Summer time at the workshop

Well, the Californian Summer hung off for a while, but now it is in full swing and boy is it getting hard to work in stifling heat and humidity is up the ying yang right now, feels like I am in Florida to be honest, but the show must go on, I have so much to do but right now I am waiting on some help with my Barn doors to be hung, they are big heavy wooden sliding doors.  But once they are up I can start to organise a little bit more, it is lucky we have a large property as I can store old projects all over the place but need to get it all under one roof soon and be more happier when that does come to fruition.

Like many of you, we are always wrenching on things, for me I have New parts to make or to become a dealer for and of course, I have Motorcycles to build and projects to finish, but as the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built in a day”.

It seems I have spent so many years on my knees but to be honest, I feel comfortable that way, even if the bikes on a lift, I guess it goes back to grass roots or what you grew up with, we had nothing as a kid and made the most of what we had, if we were given something we would cherish it and improve on it, but I still have so much passion in creativity with parts and creations and hope that I never lose that flame for design and ingenuity etc.

I love all sorts of Vintage and classic stuff, from obviously Motorcycles, music, fashion and of course cars or trucks, my recently purchased F250 has been fun but I have to also wrench on that and have changed stuff so far to improve the ride and running, with more to do as this is my parts hauler.

I was at the ceramic Coaters and decided to take the back roads to my place as the traffic was busy and it was 100 degree’s, the old F250 has been great so far as it has not got hot, but the 390 seems to be having carb issues, it has the stock Autolite 2 barrel and to be honest even though jets changed, power valve changed, float level set and cleaned many times, it just will not start after a few minutes, so things will be changing next week to sort that issue out.  But had to pull over and take a pic of this cool vintage sign I saw on the side of the road.

I love Southern California for old shops and signs and seem to see something different every time I go out to be honest and thought that i would share with you as I love Vintage signs too.

My Birthday coming up Thursday and I will not be working that day and enjoy time with my girl Jennifer, we do so much together and the good thing is she likes pretty much the same stuff I do, so we really get each other, she rides to and that makes a huge difference and she understands the trials and tribulations of running a Motorcycle and Automotive business.

Just wanted to say howdy to you all out there and thanks for supporting me in what I make and sell, I love you all.


Keep your eye on the website for more parts and bikes soon, just got back from the Post office, sent exhausts to Hawaii, Puerto Rico , New Zealand and Brazil today.

I went out for a Pint of milk, Came back with 10 CB750 Engines

It’s a funny old world, I mean, I initially went out to get a pint of milk and on the way there I came across a stash of SOHC Motors that a buddy of mine needed to off load as he was clearing his place out for renovations etc, what better way of getting rid of them then to let me have them.  And, as I have a Long bed Pick up truck, I thought to myself I should be able to get all 10 engines in the back of the F250.

Lucky for me, it’s only 4 miles from my place, and as my old beast only does 6 Miles to the Gallon, it was well worth taking the turck to go and get these SOHC in line Four Motors, they had been sat outside in the Californian sun for many many years but I can use some of the parts even if some of the motors are locked up etc.

It was no easy task carrying 10 CB750 Motors from a back yard and loading them onto my truck, at 230 pounds each, every one became heavier and heavier, by the time I had dragged the 10th Engine out and up and onto my bed of the F250, i was feeling as weak as watered down beer. But I got them all on and then thought about it, man- That’s just over One Ton of Engines, and the F250 is a 3/4 Ton.

I know I will have use for these, even for parts alone, I have a small collection now that for now I shall place in my barn and wait until later on when I have some free time to see what is what.

These towed home no problem in my pick up and that hardest part was unloading a Ton of engines, as it was only 3 miles from my place and I was already tired from throwing tem up onto the pick up bed, but, not as far to move to the barn.  I sure felt it afterwards as thats 2 ton moved in less than 2 hours.

I have stored them away now in the Barn, but I am still working on New doors for the outside, so will just have to tip toe around for a bit until I am ready to hang the doors up.

Glad to have got them and I know I will be turning to a few when I create some more machines for the tarmac, nice to have spares at your finger tips though.

I have another Motor in a frame you can see and one more on a dolly in the shop that I need to move over, always something to do at my New location, it will take a little time to get it how I want but then it will be icing on the cake as working from Home is always the easiest and more enjoyable way of working i think.

