New Year already here but lots to do and enjoy what I do for a living

Well, it is 2019 and that sure came up fast, it is amazing how fast time flies by when you are having fun, I have been having fun at what I do for coming up for 19 years and still going strong today, having a strong work ethic is something that is instilled in my blood, all my family have worked hard all their lives and back in the UK you have to work as hard as you can as there is always someone there to fill your shoes.

So, as we now turn into 2019 I have a few ideas for bikes builds parts and other things that kind of turn my dial, I have always been into Motorcycles my whole life but also many other cool things like Hot Rods and Classic cars etc, many of you share the same interests too, be it WW2 fighter Aircraft, Pin up art, pinstripe work or then very cool 1940’s Chris Craft wooden built Speed Boats etc.

I want to thank YOU all for visiting my website over all these years, its great to have such a strong following, and I enjoy answering your emails and enquirers about the parts you need for your machines, or the troubles that you are actually having with them, a problem shared is a problem halved, and its so gratifying to receive an email from a Customer who was a little stuck with their project and my advise and parts got them back into the direction they were originally aiming for.


It’s hard wearing so many hats at times as I am sure you lot do to, I answer emails, phone calls, and people pop in from time to time with their machines for me to look at, I send out quotes, I pack and fill orders and send them to the post office too, as well as trying to keep up with the times with how our building scene is going.

It’s super strong now and growing stronger all the time, I am amazed at the transformation of how Motorcycles have emerged and the Custom scene I believe now is the strongest it has ever been. Right now I have been thinking of tearing my Vesco Brat bike apart and painting the frame and motor etc as its a great bike but not finished, I just put it together to see if it would run, it then turns out to run pretty good, so I may strip down to the frame a custom paint it, and all of a sudden I get a letter in the mail, Whamo! I am invited for the 2019 OG Moto Custom Motorcycle show as a builder, so now the Honda will get taken apart and made to look pretty darn cool.

I was really stoked to be asked by Jay La Rossa to be another Custom Builder, LA’s Premier Custom Motorcycle show for sure.

So the Old Vesco Bike will get a fresh coat of paint on the frame rims and a few other bits and pieces, as many people wanted to come and have a look at this simple but brutus looking Brat bike and I am looking forward to showing it in March on the 23rd in LA, Sure hope some of you can make it?

I have been doing this many years, to be honest, over 40 years now and still learning, I am amazed and shocked sometimes at what people have turned out and at best, just from their shed or garage, which goes to prove, you do not need to have a big factory type building to produced a unique and eye popping Motorcycle project that shows class, design, aspiration and of course ingenuity.

Many times I have stopped at shows and looked at a Motorcycle that just amazes me, I love seeing other designs and it is always a great pleasure to strike up a conversation with like minded folk and find out what makes them tick too, we are a funny bunch but we all stick together in a way.

Also, I am a strong believer in bringing on the younger builders, their creative flair is just overflowing and you can literally see their excitement and creativity flow in the project that they have up on their table.

This year I hope to visit a few shows and see how people are, what their twist is on the Custom Motorcycle building fraternity is and where is it going, I mean, the wheel was invented so long ago but it is still being manipulated with and transformed every single day somewhere in the world. March will be fun at thew OG show and love chatting to you all.

I have no idea where the bike building styling is going to go, I know that soon we shall see many new Alternative machines making a big impact, like ” Alternative Power ” I see that Harley Davidson has already started to get into the Electric Motor industry, something I am not a fan of but understand from an environmental situation, as long as the motorcycle doesn’t loose its generic shape and sound, I mean, a quiet motor, where is the fun in that?

Who knows where it is going and many more bring out great designs and some way out there, like in the far rejoins of Russia etc.

But what ever you are trying to build, just have fun, so many people get all fired up that someone is building this and someone is making that, just embrace it, we are all bike builders and there really is no need for the crazy shit that I have seen happen at some places, my passion is motorcycles and always will be, there are tons of brilliant builders out there and I enjoy meeting all of them.

I wish you ALL a very Happy New Year and if you need anything, I am always here, by phone 714-598-8392 by Email or you can even Text me if you need help. 714-598-8392




Shop Tour of the East Coast company 1945 Speed and Custom

Well, we see many shops in Southern California, but its good to see what being built in other states and of course, all over the globe, today we look at a company way over there on the other side of the East coast, known as 1945 Speed and Custom. They are also in the Oilers Club, an original Hot Rod club that is still strong in their Vintage lifestyle as it is down here in California, I saw some of them Racing at TROG in NJ and it sure did draw a lot of spectators. So below is just a little blog on this great company on the East side of the country, if you over that way, drop in and see them.

Formula Drift Champion Chris Forsberg takes us on a tour of garages around the country, from professional outfits to grassroots backyard garages. In this episode we visit 1945 Speed And Custom in Troy, New York. Owner Jeremy Baye shares his love for building some of the coolest custom hot rods in the world. Baye is a master designer and fabricator creating classics reminiscent of a bygone era with a focus on high-quality metalwork, his 10,000 square-foot shop is in a renovated car dealership along the river. Baye tours us through finished works including a custom Rail Dragster, a late 40s Big Car, a 1927 Ford Model T, and Baye’s own ’51 Ford Flathead V8 Truck. After a tour through the garage checking out some works in progress, Forsberg heads out for a drive in the 1927 Ford Model T.

Located on River St in NY, this shop has been around a few years now and know their way round Vintage, Custom and race cars, they are a hands on fabrication shop and can go from a small modification to a turn key head spinning Hot Rod.

Custom Work

Taking a piece of history and transforming it into something entirely new is the ultimate form of innovative self-expression. 1945 has the ability to take that idea in your head and make it a reality. Our expertise in hot rodding and resto-modding automobiles from all eras is unmatched across the Northeast. Anywhere from period correct American hot rods, to Modern Day Imports, we have all the resources to make your custom work possible. “Customization” may range from simply adding power brakes to a car for better drivability, to completely innovating how a car looks, drives, and sounds.

Restoration Work

There are times when an automobile or bike is so neat or rare that a restoration is the best route to take. This is no simple process; it takes expertise and skill to complete a restoration to top quality. 

1945 has the abilities to authentically restore your automobile or motorcycle from any era. We are dedicated to doing work that stands out from the rest, work that makes our clients confident in their project’s development, and highly satisfies them with the outcome. The most important advice we can give is don’t bring your project to an auto-body shop who does restorations on the side. Choose an experienced and full service shop like 1945 for unparalleled craftsmanship in fine automobile restoration.


1945 Speed and Custom holds itself to the highest standards when it comes to refinishing automotive classics and masterpieces. With some of the best talent in the world on our team, our abilities in the refinishing sector of automotive work is unmatched in terms of quality and aesthetics. Anything from authentic looking paint jobs, to custom metal flaking, to flawless pinstriping, 1945 can turn your project into a true masterpiece. Visit our portfolio to see some of the wild paint jobs we have completed in the past.


Whether you are looking for a “juice” brake upgrade on your ’31 Model A or a full LS swap in your ’68 Camaro, 1945 has the abilities and skill to execute and complete any mechanically oriented task with ease and perfection. Anything from engines, transmissions, front and rear axles, suspension, and steering, to simple dashboard components and wiring,  1945 has the expertise to restore or customize your automobile or bike of any era to a flawless finished product.

We are sure there is no part of a vehicle’s mechanics that we can’t repair, restore, or customize – from any era or make.

©2017 by 1945 Speed And Custom.


The VESCO HONDA CB750 Brat Bike

Well, many of you have followed the Blog on this machine, right now I am just enjoying the build as its running pretty darn good, so will keep it as a runaround until such time as if it either sells, or I get some time and I can strip bare and make a full custom project from this Motorcycle. But it sure was a great find, I purchased the bike though a contact and headed just a few miles down the road to the city of Orange here in Southern California to check this 1974 CB750K Honda out that had  been in storage for many Many years and had not even run since the mid 1980’s.

I have purchased so many CB750’s in the past but, its always great when you have the unknown ahead of you, most of the times they are so badly damaged or neglected, that you need to take a foot pump with you and a Mallet, as the tires are usually flat and the front brake will always stick due to some corrosion inside the caliper and the Rubber mallet will release the piston so you can push the bike into your van or trailer.

Found out that the family’s last name was Vesco, I inquired not related to Don are you? “Yup sure am” he tells me about it and this bike is actually his lads and he ran out of time, money, patience and enthusiasm on this machine and has been sat a long while. And now it was time to make some room in the garage, so it has to go, I made an offer and after a little bit of haggling a price was agreed upon and there it was, this old snotter that had a hard life but for the last 30 odd years had sat used and abused in all sorts of places, and now it was coing home to my shop to see what I could do to at least resurrect this vintage piece of tin.

