Magnum P.I. Goes to war Against Japan!



I remember watching this on TV, USA’s Magnum, P.I . – Doppelganger, Don Frye- up against a giant of a man Yoshiro Takayama and an epic battle began, never- have I seen any fight like this and don’t think I ever will, I think originally this lasted 6 minutes but an epic battle, and tremendous punches that would stop a truck. Don Frye Must be the toughest man in the world- he took some huge shots from the Behemoth of a mountain and pushed forward, not giving up and continued to take the barrage of punches and won through with flying colors.

Yoshiro’s face was a puffed up as marshmallow and took a brutal beating.


What I am trying to say here is:

No matter how high the Battle may seem to you in life, if you can swallow your pride and get your head down and give it your best until you cannot stand, then you will always come through to the finish.

And this Video ” Albeit Brutal ” is testament to that.

I just wanted to share this as my Mid week thought of the day!




Our 59 Club O.C. Section Meet up- is at HEROES in FULLERTON on Wednesday

Hero’s Bar and Grill will be our  ” Mid Week Meet Up” and Boy what a Super establishment this is, as there is so much to look at, it really is the perfect place to hang out, enjoy friendly company, have some great food and enjoy the whole atmosphere of this Well known watering hole located in the Middle of Fullerton.

Heroes Bar & Grill

125 W Santa Fe Ave, Fullerton, CA    (714) 738-4356

Wednesday, April 15, 2015




This is an awesome place to have a meet up with plenty of wall candy to check out, there food is really great, fresh and fills you, I have been a couple of times and really enjoyed the atmosphere, the food, the music and the Beverages too.


Just pull up and Park and then sit ya Arse down, enjoy Base Ball peanuts and order from the great menu that they offer here.

More beers and Spirits than even our Buddy Andre can drink and a service with a smile, now thats a rare sight these days for sure.

If you like a fun and happy place, then this is perfect for hanging out, grabbing some food and just chilling with friends or family.


So much to take in and I think this will be a great meet up and sample some of the cool delights that Heroes has to offer.

I like to Support local Businesses too and this is a place that needs to always be on the map and has my Vote for sure.

So, see you tomorrow for a beer and some good old fashioned Nosh up food, how can you Not like this place?

Try and park in the alley in back and we’ll get tables in the outdoor seating area.

Drink & Ride responsibly!


See you there!!!!



