Using up old snotty parts

Well, it is still hot as hell here in southern California, and I have been flat out with work, so not too much time on the Blog side this time but always try to post something to show you guys n gals out there.

I have a few bits and bobs laying around in my storage, an old 5550 frame, some rims and a set of tires etc, I may build a little Brat bike to take out on the dry lake when the races are on- As that 550 Honda is a great size machine to blap around on and right now I just have a few parts, but will start to piece it together and see where I end up, it may be a forever buld, but hope to have it running and rideable at some point and see what route the style goes.

I used to have quite a stock pile of old parts back at the house and in storage, but things do slowly get used, but that does not mean I wont find more, as I always turn up stuff from time to time.

Be nice to have a few more old snotter laying about like a i used to and maybe a road trip for later on in the year to see what I can locate on one of our travels.


Friday at last, the weekend begins

Its that time at last, Friday evening, its nice to know that the weekend is now here, I have many orders to try and get out the door and tomorrow I shall be up early so i can pack a bunch more orders to send to my Customers.  It’s my Birthday Monday and although i have to work, I am blessed to have another year of doing what I love and I shall be churning more parts out this week for sure.

Have a Great weekend all of you and hope you get some time to work on your steed or even get to ride it.

Sunday and I am busy in garage

Well, no day of rest for me today as many people need parts for their rides, so I have been burning the proverbial candle at both ends, as I know what its like when you start on a project, you want to try and get as much completed as possible whilst you are still all fired up about the idea right?

So today not much of a Blog but a little tv show I was featured that you may or may not have seen, just thought I would share it.

Right, I got to get back into it as I am making Kick stands this afternoon.

Built a set of Custom forks for a Customer, thought I would share.

Many people have sent me their forks over the years to rebuild, polish or just hop up a bit as they get tired after 40 years of taking punishment from all road surfaces over time.

As the photo shows above, this is the old set that I am going to be working with, I strip these down, clean up and then what I do is machine some cool looking ribs into the stanchions to have that Custom look and then magnaflux it to make sure all is ok.  Once that is done I polish the lowers and then get brand new fork tubes made for the uppers.

I like to use as much Genuine HONDA parts as I possibly can and these will look so clean when everything is put back together and then you fit to your inline four machine.

As you may be able to see, I have New Hard Chromes fork tubes fitted and I have just put the OEM Honda Fork seal in place, here is the trick that I use to fit these seals, also- Remember, make sure the lettering faces upwards not down.

I use a piece of UPVC tubing that I bought from Home depot for about $2.00, this slides down the tubing and sits snug on the seal, but it fits inside the aluminum stanchion perfectly.

I simply tap the Plastic tubing with a Rubber Mallet until the seal bottoms out on the shoulder and there you go, no press needed and no damage at all, I have been doing this method for over 20 years now and never ever have I had a fork that has leaked by using this tubing.

I use some Harbor Freight Circlip pliers to snap the Original 2 hole clip back into the recess inside the fork leg, you will feel it seat when you let the pressure off the pliers.

I use as much genuine Factory parts where ever possible, and in this case I use New old stock Dampner Bolt and Copper crush washer, just to make sure all is new and fits as it is supposed to.

I use genuine Honda Dust caps to make sure all the crap stays away from the forks, then- Just to add some super cool Custom finishing, I like the way these complete that Custom styling on the front end.

See what I mean? Its a nice Custom finished look that really does not cost a lot of money and it is chrome, no plastic crap.

I have always used ATF for forks, the old Pro Racers mechanics used it and I still do today, I also used stainless washers on top of the springs to set the pre-load.

That’s is how much I pour into rebuilt forks and people ask me “How do you know how much to pour in”?

This is one of my Bibles that I use on things like fluids, point gap, timing and the like, always served me well.

I also make sure that ALL the threaded holes are chased through with a tap, this makes sure that the refit goes smoothly and you dont scratch the lovely polishing I have done.

I make sure that I hand polish the lower clamps and use stainless nuts and lock washers, this set up is really a thing of beauty and I am so stoked when I complete a set for a customer, a lot of work and time, but boy is it worth it and changes the look of the front end.

A great looking set of Lowers that will turn heads where ever you go, not a five minute job and not made in China either, all done from right here in California.

These are now ready to ship out to the Customer, so he can easily fit them in to his triple tree’s.

Just take a look at them, what a cool set up these are and all New hardware, Hope that you enjoyed this blog about that what I do with the good old inline fours.