It sure was hard work loading it ion the van as everything was corroded or semi seized up, but managed to get her up and into my van and then we were on the way to its new abode- my place.

Back home in 20 minutes and took the bike out and placed on a wheel chock so I could have a look at what we got, it had good potential but many people go in head strong and then kind of lose their drive in completing their dream and I purchase many machine in this guise and much worse too.

Brakes were seized and it took sometime to be able to get the bike onto the driveway on my own, the kick stand would not function as it was too long and kept getting in the way, I knew I had my work cut out but needed to know if I could get this old girl to run, as I didn’t want to strip this right away, always best to see how the motor is first before you dive in. You can see the plug caps have electrical tape over them, a warning sign that this had issues back in the day right away.


The carburetors had seen better days, not only were the bodies of this rack of four corroded, the slides had stuck inside, so another issue to sort out, but it did have compression when I kicked it over and thats a great thing to know.

Old Mac exhaust wouldn’t of ran well as the underneath of the header was squashed flat, must of hit a speed bump years ago and no way would it run that well with a restricted collector.


I wanted to just have fun with this bike, as I said, not sure how I was going to go until I got her running, but to get to that stage there was a few things that I thought would be cool so I could at least ride it once I figured all the issues out on this honda, and as you have probably experienced, there were many issues, but, whilst I had her in my shop, i wanted to change the seat set up and make a fun Brat style machine just because, well I can.

OK, so I made a steel seat base and tried another gas tank too, as I needed to clean the inside of the other one as I always do when I get tanks that has sat for many years, I had to change out the wire harness and the handle bars and controls and glad that I did as the old ones were so badly corroded, they would of caused a fire for sure. And then with a New set of intake manifolds and rebuilt carburetors this machine w\was almost ready for a fire up.

Below is a little iphone video I did on Face book, not sure how the motor would go but I had compression and now spark, so, with gas, this should in theory fire up.

So, as you can see, I had the bike on my work table and I used an old lawn mower tank as an iv to feel the motor, I was pretty sure she would at least back fire but as I re-jetted it and cleaned bowls out, I was certain that with new coils, battery and plugs and of course New oil and filter, that this puppy would run, and was pretty stoked with the end result.

Carbs redone and all clean with new intakes and my stainless steel clamps too, fitted some spun aluminum Velocity stacks with gauze for that old style look and re-jetted once more.

To make sure all is well, I need to be physically able to take this bike for a little ride, as no idea how the clutch is, the gears etc and the general running of this bike, I fitted another headlight and then whilst I was there at my storage, I removed some Old Lester wheels I had, I had taken them off a Vintage CR750 AHRMA race bike and simply stored them, tires were a little hard but thought what the hell, lets bung them on as the wheels on this bike anyway were toast.

I also had to make some sort of tail light assembly up as riding up the road, I still want people to see that I am braking etc, so put this set up together and it works really well being LED.

As you can see, I fitted the Lester rims, 19 inch front and 18 back, I also upholstered the seat in a soft brown leather with Diamond stitching and its sure comfortable I was surprised, the gas tank needs some work but I shall address that no worries, I also cut my 4 into 1 down that I ceramic coated titanium color, as I wanted an aggressive look to it and think that this does come across quite well.

As the sun goes down I managed to fire this up and it felt good to hear the bike run and run quite strong, I fitted a 530 O-Ring red chain that I had and it looks pretty tough, as you can see, I made one of my side stands and now the bike sits up nicely, so many dont or need bits of wood under them.

I also fitted an oil pressure gauge kit to make sure that I had good pressure, and it did, it fired up to about 70 pounds, so am more than happy about that, exhaust looks really cool.

OK, now it is time to address that gas tank and it needs some love, i think I shall go all out 1970’s Candy Custom style on this one as it needs some color for sure, but I noticed it had pin holes, so- went back to the original tank that came with the bike and decided to cut off the neck and weld in a Harley Bung instead.

So, the best thing I do is use a sawzall and cut the neck as far down as I can first as this needs to be flush on the tank for the bung to weld in nice and smooth.

As you can see, it takes some time and of course, I made sure that there was no residual gases exiting from the tank, be careful and make sure you wash your tank out before emmiting any sparks near this thing. LOL

So, with the neck sanded smooth to the tank, I used a Harley gas tank bung, I sell this kit on my website, and wanted to use it for this build to be a little different as the original locks always break on the Honda and knew that this would like quite trick once finished.

This is perfect for the Honda Gas tank and there is enough room to be able to TIG weld the bung in place with no distortion to the surrounding areas of the filler neck.

Now all Tig welded and cooled down, this is ready to attach the screw in gas cap, I did this a long time ago on the Cobalt Special Honda I built, so was eager to see how this looked.

Well, that looks so much better than the stock configuration and once painted will really set off the gas tank from the others out there and a neat Custom touch to this machine.

With New rear shocks and a comfortable seat, this is taking shape as a cool little Muscle style Brat bike that will turn heads where ever it sits and the paint will make you need Sunglasses.

Here we are at El Mirage at a SCTA sanctioned meet, last races of the year – so wanted to attend and take a few photos of this Vesco Honda and I am so glad that I did.

There is still a lot more to do to this but right now it just needs to get a few miles under its belt, I always say the first 100 miles will tell you how the bike will perform, so a ways to go as I only have 14 miles on it so far but of course shall do many more on it.

Don’t want to take this apart yet anyway, i mean its fun right now, no show bike but easily could be if I took her down to the frame and started from scratch, but right now I want to have fun with it and what better place than El Mirage Dry lake.

She sits real well and is a blast to ride, she got plenty of looks as you cannot miss the paint job, no matter how fast you drive.

So I am happy with the way she is and looks to be honest and I love riding the bike around to be honest as it sits so well and not too low as many are these days.

Jennifer my Girlfriend loves it too, she has a triumph of her own and loves all Motorcycles, love seeing Girls with bikes too and we go out riding a lot together to be honest.

Final look at El Mirage before we head home, it is only 100 miles from our house so always fun to come out here and view world speed time trials record attempts

Gas Cap sets off the tank nicely and the paint job is so reminiscent of them Customs days of the 1970’s back home and around the world, I think its a nice balance in color.

Fish Gills and shadowing are becoming a lost art but this really came out well, using house Of Kolor Candy paints and Pearl bases with light flake added.

The bike sits well, I like the smaller headlight, they have L.E.D’s inside it for turn signals, so keeps everything neat and out of the way, the Lester Rims gives it that Old School period right away.


Added 2.5 inch mechanical Gauges to tidy top end out, of course my Hand Made and chromed Euro Bars really make this comfortable for your shoulders and Cole Foster grips soak up any Vibration that you may have.

I think the Man above digs it too, No thunderbolts when I stopped outside his place, Phew!

I really enjoy riding the bike around my Town, the roads are smooth and its a joy to blap about on and even though I want to do way more to it, I need to sit back and have fun riding it for a little while as it was and still is a super fun project.

Slowly clocking the miles up but amazing that this runs and hasnt since the mid 1980’s, and its a joy to jump on and take for a spin around town.

I used a Biltwell Mirror for legal reasons and it works pretty well to be honest, Id love to paint the frame later but not right now, The motor runs strong, the gear transition is really smooth.

Eventually the Motor will be painted and tricked out but as I am having so much fun on this, I will wait until later, unless someone buys it of course.

Thank you for following me and purchasing My parts for your projects, it means a lot, this is my Passion and life, so I really do appreciate all your business.

So, until next time I work on this, I will leave you with a list of things I changed, just in case you are curious as to what I did on this machine through the build up.

This was the Very First ride after it had not run since the mid 1980’s, so stoked to be able to experience great moments like this, unless you are a bike builder, you really wont understand the Euphoria that you feel when you click into first gear and ride off down the road.

Peace and Grease to you all.




  1. Lester Rims 19″ front 18″ Rear.
  2. Drilled Front Rotor
  3. Euro Bars I made 7/8
  4. Cole Foster grips
  5. New Handlebar Controls
  6. New Throttle Cables
  7. New Clutch Cable
  8. New Speedo Cable
  9. New Tach Cable
  10. New Wire Harness
  11. New Coils and Caps
  12. New Iridium Spark Plugs
  13. New Battery
  14. New Red 530 Chain.
  15. New Custom Side Stand.
  16. Custom Gas Cap Kit.
  17. New Side Covers.
  18. New 2.5 Mini Gauges.
  19. New 4 into 1 exhaust Shortened and Ceramic Coated Titanium
  20. Rear Frame Hoop
  21. Rear LED tail Light assembly
  22. New Finned Piggyback Shocks.
  23. Rebuilt Carbs.
  24. New intake Manifolds
  25. Stainless Hose Clamps
  26. Braided overflow pipes.
  27. Custom 5 3/4 headlight with internal LED signals.
  28. New Horn.
  29. New Flat seat in Leather with Diamond Design.
  30. New Brake and clutch levers.
  31. New Biltwell Mirror
  32. New Chrome Fork Ears.
  33. New Oil Pressure Gauge kit.
  34. Chromed Rear Stabilizer bar.
  35. New Foot pegs and Rubber.
  36. New Custom Weld in Gas Cap Bung and Screw in Cap.
  37. Custom Candy Flake Paint.


