pioneering motorcycle engine designs until his final days.

There were few who were smarter, or faster, or gave to the sport more than he received.

If stature could be measured, Gurney would surely stand atop the sport for all he created and achieved during his 86 years.

Some drove. Some owned. Some designed. Some built. Gurney did it all, won it all, and used innate curiosity and humor as his energy source. Below That’s Dan waving with the Tall Hat and Oily shirt.


“I was a hot rod guy for sure,” Gurney said in a recent interview. “It was the only thing possible to do on a shoestring, as you could put a car together from junkyard parts.”

He started it all in high school by adding a two-carburetor setup to his 1933 Ford roadster. “I sent away for California Bill’s hot rod book on how you do it,” he said.

“[The Ford] made all kinds of noise, but didn’t run any faster. That was the beginning of learning how to do things,” Gurney remembered.

In 1948, a few days after he graduated from Long Island’s Manhasset High School, he and his family moved to California. His parents had purchased an orange grove in Riverside, and Dan drove across the country in a 1940 Standard two-door Ford. He immediately traded it for a chopped ’32 five-window coupe.

“I got the long end of that deal, but it was a huge education for me,” Gurney said. He described the Deuce’s flathead V-8 as “mild,” but it must have been good enough to get him into trouble with the local police.

“After getting too many tickets I no longer wanted it to be so obvious that I was driving a hot rod, so I ended up putting a good engine in a ’35 Ford,” he said. Gurney bought the two-door sedan for $50 in west Riverside. It was definitely less noticeable than the chopped ’32 Ford coupe with the aggressive stance.

Little CB350 Brat Bike from Down Under

Many fun things from the opposite side of the globe come to mind, Fosters beer, Boomerangs, shortened Slang names and a total “Have A Go” Attitude in anything they try.

I loved Australia, having resided in NSW ad Victoria, i was immersed in their Low brow Sub Culture from Motorcycle to Hot Rods, they all have a passion in the Land Down under, so wanted to share this little Honda CB350 Bart bike that was created in Queensland.


This little inline Four Rice Burner was blapping about Queensland for a while as a Custom machine, but the Customer wanted something a little different, so- he headed off to Tom Gilroy of Purpose Built Moto, where he had a chin wag about what subtle things he could have changed on his machine so it stood out from the many others that are now popping up all over the country.


There really wasn’t much of any sort of stipulation as to any guidelines that the customer was wanting, other than a Flat Brat style seat as the present seat wasn’t to his liking, so – With that Tom, rolled the little 3560 into the workshop and set about on this Japanese rocket.



Using only brush finished metal, black and white was going to be Tom’s Pallette for this motorcycle and he went about and did the painstaking work of Striping the tank and then coating her with a Nickel plate, Tom then said.

I then hand brush finished the nickel and applied a hot rod inspired paint design over the top. To complement the tank the headlight bezel, linkages and shift lever were all also plated with nickel and brushed. The rear-sets and Purpose Built Moto Torpedo Muffler have all also been brushed. The fenders have been re-mounted to better suit the bike and finished in a bone white. The tyres are Shinko E270 White Walls that help to bolster the old school hot rod feel I was after.”


Tom then had to set about and create a new seat pan and this Flat style of Seat is now very popular in Oz and Tom went and hand fabricated some steel to fit the frame and kick up at the back, once that was done it was padded up using a medium Density foam and then upholstered in the Brown/Fawn Tuck n Roll for a more Historic look.


“The finishing touches were a top to tail revival of the electrical and lighting system.The electrics were overhauled with all new Purpose Built Moto Switches, LED indicators and our new V2 Black box digital control module. It handles all your lighting relay needs in a compact, durable and easy to install unit.”“Improving upon a bike that someone is already happy with is a task in itself, but thankfully at the end of the day, the owner was blown away with the result. Not having to worry about the tasks completed by the previous owner allowed me to focus my energy solely on giving the rider a bike he could be proud of and other could envy.”


