Happy Monday, Here’s some cool Video’s

Wow- Monday already and I guess it was a hard start for you lot today as it was for me too, and I think today I shall continue with a few more videos to try and help your workday fly by, or at least give you something different to look at on your lunch break etc.

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Below is a video from back in the day about road safety, always fun to watch as our machines have changed a lot , as well as the traffic speeds too.

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It is from Los Angeles in the 1960’s and boy, to see no traffic in the towns is weird these days, it also makes me laugh when the public service film and the AMA both tell you to. “Dress Neatly” as they want you to give a good impression to your neighbors. ha ha ha


And how about this, some rare footage called “Rode Safely” This was filmed back in 1955 in Liverpool, and its some cool footage to watch on a Monday and shows how things were so much different back then, compared to today’s traffic and Laws etc.

I had to laugh at the “staged crashes” and the Old style of hand signals that have changed in the highway Code back home. This is as funny as hell to watch and I am certain that these 13 minutes will have you cracking up.

Onto part 2 now of “Rode Safely”

16 minutes of awesome footage, and for me this was thoroughly entertaining, showing me what Back home like in 1955, when there was only half a million Motorcycles being ridden on the British roads.

road safety3

Be safe out there but you don’t have to dress neatly OK? LOL.

road safety4


More old Videos for Sunday!

Happy Sunday- Well as I will be busy with my Girlfriend Jennifer today, I thought I would add some more Video’s for you lot to have a look at as you enjoy your weekend too.


Here is a great little movie set in the Land of Oz, where the rocker scene was very strong like back home in England.
Made by The Commonwealth Film Unit 1959. Directed by Ralph Peterson.

Road safety for motor cyclists, dramatically showing good and bad practice. A motorcycle gang get a lesson from a professional racer on the right way to ride on the road and what type of skills are needed for the track.

On to Some british filming back in the day too as this shows you a little about the lifestyle of the Rocker and jukebox racing.


A woman puts a coin in a juke box, signalling the start of a motorcycle race. CU shows record spinning. Various shots show motorcycle riders in leather jackets speeding through streets in and around Leicester, England. At an intersection a biker and a truck collide. Footage shows the lifeless body of the biker in the road. CU shows a trickle of blood on his face.

This material can be licensed from Budget Films

OK over to the Unites States now and back in 1970 there was a Road safety effort for Motorcyclists everywhere.


Ton up boys

Well, every now and again I will post some articles or some video of the Rockers etc back from where i was born in London as people ask me about the History of the Ton Up Cafe Racers.

So here are a few videos for you to tide you over the weekend.

Have fun on your machine.


The Glory days.

Litle Movie for you.

My mate roland sands and what he does.

Over the water to Brazil now.

Something a little different.

And now for something a little more out there!!!!

More History for you.

Kick Back Motorcycle show LONDON

One of the up and coming leaders in the European motorcycle shows these days is the Kick Back show in London, many builders come out to bring their best builds, many built at home in the shed.


Today, I wanted to share a few photos with you to let you see just a sprinkling of the creations that are around across the pond.


If you like motorcycles, then you will love this show as many styles and creations jump out at you, this show has a warm and friendly atmosphere and people from across Europe travel to see the bikes that are being displayed.


Many favorites of course but for me, this should be called Kick Arse!

What an awesome Triton, I’d love to hear this fire up, the Up-sweeps look great and so tightly fitted, great job.


This show seems to be taking a hold now and I am sure that the venue will just get more and more following in London and am so glad that so many shows have come up back home in the Smoke.


Cafe Racers, Brats, Bobbers, Choppers, Trackers and Customs are all sprinkled here at KickBack, hopefully one day I can revenuer back home and see them in real time.


Below, the Old Step through, many people had these back in the day, my brother has one and used it on the dirt roads as thats all we had when we were kids, so great to see these “old memory” Bikes making a come back.


Check out the Flying S Jap Suzuki- I had an AS 50 when I was 16.


So many cool builds and styles, something for everyone.


We have many shows here in the USA too and hope to feature them as and when they come up.


The choppers are always worth a look as none ever the same and I love the uniqueness of that.


This has had a lot of work to make it what it is and many just build these at home and as a hobby.


Above you can see that this FAT ATTACK Trumpy has had major surgery and the Brat/tracker look is really popular now and I would love to take this out.


I am sure that you will find a favorite here in these machines and I love the way the future of Motorcycle building is going.


