Feeling Exhausted this month at Carpys Garage

I seem to always be burning that proverbial candle at both ends as of late, but, I do see some light at the end of the tunnel and have a few pokers in many fires right now, interesting times for sure, I am also working on a new website to make it less complicated and with so many hackers out there, I need to change things around a bit and its good to start a few new things from time to time.  I mean, 25 years is a long time doing anything, but I love what i do and continue to push the Motorcycle build and parts envelope when ever I can.

Once I have organized the Barn here at the Ranch, I shall be introducing some video’s of things that people have asked for and let you know what I have been up to with regular Vlogs etc, its a good platform to have these days and with all the Ai stuff flooding the market, its good to be updated with the latest software to help things along with E Commerce etc.

Just wanted to say hello and I shall be doing a few things to show what’s going on here in Southern California, new bikes to build for customers and my self and of course some New parts that I am working on for Motorcycles, Hot Rods and Vintage truck parts like my 1970 F250 Ranger that was featured in a Movie.

Hot this weekend that’s for sure in Southern California

Hot weather is still here and will continue for a couple of weeks I think, but 112 and 114 is a little too hot to be in the shed this weekend, plus I have stuff to do in our Garden with my Girl. so I have been out doing that, but tomorrow I have to fit some throttle cables to that K6 and tidy a few things up before I offer it for sale, its a great bike for the money with so many New parts.

I have many projects to get into later on, another 16 bikes to sort out but its fun doing it and doing it at home in my own time and do what ever I want to do, I love that feeling and always have a smile when I go in the Barn.  I love all machines and have a few different bikes to build but the platform I have loved is the inline four, always cool to see people on them.

Hope that some of you get time to get out on your machines this Summer, before it gets colder further North, lucky for me, we can ride most of the year round, I ride every single day and never tire of it to be honest.

I’m still busy with my parts and builds and more to come later but just wanted to say howdy and do a quick Blog as its been a while, but always check my daily emails and texts.

Have a great weekend and thank you for all your orders, I am here to help, next year is 25 years in business and its going to be exciting as ever.



Have fun on your machine over the weekend.

It’s Saturday and the weekend always seems to fly by and then by Monday you then remember what you wanted to do and forgot to do it, Right?  It’s always the case for me, I try and do my own stuff on the weekends and I really enjoy it, plus the weather is getting better and the days longer and that’s a blessing for all us Bike enthusiasts.

I have a bunch of bikes in the Brn, many I picked up locally and slowly I have to try and resurrect them to at least, a running condition, but sometime the order is taller than a Yard of ale and I do have my work cut out and huge challenges become a major headache, broken bolts, seized motors, electrical is falling apart and getting more shorts than a Robot made in China.

And then there are the ones that you grab as nobody wants to even look at having a go to clean all the bird shit off and see if the faithful old inline four will come back to life, you would be amazed at how many do, that’s testament to the Japanese engineering and the sturdiness of these 500 pound classic machines.

Just get out there and enjoy life, these are such a great Platform to create your own style of motorbike and still plenty of the models out there around the globe mostly sitting in some dark corner, waiting to be discovered and you will be amazed when you kick the motor in the guts and she fires up, once that happens its all systems go to try and get her back on the tarmac, then go and get plenty of miles of smiles.

Be it stock to a full custom, I know that you will enjoy creating your very own Motorcycle and there is nothing like slinging your leg over and taking on the curves and straight aways that literally await you.

Have a fun weekend with your Big 4 Machine and if I can help, shoot me a line at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or drop a dime to me at 714-598-8392 and I will do my best to get you back on the road so you can wheelie away with a smile on your face.


A day of filming for TV with Larry, Jay Leno etc was a Blast

Hey Everyone, well its the weekend, I have been a bit ill in health recently and have not been on the website as much as I would like to but I am back on my feet, few health issues to try and figure with the Human Technician but I am sure I will get that all dialled in.

