With all the negativity that I see and hear on the internet, Radio and television etc, I am so glad that I can just close my garage door and do my thing that cheers me up no matter what, and thats either creating new parts or building something. Many of you are in a lock down of some sort and with any luck, are in your Garage, Shed or Barn and trying to create a cool project so you can enjoy it when ” National No Mask Day” Approaches.
I have been selling many exhaust systems, which shows me that people are indeed wrenching and getting things done to pass the time, so a Positive can come out of a negative thats for certain and cannot thank you enough for purchasing my products and keep me going in these tough times.
I shall be designing many New parts in 2021 and am going to enjoying kicking 2020 in the Rockery and a fresh new year with a fresh new outlook, things will get better for us all and I sure hope to see some of you on the Tarmac in 21 or at least see some great photos of your rides and what you have created at home.
If you need any advise or help with your build, feel free to email me at carpy@carpyscaferacers.com or text me on 714-598-8392 I really am here to help and this is my life, not just a job.
Have a good week and I sure hope that you can keep yourself busy in these times and look forward to a way better 2021.