I have a lot of work to try and catch up on since our European visit but refreshed and ready to take on another chapter in the life of Custom Motorcycle creation, I have a few ideas for more exhausts, Handle bars and other parts, so stay tuned to the site if you can.

Oil leaks whilst i was away need to be cleaned and gaskets fitted, Doors painted and hung, and then organise the bikes and where the parts will go is something that is not to be rushed but everyday there is something to mess about with and I enjoy so much.

Thanks for reading my posts, I like to share what I have been up to and its great hearing from you too and seeing what you are building at home, if I can help I always will be it via email or call / text at 714-598-8392 as its a pleasure having a chin wag where ever you are in the globe.



Picked up 6 CB750’s today

Sometimes I get a call asking if I could clear out a garage or back yard as it has a motorcycle in it, this time it was 6 CB750’s, so what closed the deal was it was free but a friend of mine I have known many years and helping him out was the least I could do, and as he was less than 4 miles from me, I took the big G F250 out there and loaded up and bought the bikes home. I dont like to have to many as the place gets jammed packed but, its hard to not when it is so close to home.

To be honest, I can never really turn bikes down, especially CB750’s as I have had over 150 of these over the years and parts are always good to have handy, so I could not say no to this fella and help him out of a predicament too, these were in the back yard of his place, so a huff and a puff as some had flat tires etc but, determination is always key here and I wanted to get these home to eventually be used as another build. Once I get the Barn doors completed I shall space in the workshop to haul these up there and find a corner to rest them up together.

I have always enjoyed coming up with another build, they do take time and of course money, but when you hear them fire for the first time in many years, its something you get quite a buzz from, I get many texts or emails from Builders and customers who tell me that they just got their machine to run and I feel so stoked for them as I understand the euphoria that they feel when they first time you hit the starter or kick the kick starter and the engine coughs into life.

These are getting harder to find in back yards these days, I remember at one point I had 25 CB750 Honda’s in my back garden and driveway about 20 years ago and I have built every one of them over the years, so I was quite stoked to have these and bring them home. But don’t want the place to look like a junk yard so have to hold back on other stuff I have been offered.

Nothing super rare like sandcast etc here, but a couple of K1’s of which I have always liked anyway as never was a fan of the Ko with the Big side covers etc, there is no rush to do anything with these 500 pounders, so just unload and put them up in the Barn later until I come up with a build plan for them.

I have spent a lot of my life with Motorcycles and finding new stuff is always fun, just bringing them back with a plan of getting these to be back on the road in one form or another is always a challenge that I quite enjoy.

I have some Motors to look at tomorrow, so who knows what I may bring home, the hunt is half the fun and even though they are what I call snotters, parts are always handy to have when building machines.

So now is the time to unload these and see what is there and then I can mentally remember what these are as I store them and know that I have a choice of frames and years if I get into creating a new Build that will turn into something head turning, its hard to refuse when you build motorcycles and parts for a living, some will get it, many will not and think its some disease etc. LOL!

Of course, if I do start a creation, I will be sure to post on the website and share with you lot as many of you ask what I am up to these days and I thank you for that, I will be making more new parts too, so keep checking back on the website to see what’s going on, I do like to post blogs too and give you lot something to read.


Exhaust Systems I manufacture- Sound Bytes From Customers

Howdy one and all

Here we are once more with a small Blog, this time I thought I would look about for some sound bytes of my exhaust systems for the Honda and Triumph etc, I have been selling these for 23 years now and continue to make more performance systems for other makes as I continue to help the Motorcycle fraternity with well made American Products.

Honda 1981 Silverwing now running good.

Well, it took a little bit of fudging about etc, but the old bird is now running and idles well, all the white smoke has gone, no smoke at all, a real bonus.  I will probably have a go at adjusting the cam chain, but without a kick start its a pain in the arse, oh well, at least she runs now,

New Products Coming Soon

Well, its been over 23 Years now since I first started this and I have always enjoyed the journey, anything to do with 2 wheels is a plus for me and I am sure it is for like minded folk like you lot, who have followed me all this time and repeatedly purchased my products for your ride or friends etc.

I think I am now going to push the envelope a little more and start to offer parts on a wider range of Motorcycles as well as different brands too, making this a One Stop shop in a way, I always like to help people complete their ride and this will be a bigger website with a faster load capability.

I am pushing as hard as I can to continue to help everybody out, as I now have my Very Own Barn/Workshop now, I can start to slowly increase Products and offer them to you direct from my place, I am going to be trying a few different Exhaust systems and on slightly different models, as I want to cater for many cool rides that we all enjoy.