So there you go, a great little Bar Hopper Brat from Down Under and many more out there, Australia is way bigger than people can comprehend,, its only about 100 miles smaller than the USA, but it only has maybe 30 Million inhabitants, I know as I lived there, the roads are so awesome and great places to ride, people are cool and if you can ever get out there and you are in Queeensland, check up on Tom at Purpose Built Moto and have a Brew with him, cool guy, nice one mate, Time for a Tinny!

xmas banner xmas banner2

Santa Margarita Ranch Hot Rods at RPM NATIONALS Part 3

Here we are with the last lot of photos that I took whilst at the RPM Nationals on the weekend, with my Girlfriend Jennifer.


Fantastic ambiance and just the commeraderie of the people that attended this event was something I wont forget in a hurry, what I liked about it was that there was no attitude, no Look at me, just fun people having a fun time.


Sure hope that this becomes an annual event as I really did like this and wanted to take my own Model A, but its a little ways off of running correctly, but at least we got to ride our Motorcycles here and check out what was going on.


Located in the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountains, it is one of the most rural communities in San Luis Obispo Counties, this makes for such a grand event as the RPM NATIONALS and with an 1/8th mile of drag strip at the ready as its actually a runway, well, just makes sense to have this event really eh?


I wanted to try and take some cool shots, I’m not one of those Professional chaps, I just hit the button on the camera and hope I get the shot I was after.


I loved the Belly Tanks as they are so Post World War 2 Hot Rodding, and I had a P-38 Drop tank myself with a V8-60 Motor, so I was stoked to see 2 of these racing here.


Amazing place and the weather was already warm and people were smiling as we could see all sorts of great Hot Rods enter onto the Tarmac to Battle it out between each other.


Just breath taking countryside for as far as the eye can see, little has changed since the late 1940’s, so it felt like back in the day for me.


Oh yeah, there was of course some Classic steeds there, sat right by the drag strip and loved seeing these, all part of that era, when the drags were on Bikes would turn up to, the need for speed is for all machines back then.


Old Crow Speed Shop had their Flat Head powered 5 window Coupe attend and boy did that sound great, it was quick off the line, this Coupe sits so well, a very Period piece indeed.



Lighting the Tires up as he leaves the line, Flathead V8  Motors sound unique as they Braaap on through the gears and I was so glad I was there to be able to share the moment, I took a few photos and this will be a long blog, but mostly all photos.


Our friend from the Pasadena area Diane Branch  takes her 1929 Roadster out on the strip and does really well, I am all for Girl power and she put the steel to the floor and had a blast.


Old Crow’s 32 Coupe lines up with Steve Caballero’s 36 Three window, both very cool Period rides and both gave it all they had on the 1/8th mile, it was awesome to watch these go.


Miles of smiles is what could be seen all day, a great event at the RPM Nationals, Jennifer and I really loved the whole set up and you could not of asked for a better day to be honest.


Come in number 59, your times up, this 5 window Model A gets set as he approaches the starting line.


Grinning from ear to ear, that just shows how this event was received, a really fun event, even with no front brakes.


The T & the A line up and await the Flag start, the old school way of racing and one I prefer as I would be terrible on a Tree.


He we are with some more Classic Tin, this time a 1934 5 Window, against a Model T Roadster, Dont let Mr Bunny ears fool you, this was fast all day long.


I loved this Roadster, the Flatty just sounded so torquey, sits well and is really a time capsul of coolness from back in the day.


These 2 Roadsters were Bloody awesome, check out the windshield on 142 now thats unique and two great Vintage machines have a go down the Tarmac.

Above, Jay Dean of Nostalgia Ranch Calif- Gets all set in his Hop Up T Modified, Another mate of ours having fun and builds some serious machines too.


This 1934 Roadster sits high and dry with No windshield and ready to lay some rubber down as he sits and awaits the Flag man for the off.


Mr Chin in this Period T- Roadster, this was built back in the 1950’s and ran strong all day long without a pop or backfire, this was a dialed in Hot Rod and loved seeing this run.


Friendly rivalry is the best and what a day, just look at the scenery and it is just a timeless feeling sat out there in the countryside.


I took this to show the area, this is the return lane from the Drag strip, perfect scenery.


Great to see these two Model A’s. one stock and the Other Chopped, both very cool and rare to see these days.


I would love any of these rides, the 36 was great and ran with old Hollywood flippers too, a hard item to locate these days.


Diane Branch’s 29 Roadster is pulling out to enter the track against a 5 Window Coupe of the same year.


