The Sturgis Bike Build Begins on this old CB750 Honda Four

Been busy with a number of other things this week, but I thought I would make an effort and start doing some more chassis modifications on the SOHC 750 seeing as the weather has been really good for January.

Such a long way to go and having no game plan can be quite a task, this is not going to be an easy build as I may indeed change a few things as and when needed if I am not happy with the concept, the fun of creating a new Monster I guess.  Rome was not built in a day either, so ” Steady as she goes” and we shall see where this mysterious Machine takes me, as over the 2 decades I have been building here in California, every build gets tougher and tougher.

Frame rail cut and my own Custom insert bungs will be fitted but first have to cut 1 inch off either end of the rail to allow for length of weld in fitting, I just wanted to try something a little out there.

Hogged a little out of the upright as steel insert Bung needs to fit snug before I can weld them in place, I like to use air tools where I can, as they save so much time, rather than a round file LOL!

Here is my fitting, it sits nice and snug and will make it easier to fit and remove the engine , many of you will understand this as these inline four engines are fitted so tight into the frame, you would think that the tool kit would come with a shoe horn.

This is just before the side stand mount and I was happy to get these to fit nice and snug, and once everything is welded, the Rigidity will be there, these bungs are used in Roll cages a lot too.

Makes it a lot easier using this saw., I have had the saw many years, and always gets me out of trouble, the old stuff is always the best in my opinion and when cutting anything, take shorter cuts and test fit as its hard to add on when you have taken too much off.

Fitted in place and am super stoked at how it looks , a long way to go and what I really need to do is fit the engine in the frame, that way I can add all the engine mounts and make sure that the geometry is bang on before I start any welding etc.

Now, when these are inserted, what I shall also do is drill a hole though the frame and tubing in 4 places, that way I can get an extra few spots welds on it, as well as but jount welds all around the neck, but in slow spot welds as I dont want to cause any distortion with heat.

My engine bolt lines up and is nice and loose, not tight, so I will keep an eye on all this when I eventually fit the motor to check alignment out, so not going to rush this and , as I am doing this on my own, I will take my time fitting the motor, last time I nearly popped my Arse grapes out lifting that inline four up on my own and sliding into the frame.

Also, I need to clean up the engine mounts as they have old nasty paint on them, I will for the motor and build the bike, then- pull all apart, bead blast the frame, hand file it smooth and then hopefully either paint it or Chrome it, we shall see on pennies available.

Bit better but so much to do, hope that you are enjoying the little Blog as i begin this slow transformation of this inline Four 750 Honda.

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