Refurbishing the 1976 CB750K Honda Four

Here we are with another episode of tweaking that old 1976 CB750K Model Honda, she has been sat for so many years, I was initially just going to get her running and sell her, but I have grown attached to this machine and its my best year personally, so thought I would remove worn out parts and fit brand new ones. Still a ways to go and I shall blog as I go along but – Eventually this will start to look like it did when it came out from the factory. Except the paint as that’s a really expensive process these days but I may even have a go at that later who knows, so stay tuned….

I didnt like the patina on the footpegs, even though this particular machine only has 17,000 Original miles on her, she has sat many decades in a Back yard and the eliments have taken a toll on any of the parts and brightwork, you can actually see that the foot peg rubber has no wear at all, which is more validation of the low milage, but I wanted to fit some OEM parts and here is a set of New pegs that I will fit to the bike.

The same thing goes for the rear brake, it had heavy rust pits that even I could not be able to polish out, so I thought I would buy an OEM genuine Honda one and that will help clean up that area that does get neglected over the years on these machines.  Not cheap but rechroming would of been even more expensive, so this was the lesser of two evils.


The Original Kick starter also has pitting, so I managed to track down an original New Old Stock one and later on I shall probably get the original one stripped and chromed again but not right now.

The Honda should start to look like it originally did when it rolled out the door all them years ago and I am enjoying the time and effort to get this to where it really needs to be.

I removed the old clutch lever and thought I may as well address that issue with a New version and that will clean up the handlebar area somewhat as many people leave that part of the bike and I always notice that.

Now that looks a million times better and with NOS grips too I am more than happy to get on with another part of the bike now, I am in no rush at all with this k6 and when completed will offer it up for sale.

The poor headstock always gets left out, the steering stem nut and washer was begging to be replaced as well as the steering pinch bolt, I could not leave the bike with these parts like that.

I try to use as much Genuine Honda stuff as I can lay my hands on and this is the case right here, it is fantastic quality and you know not only will it fit, it will last many years too.

So, another job done and if I find anything I feel that needs sorting out I shall of course do it as I am on a roll now, although this is by means no restoration, just a revamp of tired parts.

The starter motor covers always rust as they are easily open to the elements, so I ordered a new one as this has seen better days, what do you think?

A big improvement and I could go on forever on the bike, just a few of the fundamentals needed to be addressed but I still need to rebuild a rear wheel as the original one is just too rusty to strip and re-use as its too dangerous to mess with stuff like that.  Next up is to fit the footpegs, a New old stock brake pedal and kickstarter to at least clean that side of the bike up and look more original now.

Looking very much like the bike it was originally at the factory and am pleased I went this route on this one, although still many more things I have to replace to get it to the standard I will be happy with, but each week that goes by I give this a nod of approval.

So, I will be working on removing the center stand and painting it as its looking a little weather beaten, its a big heavy part but I want to get that looking good, I may Powder coat it for long lasting life in all honesty, so stay tuned……



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