Getting ready to run the Gaunlet, Diane Branch in her trusty 1929 Model A Roadster, a great Hot Rod and so great to see Girls racing and there were a few too.


Old Crow up against the 36 Coupe and 2 very rare cars to locate anywhere in the world these days, so it made it even more fun to be able to watch these compete with each other.


Bunny Ears gets set, this was a fast machine and ran really consistently too.


All day long these Hot Rods ran and they turned many heads, these were quickly getting through the staging lanes, no hanging about like you get at other shows, so this was super cool for the spectators as there was always some action going on for them.


Another cool 28-29 Roadster, fully fendered of the El Vinos car Club, getting sorted out to run with a 34 Ford.


At the line and ready to hit the loud pedal as the 34 Sedan sits patiently too.


OLD CROW SPEED SHOP got a Ton of Runs in, never tire of looking at this period Piece, very cool and envious in a good way, have had a soft spot on that model, I had a Three window but the 5 Window Coupe was always more appealing to me but, we all have our favorites right?


I loved this 5 window 1930 Model A, complete with Cowl lights and ran well, he must of had a ball driving this Coupe on the Track.


The PF Flyers Roadster put down some quick times and this is another great ride, well they all are in their own way, I loved every Hot Rod out here and was so cool to see people wearing Old Coveralls and Helmets too, just to get the theme of the event bang on.


Diane Branch of the Immortal car club is from Pasadena and she loves to race, Fabian of Vintage Hammer Garage is a great friend of mine too and helped build this ride, super people.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, so stoked for Diane to grab the win against the very fast and consistent Roadster she ran against here on the 1/8th mile track.


Jenn and I taking it all in and hopefully Next year can run my Model A, Jennifer is Itching to drive it too, will be so stoked seeing her behind the wheel of our Roadster.


Mr Chin does it again, this originally built Hot Rod just Banged out run after Run and the 24 stud Motor sounded so sweet.


How freaking cool is it to see a So-Cal Speed Shop Roadster Hitting the Track and No spring Chicken at the wheel.


Love this, this is Hot Rodding of all years and this fella was here when it all began and to watch him go down the Tarmac was really something else.


Such a sweet A-Bone too, Dago front end and Cleaner than a cats Arse too.


Just love all the Nostalgia that was at this show, sure hope that this will continue to be an annual event as I really think that it was received very well indeed.


Five window Model A is cruising in the countryside on the return road from the end of the Drag Strip, just looks so cool with this Rustic contrast.


More Rustic Scenery that i thought I would share that were parked out in the sticks, what a cool line up too.


This is another really cool Coupes that was parked up, loved the whole set up, those E&J headlights aint cheap no more.


The other end of the old Runway was the pits as well as the vendors and people parked to watch the races in their Nostalgic machines.


here is the other side of the Runway, with 4 Roadsters in a Row, awaiting their turn to race as others return from the track in the distance.


Such a well built Roadster and she sounded just right with straight through pipes.


Above is the Best shot I took, such great lines, and the background is so timeless, just blow the pic up and have a long hard stare, its a wicked Model A Roadster for sure.


This time a cool Old School 30/31 Roadster sits on the side of the track, just waiting its turn to stretch its 4 Banger legs out, these were remarkably fast, some quicker than the V8’s too!


The quincicential Hot Rod right there, Reminds me of my buddy Steve Dennish’s Roadster over our way, sits right and well Is right, wicked Hot Rod full stop!


28/29 Parked up, on Deuce Rails, Tri power and 32 grill shell looks epic, loved the shot gun exhaust position.


This 5 Window Coupe sits so well, 36 Torque tube headers, check out the Front brakes too.


Looks like an Old coupe with the roof cut off and I love it, no rules in Hot Rodding and look how the swage lines still line up, this is a tight body and check out the v-Grooved headlight bar with Commercial BLC’s, Wickedly cool.


There is something really appealing the way this 5 Window A-Bone is sat almost Majestically on the side of the race track, maybe it was enjoying the Vitamin D as the Sun shined on.


Jenn and I loved this as the kids playing in Mom or dads 4 Banger Roadster, thats what it is all about right there, the next generation of Hot Rodders who hopefully will keep this flame alight.


