Honda CB750 Super Sport Classic Cafe

I recently came across some old CD’s that I had tucked away in a drawer, glad I took some pics of some of the motorcycles that I have created, they say if you put them on the internet, it’s there forever, but that’s incorrect as I had quite a few bikes on there and cannot find them anywhere, so I was stoked to at least find a couple I had created and thought that I would share with you.

The bike started out as a stock 1978 machine that had seen better days and been neglected for a few decades, this was a good platform to use as I knew the Motor would at least kick over but not fire, so, with that in mind I set about pulling the bike apart and going a little out there with the color, the reasoning for this? Well I loved the old Yellow on the 400 -4 Super Sports ad thought I would go with that color ad it would stand out in the California Sun.

Taking apart in my old garage, where space was not infinite.

The Bike belonged to a Customer and he wanted me to go way out there and make this a head turning machine, if I remember correctly he was a Rocket Scientist, so I had to come up with something that would Blast Off!!!

Everything apart and now its time to see what to do, I started with the frame first, as that needed to be cleaned up then stripped before I could get it ready for any sort of paint.

Happy with this now, I have to media blast the frame to remove old paint and of course any rust etc, file any bad welds and spot weld back to good again, then it will be time to take to Powder coater and get some Sunrise Yellow on this to make a big statement in chassis color.

As you can see, this really is a bold statement- I really wanted this to turn a few heads for my Client and he has let me go ahead with what I ever i feel this machine may need to give it a wow factor, remember, this was about 2006.

Motor stripped and rebuilt with New cam Chains, belt slider and clutch etc, this will be like a New Machine when all back together, but- A long way to go as yet.

Like a Jewel now and ready to go back in the frame when I have completed it to a rolling chassis.

So, the Motor is now all painted and polished and awaits me to lift this 230 pounds of aluminum and throw it into the Duplex Cradle frame of the SOHC, but I still have to get that frame rolling, what I need to do is finish the chassis so its a roller, then I can get this lump back in the place it originally was placed in 1978.


I rebuilt the rear shocks with all new stainless steel hardware as I don’t want this to rust like it had done previously, and will take my time getting this together on my own.

I went another route this time as the 1978 Forks were in really bad shape, so I used a 1976 CB750F front fork set up, polished the lowers and fitted new tubes and completely revamped these with Progressive springs etc, this is a nice set up and very clean compared to what was on there.

Frame is back together, using an old 1976 front wheel to make it a roller as I shall be building new wheels for this bike, I also put pipe insulation on the frame so I don’t scratch the paint when I am fitting the motor.

She is now a rolling chassis, with this I got the bike off the bench and onto the floor then into the driveway, I used a 1976 rear wheel to fit in the back until I have made new rims up, but now is the time to see if I can fit this engine and that’s the last of the heavy lifting.

The Motor is now in, with the help from my trusty cat, I also fitted vintage speed equipment parts on the bike for that added bling, as well as new switches on the Ace bars and GT grips for that Nostalgic look and feel.

Fuel tank was a different matter, this time I wanted to fit an earlier K series fuel tank, so used 2 gas tank and sectioned them as I wanted a 5″ stretch for a long road race style petrol tank of back in the day, took a long time but sure looked great when completed.

It took quite a few weeks to get it right and I had another supersport frame I could use for a mock up so I didnt scratch the paint on the chassis.

Once that was all sorted I had to do the body work right here at home still as I worked in my garage all the time, lucky my neighbors are out all day so can bang, grind and sand with no interruptions at all.

Final fit of the gas tank and i like the stretch, not too much but just enough and an extra 2 gallons capacity is always good right?


I do not like 1977-1978 carbs and wanted to fit earlier versions, I only had old snotty ones in boxes that I had picked up at swap meets and yard sales, so a full rebuild was needed to get these to how I wanted them.

All cleaned up and synchronized and looking forward to fitting these to the motor and way easier and faster to tune than the flat tops.

I polished the original wheel hubs and used stainless spokes and attached them to CB750 Automatic rims as they are aluminum, bunged on some classic tread rubber and these look like they were from the factory.

This time I went with my CR style seat base and added a rear fender, fitted a Yoshimura exhaust of mine to give this machine more bark.

The bike is sitting well on those Automatic rims and glad that I made the choice to change to that as I have never like the 4 spoke set up that came on the 77 and 78 models, the Comstars as they were called were tin looking and I think, very weak.