Let me know if I can help you with your Honda, I have been doing it here in California for 20 years and never tire of it, it is a passion of mine that I hope shows in my work?

Thanks for taking your time to read my Blog and hope it may of inspired you to work on your machine?

The Sturgis Bike Build Begins on this old CB750 Honda Four

Been busy with a number of other things this week, but I thought I would make an effort and start doing some more chassis modifications on the SOHC 750 seeing as the weather has been really good for January.

Such a long way to go and having no game plan can be quite a task, this is not going to be an easy build as I may indeed change a few things as and when needed if I am not happy with the concept, the fun of creating a new Monster I guess.  Rome was not built in a day either, so ” Steady as she goes” and we shall see where this mysterious Machine takes me, as over the 2 decades I have been building here in California, every build gets tougher and tougher.

Frame rail cut and my own Custom insert bungs will be fitted but first have to cut 1 inch off either end of the rail to allow for length of weld in fitting, I just wanted to try something a little out there.

Hogged a little out of the upright as steel insert Bung needs to fit snug before I can weld them in place, I like to use air tools where I can, as they save so much time, rather than a round file LOL!

Here is my fitting, it sits nice and snug and will make it easier to fit and remove the engine , many of you will understand this as these inline four engines are fitted so tight into the frame, you would think that the tool kit would come with a shoe horn.

This is just before the side stand mount and I was happy to get these to fit nice and snug, and once everything is welded, the Rigidity will be there, these bungs are used in Roll cages a lot too.

Makes it a lot easier using this saw., I have had the saw many years, and always gets me out of trouble, the old stuff is always the best in my opinion and when cutting anything, take shorter cuts and test fit as its hard to add on when you have taken too much off.

Fitted in place and am super stoked at how it looks , a long way to go and what I really need to do is fit the engine in the frame, that way I can add all the engine mounts and make sure that the geometry is bang on before I start any welding etc.

Now, when these are inserted, what I shall also do is drill a hole though the frame and tubing in 4 places, that way I can get an extra few spots welds on it, as well as but jount welds all around the neck, but in slow spot welds as I dont want to cause any distortion with heat.

My engine bolt lines up and is nice and loose, not tight, so I will keep an eye on all this when I eventually fit the motor to check alignment out, so not going to rush this and , as I am doing this on my own, I will take my time fitting the motor, last time I nearly popped my Arse grapes out lifting that inline four up on my own and sliding into the frame.

Also, I need to clean up the engine mounts as they have old nasty paint on them, I will for the motor and build the bike, then- pull all apart, bead blast the frame, hand file it smooth and then hopefully either paint it or Chrome it, we shall see on pennies available.

Bit better but so much to do, hope that you are enjoying the little Blog as i begin this slow transformation of this inline Four 750 Honda.

Always fun doing things with Motorcycles and Hot Rods

I have always been interested in Motorcycles and Hot Rods, I had a 3 window Coupe in the UK back in the 1980’s and loved anything that was related to Post WW2 ie Planes, Wooden Chris Craft Boats or Fighter planes of the day etc.

So Motorcycles and Hot Rods go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches or Tea and Biscuits, but I have been so blessed to have been invited to many shows and events and have been a part of quite a few TV Commercials and interviews etc.  It is a fun time for me and I enjoy it all.

Thank you all for supporting me over these 19 years. its always a wild ride and who knows were it will take me next, I shall always be myself no matter what.


My other bike, the Triumph Scrambler

I have always been into dirt bikes as I call them, from when i was a teenager and before I guess, My brother and I used to drool over the pages of MotorCycle News or Dirt bike magazine, we came from a humble home where there was never any extra money, so we made the best with what we could find, and even though we found old buckets of snot, we would get them running and keep up with the rich kids on their machines.

I used to love my T100 Daytona in North London, that thing was faster than a 750 and I rode the snot out of that bike.

I will always have some sort of two wheeled motorcycle, no matter what age I am lucky enough to live too and today i cleaned up my triumph Scrambler, this 2016 900 air cooled Triumph is my daily and, I use it every day with no issues, I make sure that it always had Gas, check the tire pressures and make sure I have enough oil in this puppy and she fires up every time with no worries.


I love ALL motorcycles, be it Cafe Racer, Brat bike, Custom, Drag, MotoX, Speedway, Flat track or even trials, I love all them styles and if I was a rich guy, I would have every bike I always wanted to own, from Steve McQueen’s Triumph, to Barry Sheene’s Heron Suzuki trans Atlantic machine, but I’m not rich and can always dream.