This 1940 Panel was an awesome speed shop Parts Getter, hard to find anywhere these days and loved the whole ride, nice one my friend.


Taking in the Pits as these 2 cruise around in this Roadster, a very Period looking ride that I am sure could tell a few stories. yeah the youngster is on his cell phone but most probably saying “Mom!- This is so cool, I love this style of event, sell my hatch back I want a HOT ROD”!


What is NOT to like on this fully fendered Roadster, even the stance is bang on the money.


How about this, Young and Old meet in the middle, Brilliant stuff.


Here is a nice Black 5 window, complete with Rumble seat, sat in the Pits, is that a Blower I see perched on that Flathead.?


Sweet lines on the T-Roadster from the Rear to the front- it is a really well thought out Hot Rod and with E&J headlights, 32 Grille shell, this really looks like a time capsule, nice job.


Edelbrock 24 stud aluminum heads, Dropped headlight bar, Deuce rails, Juice brakes on Vintage style Firestones, made this a real head turner, me included.


How sweet is this 4 Banger Model A Coupe, a timeless Hot Rod that looks great anywhere but so glad I got to see so many in one place.


I watched this 32 cruise past me, the rumble of the flathead, the 50’s stance, and as it approached Steve Cabellero’s 36 Coupe I just stood there gobsmacked, in total awe!


Raked windshield, cool flathead motor with Lakester Headers on Black steelies with Bias ply Firestones, 39 tear drop tail lights and 40 ford steering wheel was bang on the money for me, loved it.


H&H were showing their very sweet Turtle Deck Model T Roadster off in fine fashion and a very period looking machine it was too, loved the Kelseys on front and steelies out back.


Check out this 32, Milk Truck steelies, No windshield and flatty powered, this Hot Rod was built very well indeed.


This Model T looked superb in its mostly stock guise , loves the 40 Ford steelies and wide Blackwalls, the Spare wheel kit and stock bumpers make this a neat Resto Ride.


Talk about stepping back in time, even Doctor Who would have trouble locating something as cool as this, look at the patina, even has a Culver City Q/C in the rear end.


I took a photo of the H&H Special from the front, a real Jalopy and I bet its a real Blast to drive?


OOH, that Coupe again, standing with my gob open isn’t a good thing but you just could not help it, Loved everything about this fender-less Thirty Four Ford, how could you not?


I saw this sat in the corner of the Pit area and had to walk over and take a snap, as the Old Tree behind gave this a Back in the day feel to it, the scenery here is just so nice.


This guys Coupe was Killer, he didn’t mind me chirping in asking where he got this and that, nice to chat too and boy just look at this, complete with Schroeder steering too.


One of the best Hot Rods in the 4 Banger class there, I loved them all but this was artwork, look how clean this Model A is, it ran well and steamed up the track with no problems.


A lot of time and effort went into the build, this 1931 Model A Roadster is great from any angle, from the 32 grill up front, to the Quick change rear end, loved the Banjo steering wheel too.


How low can you go, this 5 window ran very well on the Saturday, very well built and sits nice and stout, nice job there matey!


This Geezer had a real blast All day, the Four Cylinder Powered Model T just ran and ran and a well put together Hot Rod too, it was fun watching you race my friend, well done.

a102 - Copy

I wanted to take this in Black & White as with the old 1940’s Westcraft travel trailer behind, it just looked like it was 1949 and knew it would make a great Nostalgic Photograph.


This is how I have my Splash Aprons on my Hot Rod, looks pretty cool, and this is unusual to see a chopped model A like this, nice job and glad to see this at the RPM Nationals.


Diane and Tom Branch are a Hot Rodding Family, I have known them for many years and they continue to have fun and build cool Hot Rods, love these people and this Roadster ran all day, of which she fought off tough opposition on the drag strip, great Job Diane, it was a pleasure to watch you and we rooted for you too!


One of the Oldest Hot Rod Clubs in existence, The Bean Bandits, had their Rail at the event, I didn’t see it run but there was so much going on it would be easy to miss.


Blown Flatty Looked great, wasn’t liking the fan and shroud but guess it was the only way to keep it cool, but a well built Hot Rod none the less and unchopped too.


Yes, that will make you stop and look, how sweet is this Roadster, a Gleaming example of pure love and attention to detail, I wonder how many hours were spent wrenching on this ride?