Making parts fit that were not available for this bike always takes time and of course many failures, but I persisted and got the bike to where I wanted it so everything flowed.

I had an original Dunstall front fender that used to be hanging on the wall, I wanted to use it as it was from back home and very fitting it looks to.

I used the old Honda Super Sport gas tank decals from an old 400-4 as thats the color I chose for it and very cool it looks too, the bike was a hoot to ride with tons of low end torque.

It was a learning curve and I enjoyed the challenge on this bike, this was many years ago and I would change a few things now but this was a fun creation that was fun to ride.

You cannot lose sight of this in a parking lot, the color is loud and proud and the Customer loved it, a great stance to the bike too with that big long tank too its just smooth.

It may not be your style but I was super stoked to have a go at changing the sad tired original bike and give it a brand new life as well as a brand new look too.

I just wanted to share a few pics of this bike as I had lost them many moons ago and glad that I could load them up on my website for you to have a look at.

Thanks for taking your time to read my Blog on this Super Sport, of course I still make and sell parts and build Motorcycles, I always will as its a passion still for me.

Refurbishing the 1976 CB750K Honda Four

Here we are with another episode of tweaking that old 1976 CB750K Model Honda, she has been sat for so many years, I was initially just going to get her running and sell her, but I have grown attached to this machine and its my best year personally, so thought I would remove worn out parts and fit brand new ones. Still a ways to go and I shall blog as I go along but – Eventually this will start to look like it did when it came out from the factory. Except the paint as that’s a really expensive process these days but I may even have a go at that later who knows, so stay tuned….

I didnt like the patina on the footpegs, even though this particular machine only has 17,000 Original miles on her, she has sat many decades in a Back yard and the eliments have taken a toll on any of the parts and brightwork, you can actually see that the foot peg rubber has no wear at all, which is more validation of the low milage, but I wanted to fit some OEM parts and here is a set of New pegs that I will fit to the bike.

The same thing goes for the rear brake, it had heavy rust pits that even I could not be able to polish out, so I thought I would buy an OEM genuine Honda one and that will help clean up that area that does get neglected over the years on these machines.  Not cheap but rechroming would of been even more expensive, so this was the lesser of two evils.


The Original Kick starter also has pitting, so I managed to track down an original New Old Stock one and later on I shall probably get the original one stripped and chromed again but not right now.

The Honda should start to look like it originally did when it rolled out the door all them years ago and I am enjoying the time and effort to get this to where it really needs to be.

I removed the old clutch lever and thought I may as well address that issue with a New version and that will clean up the handlebar area somewhat as many people leave that part of the bike and I always notice that.

Now that looks a million times better and with NOS grips too I am more than happy to get on with another part of the bike now, I am in no rush at all with this k6 and when completed will offer it up for sale.

The poor headstock always gets left out, the steering stem nut and washer was begging to be replaced as well as the steering pinch bolt, I could not leave the bike with these parts like that.

I try to use as much Genuine Honda stuff as I can lay my hands on and this is the case right here, it is fantastic quality and you know not only will it fit, it will last many years too.

So, another job done and if I find anything I feel that needs sorting out I shall of course do it as I am on a roll now, although this is by means no restoration, just a revamp of tired parts.

The starter motor covers always rust as they are easily open to the elements, so I ordered a new one as this has seen better days, what do you think?

A big improvement and I could go on forever on the bike, just a few of the fundamentals needed to be addressed but I still need to rebuild a rear wheel as the original one is just too rusty to strip and re-use as its too dangerous to mess with stuff like that.  Next up is to fit the footpegs, a New old stock brake pedal and kickstarter to at least clean that side of the bike up and look more original now.

Looking very much like the bike it was originally at the factory and am pleased I went this route on this one, although still many more things I have to replace to get it to the standard I will be happy with, but each week that goes by I give this a nod of approval.

So, I will be working on removing the center stand and painting it as its looking a little weather beaten, its a big heavy part but I want to get that looking good, I may Powder coat it for long lasting life in all honesty, so stay tuned……



Honda CB750K 1976 getting a little more work completed.

I decided that whilst I have some spare time and a few parts etc I shall get into the K6 a little more and clean her up, as she has sat for so many years in a Back Garden, its only fair I revamp her a little and put her to a more Original style as to be honest, the 1976 CB750K Model was probably the best looking bike of them all and ran well.