The Vesco Honda at El Mirage

On Saturday, Jennifer and I went out to watch the races at El Mirage dry lake in Southern California, this place has been having speed trials since before ww2 and continues today through the SCTA. (Southern California Timing Association.) So we took the van and the Honda and drove up to the lake bed and set up our ezy up and radio etc and food for the day.

Such a fun day watching cars and motorcycles race the clock, some reaching speeds well over 250 miles an hour, its awesome to spectate as you are so close to the action.

Took some snaps of the Vesco Honda and thought that I would share them today, above you can see the Shorty Turn out that I did for this particular build, the bike is all running now and am happy at the outcome of this machine that had not run since the 1980’s.

This is not a show bike but, it could easily be, as I was thinking of running for 100 miles, then stripping the bike down to the frame and painted the chassis silver and start a cool custom project, but also this is up for sale as she is right now as I do have other builds to continue with for my Customers.

The Bike runs well now and fires right up with either a Kick start or hitting the starter, it has nice low end torque all through the range of gears and is a fun machine to ride.

Sitting Pretty on this famous Dry lake where even Don Vesco himself has raced, the Honda does look at home sat here in the So-Cal Sunshine.

My Custom, Hand made and chromed handle bars – Make this bike so comfortable to ride, no back breaking leaning over the gas tank, a sit up and cruise feel that I enjoyed.

The exhaust system of mine flows so well to help exit the gases from the engine and it has a velvet tone to it as she pulls through the curve.

Old style lights but really are modern LED, that way it looks old school but people will see you with these bright lights, plenty of travel in the suspension on the rear too.

See if you can visit the dry lakes when they have sanctioned races on, its an awesome event to go to and everyone is approachable.

These Lester rims are 19 inch front and 18 rear, I took these off a CR750 Road racer some years ago and have had them in storage for quite a few years and I am so glad that I got to use them, fitted my New side stand as original one had broken off, the bike sits well.

This is a comfortable bike to ride and has loads of potential to be a really cool Custom machine, it has some rare parts on and are only getting harder to locate these days.

It has New Handlebars, Bar Switches, Harness, Battery, Pipe, Shocks, Grips, Cables, Chain- as well as many other new parts, like totally Rebuilt Carbs and New intakes and Throttle Cables etc.

A fun weekend on the lake bed and Jennifer and I had a blast, chatting to Racers and meeting up with folk we haven’t seen in a while, the commeraderie is second to none.

Jennifer taking in some of the racing as she helps move the bike onto the Lake bed.

Time to get some miles on this puppy, but wanted to at least share some photos that I took whilst out at El Mirage, this bike will be up for sale soon, if interested call or text me on- 714-598-8392

Thanks for reading today.




Vesco Honda CB750, finally running and enjoying some miles.

Well, its been a fun journey just to get the bike into the guise that I wanted, its no show bike, but could be with more TLC, not sure where I am going with the bike yet but I gotta tell you, every time I fire a bike up that has not been started since 1983 and click it into gear, there is always that hesitant OMG what if, feeling, but I went through as much as I could and was sure this would be fine.

The mechanical Clunk you always get as you click first gear, I let the clutch out bravely but making sure my finger is covering the brake lever just in case something is not right, I pull out onto the tarmac for the bikes first ever ride in so many years.  Well, 35 years to be exact!

She pulled off very smoothly, transitioning through the gears effortlessly, I was watching the Tach, the speedometer and of course the Oil pressure gauge I had fitted, just to make sure all was functioning OK, and she surely was.

2nd, 3rd, 4th and finally 5th and the power was smooth, no shuddering at all, the Exhaust had its velvet tone barking away as I increased the revs, up to 4000 and sped up to about 60 mph on a straight away, the bike felt great, my New Handlebars were perfect for this stance and the seat actually was comfortable for being flat.

Brakes were fine, just a little adjust to the rear but I think the brake shoes are more than likely shiny, but a few hard stops will sort that out, but I rode around the houses here in La Mirada at a nice constant speed, watching the Rev Counter to see if there was any bounce or fluttering, but all was good.

I do need to replace the fork seals and will do that if I strip the bike and build into a show bike, but- for now, I want to put some miles under her belt and make sure everything is ok for the next 100 miles, so only another 96 to go, but fun ones no doubt.

It was a mighty fine feeling, having this bike run and to run really well, all the hard work paid off and I was smiling all the way around the roads I took as I felt good today, I guise a sense of achievement.

Still, she needs cleaning up but, I can do that later on and of course, the more I do to this Motorcycle, the more I shall want for it, but this Vesco Muscle Bike is a great looking machine and turns heads even now.

Not sure if I need to add a front fender yet, will see, a Bobbed one may look cool and stop crap hitting you in the face at high speed, but this is a great Bar hopper, so may no need one.

Plenty I can do to clean the bikes lines and appearance up but the main thing was to see how she ran and of course handled, and I really do enjoy riding this machine.

Hope you too have enjoyed the build on this old machine, I was not sure how I was going to go with the look, but I think on this particular ride, I made the right choice.

Price? Well I guess if I was forced to let it go, $5000 would be the price right now as she is.



Anaheim Rod & Custom Shop Quality and Customer Service all the way!

Well, every now and again I like to Blog about experiences and companies that I personally have been involved with, be it helping out or having them help me out and today I wanted to concentrate on a great family run business located in the City of Anaheim just by the 5 freeway and it is called Anaheim Rod And Custom.

Now, before I start my ramblings, yes, there are a plethora of Custom shops located all over California, I mean, thats where it really all started here in the late 1940’s when the Late great Wally parks started the NHRA and from there on, Customs and Hot Rods have been created in this great State and Anaheim Rod And Custom is one shop that stands out in the crowd as one of the best Customer Service businesses that you will ever encounter.

Just a quick look at how Matt created the Front door of the shop.

Of course there were the Likes of Barris, Winfield and Daryl Starbird etc knocking out some head spinning work that was way beyond its time, but here at Anaheim Rod And Custom, that flavor has not soured at all, in fact there is always something cool and unique that is being worked on in the shop and the attention to detail is phenomenal.

So, lets get to the Beginning of this company:


Matthew Means started this business almost 20 years ago and has always had a hankering of being his own boss and starting an Automotive Restoration company, Matt was in business with a partner at the time and then met the adorable Pin up Girl that I know as Becky Sue. There is not too many business that is family orientated and work with each other every day and, if they do, then they understand that its not an easy venture with many bends in the road, but the straight away stretches out number the curves and when Becky Sue met Matthew at the Continental room- Which is an old school speak easy that has been around since 1925 in Fullerton. Well, it was meant to be.

A little video of the 1965 Merc Project that came out of Anaheim Rod And Custom for you to see.

I met Becky Sue at Fudruckers at a car show, I was doing a TV show at the time and we interviewed Becky Sue as she was a Car Nut and loved everything about Customs, Hot Rods and Pin Up stuff, so we got on like a house on fire. Well, to wind on a few years, I hadn’t seen Becky Sue for a while until I saw her in a Cool Parts car and was driving by my shop, she stopped as she recognized me then informs me that she met Mathew and they got married and have a Automotive Restorations Business called Anaheim Rod And Custom.

Now, bear with me on this, about 6 years ago, Mathew had organised a Huge Tiki styled Custom Car show at Don the Beachcombers on PCH, Becky Sue said to come along and meet her fella, well I not only met Matthew there, I met my wonderful Hawaiian Girlfriend there Jennifer Sun, who I am still madly in love with today and if it wasn’t for that show, I may of never had met Jennifer.

So I will always be indebted to these Two for helping me find the Girl of my dreams and like Becky Sue, we do a lot together and she helps me run my Business with book work, tax’s etc and general show organizing etc. Its Great having a partner in the business with you so understand these two who run Anaheim Rod And Custom.

So, almost 2 decades of building cars and painting under their belt, also Matthew wanted to pass on this business to his son when he obviously gets a little older, their first son was aptly named Atom Ford Means, so with a name like that, you better be in the Automotive business eh? They also have a wonderful bundle of Joy named Presley Mae and many times you might just catch them at the shop, learning the ropes as early as possible, nice to see too.

Now, I can go on and on about what they have built etc but what you all need to know is that this is one of the best Quality shops you will find that gives such personal attention to your machine, after sales service is also impeccable with a great atmosphere when you entire their abode, you are first met with a smile, a rare thing, a handshake and a tour of the shop, which you will find is very clean and organised. You can see me here walking in the Black tee shirt at their Open Day show.