Love seeing when Girls have their Hot Rods, we need more for sure and it was so nice to see this as the Girl was just Blapping about in the Pits, thats one tough A-Bone, great job.


Where did this Gem of a Roadster come from? Looks like it was a barn find, other than a painted firewall and New Chopped Windshield, this Hot Rod was amazing to me.


As straight as the Proverbial Arrow, this 1930  A-Bone sat so right and rode around all day, in the Pits and on the track.


This 29 has had some Major work on its 4 banger mill and didnt hang about either, a lot of time and dedication went into this fantastic machine, Kudos my friend.


Coupes and Roadster a plenty, it was great to be able to take this all in and have a superb setting to watch these machines against each other on the Drag Strip.


How is this for a super shot? I loved all the countryside almost engulfing these Vintage Hot Rods, a taste of Yester Year and something that is warm to look at.


This is a Local Hot Rod to us and what a peach of a ride, this is set back in the Rustic Area of Santa margarita Ranch, the Roadster belongs to Joe Leroux of Hillco Fastener Company.


I am looking forward to taking a Photo of My Roadster in this setting next year, a fantastic part of California Gold and hopefully the weather will be as nice as this weekend was.


Need parts anyone? There was a lot of cool second hand parts and speed equipment for your Hot Rod here, I wanted to buy a couple of things but held off, kicking my self now.


This was a great Cruiser, couldnt fit it onto the back of my Triumph Motorcycle though.


Thats some nice sign writing right there.


Billy of the Shifters had a couple of his buddies over from his Home country, they too are Hot Rodders and they loved this unique event as much as I did.


This sweet 5 window had a few teething problems with the front end, that Hot Rod is so nice too, am sure he got it sorted out in the end, but did see it there all day though.


A tasty Coupe that screams back to the day of this type of event, pull the fenders off and go racing.


Chopped 50 Coupe was Sat so right, nice lines and Loved the fender skirts, lakes pipes and shaved appearance, nice job mate.


Plenty of things going on by the staging lanes, you can see the Bean Bandits getting a few things organised etc.


How nice is this to watch, cruising the strip in hos Roadster and taking it all in, you can see the Oak Tree’s line some of this great Countryside.


There is the finish line and what a feeling that must be as you cross that section.


Now that was a close finish and a superb Drag race, I am sure they had a few happy words after to egg each other on.


I took a few shots of this Model A, I really liked the windshield, reminded me of the Elvis Roadster and the little 4 banger was quite Happy gunning it at the line and held strong all the way.


The paint work was so clean, the Model A sat so right and enjoyed watching this Bloke race all day long.


Two Model A’s having a go, this was a close race and always fantastic to watch, unless you are here, it is hard to explain but I was rotting for them both.


Just look at the stance of this Model A, this was at Mid track so he is in 2nd gear and on his way.


Hope to race this chap next year at the RPM NATIONALS.


Coupe and Roadster go at it on the 1/8th, loved hearing the Flathead V8 Motors chirp along.


Chilling at the strip, people get their machines ready for the big off.


This was stunning, how cool would this be to drive home?


This Coupe ran all day long with out a hic cup and sure looks like a period ride, I am so surprised how fast some of these 4 Cylinder machines were.


At the start line and awaiting the flag to drop so they can go toe to toe up the 1/8 th mile.


Out of state Turtle Deck was sure consistent and fun as he gets ready to launch once more.


It was so much fun watching all these machines and when you see something pretty much stock, it raises your eyebrows for a second but, they ran them out and Hard too, great stuff.


As these 2 set off into the sunset, I wandered around the place just taking this all in, a real eye opener for me as this is something I have always wanted to see in California.


Check out the Headers on this 4 banger, thats Passion right there, a seriously cool Ride and lush Deep rolled seats too.


Wow is all I can say, I wasnt sure if this Bloke was going to race his Roadster as it was so nice, but he proved me wrong and I am so stoked that he did, look at this awesome ride.


Staging lanes was a buzz of activity and the commeraderie was unsurpassed.



Another Period machine takes to the drag strip and this is right out of one of Don Montgomery’s books, the essence of Hot Rodding right there on the tarmac.