So, I thought that I would try and clean up the lower front forks, as the factory clear coat has long gone and and as the sprinklers, hot and cold climates happen, the lower forks and anything aluminum takes a beating.

I jacked the bike up and removed the front wheel, I also made sure I used a pair of jack stands too, just to hold the chassis incase we get an earthquake here in Southern California, as 530 pounds is not so easy to pick up if its laying on the floor.

As you can see, the lower stanchions have seen better days, the pitting is caused after the clear coat gets eaten away by heat and moisture then aluminum will break down slowly in cold temperatures causing oxidization, of which you can see on the left fork lower, but I have refurbished so many of these over the years, I was not worried at all about cleaning these up to a more original look, but it does take a bit of dedication and hard work to achieve that goal, like anything else in life really.

After sanding the forks by hand, I start my process of buffing, using Block  compounds you can buy from shops, to my “Special” Secret Sauce that I have used for decades and slowly improved to get it to the standard that I like, yes its messy but that’s the reward afterwards when you see a shiny piece of art.

Its not a 5 minute process that’s for sure and the more effort you put in, the bigger the reward at the end, this is just its early stage and I increase pressure and change cutting compounds as I go along, remembering that this gets bloody Hot as you increase the pressure on the wheel.

As you can see, that is a good comparison with just a little bit of work, more to do but I am happy how this is going and people ask me how I get the finish on my Polishing, so thought I would share this with you lot today.

Yes, I wore gloves as these get super hot and being aluminum, they hold the heat for a long time, I am really happy how the forks are starting to turn out and am glad that I made the decision to pull the front forks and rebuild them.

So, a bit pf scotch pad, sanding block, then polishing will get you to this stage, I can go more but don’t want it too showy chrome looking and will rebuild these now, the upper tubes are total toast, as you can see below.

The forks at the top are always covered by the headlight ears but Honda did not take into consideration that the metal will sweat in hot and cold condition and of course rain etc can get down the forks and sit there, these forks are typical of the many that I have pulled out of the bikes over the years, so a common problem.

I believe Honda went cheaper on the chroming, using less on the forks as you don’t see it and putting money into the Motor, as I have seen hundreds like this and that’s always been the look when you drop the forks at the top. But I have a Replacement set of aftermarket ones ready to go.

I have always liked Polishing,I was taught at a old 17th century Barn when I worked for Rolls Royce as a kid and it always stuck with me and its so rewarding to turn something ugly into quite the jewel.

I use my circlip pliers to fit the snap ring into the lowers, a real life saver these are as you do not want to risk scratching the chrome by using regular pliers etc.

I try to use Genuine Honda parts where ever I can as the parts are top quality and of course guaranteed to fit perfectly, as many aftermarket parts do not.

I refitted the springs and will fill with oil when the wheel is on but still up in the air, that keeps the pressure off the springs and easier to fill the forks that way and not have the springs flying out towards your eyes if you put the bike on the ground.

So there you go, forks back on and they look so much better than before. I will be fitting New speedometer cable and New Tach and speedo gauges to clean it all up at the front, but she is taking shape and will continue to revamp her as I go along.  I will be fitting Brand New 4 into 4 exhausts to the New Honda spigots that you see in the cylinder head, also New footpegs and New kick starter and brake pedal, so keep watching and see how we go.



Honda CB750K 1976 gets a little more cleaned up.

Well, I have decided to continue playing around with this old Original inline four CB750K series Motorcycle, and I think what I shall do now is strip a few parts off and refurbish them to a nice condition.

I think that this 48 year old girl needs to have some good cosmetics, so my plan is to clean a few bits up like: Remove the forks and polish the lowers etc, maybe new gators and hardware, after that I may fit the New 4 into 4 Chrome Japanese Made 341 style exhausts, that way you get to see how the fit and sound. I have a temporary 4 into 1 set up on the bike right now but think having a Brand New set of 341 style exhausts will set the bike off and show how good the pipes fit and of course look with a sound byte or two added for your pleasure.

Also I will refurbish the rear swing arm too seeing as I fitted New rear shock absorbers and a bunch of miscellaneous parts to many to mention as I go along, but- These parts are not cheap and this will be reflective on the new price too, I am not bothered if it sells as I can use it as a great parts getter and have fun on a low milage CB750.