I will be visiting with a few well known Manufacturers of other parts too, so hope to cover an array of two wheeled Motorcycles and get you the best price for your hard earned buck.

My exhausts systems are still going well as I have $100 off them right now and as gas is so expensive I thought I would leave them at that price for a while and give you a great deal.

From completely rebuilt front forks that are polished, new uppers and new seals and springs etc, ready to bolt on and go for your ride, to OEM parts for your 500 -550 or 750 Big 4 Honda.

I hope to help you all and also I may start to make videos like I did years ago to see if I can help any of you when you get stuck on a project, you can always email me at with any questions and I will always get back to you, failing that, you can call or text me on 714-598-8392 for a faster response, I am here to help.

Thanks for looking and pass the word, I love what I do and hope that you do too?

Fun times ahead at the workshop.

Well, a New year and New projects, I have a bunch of bikes that need to get running and then decide which way to go in the way of building and creating something cool from the shop but many different platforms are sat in the Barn, just awaiting some wrench time, but I do enjoy creating New rides.

I get many questions on how do I put in the Knee inserts on gas tanks, well, first off, I find a damaged tank, I don’t want to use a good solid undented gas tank, seem a shame to bash the crap out of it to be honest, so I usually have something about the shop or in storage that I can use and love to repurpose something that has been discarded, but I do use ear defenders as I have already got  Tinnitus from years of grinding metal, riding motorcycles with No ear plugs and going to many gigs and standing up front by the speakers.

I really enjoy making parts for the machines I build and of course offering it to customers too, its a noisy job but if it was easy, then everyone would do it right?

I have a few ideas for New parts this year, so keep checking back with me, also I hope to offer parts for different models and brands of Motorcycle, so I should be able to help you all, my Customer Service really is hard to beat compared to the many shops that have sprouted up recently, this is my career and my passion not just a business.

If its engine parts you need, drop me a Dime or Text on 714-598-8392 and I am more than happy to help you lot out with your project, this year should be a fun one and maybe I will meet some of you at an event?  I have built many Motorcycle over the almost 23 years I have lived here in Southern California and look forward to building many more.


The Hot Rod and Razor exhausts Now in stock, this is how they sounds too.

Only 2 weeks until Christmas day, time is flying by these days

The Clock is ticking and I have been busy filling orders and getting them off as fast as I can to get them in time for Christmas day, its a busy time of the year for all but I thank you all for your orders and repeat customers.

I have a busy year ahead of me with quite a few long time builds to complete and quite a few new products to introduce on my website.

To get your Sunday off, I thought I would add a video I watched yesterday, just to show you what is still hidden away in barns and shed etc.


Have a Great Sunday everyone.

15 days until the Jolly Round Fella Scrambles down the Chimney

Well, just over 2 weeks until the big day, I am sure many of you have only just thought about presents and the like and a mad rush trying to find stuff in the shops or on line?

I love this time of year and right now I have been shipping out many Exhaust systems to people all over the globe and even have a festive $100 off exhausts to try and give some Christmas cheer to you 2 wheeled racers out there. I am going to try and make some new parts in the 2023 season and am quite excited about that, I enjoy producing something that not only fits easily, but has a great look and works very well, also keeping the product affordable.


If I can help from Tee shirts to handle bars, or Seats to hoops, drop me a line or drop me a Dime or Text at 714-598-8392 as I am always happy to chat and have done for almost 23 years here in Southern California.

Thank you for supporting me, I am still a one man band and love it that way.

Getting closer to Spiral Ham time

Jeez, time is flying by and I have many projects to get wrenching on, bikes to build and engines to strip but I do make fun Gift idea’s like Mechanical Lamps and also I am coning with new affordable parts for your machines, so be sure to check the website regularly as there may be some stuff that appeals to you.

From seats to handle bars, from Mirrors to signals, I hope to try and offer a bigger variety of products to help you get on the road, I mean, I am now coming up to 23 years doing this and never do tire of making parts available and, at a affordable price.

I hope to make more Gauge faces , so you can change out your faded, cracked or boring stock faces, I first did this about 35 years ago, nobody was making anything like this, so keep ya eyes peeled for cool sets.

I am always here to help, if you cant find something, Call, email or even text me on 714-598-8392 and I will do my best to get you covered, its what I do.