I love belly Tanks, I had one like this and with a V8-60 like this Drop tank, so cool to see it race another one and against other rides, true Hot Rodding inspired after WW2.



Great photo of two Iconic Hot Rods and I am glad that we were able to watch these 2 race each other.



Checking to see if his competitor is still hard on the pedal as this 29 Roadster Pick Up cruises home.


Look at this Mobil oil Racer, loved it, complete with Dirt track Firestone’s and Tube Axle, as well as a Bell Auto parts Fuel pump.


Loved seeing this 1929 Model A Push Truck, just as they were back in the day,and running a 32 grill shell and Radiator, really makes it a sweet set up.


Look how clean this Roadster is, Kelseys, Drilled I Beam, Juice Brakes, 32 grill,Pete and Jake shocks, Firestone tires, king Bee headlights and Removed Windshield, Lakester style header,love it.


I can not get enough of this Roadster at all and will post a few more below that I took as this 4 Banger machine trotted by me, a super cool build that cries out Hot Rod at its finest.


I loved every part about the Roadster, I would like a Tonneau Cover for mine one of these days.


Culver City Quick Change rear end would not be cheap, but that is indeed one fine Model A Roadster.


Two Model A’s both with 4 bangers and both with Quick Change rear ends head off down the strip to the start line, these were 2 very Nostalgic looking rides that must of taken ages to piece together, I am sure glad I got to see these two run.


On his way to the Win, a High boy of awesome Proportion.


Shifters had their Lincoln Powered Roadster there and that Mill sounded bloody great, good job. Track Nose, nerf bar, Steelies, Hand made hood with scoop, timeless.


And off he goes, as you watch the 39 tail lights disappear down the track. Loved the rear Nerf bar too.


Mr Chin, awaiting another call, his Roadster ran very strong, right up to the semi Finals and only just lost out on that one.


I am sure by next year there will be many more Hot Rods as cool as this entering, hope it doesnt get too big as that can take a little away from this unique atmosphere.


Goggles on and set for Business, a reliable Hot Rod and a piece of Hot Rod History too.


One of our Mates Jay Dean of Nostalgia Ranch racing his Quick Change T Roadster and what a neat machine too.


Lighting the rears up as Jay makes for the off and heads on down the 1/8th mile, he had a real blast today and really enjoyed it.


It is so nice to see the Big Coupes come out and complete, I also love the friendliness that these people have even when racing, its fun and should be, no ego’s just smiles.


Staging lanes were busy getting their machines tweaked whilst one guy is expecting rain!


Hang onto your hat, this chap in his converted Coupe gets all set, I have to laugh at the guy behind dressed as a bunny.


The air was filled with fumes of Hot Rodding, nothing like it.


The Big guns are out and both have the Pedal to the floor, how cool is it to see a sight like this these days?


Seeing this 3 window was simply breathtaking, a rare car, this has old Hollywood Flippers on and skirted, bet the restorer’s are gasping right now. LOL.



Getting towards the end of the day as the last of the races are almost completed.


Too big a motor for this meet but down the 1/4 this Model A would almost fly I should think.


Joe from Hillco Fasteners in his Road Devil’s Roadster had a Blast here and is from Just down the road from where we live.


Getting ready for the last few races, it was fast and furious pace and thats what made this event so exciting.


Quick get us to the line.!!!!!


This Young lady whooped some Butt today, good on her, looking forward to watch my girl race ours next time.


Model A has his last effort at having a go on the Drag Strip, this looks like a Barn find for sure.


These 2 give it their all as they let the clutches go at the RPM NATIONALS.



Look at the concentration on Diane Branches face as she gives it her all in the race.


Didnt quite make it this time but she sure had fun trying and a gallant effort, Great Job Diane.


Here is a great race and a Blown Flatty edges out to the lead.


Well he gave it all and won but a close second was the other Roadster with no Blower, so cool to hear them engines wind up, great race guys.


So there you go, a fantastic weekend, Loved it all, the weather, the event, the people, the Vendors, the RPM team, Hop Up magazine, PF Flyers, loved everything, and sure hope this will continue to carry on next year. I will of course keep you informed as to ANY cool event anyway but I would love to take my Roadster there next year. Until then, I hope you enjoyed my Blog over the last few days.  Plenty to look and hear on there eh?