But- I always have fun on what ever machine that I am riding and hope that some of you share the same smile that I get when I sling my leg over a Motorcycle.

Jennifer and I have a Triumph each, she has a T100 Bonneville and we go and explore places like the Grand Canyon, or the Sedona mountains to the petrified Forrest of Arizona, always time to check out the great sights that the USA has for us and there are so many places for us to go visit, we would need 5 lifetimes, but- its fun trying.

Have fun with your machine as much as you can, there is always somewhere to ride, even in the rain and wind.

Jennifer and I love riding together, her Bonneville is as fast as mine, she also experienced crazy 70 mph cross winds for the first time but Boy! What an adventure we had.



Adding Bags to the Old 750 SS Honda in the Garage

Been a while, but I thought I would fir some Bags I have had for a long time, onto the 750 Super Sport, as to be quite frank, I never fecking see them and, I had these on many bikes as I was a Disatch Rider, Ie Courier, and the more that I could carry on my bike, the more money that I would earn, as i rode all over the UK and parts of Europe and having unboltable saddle bags were a blessing indeed.

So, I have had these for a while, I did for some to Jenn’s bike and she has had them at least 5 years and uses them all the time, these will take a while to get to fit right and this is my 3rd set of brackets, still not there but its all trial and error and eventually I will get to the stage where I am happy and can tear the brackets down one last time, cut and weld and paint then refit.

Its good to be able to simply bolt these on and go, sometimes you need to carry stuff and these will be just the ticket when I have them completed, I am a long way off as they need to come in about an inch and half tighter but, Rome was not built in a day and these will not be either.

The trick is to make them look factory fit, then also once they are completed how I want them, they will painted to the same color as the rest of the body work and the uniformity will probably make these bags almost disappear once I have the livery that I am happy with.

Right now I think this bike will be a Dark Navy Blue with white Racing stripes and some logo, but thats a while away and also I need to fab a lower bracket to support the bottom of the bag and give it some rigidity as well as allowing for the shocks to still function smoothly with no binding etc.


Shame there wasn’t some off the shelf brackets available like Triumph have but I think Once I am completed and happy at the way they fit and function, I may make a few sets and off for sale on this website.

So,for now I have got this far, some will like these on the bike, and others will not.  What I like about this particular set up is, well, you can simply unbolt these and leave the bike in its naked form, but, if you need to go to lets say the Chrome shop to pick some parts up, just bolt these bags to the rear shock mounts and you are ready to go, no need for a bulky back pack etc.  I may add some LED turn signals into the back of these and a brake light to make more functional and keep me from being bumped off in rush hour.




Paignton Sea Front weekly Bike show by BMAD back home where I lived for a while and shows still going.

Well, back in my old seaside town where I resided for a few years in the south of the country, started a great Motorcycle fraternity up called BMAD, (Bikers, Make A Difference).

First founded By Kelvin and Jane Halloran in 2003, this event and meetings have continued to grow and function as a very successful meeting in Paignton Seafront, attracting many of the public to come and look at these great two wheeled machines and also the main objective is that it raises money to help sick, disabled and disadvantaged children, also other worthy causes and charities within the TQ postcode area.

Funds are raised by hosting a three day festival on Paignton Esplanade over the May Day Bank Holiday (fri-sun), this includes live music, traders and of course bikes, Trikes and scooters!
We host 18 bike nights also on the Esplanade, these take place every Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm from the beginning of June through to the end of September, we are fully supported by bikers who make a donation on the gate for themselves and a pillion if applicable. Collection buckets are available for pedestrians to donate should they wish.


All monies raised by BMAD are used for charitable causes and all volunteers are unpaid.

General Information
We hold bike nights every Wednesday evening between the start of June and the end of September. Bikers donate £1:00 per person at the gate to park on the Esplanade and enjoy our bike night event.

In addition we hold a Bike Festival over the first May Bank Holiday weekend (fri-sun) and I have been to that a few years ago when I took a trip home as our MUM was dying from Cancer, that place was so cool, people remembered me from 30 years ago and it was like I had never left the Torbay area.

