Triumph Motorcycles, it’s all in the branding!

Hey there gear heads


Well today I shall write a short blog on branding, as many people like to watch my blogs, even my competitor reads my website everyday to see if he can cash in on any idea’s. LOL!


But today I wanted to add some videos, seeing it is Friday and thought that this would be a good day to have a few snippets of movies, documentarys or commercials that show the Triumph brand.


First up is this unusual snipet, a little boring but it says Branding of the Trumpy all the way.




Well not all that interesting as it was to and fro on a few occasions but next up for your entertainment is this video.
Just a Thruxton going around downtown LA and through the old Bladerunner tunnel.



Now, this Girl rider Lauren Richards from cold and wet Wales, takes the New Ace Thruxton for a little blap around her area and gives a nice run down on how she likes this Motorcycle. More power to you as we need more girl riders.



Now, this long winded Brit chin wags about his Machine, albeit a wee bit too dangerous if you are riding on busy roads as you tend to lose concentration whilst riding a motorcycle, but, again if you have a few minutes its great for me to check some of the countryside out of back home, but click past if you feel the geezer rattles on too long.


OK, lets whiz off to Austria and check this fella’s Trumpy out.


Break into a little bit of Music for this one to get your weekend off to a great start with these Scramblers.


Have a great Friday everyone.

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