Hey Everyone

Well, this is part two of my RPM nationals and there will also be a Part three, as I took a bunch of photos whilst i was there with my phone and will post on here today as this was mostly what was on offer at the swap meet part of the event. Not loads of stuff but things I would of loved to purchase if I had a few quid in my Bin, but alas I did not.


But I thought I would share a few pics as many of you email or message me to say they enjoy my Blogs and that is something that I do like to do.


Many people from all over the Globe that simply cannot make the trip , but my Blogs and Rantings feels like they are there too, so here we are with the parts and things that I saw and maybe you will too.


So sit back and have a look at some of the second hand parts that were at this little event, I am certain there is at least ONE part that you would love to own amongst all this cool stuff.


I should of picked up the $36 dash and at $100 that was a real bargain and really straight too.



Again, I should of purchased these as spare boxes too but just to look at stuff was pretty good for me as I know I can still locate these parts if I really need to.


Odds and sods and always there is something that catches your eye and you have to try and restrain from spending your hard earned cash for, but awesome to see parts for sale here.


I am sure that next year will bring many more parts for sale and be sure to bring some Folding Bills in your pocket as I know there will be a part you cannot be without.


From Hubcaps to Dash Boards, there was plenty of Nostalgic parts to sift through for your Hot Rod machine.


Old Bell Auto Parts Canvass bag anyone?


The weather was pretty hot though and I didnt see too many people carrying parts about with them.


I was quite surprised at the amount that was there as this was a fairly small amount of media advertisement of the show but a great turn it it proved to be and glad I made it there.


How cool was this set up, Electric Bobber Cycle.


Pretty cool set up for a Flathead, I eventually want to fit a different dash and fit some cool Gauges but that all takes time and plenty of Moola too.


Some great parts here from dashes to Planishing Hammers.


Banjo steering wheels are getting harder to find in any condition these days.


Now a 160 MPH Speedo Gauge and a big sweep Stewart Warner Tach was pretty cool to see.


These Fuel Pressure hand pumps were very cool and will eventually fit one of these models to my Roadster.


Hope that you are enjoying these?


So next year I am sure there will be Tons of cool Original Speed Equipment, so make sure that you mark the next event on your calendar.


Loved this coupe, perfect lines.


What a Bitchin Roadster.


Plenty of people to chat too at this meet, great food too.


Vintage Tin, Basking in the Sun.


Neat 4 Banger Five window and it ran pretty Hard too.


I have Known Billy of the Shifters for 17 years now, such a pleasant fella.


This 29 Roadster was pretty fast up the 1/8th mile too.


Nothing but beautiful hills and bright sunshine, such a great event in this unspoiled area of California.


So many styles of Hot Rods made for interesting spectating.


Staging Lane.


Mr Chin in his Original T Roadster and this was a quick Hot Rod, he ran hard all day long without any issues, Nice one Mr Chin.


The end of a Perfect day as Jennifer and I make our way back to Pismo beach, loved all the Old barns around this area.





Well, what can I say, I had no idea what this place looked like, other than a few internet pics, but Jenn and I loaded up our Van and headed off to Pismo Beach, as that is where we would hook up our Van in the RV park, pull out our Triumphs and ride to Santa Margarita ranch, where they are holding the RPM Nationals.

Now this was going to be a place I had hoped to drive my 1928 Model A Roadster to, but it has so many teething issues, it just would not of made the trip, so this year I wanted to at least attend and support this great Nostalgic Drag race event.

Originally used for the Four Banger Fords, they thought they would extend this out to the flatheads and boy am I glad that they did, as what a joyous sound.

So, after 3 and half hours, we pulled up to Pismo Beach and plugged the Coffee Maker in and had a Brew, unloaded bikes and whilst I was amazed how foggy it was, it did not deter us in the least.

To be honest, it reminded me of home and I wanted Jennifer to experience some colder riding conditions and we got some big time, the Fog was indeed Pea soup, Thicker than Anderson’s Soup thats just down the road from Pismo.

But I had a Fog light and we were all set to go first thing in the morning, sure enough, the Mist rolled in and stayed longer than a relative you dont like.