This bike meeting is always popular come rain or shine, the time I went , the weather was blowing hard, the air was colder than an Eskimo’s fridge and the H2o was starting to get stronger, but- everyone just enjoyed their-selves and rightly so, you cant let weather stop you from enjoying what you have a passion for.
What I love about it is that there is Old and New, so like Forrest Gump saying that life is like a Box of chocolates, Paignton sea front BMAD show is the same, as you just never know what you are going to get and as we look here a Cool Kawasaki 400 and the ring and ding ding of the RD400 and in restored condition, I can almost smell the Castrol R from here in California.
Road bikes, Classics and Customs, like this Bobber, there is always something for everyone and no attitudes either, a bang on meet up that others should learn from to be honest.
Our mission is to raise funds for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children within the TQ postcode area, to support local charities and other worthy causes.
This show is maybe 5 minutes walk from my old apartment and I used to love to walk along the seafront, buy a bag of fish and chips ans check all the bikes out along Paignton green.
Like I said, there is something for everyone, even this Lambretta got plenty of attention, mind you, many will not know what this model is, unless you are into Hair dryer Motors.
Good ole Motor Morini with Megaphones, as a teenager I loved to hear the sound of these V twins belting a long with their distinct roar.
So, a section for the Scooters were available, making this meet up a super friendly event and some rare ones at that.
The good Old 500. I had one of these in Blue, my first BIG bike, I traded it for a SL125 Honda and Ran a muck around East Anglia on it for a long time, those expansion chambers still ringing in my ears today!
Perfect pre unit that I would love to own too, hats off to the fella for bringing such a tasty treat along to this event, see if you can make the next one?
The meet up on the seafront is July 17th at 6pm Paignton seafront, hope you can make it and send me some cool pics.

Evening of Fireworks on the USS NIMITZ Aircraft Carrier CVN68

What an amazing time Jennifer and I had, aboard the USS NIMITZ Aircraft Carrier in Coronado-San Diego, to celebrate July 4th and sit on the actual flight-deck as the bombardment of pyrotechnics took their explosives high up into the ether via barges on the water that were surrounding us like Custers last stand.

As you may know, I was commissioned by the Captain a few years ago to create a cafe Motorcycle to keep Morale high and to incorporate some of the US Navy and the Nimitz into the bike, of which I did and everybody loved it, Jack still has the motorcycle and proudly has it on display.

Captain Schueller Personally invited Jennifer and I to accompany him on the flight deck of the Carrier and experience a night of fireworks with some of the crew and some officers and I could not turn that opportunity down, I mean who would right?

So, we drove down the 5 freeway to Coronado and met Captain Jack and his family and then headed out to the Nimitz, of which was 5 minutes away from his Married quarters.

I have been lucky enough to have traveled out on the Nimitz not once, but Twice and went out to Sea for a few hundred miles and watched what they do to protect this great country I live in, so to be invited back for this special occasion was quite an honor and something I shall not forget ever.

Here is a little information on her if you are interested.

USS Nimitz History
After her commissioning May 3, 1975, Nimitz’ first deployment began July 7, 1976 when she departed Norfolk for the
Mediterranean. Nimitz again sailed toward the Mediterranean Sea Dec. 1, 1977. Sept. 10, 1979, she was dispatched to
the Indian Ocean as tensions heightened after Iran took 52 U.S. hostages. Four months later, Operation Evening Light
was launched from Nimitz in an attempt to rescue the hostages. The rescue was aborted in the Iranian desert when the
number of operational helicopters fell below the minimum needed to complete the rescue.
Oct. 29, 1988, Nimitz began operating in the North Arabian Sea in support of Operation Earnest Will. Nimitz then
departed Bremerton on Feb. 25, 1991 for the Arabian Gulf, relieving USS Ranger (CV 61), during Operation Desert
Storm. Nimitz again deployed Feb. 1, 1993 to the Arabian Gulf, relieving USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) as part of Operation
Southern Watch.
Sept. 1, 1997, Nimitz set out on an around-the-world cruise. During this deployment, Nimitz was ordered into the
Arabian Gulf to support Operation Southern Watch and various United Nations initiatives.
Nimitz arrived at her new homeport in San Diego Nov. 13, 2001. In 2003, Nimitz deployed in support of Operations
Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. In May 2005, Nimitz embarked on a six-month deployment in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Global War on Terrorism. After leaving the Gulf, the strike group participated in
Malabar 2005, an exercise between the U.S. and Indian navies. In 2007 and 2008, Nimitz CSG deployed in support of
the U.S. commitment to peace and stability in the region. Nimitz departed to the Persian Gulf for a scheduled eightmonth Western Pacific deployment on July 31, 2009 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Nimitz arrived at her new homeport in Everett, Washington in March 2012. March 30, 2013, Nimitz deployed in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Nov. 3, 2014, Nimitz took part in naval aviation history when the Navy’s fifth
generation Joint Strike Fighter, F-35 Lightning, touched down on a carrier at sea for the first time.
Nimitz arrived at her new homeport in Bremerton, Washington Jan. 13, 2015. Beginning Jan. 15, 2016, Nimitz
underwent a 20-month extended incremental availability (EPIA). Nimitz began workups Oct. 10, 2016 for a 2017
deployment completing sea trials, and Tailored Ships Training Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA-FEP).
Nimitz returned to sea Jan. 28, 2017 to undergo its first Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) since 2010.
In April 2017 Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11 completed its final pre-deployment assessment, Composite Training Unit
Exercise (COMPTUEX), marking the completion of a condensed Inter-Deployment Training Cycle (IDTC). Nimitz
deployed on a regularly scheduled deployment June 1 to the U.S. 7th Fleet (C7F) and U.S. 5th Fleet (C5F) areas of
operations. Nimitz returned home from deployment on December 10, 2017. Nimitz entered dry dock six on March 1st,
2018, for a docking planned incremental availability at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility.