Pretty much everything is done in house, even the paint, Matt has very good skills with paint, so much so that he has been requisitioned to apply the cool Custom coats of candy to many British Custom Motorcycles and as well as that, Matt is a dab hand at the Winfield style Fade away paints, including Pearlescents and Bold Candy Colors, to eye blinding and dazzling Metal-flake finishes.


What I like about Anaheim Rod and Custom is that Matthew is not deterred in any way with Long term projects, I believe that his attitude is ” Take the Bull by the Horns” and get the job done right.

I was stuck for space with my 1928 Model A Roadster, I needed a company I trusted that could do the work that I asked for. Many just said yeah, yeah yeah and to be honest, its just a job to them.

But Mathews approach is so unique to many I have seen, not only did I first of all hang out at his shop to see exactly what his work entails, I actually felt like part of the family there.

Their services offered are so vast, from Welding, Cutting, shaping Metal, Bead Rolling, Chassis work, Air Bagging, Custom Paint Spraying, to Major Electrical and the list goes on, from cars to Motorcycles to Boats, he does it all. here is my steel floor that Matt hand made and boy is is great and sturdy, comp[aired to the stock Wooden Model A floor base.

On July 23rd Anaheim Rod And Custom had their grand opening, My Roadster was there and we were invited to check the show out, turned out to be a real treat, cool Cars and Motorcycles, cool people and really had a fun time talking to new and Old Customers of Anaheim Rod And custom and look forward to more events like this.

Matthew took me aside at the shop, took his own free time to get me a full and detailed Estimate, that Becky Sue had typed out into a full bound Folder and gave me a few options if I wanted to save a little money ion one area and spend on another. This was all smooth and not rushed at all.

I hung out for a day when My Roadster was there to give a hand if needed, I was not needed at all but loved Matthews approach to what he did, yeah its an old Hot Rod but he dint abuse the vehicle and in fact went way above what he quoted me to do just because he wanted to do it right. How is that?

I spent in excess of $13,000 there but many had quoted more and I would of had less work, all the build was also documented and everyday at the end of the work day without Fail- I would receive Progress Reports and photos to show how much headway they had made.  Now I dont know anybody that does that these days.

As I said too, Mathew and Becky Sue work  also work with British Customs and have painted bikes owned by such celebrities as Tony Hawk, David Beckham and Orlando Bloom. 

Many Motorcycles have been painted by Matt and you may not of even known, but he sure is great with that Spray gun.

Starting with a white pearl base coat and adding a layer of bright Candy Red, and finishing with a Black Candy top coat. The resulting presentation is stupefying, appearing nearly pitch-black in low light with metallic deep reds and purples shining thru the highlights in full sunlight, showcasing the curves and angles of DEUS handiwork.

Another bike painted and this time for British Customs, for Tony Hawks Foundation, this was auctioned off for charity, what a great job.

There is always something cool going on at the shop, plus there is great music and an ambiance that is like no other shop I have ever encountered.

The Paintwork is not cheap but- the attention and work that is put just into the Prep work is why his finishes are so great and the longitude is always going to be there, compared to many others.

Also- Anaheim Rod and Custom partners with bike builder Micheal Woolaway, of Wooly’s workshop at Deus Ex Machina and have painted numerous motorcycles for Deus.

I get Matt to paint for me as there is nobody better for the time and effort that he and his team put into each paint job, no matter how big or small the scale, the finish and quality is something that Matt finds must be paramount in any work that comes out of Anaheim Rod And Customs premises.

Tonya Kay is a great actor that takes on ANY role and encapsulates the character with her own twist, she is charismatic, sexy, sultry and quirky in her pin up lifestyle and has a passion for Classic Cars , and the photo you see that Speed Girls Captured is Tonya’s very own 1965 Buick Rivera that she aptly titled as the Grape Space Coaster and the Custom work was completed by Matthew means of Anaheim Rod And Custom in Southern California. I will let Matt tell you all about it in the Video below……

Beck Sue Means, runs the business side of the Company, sending out quotations for potential jobs and Custom Applications, Customer service, ie follow up calls to check how they and their vehicle are doing etc. As well as the rest of the internal tasks that you have to perform daily in a Busy Custom shop office etc. She is the VP there but also will roll her sleeves up and jump in the with the rest of the crew in the workshop if needed, her Pops was a mechanic and only makes sense for Becky Sue to follow in the foot steps of her Dad.

If there is anything you need from a Estimate for work needed at Anaheim Rod And Custom, then Becky Sue or any of them can be contacted at:539 S Central Park Ave E, Anaheim, CA 92802

Their Contact number is: (714) 203-6589 make sure you tell them Carpy sent ya!


This is a unique Company with so much passion for the Automotive art, Matt is multi talented and can weld, paint, wire, draw, sculpt etc, he has every base covered in your requirements.

From a Motorcycle Gas Tank that needs to be painted, to a full tear down and rebuild of what ever you have in your Shed, Garage or  a project that is still sat on your driveway needing help, these are the people to call, you will not be disappointing.







The California Motorcycle show at Santa Anita

Well, Cinco De Mayo is upon us, where many people are still sleeping, we were up finishing packing the Van up with 2 Motorcycles and our Vendor Booth, we then headed out to Santa Anita Race track, where we set about unloading the van, Jennifer sorted the vendor booth out whilst I puffed and panted , walking the Motorcycles into the park, as you well know, Horses are not happy with Thundering loud megaphones and Million Dollar horses at that, so we had to walk everything into the Race Track area.

I Registered my Harlequin Honda and maneuvered that beast into the infield, where upon I parked it and spent the next hour, sweating my gonads off, trying to clean the dust off that had accumulated from our garage since the last show we were at. Not an easy task as the needle on the Thermometer was at 97 degree’s, I was melting.

But, once all set up, I went and sat in our Vendor Booth with Jennifer and tried to stay out of the heat, and the Eazy Up helped big time on this Kentucky Derby day event and was happy that we had some sort of cover over us.

Many people arrived all dressed up to the Nines in their Horsey attire, a big deal here and everybody seemed to enjoy the Motorcycles that was on Display at the event.

I spoke to many Customers of mine as they made sure to come and at least say hello, we sold our Moto Caps and Vintage Grips, whilst Jenn was selling her Moto Scented Wax melts, that seem really popular.

Plenty of cool Motorcycles on Display at the event and it was nice to see so many different styles of machines turn up on this Hot Day in May. Loved the Tracker.

Jay La Rossa had his Triumph Tracker there, and it looked pretty tough I tell ya.I hung out with him for a while, always great to chew the fat with like minded bike builders.I loved the Step side with the Two Trumpys in the back, these were top class built Custom Motorcycle, with the paint flowing from the trucks roof to one of the bikes was a neat touch.

Just have a look at some of the detail on these bikes, I loved them both and hope to see more of these on the road, I never see them ridden though these days.

BSA was well represented and would of taken any of these Classic steeds, from the Tracker at the front and the DB at the back, all bloody awesome to see.

The traditional 750 Commando is such a timeless taste of Real Ton up machines from back in the day. Always great to stop for a second and take it all in at these events.

I loved these Trench diggers, rode a few as a teenager and they scared the hell out of me, in a good way, love the twin shocker Dirt bikes, my era to be honest.

The good old CB750 SOHC unit has been put into everything you can imaging, this is a buddies of mine and a lot of work gone into creating the 750 Scrambler.

I dont think many people will appreciate the time and effort to get this old 530 Pound machine to look like it can handle the whoops and Burms of California’s MX tracks.


The good old 400 4 Super Sport Honda, its been Cafed and Raced for so many years, that people really forget how fast and fun they are to ride.  A great Powerhouse !

I would sure love to sling my leg over this AHRMA machine, reminds me of the old JPS Bikes of the day when British tracks had these and (Forgive the pun) were the Dominator.

A great Racing bike that is built so well and I am certain would holds it own and more on the race track, love the stainless exhaust headers and short reverse cone megaphones.

New meets old, a colorful array of machines and background to be honest, other than the heat, this was a really great looking part of the Race Track as its part of the infield.

I would really love to own this Honda Flat tracker, I bet its fun getting in the corners on the track and would have a blast on it and its nice to see its still being used.

Like I said, there was plenty to see for everyone, many different era’s of Motorcycles were on Display on the infield and around the race track, making it an eye candy store of the 2 wheeled variety and I was admiring them all.

This Honda Scrambler was cleaner than any cats arse, it was a super machine, nothing I didnt like about it, just gaze your peepers on this Classic machine from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Baking was not the word, it was so bloody hot I was hoping a bunch of Horses would belt by to cause a little air flow and cool us down, Summer came early here for sure.