So stay tuned and I will of course document this as I go along, I may have some more bikes coming up for sale so keep checking back with me on the website, this will be a fun adventure, not a show bike as I don’t want to strip to the frame right now but maybe later but I do have a few K0 bikes I will try and get back on the road.  So thanks for looking and hope the K6 will look somewhat factory when I have completed it.

Once that is done I shall get a few miles on it and ride it down to the beach etc and just enjoy the good old CB750K series inline Big Four Japanese Classic machine.



Honda CB750K 17,000 Miles 1976 $2500

Well the old 76K is now running, I pulled this out of a back yard, not run since the 80’s but now she runs and rides and all gears work fine too, I love this old inline fours and the tenacity of the CB750 is unsurpassed by any other model I believe.

The 1976 CB750K I think, is the best year, the petcock was changed to the left hand side, that way you did not have to take your hand off the throttle to turn it onto reserve, its a great all round machine and even though this has sat since the 80’s in a back garden, I managed to get the old girl to run and ride once more.

Sure,the old and tired Carbs needed rebuilding and New coils were warranted as the old ones were dried out from the California Sun, but I used OEM coils as I love Genuine Honda parts and not the Chinese rubbish that’s out there.

But, even though this old girl has been sat out in the back garden of a customers for many years, the fact that is only had 17,000 was awesome and internally the motor is fine, but, I still need to do more on this bike and if I do, of course the price will go up, but right now its $2500 and has a few new parts like carbs, coils, Lithium Battery, X ring chain etc, but I took out for a quick ride last night and she pulled pretty hard, had to take it easy though as old tires on it and I may change that out later.

Other than 4 into 1 the bike is all Original but needs a good clean up and I may do that as and when time permits, a great Platform for somebody out there thats for certain as the K6 is a great model to use as stock or a custom design of your very own.

She fires up and she runs through all the gears, only thing that isnt working is the headlight as i think its just the bulb as everything else functions fine, a good solid project that now has a new life and no longer sitting in a sad state not going anywhere, I love getting these old ladies to run again, its a great feeling to hear them bark back into life.

Have a look and it the bike on here, it may stir your mind into getting your leg back over one of these 500 pound inline fours, these a great machines and I continue to be amazed at the Longevity of these 500 pound Motorcycles. They will run with a little clean up after sitting for decades.


Have fun on your machine over the weekend.

It’s Saturday and the weekend always seems to fly by and then by Monday you then remember what you wanted to do and forgot to do it, Right?  It’s always the case for me, I try and do my own stuff on the weekends and I really enjoy it, plus the weather is getting better and the days longer and that’s a blessing for all us Bike enthusiasts.

I have a bunch of bikes in the Brn, many I picked up locally and slowly I have to try and resurrect them to at least, a running condition, but sometime the order is taller than a Yard of ale and I do have my work cut out and huge challenges become a major headache, broken bolts, seized motors, electrical is falling apart and getting more shorts than a Robot made in China.

And then there are the ones that you grab as nobody wants to even look at having a go to clean all the bird shit off and see if the faithful old inline four will come back to life, you would be amazed at how many do, that’s testament to the Japanese engineering and the sturdiness of these 500 pound classic machines.

Just get out there and enjoy life, these are such a great Platform to create your own style of motorbike and still plenty of the models out there around the globe mostly sitting in some dark corner, waiting to be discovered and you will be amazed when you kick the motor in the guts and she fires up, once that happens its all systems go to try and get her back on the tarmac, then go and get plenty of miles of smiles.

Be it stock to a full custom, I know that you will enjoy creating your very own Motorcycle and there is nothing like slinging your leg over and taking on the curves and straight aways that literally await you.

Have a fun weekend with your Big 4 Machine and if I can help, shoot me a line at or drop a dime to me at 714-598-8392 and I will do my best to get you back on the road so you can wheelie away with a smile on your face.


Formula 1 Livery CB750 SS Honda Project

Well, I have been playing about with the F1 project and have decided to fit the good old Rocket 4 seat assembly and then upholster the seat with traditional style snaps, just to show the times of yesteryear and the old school seat set ups of the day.

I am happy with the way it looks and it feels super your legs do not foul the air induction side scoops of which I really like now and want to try and represent some of the Ferrari’s styling, I still need to get all the body work wrapped but locating a company that knows what I am on about is not easy, my guy I use has flaked so its off to find someone who wants my money.