I see many of these styles over here and I cant get enough of them, so continue wrenching everyone its a blast.


Not many specs that I can give as they didnt give any – But just enjoy the photos and hope that some of these bring a smile to your face today.


Beemers are very much sought after today and I can see more and more making the transformation from Stock to Custom and its good to see.


Two differently built machines but look great together, this is so much fun seeing so many cool machines being created.


Another Double Overhead Cam with old and New technology is something that always grabs my attention where ever I see one.kickback9 Above, I would so easily lose my license running around on this, it cry’s out to be ridden hard!


When I was 17 years old I had a GT500 and that thing would pull like a steam train, wish I had kept mine.


Cant stop loving the 70’s Muscles machines, unless you have ridden one of these, you cannot understand something called. “Power Band”.- But Look hard, what’s different about this Motor?


These Street trackers are popular now and I bet this is so much fun running around.


Great looking Sportster, I have an old 883 I shall play with later on.


Thanks for reading my Blog today, if you are in London in April this year, then Kick back is on again, make sure you can find time to check it out, if you do go, send us some photos, love to see it.




Just a few Video’s for your enjoyment today, have a great week.

Here is the 2015 Show Below.

And finally 2016 show, enjoy all my friends.

Need YOUR help get funding for New Movie ” Caffeine and Gasoline”


Ok people, when I see something I think is good, I let people know about it- When I see something that I Know is going to be Great- then I jump on my website and try and tell the world about it.

On Thursday I had the opportunity of hosting Steve Maes at my Motorcycle shop for his filming his newest project “Caffeine & Gasoline” Evolution of the American Rocker.

Many of you know the passion I have for my Motherlands birth of the Cafe Racer, and many of you have taken an interest in the History of the Cafe bars of the day in Great Britain back in the Late 1950’s and early 60’s.

Britain’s very own Coffee Cowboy evolved from Transport Cafeterias of the day and now some 55 years later, there is a huge interest in that era in the United States of America and somebody needs to  engrain this on the silver screen to let the rest of the world know how a half century old lifestyle has had a massive resurgence and become a huge part of the Motorcycle fraternity.

There has not been a good ,documented film about this “Sub Culture” in the US like this, and now that Steven Maes has taken it upon his self to sit on a saddle, go out to like minded Ton Uppers and record what they have to say about this Lifestyle, well, I just want to help out the best I can.

If ever there has been a time to help out- now is the time.

I give to charities all the time and as the Rocker who runs the 59 Club O.C. section, we are a charity event and like to help where ever we can, I am not saying this is a charity cause but what it is to me and to many others is a personal encyclopedia of informative people over the United States who love the “Cafe Racer” style.

So, I am asking you to spare a little change and help Steve be able to make this project a total reality, and get this funding up and running fast, so that we can see this on the one eyed monster as soon as we can.

If you are reading this, it truly means that you have an interest in the Cafe Racer Lifestyle, and how ever big or small that interest is, it is great people like you that can help to make this film happen.

Lets all try and help, and donate to their cause, no matter how small the contribution, I would love to see the amount grow and this movie come to a full fruition and get to see this played all over the globe.


carpy shot

Personally I think it will be interesting, intriguing, informative and above all, it will show people around the globe “What makes us Tick”.

If you can pass the word I know that Steve will be forever indebted in gratitude to you for this, as it means that you care and would like to see this project completed and ready for everybody to watch and enjoy.

Also,I for one am so glad that someone is taking on the challenge and making this project happen and would be stoked if you could help with this funding.



I never ask for anything but feel this sums all of us up that are into the Nostalgia side of Motorcycles, something with history and of course now making its very own History in The US of A, how cool is that?

Here is the link for the gofundme page and hope you can do your best to pass it around to everyone you know, as YOU are our voice!

Thanks alot and I will be watching with baited breath at the totals to get Steve to achieve his target and complete this great movie that I think will receive awesome reviews.

Without help from the likes of like minded folk – Steve could not achieve the goal in the allotted time, so please help out where you can as I know I know I will.

Here is the link.



Just a quick run down of Steven Maes below:



SILVER CITY — Silver City native and New Mexico Filmmaker, Steven “Fenix” Maes, known for his iconic design work on cult series Breaking Bad, is hard at work on a passion project about cafe racer motorcycles and rocker culture called Caffeine & Gasoline: Evolution of the American Rocker.

The film looks back at the American-inspired 1960s British greasers and their bikes, immortalized in the classic movie Quadrophenia, and then aims the camera at today’s home-grown rockers in America and beyond.