Anyway, its a Saturday so I thought that I would add a great video on here, my Buddy Larry Romestant builds Beemers and they are works of art, we have become good friends over the years and thought today I would share the tv show that had him showing him creating his bike, like you lot I am sure you have had many ups and downs when it comes to creating your ride and Larry does indeed too, which means its the real deal.

Jay Leno,  and James Maund get a feature in this show and I was happy to oblige in a segment too, great to watch on your PC or Big screen and hope you like it?


The trials, tribulations and triumphs of being a custom bike builder come to life as Larry and Carol Romestant design and build a one-of-a-kind BMW Special K cafe racer. Featuring Jay Leno, Steve ‘Carpy’ Carpenter and James Maund with some of the most scenic riding sequences ever seen.




Helping you with New Parts create your ride

Hard to believe that I have been wrenching here in Southern California for 23 years, I continue to make parts for Motorcycles and Hot Rods too, it is nice to be busy and I am a very Positive person with a massive work ethic that I very much doubt I will ever stop from doing.

So I am hoping to come up with a few more parts and of course, offer them on my website, there may be some other things I will be doing like video’s etc to show you how things fit etc, soon as I have got my workshop sorted out to how I want it.

Fun times ahead but still love building Custom Machines.

Well, the Storm has left Orange County, more rain than anything to be honest, but at least over the next few weeks it will get a little cooler, but after September is when I love the temperature to turn wrenches in the Barn.

It’s always fun the first time you fire a Machine up after putting a load of parts together and the final product is revving away and begins a new chapter in its life as a Custom created Motorcycle.

Soon I shall be creating a few more Machines and will be up for sale on my website, so keep checking in from time to time, of course, I will add a video of anything on here, so you can have a closer look etc.

Have a great week everybody.


Old Video but was fun to look back at the shop in the City Of Orange

I had fun with this shop, had to build all the walls, move one wall 20 feet back, move stairs etc, paint floors and make a brick facade speed shop ewtc, it took a long time but sure did look good.

Lucky for me now I have my very own workshop/Barn, so no more renting premises, as so much money goes to a Landlord.

But wanted to share the old place to you lot, hopefully you will dig it?

New Products Coming Soon

Well, its been over 23 Years now since I first started this and I have always enjoyed the journey, anything to do with 2 wheels is a plus for me and I am sure it is for like minded folk like you lot, who have followed me all this time and repeatedly purchased my products for your ride or friends etc.

I think I am now going to push the envelope a little more and start to offer parts on a wider range of Motorcycles as well as different brands too, making this a One Stop shop in a way, I always like to help people complete their ride and this will be a bigger website with a faster load capability.

I am pushing as hard as I can to continue to help everybody out, as I now have my Very Own Barn/Workshop now, I can start to slowly increase Products and offer them to you direct from my place, I am going to be trying a few different Exhaust systems and on slightly different models, as I want to cater for many cool rides that we all enjoy.

I will be visiting with a few well known Manufacturers of other parts too, so hope to cover an array of two wheeled Motorcycles and get you the best price for your hard earned buck.

My exhausts systems are still going well as I have $100 off them right now and as gas is so expensive I thought I would leave them at that price for a while and give you a great deal.

From completely rebuilt front forks that are polished, new uppers and new seals and springs etc, ready to bolt on and go for your ride, to OEM parts for your 500 -550 or 750 Big 4 Honda.

I hope to help you all and also I may start to make videos like I did years ago to see if I can help any of you when you get stuck on a project, you can always email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com with any questions and I will always get back to you, failing that, you can call or text me on 714-598-8392 for a faster response, I am here to help.

Thanks for looking and pass the word, I love what I do and hope that you do too?

Fun times ahead at the workshop.

Well, a New year and New projects, I have a bunch of bikes that need to get running and then decide which way to go in the way of building and creating something cool from the shop but many different platforms are sat in the Barn, just awaiting some wrench time, but I do enjoy creating New rides.