I will be looking forward to firing this old girl up and taking her for a spin about where I live as it was made for Motorcycles as we have miles of winding roads with off cambered corners and chicanes etc, this will be a blast to ride.

I went with a 17 LED stop tail light to give people lots of warning that this machine is there and again, give an old look with modern internals and this really does suit the bike, I still have to fashion a license plate bracket under it but thats later on.

Starting to look like a Classic Motorbike again and got plenty of hand waves and beeps from people driving by over the weekend, so that’s something positive eh?

I’m getting closer each time I do something and I believe the only hang up will be down to the graphic company, if I can’t find one that can do the job them I will have to paint it and letter it by hand and thats a time consuming job but we shall see.

Just thought I would do a little blog to let you know what I have been doing lately and hope you are enjoying the build????

Wet weekend, so thought I’d rattle on about what’s happening in the Barn and Blog about things I like.

Well, we are getting another downpour in Southern California, something that we really do not get much of down here, the last storm was the worst in over 100 years but i think that this weekend storm is just light rain, just hope the hills hold out a little longer.  But when it rains its keeps people inside, same as me, I have 16 bikes to try and put together in my own time frame but I am still working on getting the inside of the workshop into a usable area and not just storage. But, when you have crap weather, it gets you motivated to get on with a few jobs you have been putting off.

This brings me to Sean Skinner of Virginia’s MotRelic, he was twiddling his thumbs and came up with a unique concept of his old Orange Krate Schwinn push bike and bung an XS650 motor in the frame, something I had done back in the 80’s in the UK with Moped engines, but this is on another level and thought that I would share.

In 1968 when the Orange Krate got its name, it hit the streets running, well peddling to be precise but the Hot Rod styling oozes Custom features and for less than $90 back then you could own one of these Kustom Push bikes.

“Schwinn introduced the original Sting-Ray in 1963 after the company realized kids in California had been customizing their bikes to look like motorcycles. Bikes were fitted with 20-inch wheels, elongated seats, rear ‘sissy bars,’ and ape hanger handlebars.” – Schwinn Bicycles:

Sean Skinner –  Builder of some of the most popular machines I ever had the pleasure to feature, had the idea to take things in the opposite direction: to build a motorcycle based on the 1968 Schwinn Sting-Ray Orange Krate.

This was no easy task, I have tried many engines in push bikes and most have failed or, after a few miles I grenaded the motor, the frame or the whole thing, so a lot of thought, effort, sweat and tears went into the designing of this machine to accept Yamaha’s Triumph Motor, the infamous XS650 Twin.


Sean purchased a frame jig, cut the neck from a stock XS650 frame to retain a valid VIN number, and used a ring roller to begin obtaining the curved bends of the frame. As you can imagine, almost everything on the build was custom-fabricated. Sean takes us through the entire build process below, from the creation of the Banana Girder forks to the iconic banana seat, complete with spring-loaded sissy bar shocks like the original!


There’s the bicycle-style two-gallon tank, cut and shaped from a Virago unit, and the custom exhaust that seems to vanish into the curves of the frame. The engine itself is XS650 perfection:

“Fully polished, big fin cylinder, rephased by Hughs Handbuilt, electronic ignition and tons of chromed parts…”


“A fun whimsical build that is art in motion and nothing else. A childhood memory of wacky bicycles with squared off slicks that didn’t handle well but were there for fun. When you could customize them with lights, speedometers, wheelie bars, sissy bars, and anything your child heart desired. This bike is for that.”

Such a stunning piece of work that many could try and not come close to the flowing lines that this Custom piece exudes, a creative signature from the master builder and the more you look, the more you see.

Where to begin…

Back in 2016 I had an idea to build a motorcycle designed around the looks of a 1968 Schwinn Stingray Orange Krate. Now let’s add to the mix that I have never built a complete frame before or lots of other parts of this build that follow. I acquired a clean stock frame that I cut the neck off of so I could retain the proper VIN number. I installed the lonely neck onto my recently purchased frame jig and then I started to brainstorm how I wanted it to look.