Love seeing the old Honda’s as these were more available back home in the UK in the 1970’s when we were kids and for about 25 Quid you could pick one of these up, pull the mudguards off and headlight and go and blast along the Forrest fire roads, such fun back then and great to see them still around today.

The worldwide distributor of Hodakas was PABATCO, for Pacific Basin Trading Company. Its headquarters were in the rural town of Athena Oregon.  PABATCO designed and engineered a majority of the motorcycles, and Hodaka in Japan was responsible for the engine and manufacture and assembly. Pabatco was owned by Shell Oil Company from 1965 to 1978. The name Hodaka comes from a mountain near the factory and means “To grow taller”.

I have owned 6 of these over the years, anybody could learn to ride on the 175, and it was a superb platform for many styles of bike, loved seeing this example and being used too.

Different combination, the sohc cb750 and a Panel wagon, both very cool. Not sure who owned either buy glad it was there to be seen.

This won best of show, it was nice but still missing parts but each to their own and a nice motorcycle none the less.

Shinya bought along his CB750 with much Custom Body work that was all hand formed, Loved the front end and I believe a grimeca front brake too.

Another great Custom build that took many hours of massaging of alloy to get it the way it is, the more you look, the more detail you will notice from front forks to exhaust.

So much work going into this, removing One cylinder isn’t easy and this is one awesome Custom and love the whole concept.

Seems that Honda were really out in force on Saturday and I loved it all, one of the girls was riding this, great job.


Killer build, I dont usually like Green but this bike popped and a really nice BSA to be shown at Santa Anita, just looks so right.

A plethora of bikes and styles, and was glad to be a part of it on the weekend, it seemed to attract many people and raise a few eyebrows too, all great Motorcycles.

OMG thats all I can say with this Stable of Beeza’s, just awesome Historic value, real Ton Up machines.

Dustin Kott builds some bad ass machines, it was nice of him to purchase one of our Moto caps we sell and Jennifer designed.

Biltwell were there and Bill had his Harley Desert racer on show, fresh from doing thousands of miles in some pretty rough parts of the desert and, it survived.

My mates from Moto Chop were there, we are all like a big family when it comes to Motorcycles and custom created things, cool people.

British Customs were there too, showing what they do and manufacture, it had many cool vendors and we were all glad we had Eazy Ups as the weather was so hot all day long.

Thanks for coming by and saying hello, we had a fun time and hope to see you again at another show, I strive to help you in your quest for parts, service or advice, this is my Passion and my life, thanks for supporting me, it means a lot.



The Outliers Guild Motorcycle show in Los Angeles

Well this morning I loaded up the van and took the Harlequin Honda down the 5 Freeway to Los Angeles, fighting traffic all the way and then off at Seventh street, I passed a few Old style warehouses and new I was in the right area for this weekends OG show.


So, I pulled up on Anderson in the Industrial area and drove round the back where a friend of mine Donald Leonhardt was helping out and offered to give me a hand take the bike out, Cheers Don I was stoked to have help, as the 750 is no lightweight machine.


We eased the bike into the old Warehouse and there was a hive of activity, the smell of fresh paint and cut timber filled the air, along the concrete floor are a number of hand made wooden Pallet style platforms, for which the “Invited Builders” will be displaying their machines and I was lucky enough to be one of those builders.



So many cool machines had already turned up and the amount of attention to detail and engineering feats were mind boggling, Leonardo Devinci would of been right at home here, and to add to that, the building next door will be displaying cool art and design, as well as that, there were a few cool areas for Vendors. Such as Beringer Brakes, Deus, Tobbaco Motowear Co, Stellar Mo brand and many many more.


The building is a superb venue and you can look at the bikes that are on the Wooden platforms, check out the vendors upstairs etc and then walk out the building into the alley at the rear to see more Vendors, more motorcycles and yest another building where the Art show will be, so a great Horseshoe shaped event thats super easy to navigate.


Many bikes will be there, close to 100 I should think, so if you have a chance, get down to the show this weekend, it will be a fun place to be for sure. I am looking forward to see what all is on display, love seeing other bikes that have been created.


DATE | MARCH 31, 2018

TIME | 12 – 9 PM





I am sure there will be something for everyone and many different manufacturers machines will be sat proudly for you to look and absorb.


Hutch will be there with his awesome Beemer, this thing is off the hook, I love the minimalist look and lines , such a lot of time to get it to this standard.


Below is the info you may need.  Hope you can make it out, this will be a really good show and not to be missed, plus a chance to chat to some of the builders, these bikes may give you food for thought and you start a creation of your very own.

See you there, you can text me on 714-598-8392 to see if we are close by for a chinwag, be great to see you all.


The OG Moto Show is an annual motorcycle event located in Downtown Los Angeles featuring select Cafe’ Racer, Bobber, Classic, Tracker, Scrambler, Old School Chopper, Modern Classic, Brat and full custom motorcycles on display in a unique setting. The vision of Jay LaRossa of Lossa Engineering, Stan Chen, John Pangilinan, and Ralph Holguin of RMD Garage to help bring this style of motorcycle culture to Southern California.

The event gathers thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts together in a unique setting. The experience will feature art, photography, music and more.  Coffee, drinks, and food will be served throughout the day.  Select vendors were on hand offering goods for purchase and the highlight of the event will centered on the custom motorcycles on display.


The Harlequin Honda CB750F Custom Bike

Been playing around with this build for a while but it is now starting to get into a good looking Custom Machine, so thought I would add these pics today to show you where I am at on the Super Sport. Its a 1975 SS and was stock but needed some help along the way and its turning into a cool Custom.


The steel seat I made and rolled the rear on the Plenisher at home, it came out well and am happy with this, its sturdy and I recessed a tear drop for a Custom Tailight I shall use.


Plenty of clear coat on this so when the final buff happens it should really dazzle in the sunlight.


Sitting in the Garage, as I am working on the exhaust this week, I have ceramic coated it already but will be using the Titanium 2 inch DEI heat wrapping on the header and the Tail pipe is wrapped up on the table as I chromed that part.


I have put many things on this machine and when completed will do a full Blog and what was done and changed etc, just wanted to make this a great Custom with 70’s metalflake candy paint.


It is coming along nicely and am coming to the end of this build, still a few bits and pieces like electrical things and so fourth but it is worth the effort to see this completed.


Still changing a few things around but I think that we are on the home straight away now and can see the finish line around the next bend, been a blast though so far. But stay tuned as I will show more when all completed.

15th Ventura Nationals 2017

Well, here we are once again, where did the year go? So this morning, Jennifer and I jumped in the car and we headed out to this great event that I have been attending for so many years now.

I took a ton of photos whilst i was at this show, people ask me about the shows I attend and what is featured there, so, here is a Looooong blog but wanted to show you all the great stuff that was at this years 2017 Ventura Nationals show and Boy was it a great one.


Jennifer got us there pretty quick and thats good as it will be about 105 here in La Mirada so as Ventura is right on the water it should be in the high 80’s and a refreshing change for the heatwave we have right now back home.


So, we pull into the parking lot and walk into the show, always a good mixture of Kustom, Hot Rod and low rider material to drool over and we were not disappointed at all really is a great show.


There are always New rides to check out and as this is on a big area, you can still get to take a photo of them with loads of people around, it was Hot Here but not like back home and enjoyed the whole time there as you could see the cars, hear the bands and look at what the vendors were offering.


Above, just look at that Caddy, that thing has been slammed harder than a weak opponent on the WWE Cage fight, loved it and a cool color that I usually see on Jeeps, worked so well, loved all the over riders as teeth in the grill sections, shaved door handles, Skirted and in the weeds, this was a righteous machine.


OMG, just check out this 5 window from Henry F- I mean thats the F word right there, Cleaner than Mr Sheen’s bathroom and just pure class this Hot Rod almost took my breath away as it is so bang on, wickedly cool, just take a look at the body, straighter than a Roman Road.


Above, this Flathead is such a work of art, I have a Flatty but not to this standard, if I had a hat on mate, I would take it off to you and bow very humbly. Barney Navarro heads and a Thickston high Rode with Two 97’s perched on top and the longest velocity Stacks I have ever clapped my eyes upon.


I really loved the Color of this GMC Stepside, complete with vintage Beach cruiser in the back , this truck was well put together loved the paint color too, a hard one to pull off at times.


Like I said, this is a great event and something for everybody in the Kustom and Hot Rod fraternity, it was a really nice day, Hot yes but it always is this time of year and having a couple of indoor buildings was good too so you could cool off and still check out cars and vendors etc.


Blown away with this, Westergard would be proud of this Custom Coupe, More work than you would even apprehend and it sure was a head turner, Brilliant job mate, well done.