“From their earliest roots in the East Side of London to the growing vintage motorcycle enthusiasm around the world, rocker culture has made its way across the globe,” says Maes. “Motorcycle culture is always evolving, writing its own mythology and leaving tread marks across America. The rockers with their cafe bikes are a subculture within a subculture. They’re the real rebels in an increasingly conformist pastime.

“I really want to show the spirit and community within the culture, as well as, the design” Maes continues, “there’s such a passion and individuality put in to each bike.”

Caffeine & Gasoline talks and rides with such motorcycling icons as Antoine Predock, Albuquerque’s famed resident architect. The film features New Mexico’s only cafe club, the Duke City Rockers, whose rockabilly-styled members take viewers for a ride on their hand-built motorbikes and explain their attraction to the British iconoclasts.

Maes expects to wrap filming in fall 2016, and to release the film theatrically in 2017.

Good luck Steve and Hope to Ride up to Albuquerque to see you lot on my Triumph Cafe Racer.

Peace and Grease as always




Have Fun this weekend with your Motorcycle.

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People often email and cal me saying that they are stuck on what to do on, or with their Motorcycle and, as the weekend is almost upon us I thought that I would just say a few lines here.

Now, we all get that Void part of building where we hit a wall and just seem to be stuck in a continual handbrake turn for idea’s and ways of direction- Believe me, I have been there so many times I thought that I would be in the Guinness Book of records for being so discombobulated at certaims times of a project.


What ever you are doing and you get stuck, just have a cuppa and think about where your Original Idea was, jump on the internet and look for forums or you tube for other ideas people have done to get you re-inspired once more.

cb750 KO

It is very hard to rekindle a flame when the wind is blowing, but sometimes if you make a slight adjustment, all becomes calm and you will see that light once more. You may have a stock as a Rock CB750 Honda in your garage but- it has sat for 20 years and nobody else wants it so what can I do to make this my own style of bike?




Now, even if you have a rusty heap in the corner, it can be resurrected but- the Pro’s on Cons for this can go on for many a mile, so for me I thunk my advice would be to get something that Runs, that way have a super platform to do what ever you want to the frame, the gas tank and seat and of course the wheels and handle bars.

Motomussi built a cool CX out of a snotter and so can you.

You can find something affordable and spend your own time massaging it into something cool and creative.

Below, Ed Turners concept hit the nail on the head.

Find something affordable too, as no point trying to rebuild a 1940’s Sunbeam as the parts will be almost impossible to find and when you do they will be sky high.

just have fun and do what you can as it does not have to be a high dollar machine to turn heads.


Enjoy what you do and drop me a line if you need help or advise anytime.


Seal Beach Motorcycle and Car show


Well, it was that time of year already and I wanted to go to the show with My Girlfriend as she wanted to ride her Bonneville to the event as well.

Nothing draws a crowd like the Seal Beach Car Show. Each year Main Street in Seal Beach closes down to welcome over 35,000 visitors, 600 cars, attractions and businesses come together with the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and the City of Seal Beach to produce one of Southern California’s most memorable automotive events. With 30 categories of classic cars, there is something for everyone!

Early in the morning it was pissing down with rain and the bikes were sat on our driveway soaked to the skin, but- by about 10:00 am it had cleared up and the Sun was starting to poke it head out of the clouds to get the day off to a nice start.

Jennifer led the field up to our next meeting point which was awesome to see her up front and had no worries at all as we sped along the back roads of So Cal on a Saturday morning.

We pulled in for our meet up with other members of the club and a nice little turn out as always and with the clouds starting to blow away the day nly got better and better and am sure glad that we went ahead and continued on this ride as earlier we had cancelled as the rain was heavy, but all good and drying out really fast made for a fun day for us all.

There was plenty of Brit iron on Display at our stop and we spent a few minutes just having a general chin wag to members that we hadnt seen for a while and newbies coming along for the ride with us.

Steve’s Trumpy Combo was a fun ride and a super cool bloke, he is from back home too so everyone had to try and understand what me and him were talking about.

Loaded to the Gills with an Elliptical front end, Steve rode with no worries and you could not this Combination whilst on the tarmac.

With so much room on Steve’s Combo, I think we all could of jumped on his machine and made it to the show with no worries at all.


It does warrant a few photos as I am sure you dont see this much here, back home it is not unusual but great to see here.

Flying the flag for all to see, we get ready to jump on our steeds for the ride to Seal beach.