I started the frame process by bending and building the lower hoop around the mock-up engine cases so it could sit centered on the jig and give me a nice base to build from. The Stingray has a very curvy frame that flows from every angle. Achieving the correct look and bends required the use of a ring roller. This tool let me slowly roll the straight tubing into any radius I needed. To help me with finding what radius looked the best, I secured some PVC tubing to the axle blocks and curved to the shape I needed and then copied that in steel.

Once I had the frame tacked up and resembling the Stingray photos I had, I went ahead and welded the whole thing up. The two frame pieces that follow the shape of the gas tank are removable and serve as the upper engine mounts and frame strength.

Once I was done with the frame, I hit a stumbling block and the frame sat for four years in my basement. It was either the lack of money for all the engine parts or the lack of confidence in building the front end. Probably both. As time went on I never forgot about the build; it just wasn’t top priority until one day when I was surfing Marketplace and stumbled upon an XS650 that a good friend had built. He was selling a bike with the perfect engine for my build. Now when I say perfect, I mean, fully polished, big fin cylinder, rephased by Hughs Handbuilt, electronic ignition, and tons of chromed parts. And just like that the build had a fire lit under it once more.

With the stress of sourcing all the parts for an engine floating away, I could focus on the front end. Rake and trail are the most important things to consider — too much or too little and things get…interesting. I had to get the frame at the proper ride height so I found a 21-inch rim, a perfect Shinko to use for mock up, and laced it to the XS650 hub with the help of Buchanan Spokes. Having the comically large wheel mounted to the frame really allowed me to see my vision in real life. It’s adorable.

While knowing how the front end should look, getting it to reality is a different story. I scoured the internet looking for a company that has built the Banana Girder in the past. The front end is not a new design and it has been used many times. I found a fab shop that builds them for Harleys, but they would be way too large for this build. I was able to get them to sell me the upper and lower “trees,” which included the stem and center pivot parts. The rest was on me to design, fabricate and build.

While walking around a swap meet I ran into my buddy Dave. He handed me a skinny little 17-inch wheel that also had a tiny drum brake. It was the perfect front wheel for this build. Now that I had a front wheel to build up from, I got to work figuring out the geometry and curves needed to get to that point. Once I had the measurements, I built a crude jig to hold the three pivot points on each fork leg, assuring that whatever happened in between those areas, the pivot points would be symmetrical. I found a stout little mountain bike shock with adjustable preload and rebound to handle the road. Spacers were machined and bungs were threaded and drilled. The front end was coming together!

Next I had to figure out handlebars and how to attach them to a very non-traditional upper tree. I machined some studs and centered them perpendicular to the stem. Now that they are welded, I cut up a new set of ape hangers to position and weld to the upper tree.

So many things were handmade for this build. One thing that was a challenge and fun to do were the lever perches. Cut, milled and drilled from 1/2″ steel. I created a clean and tidy part that once welded to the bars made the bicycle theme come alive. Venhill made the cable kits that worked fantastic and gave a vintage look to the build. With the front end wrapped up and bars in place, it’s officially a roller!


On to the gas tank and seat. Trying to stay in the lines of the Stingray, I had to make the gas tank a shape that flowed with the frame and still held at least two gallons. While sitting in the shop I noticed an old Virago tank hanging on the wall. I could see from the side that it had a similar curvy shape in the side of the tank. I made a tunnel and base to the new tank that followed the frame. Once that was in place, I cut up the Virago tank and found the shape I needed in two pieces. More sanding and test fits than I care to admit, I had the tank parts tacked into place.

The seat had to be the iconic banana seat. Aluminum was used and I cut and shaped it to flow with the tank and flow with the frame. I shaped the foam to compliment the base and flow with the tank. Schwinn used spring-loaded shocks on the bottom of the sissy bar, which allow the seat to move and give some cushion over the bumps. I had to reproduce this in my build.

Mcmaster Carr carries all kinds of springs and bushings to make this dream a reality. After measuring, I ordered everything I needed and machined all the parts to create a full-size version of those seat shocks. I had to also make a pivot up front to allow the shocks to work.

I can’t believe it’s actually all coming together. The bike’s fabrication is nearly complete. The rear brake pedal mount design that incorporates the switch was a cool project. It uses a Magura brake lever switch that keeps the wiring small and tidy. The foot peg mounts were found at a swap meet. I think they are early Sportster or Shovelhead pieces that looked so much like pedal cranks I had to make them work.