Ford and Chevy hanging out under the Sun, there is so much to see here and if you have never been before, its worth the drive up along the 101 by the Surf to get to this venue by the Sea.


1958 Ranchero was sitting nice and low, dont see too many of these around any more and was stoked to happen upon this as we walked around at the show grounds.


Then a few feet over from that 58 is this awesome 1957 Ranchero, jeez it was nice pure Kustom with Tube Grille, Tuck n Roll inner fenders, Lakes Pipes, Fender skirts and Appletons, very cool indeed.


This 1954 Ford Lincoln 2 door Coupe has all the Markings of a great Kustom, look at that front Bumper set up, Sombrero’s and fender skirts and shaved handles is just a nice clean style, cant wait to see what color scheme he goes for next time I see it at a show.


Check out this Leopard print interior on the 58 Impala, thats Old School for sure, I have always liked the 58 impala and this was no exception, even as a 4 door it was wickedly cool.


I would of loved to have driven this Pontiac Safari home, Chevy stole the rear of the rood ribbed design for their Nomad and this is a rare find these days, what a cruiser and so much room with all them bench seats it has as stock.


How can you not stop and look at a Gasser, these are so tough and a Fairlaine too, Straight axle, 10 degree rake on the motor, 5 spokes and plexi with dump tubes, Groooowlll!!!


As long and heavy as a battleship, this Caddy was slammed and not because it had 2 Vintage push bikes on the roof, such a huge car and always love seeing these Detroit Rectangles.


I have never been a fan of Studebaker Automobiles, but 1948-1955 Pick ups, Hell yes, they have a Custom look right out of the factory with their soft curves and this is a great example for a parts getter.


Hudsons never get a good wrap but I like them, a poor mans mercury they say but I would take one any day of the week, just look at that, they drive so smoothly too.


Loved this 29 on deuce rails, has all the stance right and this is a quick Mill too, I never tire of looking at Hot Rods ever!!! 16 inch steelies on Blackwalls and a deuce Grill, Killer.


This little 30 Model A was Neat, simple and I am sure they have such a Ball in this Roadster, as I know i would do too. Yeah i would change a few things like tires and stuff but each to their own and have fun my friend.


How can you not have a tri Five in here, I had one even in the UK and have always loved the Bow ties and this one os such a superb Platform for somebody to turn into what ever they wish .


How can you not show a Big Tin Lincoln anyway, I mean, these were Custom right out of the factory, one of my dream cars as a kid as they were so huge and low.


See what I mean, how cool is this? I would drive this until the Pontiac hub caps fell off, love all of its 22 feet.


Now this is one Long bed for sure, diggin the fake patina and that seemed to be a common look this year to be honest but its a good trend and a great truck, next photo is the Aluminum work.


That’s some cool work there, I think Fast Eddie from orange did this set up and it really is a nice touch with all the aircraft styled riveting. What do you lot think?


Forgive me for adding a lot of Hot Rods but I love seeing them and especially Roadsters as I have one myself and this was a clean machine and wanted to share it on this page too.


Paint work was bloody awesome, so much work with masking up etc, must of taken many hours to get all these colors and detail in and when the Sun caught it right it was quite mesmerizing.



This 51 Rag Top had so many Custom tricks, a real nice, clean and great example of American ingenuity for making something stock look so cool and stylish, I wonder what the Ford  design team thought when he saw one of these when people like Hiroherta came out driving these as a daily car back then.


This 28/29 Roadster was really nicely finished, sat ontop of 1932 Rails and running Black Steelies on Firestone 16 inch Tires, this was a tight build, even has a nice Hallock/ Duvall windshield to add to the flow of this great Hot Rod, Hair pins looked pretty good in Black and SBC with tri power must of made this buzz along the freeway with ease.


I would love this Step-side as a Parts Getter too, so many cool cars either as an everyday beater or a show winning ride was featured here at Ventura and you have to try and make a show as there is not many like this with a fun atmosphere too anywhere these days, loved it all.


How about this parked right next to the other pick up, I would love either of them, cool patina and when you think back, All the farmers had these in California and all over the states, they worked them hard and so nice to still see them around especially with the quarter windows too.


Jeez, almost get a nose bleed from sitting this high, this Plymouth Savoy is a rare sight as a Full on Gasser, spindle mount Magnesium rims, straight axle and Mickey T rear tires gibes this machine a total look of 60’s Nostalgia drags.


I am certain that I saw this on the Salt flats a couple of weeks ago, now sitting proudly amongst the other rides but this was a hard core drive as i saw this all over Bonneville at Speed week and loved this roadster, not many that can be around with twin intakes in the hood like that right?


This was the ride I saw on the Lake bed in Utah as it has the 40 Ford dash, wicked machine that I will never tire of looking at and wouldnt change anything on it just enjoy the ride in a real Nostalgic machine.


Now there is a traditional Hot rod, check out the Aircraft syle shocks, the Early headlights of a Truck, Fireball caps on 16 inch steelies with tractor Firestome tires, looks like he got all the salt off it.


Now this is taking shape and great to see a slightly different twist to a Custom, Caddy thin tail lights blend in quite well, sits really well and look forward to seeing this ride completed at some point.


Gearheads Roadster Pick up was in the weeds too, dago front axle is a nice touch and Juice brakes all around. Baby Blue seems a popular color this year as well.


Way cool, low and love that Ford Burgandy Factory Paint color, Tube grill and nice roof chop with big rear fender skirts makes this Nosed and decked Kustom stand out.



Nosed, decked, shaved, frenched, lake pipes, Starburst caps, Floating grille, Foxcraft Skirts made this a head turner as well, so much detail, loved it all the way to the rear end.


It’s like Kustoms of America show, so many Nostalgic builds on show this year and really cool to see, like I said, something for everyone at Ventura show and glad we attended thats for sure.


Flatty Powered Closed Cab pick up was neat, not sure how it stayed cool with them radiator pipes but it was a neat touch none the less, section deuce grill was a nice touch as well.


A little bit of work gone on here on this 21 stud, early offenhauser, even has a Dizzy on it, complete with two 97’s and finned alloy Air filter covers.


Super neat little Modified was sat in the parking area, enjoying the Sea breeze as it wafted across from the beach a few hundred yards away. This was a nicely built rig, loved seeing it here.


How about this, the big guns were out, chopped Olds 4 door looked really tough as it sat on the concrete, whilst above a Falcon Panel sat on an early flatbed, that looked great as well.


Yup, even some love from the Low Riders were there and all as clean as their Grand ma’s Kitchen too, so many hours go into these machines and a good turn out too here at the show.


The paint on these are faultless, so many hours of color sanding and buffing alone, but so cool to see the Low Riders represented here and a few more photos coming up for you to look at.


As we wondered around the show grounds, I took photos of what I personally liked and hope that you enjoy these too as the quality was so good, its hard to show and appreciate sometimes in a photo but you can see how tidy the paint and Bright Work is on these jumping Machines.


Out side one of the Halls were these 2 Roadsters, very cool concepts and I am sure these are a real blast to drive around this weekend, its Roadster weather and by the beach, what could be better?


Just past them trees is the beach and a pleasant Breeze wafted in from time to time and a lot cooler than back here in Orange county, we found that out when we got back.


Look how clean this Rivera is, cleaner than it was from the Factory and many people enjoyed the Low riders here and I was one of them, these are all big wide machines too, love it all.


Loved this Galaxie 500, low and sleek with chrome 5 spokes and subtle scalloping, this Candy Aztec Cold paint really popped when the sun hit it, custom interior was Tuck n Roll and of course, what cruiser is not complete without a set of Bellflower tips?


Nose to tail, many different styles and Models make this show a hit for everybody, there is so much to see and there is no way you cannot enjoy yourself at this fantastic event in Ventura.


1929 Banger here very 60’s style with drilled and chromed front I Beam, reverse steelies deuce grill shell, TJ tuck N Roll and a Naugahyde white top with chrome Hairpins was sitting pretty.

Below: This little Boat tailed Modified looked fun to drive, running a 4 carbs set up, this was no slow poke thats for certain, schroder steering and Dago front end on Red steelies was way cool.



So much work went into this and I am sure nobody noticed half of the cool work and engineering that was finished to complete this Low Channeled Roadster. I really dug it and would drive that.



Reminds me of the old Mana – Free intakes of the day, frog mouth velocity stakes suck in more air than a breaching whale, Boat style windshield sets the styling of low and sleek but not meek.


Sometimes thinking out of the box pays off, this Roadster certainly did and Id would of loved to have taken this on the dry lakes to see what it would do as it screams SCTA back in the day.


Hard to imagine how many masking hours and rubbing down on this Buick Low Rider, painstakingly crafted over many a night in the garage I am sure, so many vibrant colors too.


