Using up old snotty parts

Well, it is still hot as hell here in southern California, and I have been flat out with work, so not too much time on the Blog side this time but always try to post something to show you guys n gals out there.

I have a few bits and bobs laying around in my storage, an old 5550 frame, some rims and a set of tires etc, I may build a little Brat bike to take out on the dry lake when the races are on- As that 550 Honda is a great size machine to blap around on and right now I just have a few parts, but will start to piece it together and see where I end up, it may be a forever buld, but hope to have it running and rideable at some point and see what route the style goes.

I used to have quite a stock pile of old parts back at the house and in storage, but things do slowly get used, but that does not mean I wont find more, as I always turn up stuff from time to time.

Be nice to have a few more old snotter laying about like a i used to and maybe a road trip for later on in the year to see what I can locate on one of our travels.