We jumped onto our steeds and rode to the Madonna Inn and had brekky, great place and so much history, if you get a chance, pop in as they have so many cool things to see, from hand carved doors and ceilings in wood, to Themed rooms from a Stage Coach room to a Rock room, all very cool not cheap but what an experience.


So after having breakfast, blocking their crapper, we hastily headed North to Rancho Santa Margarita Ranch, we rode though the fog and then after a few miles the Sun was out, the roads were smooth and a smile on both our faces as we cruised around 75 MPH with open faced skid lids, what a great day already I muttered to myself.


Before too long we had gotten off the main road and into a few country roads, with Trees changing color as Autumn took an abrupt hold over this way, we cruised into the start of this Great Big Ranch, that was out of some Bonanza Episode, well it looked like it to me.


Cattle grids, Bridges, Old rail Road Lines were all over this place, we slowed right down along the road on the Ranch as there was a herd of Cows just sat by a tree and across the old rail Road lines, fearing we would get stampeded on, we rode past as quiet as could be, hard to do on 2 Triumphs though but we got passed and to our surprise, they just stayed their grazing, as if we were not even there.


We pulled up at the Parking area and I could smell that wonderful internal Combustion engine aroma, then I could hear some Flatheads revving then letting go of the clutch and banging on down the Drag strip that was laid out.


There were vendors along one side of the track and on the other was the swap meet, what cool stuff to see.



Here are a few pictures I took with my Iphone, I did take more with my SLR but will blog that another day.

Some very cool stuff to look at, what an awesome event and was stoked that I attended the RPM Nationals, looks like it will be the start of bigger things to come.

I sure wanted to bring My 28 Roadster- but it was not running right and its a 4 hour drive but next year I hope to make it.


An assortment of cool rides to look at whilst in between rounds, this was up at the end of the strip where the Pits were.


Above, I loved this 3 window just bloody gorgeous in its Drab attire, killer machine for me right there.


Above- How tough is that, what is not to like about it and so many great vehicles here and everybody was brilliant to talk to and had time for you.


Flatty Powered 29 Roadster with Q/C and Zoomies, it was quick too.


Simular to my 28 but a way cooler built version, high Boy with its 4 Banger and this was quick, the Bangers were faster than the flatheads, it was a solid built Hot Rod for sure.


Everything was so cool on the A-Bone, loved the louvered panel, the Q/C and the Tonneau cover too .


Our Mate Jay Dean from Nostalgia Ranch with his Flattie powered Modified, was a fun and period built machine.Hop Up Magazine Special.


Jenn met up with Skateboard Pro, Steve Caballero, he has a passion for Hot Rods, Art as well as Skateboarding, super cool bloke.


Me and the Girl I love to Bits, Jennifer Sun, an amazing Woman



Below are the Videos that I took with my Iphone, what a blast it was to see.

Below Diane Branch in her Roadster having a go and doing well.

Loved it all and so many cool people to chat to as we are all into the same stuff, no attitudes just miles of Smiles.

How can you not like all this and away from the main stream too.

Loved these 2 Roadsters, The Guy tried to sneak his kid in the car too, I think we all wanted to see that, but still A FUN race none the less.

OOH- A tasty 5 window against a Roadster, just like back in the day.

Diane Branch taking on a chopped and channeled Coupe on the strip.

Model A’s a plenty, these were so fun to watch and no change since back in the day, sure wished I had mine here but next year we shall attempt to drive it there.

How about this, 2 Drop Belly Tank Racers, Both running V8-60 flatheads, I had one of these I love them but great to see 2 running and racing.

Loved watching this 34 Coupe and Flatty Powered Fully Fendered A Bone.

How about this, two Roadsters, One 4 Banger and One flathead, man such a great sight and sound, period looking rides too, awesome.

Our Buddy Jay Dean in his hop Up T Modified goes up against a Roadster, jay had a blast, what a Neat rig too.

Chin in his Original Model T Roadster, running against an A Bone, Chin ran well all weekend right up to the semi’s, consistent Ride, loved this Hot Rod.

Wow- How about this 36 Coupe, what a sweet ride and glad to see a couple of these on the strip today.

I shall Blog over the next few days as these take ages to load, but I thought you would get a kick out of this one today and I sure hope to see some of you next year as I loved this so much, all fun, No attitude and all period machines, very cool indeed. BRAAAAAP!