Truck seem low on power? Could be a dead cylinder. An easy way to check, if you have headers, is to either mist or drop water on each header tube where it exits the head. The dead cylinder will be the one that stays wet.
If you have to hold a nut where your fingers can’t reach and the tape trick with a socket or box wrench won’t fit either, a dab of grease on the end of a standard screwdriver will hold the nut in place and is slim enough to get the nut where it’s needed.
At a show and you forgot the bug and tar remover, but a greasy flying beast’s carcass is smeared across the chrome? Use your girl’s nail polish remover to instantly remove the mess. Be sure not to get any on the paint, though, as acetone is a great paint remover as well.
I recently acquired upright vacuum cleaner bags at a rummage sale for a quarter… …I cut each bag in half, and now have 12 filters for my shop vac for two bits. It was such a good idea I felt like I was stealing!
I constantly pick up the free cars-for-sale shoppers from the gas station. I pull the two staples out of the spine, drape the pages over a clothes hanger and have an unlimited supply of free shop rags. The pages work well for soaking up oil.
Well, i get this question all the time. You can make shorter cables and that’s not cheap these days. the 750 Honda does not have solder removable nipples, so, what I do if I use Clubman bars, is I simply re-route them. I fit the cables on the throttle and then they face out and […]
This is as common as White Honda Civic Hatchbacks. OK, Most of the screw heads are softer than a stamp collectors hands and the things will just get chewed up like cheap bubble gum. The best bet to get the screws undone is to get ya self a cheap impact screwdriver, I bought mine from […]
SOMETHING HITTING? Well, there is quite an easy solution to this, simply weld a blob of weld on the bottom of the steering stops under your frame, maybe an 1/8th inch, check it and turn the bars to see how close you like it. This is real easy to do, make sure you unplug the […]
My Oil pressure light stays on. This is a common fault, the old switch that is actually by your starter cover on the right hand side, is most probably buggered up and the ball check valve is seized, Simply remove and purchase another from Honda. They are still available. But what I do is actually […]
How Can I route my wiring for Clubman handlebars? Well, as you know, the stock bars have the wiring inside the bars and that’s a real pain in the dirt box to pull out, now, you can drill the clubman’s and feed them through, but encase you want to remove the bars, you will be […]