The aircraft carrier continues to be the centerpiece of the forces necessary for forward presence. Whenever there has been a crisis, the first question has been: “Where are the carriers?” Carriers suIt’s hard to explain, but the Nimitz is an immense Ship, it is basically a Floating Runway and small city on the water, and over 1000 feet long it is nothing short of stunning to stand on the deck from the stern and look towards the Bow.


• Four distilling units enable engineers to make more than 400,000 gallons of fresh water a day for use by the
propulsion plant, catapults and crew.
• Nimitz can stock at least 70 days of refrigerated and dry goods.
• Several tons of laundry is washed every day by Nimitz’s laundry, dry cleaning and tailoring services personnel.
• Nimitz’stwo barber shops trim more than 1,500 heads per week.
• Nuclear power allows the ship to store 50 percent more ammunition and almost twice as much aviation fuel as
the largest conventional steam carrier.
• Nimitz can hold 3.5 million gallons of fuel.
• Nimitz reaches more than 23 stories high from the keel to the top of the mast.
• The hangar bay extends for most of the ship’s length. It is used for major repairs and shelters aircraft.

Nimitz deployed on a regularly scheduled deployment June 1 to the U.S. 7th Fleet (C7F) and U.S. 5th Fleet (C5F) areas
of operations. The deploying units from DESRON 9 accompanying Nimitz are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile
destroyers USS Hopper (DDG 70), USS Howard (DDG 83), USS Shoup (DDG 86), USS Pinckney (DDG 91), USS
Kidd (DDG 100), and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59). Nimitz strike group is part
of U.S. 3rd Fleet, which leads naval forces in the Pacific and provides the realistic, relevant training necessary for an
effective global Navy. U.S. 3rd Fleet constantly coordinates with U.S. 7th Fleet to plan and execute missions based on
their complementary strengths to promote ongoing peace, security, and stability throughout the entire Pacific theater of

Embarked aviation squadrons of CVW-11 are: Lemoore, California-based “Argonauts” of Strike Fighter Squadron
(VFA) 147, “Black Knights” of VFA 154, “Blue Diamonds” of VFA 146, San Diego-based “Death Rattlers” of Marine
Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323, the Whidbey Island, Washington-based “Gray Wolves” of Electronic Attack
Squadron (VAQ) 142, Norfolk-based “Bluetails” of Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, and San Diegobased “Eightballers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8, “Wolfpack” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron
(HSM) 75 and “Providers” of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30.

Nimitz flew missions in support of Operation Inherent Resolve from July to October, launching 1,322 sorties and
dropping 904 pieces of ordnance from the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. During more than three months in the
region, the ship and its crew also supported the mission by building 1,112 pieces of ordnance and performing flight deck
operations during the day and at night.
Carrier Strike Force Operations
Nimitz participated in a three-carrier strike force exercise in the Western Pacific, Nov. 11-14. While at sea, Nimitz
conducted air defense drills, sea surveillance, replenishments at sea, defensive air combat training, close-in coordinated
maneuvers, and other training. The coordinated operations in international waters demonstrated the U.S. Navy’s unique
capability to operate multiple carrier strike groups as a coordinated strike force effort. This was the first time three
carrier strike groups operated together in the Western Pacific since exercises Valiant Shield 2006 and 2007 off the coast
of Guam. The exercise focused on the ability to rapidly bring together forces from three strike groups in response to any
regional situation.