Look how tight the Bumper is, a very straight ride with more colors than some of the Hawaiian shirts I saw people wearing this weekend.


Nostalgia all the way with this car club, and driving up or down the freeway to get to the show must of turned many a head when the public clapped eyes on these Low Riders, awesome job.


Loved this 48 Stepside Chevy Pick up, sat in the weeks, Chrome reverse steelies and big wide whites, the chrome was impeccable and would enjoy driving this truck around every day.


This impala was another fine example of hard work and pleasure, the lines are so sleek and the paint was as smooth as butter milk, such a clean 2 door that needed more recognition to be honest. All the trim was clean and straight, I didn’t see any blemishes at all, well done mate.


I will never ever tire of Caddys, I mean they are the quintessential American Automobile and this 58 2 door D Cup special was a machine I always wanted to have and drive, Darn straight too.


I really do love Kustom built rides, as every creation is unique, never do you see exactly the same ride and the body mods are off the hook, love the gradient roof chop, the rear arches really flow as does the fender skirt and them Cadillac Bumpers really look tight, love to see the Custom grill when its done, Sombreros too, just a wicked ride that looks so right.


Always something different to look at every show and this was, Candy plum and right in the weeds too, this mercury is probably the only one like this and deserves recognition of all that work.


Check this Bow Tie pick up out, the Aztec Candy Gold really pops in the California Sun, just very cool and many people loved this truck and you can see why, everything was so nice on it.


Brit mates Bev and Jay dean from Nostalgia ranch were representing in the building with 3 very cool rides, in the back ground a fully fendered Model A with a 4 banger, sat so right.


Then this awesome AV8 that was built back in the day and in a few B movies too was locally found and now sits proudly on the Nostalgia Ranch’s display area, I loved this Roadster.


Jay dean built this for a customer and it is a flawless machine, the paint was flawless and Camel Hump finned covers dress out the Gold Motor well, stunning job Jay. Really well built.


Hubba Hubba, loved this Teal 3 window, the whole color scheme just worked so right, sat well and with that Hemi I am sure it wouldn’t hang about on the freeway.



Stock A Bone sitting in somewhat cooler climate inside the show building but it was pretty humid in there, soon forgot about it when you see all the Hot Rods parked up on display though.



So nice, So Nostalgic, So Cool, I would love this, its one of those period perfect machines that you simply just keep looking and looking at, loved everything about this Roadster.


Looks great from any angle, the chopped and raked windshield gives it that late 1940’s look and Black on black makes this so stealthy steelies and dropped headlight bar really does set the scene. Looks like it stepped right out of HOP UP magazine.


What a treat for me to see such period style Hot Rods, I have loved these as a teenager in England and I loved the style, color, and the stance of this Roadster really nice job, well done indeed.


How can you not stop and look at this 53? I mean look how it sits, the chop? the Bumper? the paint, the rear end and Deep dish Sombrero’s, loved it all and so much work put into this ride.


Quality work here on this 5 window Model A, very clean and 50’s styling hits the target by a bulls-eye, great look and color too. A lot of detail in this Coupe.


How much fun would you have in this Flathead powered 1929 Roadster? I know I would, a great shop truck for sure, some awesome machines on display and so glad that we made the trip.


I saw no information on this car but looks like a concept or Custom design from back in the day when features in HONK, Hop Up, Hot Rod and Rod & restyling were the dominant magazines.


A lot of work, I think it may of been a 40 Convertable and then they went from there, so much work, would of liked some information on this build, if I find out I shall let everyone know on here.


Another traditional Coupe, Unfendered and unchopped with Original Cal plates too, flatty powered with dual 97’s is a bit of California History for sure, wonder where this has been over the years?


This looked to be a cut down coupe but sure had great lines to it and looks like the 24 stud Mill is dialed in, love to know a bit more about this ride too if any body knows, drop me a line.


Who wouldn’t drive this Roadster around? My god it was so clean, fresh and just proportioned so well, fantastic creation that shows passion and creativity to its fullest Nice build you lot.


Sorry for the blurry shot, too excited im afraid, but you would under stand if you came out to Ventura for this show as there is so much cool stuff to clap your eyes on here, Roll on 2018.


The Color scheme worked out well on this, sits well and has a great rake to it, digging the lake style pipes and the long Stainless spear gives the body a really long flow, skirts were awesome.


Yeah I have seen many Yellow coupes in the past but this really sat well on 16 inch Blackwalls and the Black 32 Grill set up was a great choice, Id love it and am sure you would too?


So many great rides here, I would love to take ANY one of these back home to my place, I really did like the proportions of this 5 window and the Motor detailing really dig set this off from many.


Right here, this was the Killer machine for me, look how sweet this Roadster is, I have always liked Blue, I built a flat Blue 29 roadster about 12 years ago, but this is right all over the place.


Look at that, lovely eh? Belond headers, Canadian heads, Thickston high rise intake Manifold, Dual Carbs with whispering velocity stacks and check out that over flow tank too.


Such a great Hot Rod, Crestliner steering wheel, 39 box with swan neck, Early Race gauges, Deco control switch panel was just something I could not stop looking at, so much was right on the money here.


Sorry for the blurry photo, too excited I guess, what a wicked ride and would of loved to have seen this on the road as I bet it is a real fun jalopy to bimble about on the roads with.


Another quality Channeled machine, right out of Rodders journal for me, awesome job on detail and loved the louvers in the hood and that dropped headlight bar sure is wicked, brilliant. I then realized it was a buddy of mines Roadster, Tom Branch from Pasadena, love the whole family and true Hot Rodders they go the whole 9 yards.

Keith Weesner1929

Keith Weesner’s Roadster Many years ago, I was always amazed by this ride and loved seeing it at all the shows many years ago, it just had everything right about it and sat so well.


Then unfortuantly a buddy of his was driving this to a show when someone hit him, hard- Sending Aaron into the air breaking his ribs and other injuries, the Roadster was in bad shape and so was aaron, but, pleased to say both repaired and to see this Roadster again after all this years, was almost a tear up moment.


Well done Keith a brilliant machine and so stoked to see her back up and running again and looking a little more completed too, will always love this Hot Rod and this made my whole weekend seeing this Roadster.


A superb job putting this all straight and getting this all back together, took time, patience, hard earned money and many many hours of labor but boy did it come out stunning, just real sweet.


I looked out for Keith but he was busy running around being congratulated for sure to seeing his original Roadster now resurrected and back to be a driven Burbank Choppers Hot Rod.


So, here it is all fixed and boy does it look a million dollars, I am truly stoked for your Keith and know that you smile every time you turn that key and hear that Flathead V8 fire back into life again.


Saw this little 5 window Baking in the Sun in its Flat Black coat of paint, wasn’t until I looked at the photos I noticed it had a Cam shaft as a spreader bar, its all in the details eh?


I didnt get as cool as a shot as I was hoping but this sure had a lot of work done and I had not seen this car before so had to take a shot, albeit it came out a little dark but nice to see.


So many cars had flaked tops this year, great to see and people really have no idea on how hard it is to sand, mask and paint roofs, but loved looking at these on a sunny day here.


From one flake ride to another that had the whole body sprayed with so much flake, I think it may of even reflected to the Sun and blinded it, this must of taken month to paint to this level.


the devils in the Details and look how detailed and perfect this is, the lines across the hood to the fender line up just right, kudos to the painter and I hope a well deserved tip and crate of beer.


More Low riders but this time in one of the halls that were located inside the fair grounds, a little more cooler but hell, the humidity was off the bloody hook in there.


This Banana Painted 58 Impala was tricked out and had all the cool accessories of the day in it as well, you would not lose this in a parking lot thats for certain.


How tough was this Merc? My mate Kevan Sledge builds wicked sleds like this and it reminded of my days hanging with the Shifters, this had a great look to it and I bet it looks great going down the highway as it just sat so nice on the ground.


I have always loved Burgundy, mostly because the Fords had this color but it sure looks so fitting on this Bow tie, nice ride and has the old school accents of Appleton’s and Skirts to finish it off.


I dig this Apache, I would just drive the 5 spokes off it as it right now, and still enough room for parts to throw in the bed, big strong Chevy Pick ups look great like this and the owner nailed it.


What a colorful and cool line up of Rides here in one spot, so many great machines were parked all over the fair grounds and it was sweet to be able to get up so close and personal.


Been a while since I have been to a show , where I have falling in love with so many rides, but there were so many cool builds this year and it was a thrill to be able to walk around and check them out this weekend, I really did have a great time checking everything out at Ventura.


Blue skies, Palm trees, Great rides, cold beverages, and great music was the order of the day here and so much of it, this is no small show by any means and one of the friendliest too.


Loved the work on this Pontiac, flows so well and the subtle antenna tunnel came out so well on the hood, I was very impressed with this car and was glad I took a photo to share with you lot.