The final project to tackle was the exhaust. At first I wanted to make an exhaust that doubled as a chain guard, but then realized I didn’t want to see the exhaust and was sure it would ruin the look of the bike. After a long while of staring and mental anguish, I decided to have the exhaust follow the frame from the subtle curve at the front to the full length curve the rear frame has. It made the exhaust somewhat get absorbed into the frame. Some people don’t even notice the exhaust until they’ve looked the bike over for a while. I guess that means I succeeded at making it blend in and not take away from the bicycle look.

The final project to tackle was the exhaust. At first I wanted to make an exhaust that doubled as a chain guard, but then realized I didn’t want to see the exhaust and was sure it would ruin the look of the bike. After a long while of staring and mental anguish, I decided to have the exhaust follow the frame from the subtle curve at the front to the full length curve the rear frame has. It made the exhaust somewhat get absorbed into the frame. Some people don’t even notice the exhaust until they’ve looked the bike over for a while. I guess that means I succeeded at making it blend in and not take away from the bicycle look.


This is the first bike that I have gone all in on with chrome. Don at DGM Chrome Plating in Philadelphia, PA handled this tough job and all of my parts look unreal. It’s amazing how good he and his guys made everything look.

The frame was finished in a micro flake orange powder coat laid on by the talented guys at Right A Way Powder in Middletown, MD. The orange sparkles in the sun and looks beautiful with all the other sparkly bits.

The tank paint was sprayed on by Danny Knight at Knights Kustoms in Winchester, VA. That off-white paint was mixed up to look like the vinyl on the seat, heavy flake and all, he nailed it! The “Yamaha” font was painted on with the help of stencils made by John Ralph at Quail Run Signs in my town. He’s a wizard with the program. I am a one-man shop that handles all of the fabrication, welding, and building, but I could not do it alone and really, I wouldn’t want to. It’s fun to have talented people in your corner to experience the creation with you.

Now with all the parts back from powder, paint, and chrome, I can get to work making my creation come to life. With the engine on its side on the lift, I gently set the frame over the engine and push the chromed bolts through the mounts. The rear wheel is next to install. This lets me hold the frame upright in the lift.

The front end slips on and the front wheel is put into place. I stand back and look at all these mirror-like pieces and I get very excited to see the finished bike on the ground and out in the sun. The gas tank is set on the frame and I can finally see the bike coming to the finish line.

All of the time spent designing and building has come down to this, the first start. It took about five kicks to get her going. Blame it on dry carbs, no battery, stage fright, or whatever. It started and sounded amazing. The gamble on welding baffles in the middle of each pipe paid off. She sounds glorious!

Once I checked everything over, I didn’t hesitate to fire it up again and go for a ride through the neighborhood. Smiles for miles on this thing. It handles well and rides very nicely. 100% happy with this build and I’m excited to show it to all of you. Since writing this I have been to the Mama Tried Show in Milwaukee and have been invited to the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show in Austin, TX. Y’all come out to see it in person!

You have to look at this bike and smile at the fact that it was built from inspired dreams of the Schwinn Stingray Orange Krate. A fun whimsical build that is art in motion and nothing else. A childhood memory of wacky bicycles with squared off slicks that didn’t handle well but were there for fun. When you could customize them with lights, speedometers, wheelie bars, sissy bars, and anything your child heart desired. This bike is for that.

Thanks for reading,
Sean Skinner

A great ride for sure, like back home in the UK, we had Raleigh Chopper push bikes, but i am thinking of my mate Alan Oller up in the Bay Area as he loves XS650’s and this would be a fun project for him next.

Hope you all have a great Easter weekend and thanks for reading.

Until next time, get them grinders out and start having a go at something constructive.



25th Anniversary Edition Ton UP Machine CB750K

Well, next year will be my 25th Anniversary of creating machines over on this side of the pond, many people have asked would I replicate the infamous K5 with Cafe on the tank to celebrate a quarter of a Century building Motorcycles, and I thought, I may go along the similar lines to that very Bike that kind of put me on the map so to speak.

But what should I do?  On reflection I think it is indeed a cool idea to do something like that very machine but, with some extra cool parts and exhaust system etc but I do have a NOS Paul Dunstall 5 Gallon Manx Tank in my Barn and will probably use that, so, I have a few old parts laying about and have been to and throw in coming up with that popular concept bike I created all them years back.