Amanda is one of our members that loves to ride her Bonneville too and I sure hope we get more female riders, as many peoples partners want to ride and this is a lot of fun, no attitudes in our club.

Yes, that sure is a Norton that came along for the ride and looked great in its Dunstall style livery.

Running an old school 3/4 fairing was common practice back home and just starting to see them here and I love the look of fairings when fitted right.

Side view of the Flying Banana and boy does it sound solid when it fires up.

So good to see Motorcycles like this, its part of my youth and always refreshing to look at and reminisce.

Another good shot for you to have a look at the lines of the Norton.

With the clouds clearing we decide that we should set off to the show as it was actually starting to warm up.


We arrived at the Base and were lucky to be given an area to park all next to each other and the breeze was awesome off the water.

I parked my old girl and knew that today’s show would be a fun one.


Steve has a gander at a few machines as this is his first ride with us, he had a great day and hope to see him again.

Parking was great for what we needed as seal beach can be a real pain to find a spot, especially together in a club.

We all lined up and jumped on an old Double Decker London Bus for the little trip down to the show, Jennifer looks as awesome as ever.

View from the Bus as we made our way to seal beach show.

Plenty of stuff to see and a really popular event for the whole family with so much to see, be it bikes or cars etc.


Lovely or what, a real nice bit of kit that I would of loved to have owned.

With Blue skies, the day just got better and better and met many friends I had not seen for a while.

Like I said, something for everyone and I sure loved this too.

This BMW R60 with the Original Steib Side car was bloody awesome, really nice machine.

These little Pea Shooters are quite fast to be honest and would wake many a sport bike up in the corners.

A few little CB750 SOHC models were here this year and of course I know a lot about these in line fours.


Not quite sure what was going on with This Beemer but to each his or her own and a lot of work and effort was poured into this Airhead.

This was pretty darn cool, I would need a cushion for my fat arse but a really cool BMW Tracker style bike.

If Copper, Brass and Steam-punk was your thing, then above is just what the Doctor ordered.

He used an oil oil pump Dispenser tube for his Oil tank, very cool indeed.

I would of loved to have this Trumpy in my stable for sure.

Very reminiscent of my triumph when I lived back in North London and I loved everything about this machine.

A really nice selection of Motorcycles this year and it is only going to get bigger and next year we may even have our booth there.

Root Beer flake Candy anybody?

Seal Beach

Yes it sure was busy but a great day out for all. I took photos when I could but wanted to take in the day too but, I hope you enjoyed the photos that I have shared today on My website and until next year, I hope to see you on the road.





Girls on Motorcycles Part 2

Hey there all, I had a great response as to the Blog I did about Girls on bikes and have continued this as I want to promote this as much as I can.


Photos below have been either sent to me by people or I have just googled, but please- if you knw the photographer and the models names, let me know so I can credit them for their work, unfortunatly google doesnt always put the credits to the photos but I wanted to show these great shots and hope some of you will recognise these so we can credit everyone who took them or is in them.

Below is a mate of mine with her Riding mates that I always not only had the utmost respect for, she is great riding a motorcycle and has a variety of them to boot. In the middle is Sarah Bradley,To her left is Kate Strong and then Karen Stevenson, to her Right is Tracy Holroyd Smith.

Girls look great on Two wheels and we so need more of them where we are and am hoping just some of these photos may inspire your other half to get out there and enjoy the fun we have on Motorcycles.

A real couple of Salt & Shakers here, 2 great friends who ride back home. Sarah Bradley and Karen Odare-Sharman.