Little Flatty Powered Model T Roadster was sat here, Sun bathing in the Saturday sun, dont see too many T’s around these days and this look like a fun ride to Blap about in on weekends.


Dont see too many wagons either, loved the pun on the Mothers name too. Probably the last time I clap my eyes on one of these as you really don’t seem them about on the roads any more.


At least some of you lot found some shade to relax and kick back, we saw quite a few friends and was a great meeting place to just catch up on times gone by.


So many great Pick Ups this year too, I loved this stepside with the little Monkey bike in the back, perfect set up for going to swap meets, this sat so well and was pretty darn straight too.


Chevys and Palm tree’s, yup, we sure are in California and not a cloud in the sky, with a nice breeze from the Sea, made this show a big hit yet again, so many great Machines made the trip.


There was also a few Barber shops on hand to give you a trim or a shave, and this 58 F150 looked really good sat in front of its Polished Airstream trailer that is turned into a Barber shop.


There was plenty of customers and this was not the only barber shop here, such a fun place and a good Vibe by all, this made for a Brilliant event and hope you lot may make it next year?



Check out this Little Bambi trailer, all decked out, get your hair cut or buy your Pomade, it was all good and friendly atmosphere, loved it all as I used to restore travel trailers in 2000.


This one was another full on barber shop and business was good, I wish I had thought of this years ago when I restored these but great to see this being popular and thumbs up to everyone.


That is one Happy Customer there sending love to me for taking the shot, These Airstreams are becoming quite popular and I hope to get one for the roadster one of these days.


Support your barbers, its a great trade to have and what better way to get your Noggin freshened up than in one of these shiny time capsules, your head or beard will love you for it.


Yep, this is the Ventura Nationals alright, cool Customs in California Sunshine by the beach.


Wow, I took more photos than I thought, I have to stop for a while and rest my poor fingers from all this typing, but hope you have enjoyed at least some of the snaps I managed to take for you.


Mind Blown, what a sweet ride, on the floor and is as smooth as a babies bum, loved the Gold Pearl and I am sure it was smooth to drive to Ventura as well, Love seeing all this in one place.


Back side shot and so impressive to see, these really are true works of art, love the way they have laid the rear windshield back like Anthony Castaneda used to build, reminded me of that great guy.


I see this truck a lot up by my warehouse in Norwalk, I think the fella is called danny and this must of been built 15-20 years ago and still going strong today, such a killer looking ride.


The amount of cool rides this year was outstanding, the body work on these rides are so smooth, just many hours of sanding, filling, painting and of course sweating, trying to get the lines to flow.


There were too many to have a favorite but I personally would of loved to have ANY one of these rides, look at this 53, I mean its so sweet, love the Stainless Trim and the tight bumper guard.


Palm trees line the road into the show and Blue skies with a slight Sea Breeze was really welcomed, so much to see and a really cool Vibe with the Music going, food Cooking and people laughing, that stood out to me, as everyone was having a great time and enjoying this passion we have with old tin.


Easy ups all over the place, people were all happy, and more than willing to chat about their ride etc, if you can get to this show out here in Ventura, you will really enjoy yourselves .


You will be surprised as to how many vehicles are at this show, it winds itself around the 2 main Halls and spreads over the entire fairgrounds in all corners too, so much stuff to check out.


The Big Guns sitting in the Grass look somewhat content to bask in the Sun, to the left was where Vendors were selling their wares and plenty to choose from and great to support them too.


We spent quite some time walking about and taking in everything, met quite a few friends that I had not seen in a long time, thats another great thing about these shows, its an awesome place to chinwag with buddies from afar and see what they have been up too etc.


Super nice Step Side that would make for one very cool Shop Truck- Parts Getter etc, I saw a lot of step sides this year, always great to see these work horses still on the tarmac.


This Thunderbird reminded me of a Gene Winfield-Larry Watson styled Kustom, these cars are so comfortable to drive and it must of been such a nice Cruise on the way to the show in this.


This was another head turner for me as so much work involved to get this ride to look as cool as it does now, I cant wait to see the Color scheme when all completed, thats a wowza!!!


So many great Colors and wheel combinations, took this photo as we walked to the back part of the show, more tarmac there and even more vehicles to have a good look at and enjoy.


Walked by Chevy Corner, Nice rides spread out all over the place and seemed like everybody was having a blast hanging out and meeting new friends in this part of the show grounds.


Also a good thing about this event is some of these vehicles are for sale, and what better way to check a ride out to purchase than here, I saw many great machines available to buy.


This was looking good and, by the color of the Dash , it could be painted a really deep Candy Purple and I am digging that,Love the tail lights, the rear trunck and Bumper set up on this.


Come in Number 9, your time is up, this 5 window sits well and dorns an early 21 stud flatty for its mill, cool 50’s style Hot Rod thats was nice to see hanging out with everyone.


Plenty of cool Fords to take a gander at as well, this hot day was getting hotter, but we nipped into the Hall to cool off and then came back out, the trick is to make sure you Hydrate here.


Here is the Raffle Car, money goes towards the Children’s Project and a very worthy cause, I wonder who won this as it was stunning to see in its deep Blue paint, sweet ride for sure.


To get this to have Suicide doors takes a lot of time and patience and this paid off big time, just look at the detail in this machine, although them Velocity stacks on that coupe is grabbing your eye too I am sure?


Look from this side and even more great Custom Body work was achieved, so many hours in this car, I just had to stop for a bit and take it all in, Machete is a great title for the car.


Take a look at this Roadster, thats sure is a sweet ride, sits well, awesome finish, show standard, but is that the owner? He is HUUGE!


if you have a Dictionary by you, look up Bitching Kustom Coupe and I bet this ride pops up, what a wicked Kustom,whats not to like about this 5 window, even the color is right on the money.


Just something about an Early Cadillac that turns my dial, the color also enhances its appeal too, how great would this be to cruise Route 66 and ride in pure style and comfort.


This warrants another look but from the Arse end, look at those lines, the long swooping rear fenders to a small shark fin, the wrap around bumpers and huge trunk lid its just perfect for me.


I love Blue Suede more than Carl Perkins and Elvis, and this owner does too, what a wicked low and sleek machine, this 2 door post looks like its a mile long, perfect roof chop too.


More Teeth than Liberace, this Bow tie was Clean as a new washing machine, Desoto grills are a hard item to locate these days, nice to see a lot of traditional styling on the rides out there.


Guys heading home and I am sure they had a really cool time at the Ventura Nationals, this is a fun place to come and visit, see if you lot can make it out here next year and say hello.


Not too many Motorcycle this year but thats probably as Born Free was only on a few weeks earlier, but, what was on show here were really cool, check out the finned gas tank.


This was the show stopper for me, what a wicked Trumpy, loved everything about this machine, reversed head is a nice touch and the dump tube exhaust is Killer.


Another great Bobber, Triumphs really do make great Custom machines and this has a ton of work too, great to see these here and they got a lot of attention parked up here.


Always dig these machines and hard to find these days, I wanted one of these as a kid but out of my price range back then and sweet to see here in Ventura with the other cool Motorcycles.


This years show was superb, Jennifer even found some very cool Tropical flower head pieces at one booth.


Check out some of the cool hand made flower accessories that this Booth makes and sells and all from California as well.  I took a few snaps just to show how very detailed these accessories were and worth the money, these are not easy to make.


Below is some photos I took as this show is for everyone, so only fair that the Girls get a look at some of the stuff available at the Ventura nationals event.


See how detailed they are, very Tropical and as Jennifer is Hawaiian, this really suits her and love to see ANY Polynesian art or crafts that has that 50’s styling and this was certainly it.


The One above is the style Jennifer liked, so she bought that and I like the fact that these are hand made and really exotic, none of that cheap paper stuff from Taiwan.


So next year, bring ya Girlie out as there were all sorts of things from clothes to bags to Sun Glasses, something for everyone and I know you would all enjoy the shows Vendors here.


One of my best buddies and one of the first guys I met when I moved to these great shores in 2000, Patrick has always been cool and loves everyone, he was running the Splinter Nationals and a fun thing to get into, Love ya Pat.


Cant go without seeing this Original Roadster thats been in a few movies back in the day, so cool to see this, what a wicked find this must of been to get it as the original Hot Rod.


Would of loved to have heard this Roadster fire up, I have seen the movies and even had a few lobby cards of this Roadster back in the Uk in the early 1980’s, who’d of thought I would be seeing this in the flesh, such a bitchin machine and so glad we attended the show.


So, we left the building and headed for home, what a great Saturday we had, saw so many great cars and Motorcycles, awesome vendors and met super cool people, so until next time.

We head home on the freeway and look forward to the next show in a years time, hope that you can make it as well. Thanks for reading my Blog, hope that you enjoyed it?
