1932 Ford Stage III Rolling Chassis

This new addition to our shop has turned a few heads and really helped get the conversations rolling. We offer this wonderful Stage Three Chassis for your 1932 Project. Be it a truck, Roadster, or coupe this fender drilled chassis comes with a chrome Front end, Coil Over / four link rear suspension, Plumbed Power […]


KOPPA KAFE MY WILDEST RIDE. Here is a Video I have done to show the build. Enjoy: Hey Gang OK, here we go, I miss my  Vincent Cafe, I must build something Cooler! COOLER? How can that ever be achieved? I know, a big task is ahead of me but hear me out. How about […]

Moons came to visit.

Check this link out, Moons came to visit. Scroll down and you will see Nostalgia Speed & Cycle got a great mention. http://www.mooneyes.co.jp/201203-pans-usa-rocket-trip/ Blog Reads: First we stopped at Nostalgia Speed & Cycle. When I saw the shop when we arrived, Hot Rod Shop was the first thing that came to mind however this was […]