Hiroko Murakami with her Speed Twin. Ace Café London


Another mate of mine is Wendy Lemley-Griffiths has a Norton and a bunch of bikes and is an ex pat like me.
Another mate back home is Karen Ward and she has been riding for Donkeys.
Next up is a mate of mine Siti J. Ahmad-Moore and she is Tiny but still rides a Ducati, a great girl who loved Motorcycles.
Below is some photos a few people sent me but need their credits, I belive that the majority are from:
Alicia Mariah E;fving aka: MotoLady who is a photographer/Graphic designer and works at Founder (Company) at MotoLady.
Let me know what Photos to credit you with Alicia as I have no clue on these as nothing was on the images and need photographers to get their recognition and Models too.
Cool shot, pushing the bike out in the Morning.
Little Royal Enfield all dressed out.
Countryside ride. Louise from l’équipée, on one of Zadig ou la Destinée’s custom bikes.
Even My Queen Rides.
Firing up her Triumph T120 by the Kicker.
First little cafe racer.
Red head is ready to go.
Over the golden gate, cant be late, Gotta date!
Start ya bugger!
GT Continenal takes some starting sometimes.
Getting some well earned shade after riding.
SR400 getting into a bend.
Life really is better on a Motorcycle.
Bali Beach life.
Thats a great shot right there.
Rolling hard.
Thats what mates are for right?
yeah, all the boys are behind!
Modern art is great.
Is this a Trio of Trouble?
Thats a great shot and a big Scarf!
In the canyons and no Lid- tut tut!
Oh a Manx Norton too!
Love this trials section, come on Mum.
Peace out Girls.
Trying to get home before mum see’s me with no pants on.
Yeah- its Fast alright!
Now thats getting right out in the sticks!
Getting into it on a Honda CX500,.
Sophie does it all.
Lets ride in between the strawberrys
Having fun in the countryside.
A great shot in the corner.
Super shot taken here.
Love the Skid Lid.
Taking 5 minutes.
Royal Enfield Girl.
I dare you to.
Double trouble.
Southsiders MC
Garage shot.
Get out and ride.
I have no idea but it aint no washing machine.
At the Ace cafe back home.
Riding the RE for fun.
So much nerve to try this, awesome shot and awesome Girl, well done.
Come on lads you have to try and keep up with me.
No headlight needed as my hair is Bright enough.
What a eat shot taken here.
OK on Green we Go!!!!!!
Getting ready to get on her steed.
Into it.
Yes we wrench too dumbass!
Saturday Shenanigans.
Yeah- I can beat that Train.
Cool looking Bonneville.
Timeless on a Ducati too,
Scooter Fun.
A fun Girl 3.
I love that GB500,
Always dug Vintage Dirt Bikes.
Calm down Girls.
Great shot in the Tunnel.
Nina Savage the legend of the 59 Club!

HELL ON WHEELS 2016 Glen Helen

Well, it’s that time of year and even though Dakota has not finished built his TT 500, Meatball was kind enough to loan Kota an old 250 Honda to bimble about for the Hell On Wheels Races that were held at Glen Helen on the Lucas truck race track.

The weather was ominous but no matter what, this event will go on, Rain or Shine.

We got there around 10am and people were already set up, we put the easy up together and unloaded the bike etc, and Kota got to do some practicing, and had fun as the bike was just a little 250 and would give him some good practice for when he gets into the Flat track season later on.

To be honest, the weather could not be better as we had a little light rain and that took care of the dust, as out here in the desert, it sure does get dusty, so it was great to have intermittent weather and everybody was thankful for that.  Taking off on jumps with a lose foot peg was hilarious for me to watch and Dakota was having fun.

After practice, Dakota got a late start, as the bloody foot peg fell off, so he was half a lap down at the start of the Race, but still managed to get onto the track and have fun on that 250 with no working front brake and leaking front forks.

The races were fun, the track was bumpy but not technical enough to be dangerous as to crash all the time.

He did well and managed to get a lot of experience on that track, on a bigger machine he would of really placed well for sure, but this was a fun event and the commeraderie is unsurpassed at any event that I have attended and loved all the different styles and era’s of machines that were there for people to get close to.

My old room mate Granter Peterson of now Born Free fame, has recently acquired this unreal 1929 Harley tank shifter and so original its stunning to see and hear.

I have known Grants for over 16 years and was so glad that he got into Motorcycles, I thought I was the only nutter in that town we lived in.

Plenty to see and do and to watch these old boners bang and shake their way around the track at speed was immense, and this is how the Pioneers did it back then, showing the owners of these prestigious two wheeled contraptions, how hard it was- and still is to run an machine over hard dirt.

I was in for a treat of Vintage Motorcycles and some wearing vintage style clothing just added that proverbial Cherry to the top of the cake.

You should try and make it out to these events as Meatball has run these types of events for a long time.

This is a event for every type of classic machine and so many different people and we all had a unique bond with motorcycles and the like, something that is missing from many events these days.

The track was perfect for racing and lots of room to pass and do your thing as you fight your way around this infamous race track.

There were plenty of Machines I liked and I was stoked to see an Elsinore to be amongst the machines for this race event.

I loved this Trumpy and boy did it sound smooth.

This Bultaco bought back awesome memories of me and my brothers era of Dirt bikes and riding when we were teenagers back in the UK.