I get many questions on how do I put in the Knee inserts on gas tanks, well, first off, I find a damaged tank, I don’t want to use a good solid undented gas tank, seem a shame to bash the crap out of it to be honest, so I usually have something about the shop or in storage that I can use and love to repurpose something that has been discarded, but I do use ear defenders as I have already got  Tinnitus from years of grinding metal, riding motorcycles with No ear plugs and going to many gigs and standing up front by the speakers.

I really enjoy making parts for the machines I build and of course offering it to customers too, its a noisy job but if it was easy, then everyone would do it right?

I have a few ideas for New parts this year, so keep checking back with me, also I hope to offer parts for different models and brands of Motorcycle, so I should be able to help you all, my Customer Service really is hard to beat compared to the many shops that have sprouted up recently, this is my career and my passion not just a business.

If its engine parts you need, drop me a Dime or Text on 714-598-8392 and I am more than happy to help you lot out with your project, this year should be a fun one and maybe I will meet some of you at an event?  I have built many Motorcycle over the almost 23 years I have lived here in Southern California and look forward to building many more.


The Hot Rod and Razor exhausts Now in stock, this is how they sounds too.

CB750 Honda Super Sport getting some work done to get her going again


\Here at the shop I always have things to do, but I always help customers out and when he bought the 1976 CB750F here I could see it needed just a little tlc, many people think they will just need a charged battery and some new fuel and away they go?  In some cases you do get lucky but this old girl does need a little bit more work before I can get her to run again.

This will be a nice machine as super low miles but as she has sat for a long while, the Carbs really do need some work, so first off they are removed and will get stripped, cleaned, vapor honed, polished and put all back together, after that they will be jetted and synchronized so they run great once more.  Not a cheap job but if customer looks after and rides regularly, no reason why these wont last another 40 years.

Intakes were solid as a proverbial rock, I do not want to refit the carbs and find out these have hair line cracks allowing air to leak into the manifolds, so I shall remove these and fit new ones that are nice and pliable and of course I sell on my website.

At least now I have a fighting chance at fitting the carburetors without having to push harder than a steam train to get the things to slide into the manifolds’ etc. Also a good tip on yours is, just add a little axle grease to the inside of the intakes to make the carbs easier to Plop, back into the rubber, makes a world of difference.

Still quite a bit to do as the front brake was binding so hard when we unloaded it from the trailer, this is always due to the steel piston inside the front caliper, as over the years when they sit in all weather and temperatures, the body of the caliper is alloy and the piston steel, aluminum will sweat and leave a rust deposit on the steel piston over time.  When they happens, altough only a small mark, the piston will not reseat when you let go of the brake lever as the O ring is catching that rust spot.  I always tap the caliper body with a rubber mallet to free the piston and that will stop the binding for a sec.

So, as I now move onto working on the front caliper, I will need a few tools, I will need an 8mm wrench for the brake line and the bleed nipple, as well as a 14mm socket to be able to undo the two steel bolts that hold the caliper to the hanger.  Also Dot 3 brake fluid and a bleeder bottle.

I will be fitting a New caliper body, I do not have a New feed line, so will have to be careful undoing the 8mm nut as it looks like its already chewed up from many years of abuse , but I will put a wrench with some tape on it and tap the wrench with a rubber mallet to shock the nut loose and not round the damn thing off.

This is the original caliper and I have no idea where originally this machine had been sitting or what sort of life it has had, even though its low miles, the weather does take its toll on them when sat for years doing nothing.

The Bolts were really tight on this front caliper, so I soaked them with WD40 and then used a socket with extension and go them to undo, but they were really on there tightly.

I replaced the front Caliper completely with the Kit that I sell on here and it worked a treat, really easy to put together and fitted like a glove.

I will advise the customer that on the next service, we should fit new brake lines, but for now we want to make sure that this Super Sport runs well and of course, stops safely.

Fitted the caliper and made sure the bolts were greased so nothing ceazes up like the original bolts and now just need to bleed the brake system to get all the air out.

All the air is bled out, bleeder nipple has the rubber cap placed on top and she is all good on the front end once more and he can rest assured the front brake will work as it should, and now I have to spend a few days stripping the carbs and getting them cleaned like new once more, stay tuned…………….