I have an empty Motor that I will use as a mock up for the time being. Then build something that will have a bit of oomph, but we shall see how things go, but the amount of messages I get about the old Cafe Bike I created all them years ago, still causes a stir and I think it will be fitting to do something in that style, maybe different color etc and wheels too.

So I will use old snotty spare parts to mock it up, as well as some New stuff to see if it will fit and as you see, I think I may go with my Infamous Sidewinder Exhaust system as it hugs the frame and, you can still use a main stand. I am putting my Vortex Baffle in for that crisp response and crackle when you open and shut the throttle.

Simply slide the baffle in all the way and the endcap finishes the system off just like the old days and I like ceramic Black end to give a good contrast to the system.

Please remember, this is all a Mock up, I will strip the frame and then either paint or Chrome it, not decided what yet but will add info as and when I do more to the bike, I am just getting a feel right now but love the way it will sit and of course will use shorter fork tubes in the steering.

See how close the Sidewinder is to the frame, but, not touching it, and- If you look, you can see that if you wanted, you can still use the Main stand, even if you were changing a rear tire or fitting a new chain, it makes it easier to slip the main stand on and not have to remove the exhaust system.

Still so Much to do and see where I am going, but I do like my Sidewinder Exhaust system as on the 75K I created a quarter a century ago I went with a different 4 into 1 system, plus this system allows for super easy access to the Oil filter Housing too.

I love the look of the tromboning headers and they flow so well, a crisp note that will get you noticed every time you twist the throttle, the bike will get a complete strip down and then I shall bead blast the paint down to bare metal, grind any welds off that are ugly and add some brackets for New tank and seat combo etc, this will take time but don’t want to rush either.

This is my own design and I like to Ceramic coat these , this time I chose the Brushed Aluminum look and I think it will set the bike off great once everything is tied together and have that Cohesiveness that will draw a crowd.

Of course stopping power is paramount on these machines and with a little extra Horsepower, these inline fours need some good surface area to be able for the brake pads to grab onto and bring you to a safe stop, so I chose to go with Beringer and have the floating Rotor and Custom Caliper set up to give me that punchy braking that many lack on their builds.

Of course, you need a good strong Master Cylinder to push all that brake fluid down to the Caliper as quick as possible and I thought I may as well go for the trifecta and get a Bringer Master Cylinder set up and very cool it looks too.

As you can see, this is a rough mock up, no painting will be going on until I have completed the whole build up and then once I am happy I shall do the tear down, rebuild a Motor and then slowly assemble the machine, but right now I am trying all sorts of concepts, I had an old set of 1977 Lester Rims that came off an old Chopper bike that was parted out many moons ago.  It is a 19″ front and a 16′ rear, the shock absorbers that I have fitted are not tall enough for what I want, these are about 13 inches from center to center, I want at least 14 inch centers to raise the rear end for a more level stance.

I have had this old frame for years and its weather beaten, but that makes it for an interesting build as I love resurrecting 50 years old Motorcycles from parts, I believe this will be a fun bike to ride, I shall incorporate rear sets and maybe a Custom swing arm with adjustable shock mounts for changing rear Geometry etc.

So, although the frame is Rusty and some corrosion, I have always started with frames like this, I am media blasting it anyway so it will be all fresh metal again when I start the build up after I am happy with the overall look when I am done fitting parts.

I have other things to do like all my orders today, so I had better get the exhaust orders done and ready for the UPS driver as exhausts always sell well and weather will be warming up all over the globe soon and that means- Riding weather.

So, with that I had better get these orders packed and labeled for exhausts and get them done as light will be fading soon, but thanks for follwing me on the 25th Anniversary build and of course, I shall keep you all posted via here.

Few More Exhaust systems available for your CB500, CB550 and CB750 SOHC

Well, the old year is almost up, a New year just around the corner and to be honest, I am looking forward to it, new challenges but new idea’s and New parts to be offered for a number of machines, something that I do like to do and offer to everybody.

So, literally a Truckload of exhaust systems finished and some will be Ceramic coated and some will be Raw steel, as many like to paint or wrap them for them selves.

I ship all over the world and continue to help my Customers, I of course build the Motorcycles too, I make sure they fit and these do not leave my place until I am happy with them.

These systems are made right here in good old CALIFORNIA and I have been offering these for 23 years, affordable and work and sound awesome, a tried and tested formula that I have had many repeat customers.