Another sweet Trumpy that was fun to watch out on the track all day at Glen Helen. Be sure to spread to word and bring a bike to race for the next one.

Here he is having a go and made me very envious in a good way, so cool to see these ridden on the dirt.

People were doing their own wrenching, and helping out with others, a really cool atmosphere that was rare to see these days.

Another Triumph taking a corner as he enters the whoops and then the table top here at Hell on Wheels in Glen Helen.

How about the Girls then? They too were racing and I loved that, so much fun to watch and these Girls were into it too.

Classic shot of this Tall Girly on a Trumpy and having fun yet still being really competitive too.

We need more ladies doing this, so pass the word.

This girl was a blast on a Motorcycle and in Trumpy attire too!

I was so glad that I captured this shot, just so Nostalgic and goes back to the day of rigid rides and back ache!!!

How about this, Suzuki, Yamaha and Husky in the bend with this slick Hipster smoking like a Reefer.

Such a Classic start line and was glad to be part of it, the weather was bang on for this race.

Committed to the corner, this looked like a blast.

Three deep and such a fun wide turn and made for a cool shot of these Classics battling it out for the lead.

Grant Peterson Hauling more Arse than a truck load of Colostmy bags as he hits the corner on this Dirt track on his 29 Harley.

Great racing and all mates afterwards, we need more of this going on thats for sure.

Epic shot of the table top and these guys were on it for sure.

Airborne and having fun, sure looked like he was having a blast .

These bikes are super hard to find and to race them is even rarer, I loved watching all the Boner shaker Tank Shifter machines giving it all they had.

I love this shot, I took it just as he got to the top and am so glad I captured just a little of the intensity but fun they were having at the track.

Big Fella, Big Bike, bring your vintage bike out next time, you will love it.

Flying like a bird as he gets to enjoy the view of coming back down to earth with a shuddering Rattle.

This Bloke was having a blast, he fell off on the corner but was still smiling, right on mate.

Giving it all as he hits the corner and his mates not far behind him, and he knows it.


The chase is on and the determination shows too.

Great photo as they are pushing each other to their max with old Jacket, jeans. Boots and Helmet, love this stuff.

Grant, gritting his teeth as he fights his 1929 Bone Shaker around the track.

Taking his Harley to the limit as the final lap approaches here at Glen Helen.

Now on the the straight and hold on .!!!!

Determination with a capital D as he enters the final lap of this race.

Giving it all he has got as the Checkered flag is not too far away.


This is hard to get around on the bend.

It goes down but softly and people quick to get the fella back up and in the race once more.

Back up and ready to continue, all fun and games and the soft dirt made it a little more forgiving if you fell.

Hitting the corner and ready for the straight away, such a Classic Harley to watch as it speeds by me.

Head down and wind it all the way open, hoping to keep his lead as the guy behind is trying hard to catch up.

I took this shot for the last Race and it sure looks like they are all set for the flag start from the cool Girl in the Red Jump Suit.

Everything was fun and the Flag girl was into it for sure.

On the start line once more, fun to watch them Roar off at once, backfiring and smoke too.

I took this shot from the pits of the start from behind, looked great.

Even with Mud all over his Glasses, he gritted his teeth and had such a blast on the track.

Grant seemed to have a blast on that 1929 Harley, a very Rare machine none the less but- so good to see it used like it was many moons ago.

Grant is all focused as this is the last lap for him and a fun one at that, good job mate.

On the last bit of the straight just before the finish, the old 29 held up well and it was brilliant to watch that’s for certain.

Grant finishes and everything is still in one piece, not sure the rider is though!

What a blast it was to see these Vintage Motorcycles rip along this dirt track, I sure hope that they continue to hold these races and if so, please try and attend, you will love it.

It sure was entertaining watching these heavyweight machines tear it up.

The Bomber Class is a Must to see.

Was great watching the girls and hopefully more will follow.

Everybody enjoyed these machines and I thank you for all your effort getting them ready.

Could not of asked for better weather for this race Event.

Top quality Rain wear too!

Until the next time.

Make sure you pass the word on this great event.

All types of machines too.

This Husky sounded great.

Old XR Honda, I have had a few of them over the years.

Gimme Gimme!

Honda getting some air time too.

These Girls love to race, get your lady out on a bike, its a Blast, My Girlfriend rides and loves it.

Classic Racing Jersey.

Elsinore got a few laps in too.,

Dug all the vintage styling too.

Have fun in the dirt and get some practice in for the next one.