Take a look at these side covers that I offer on my website, I offer the Battery side here and on another page I offer the Oil Tank side, both smooth and ready to paint and fit.
I am now offering some side covers for the good old CB750F, yes, the Super Sport Model, have a look at these are the Quality is top shelf and no expense spared for the sohc Honda.
I was one of the first to offer these side covers and have sold so many and everybody likes not only the Quality, but the fit and look, these are not like the ones you see from taiwan etc, these are really top quality, using expensive long lasting materials that will stand the test of time and weathers etc.
There is many of them models out there that people are now using but most of the time the side covers are toast, these fit tight and snug and look the same as the factory versions but more rugged.
Of course, these have the Three Tabs molded onto the side covers, unlike many of the aftermarket versions out there, these are sturdy and more flexible that the old fiberglass models too.
This one you see here is for the Battery side of the 1975-1976 CB750F and ready for you to simply paint and go.
You may like these as they are made from urethane and are more inert to many of the fuels and oils that we use these days, and of course the U/V’s as they are so strong and the old covers just can’t take it anymore and become brittle.
So, here is the left battery side ready to send to you, we also sell the oil tank side too so check the parts page for all sorts of goodies for your inline four.
I have sold so many of these and use them on all Super Sports that I work on at the shop too, below is a prime example of how I receive a super sport model Honda.
And below again is the same bike that I changed about and of course used the side covers to full effect and love the quality of the material and the way they hug the side of the frame.
This F1 gets a lot of attention and I use the all the parts from my shop to get this to the way you see the bike right now, hard to believe that the picture above is the same bike eh?
So have a look and see if you want Quality, as these side covers are the best anywhere in the world.
I have the other side cover on this website too so that way you can buy one side or the pair, but you will love the finish and fit right out of the box too.
These Take 2 weeks to make from Ordering, so Please be aware that there is a time wait, im sorry but these take a little time to put together but are well worth the wait.