  1. The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fun, tom foolery and total drunkenness.
    Escapisim– How often does this thought enter your cranium when you are busier than a one armed Plasterer in a war torn city?
    For me, many times- And especially at this time of year when things are flat out and even if I had 10 arms, I still could not scratch my Arse.
    So when Jennifer- my girlfriend, suggested a cool getaway would be to rent a cabin out in Big Bear Lake and spend some quality time with her and some of my 59 Club brethren, well that’s all I needed to hear to realize that this would be a brilliant time away to relax and enjoy some fun time at the lake.
    This was the Cabin we rented, enough to sleep 12 and had all the cool amenities that we would require for a fun weekend of festivities. I was so amazed at the place and something I have always wanted to do was have a weekend away at the lake and here we are.
    The place was awesome, it smelt of old timber and felt as though we were on a Nordic journey and could of easily mistaken this area for a vikings getaway camp.
    Big Wooden front door what seemed to be carved by European slaves that the Vikings captured throughout their European advancement generously welcomed us to this huge abode.
    Even Bailey – our trusty mascot loved the area and the 7000 feet elevation didn’t really affect her too much at all.
    This was a super place for the 59 Club to have as their Spring break get away and I was sure happy to be able to spend time here up in Big Bear lake in Southern California.
    On our upper deck we had a view of the lake and the boats moored opposite us and watching the boats go out all day in this super breath taking area was something to see for a land lubber like me.
    With multiple levels this place was just a super getaway, we were on the middle floor and there was Timber carved wood all over the place.
    This was at the bottom of the Garden looking at our cabin. On the top deck was tables, sun loungers and a Jacuzzi.
    You can see my Girlfriend Jennifer at the top where we all spent many an hour, eating, drinking and enjoying great music and movies.
    We also stuck our Club banner up as Andre Pine and his buddy paddy of the 59 Club San Diego made the trip up.
    Just the perfect time to relax and enjoy the surroundings, no more phone calls, emails and grinding of metal for a few days.
    We were on our way up the mountain when I grabbed this with the little camera, the temp was dropping fast as fellow Brit Mark baker starts to feel hypothermia creep in his joints, but we made good time and was fun going up the hill.
    Here we have the Three Amigo’s Thruxtons sitting patiently as we stop for a bit of a rest and take in the sights.
    Here we are on the way to Mt Baldy as we wind our Thruxtons around the twisties with Super fine weather.
    Yes, we were having fun and as we are both Brits, we slung a few slang words about that of course fall of deaf ears!
    Having food, beer and relaxing as the 59 club blows off steam on a super weekend up on the lake. Below Andre and Paddy sink more beers than Submarines did ships in ww2.
    Below- The Three Amigo’s give it the Thumbs up as we hit the start of the climb up the mountain to Big bear lake, little did we know the temperature would drop faster than the inside of a British railway station waiting room.
    The Rim of the world, we pulled over to take a snap as this was some great winding roads and the view was breath taking, so made sure we pulled over to enjoy the views.
    Big D calmly stands to get a quick rest, before we head off to higher altitudes and cooler weather, as Mark baker gets ready to jump on his steed and lead the way.
    This was a great spot for a photo, and another Motorcycle rider stopped behind us and offered to take some pics for us, camaraderie is awesome up here.
    Enjoying standing at 7000 above sea level as we gasp for air on the mountain and with more riding to come, a super weekend, and some unreal winding roads to encounter.
    Another port of call and this time Dietrich stands next to his thoroughbred as we come down the mountain and stop right next to Big bears lake, a brilliant day for sure.
    A scary sight here, the other side of the lake was a dry as a wallaby’s pouch, the drought has really taken effect up here and California needs to wake up to this real fast!
       Always fun riding with these guys, sore back, wrists and headaches were a plenty but hey- you gotta earn it up here and we sure all graduated this day.
    Our Cabin was just a few miles behind us on Big Bear lake and the views were just fantastic, seeing as we all had fuel injection we never lost any power at 7000 feet above sea level.
                     Such a Phenomenal area, relaxing is not even close, this really does make you sit back and make a sigh of relief from every day work.
    I am sure there are bears in them there woods but they will lucky for us, still be hibernating, so no worries there as these bears certainly do still crap in the woods.
                                       All tucked up to stop 30 degree wind and any bugs that want to enter your gob as you gasp for air up on the mountain.
    Opposite our cabin is where you could go to the little harbor master and charter a boat to go out on the lake for the day, maybe next time we shall try that as they had a pirate ship there that takes you for a jaunt around the waters.
                    Paddy and Mark Baker discuss the way to do a German Salute if you had a stump for an arm! well, it looks like it anyway from the photo!
                                                           My gorgeous Girlfriend Jennifer Smiles as she enjoys this weekend away.

Here is some Video I took with my Old Go pro- not the best but here is me on the Thruxton having some fun as I ring her neck a little on these great mountain roads.

Here is one just for the lads, a little more riding around big Bear Lake, .

Below is just a couple of shots with the Go pro, still trying to figure it out but at least you get the idea of what we were doing. This was a real fun weekend that seemed to just fly by but many other rides coming up soon, so keep an eye out on the website and of course on under carpys cafe racers.

DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPROThanks to EVERYONE from the 59 Club who attended as it was a real Blast and look forward ti the next adventure .


Well, as Vegas is obviously known for the Gambling, it is also well known to have the Handle ” Sin City” and as we were at VLV there was cool stuff to feast your eyes on and I know thyat the pun up and burlesque shows were a hit with all.

Below is some photos that I have used from the guys collection and his information is on on the photos, great shots that need to be shown Globally and I am certain there are more than one you will like.

Enjoy these shots as it will get your week off to a fun start. First off, how about the Jiving on the dance floor, bloody brilliant and all sorts of styles from Lindy hop to 50’s Rock n roll, the dance floor was a great place to hang out and enjoy the atmosphere and great moves.

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These guys were the winners of the jiving contest and deservedly so and congratulations to the LA based couple pictured here, looks like they had a real blast!vegas 506 vegas 507 vegas 508


Below is the pin up contest by the pool at the Orleans, what a fun event this is and many people just want to have fun, hope that you enjoy Tim’s great shots of this fun filled event at VLV 18.





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They even had a Blokes Swim wear show too and next year I think I will try and enter, i mean, with Skinny Legs and a frame that wouldn’t fit a small tent, it should make everyone laugh.

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How cool are some of these shots from Tim? I love the way he captures their expressions and thank him for such a good set of photos of the weekender, loved it.vegas526 vegas527 vegas528 vegas529 vegas531 vegas532


Well, below VLV18 had a touch of the original Sin City and they had Burlesque shows and Burlesque bingo, we couldn’t get in as it was too packed but fun though and be sure to catch it next year.





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Viva Las Vegas 18 Part 2

Back again with some more on the fun times Jennifer and I had at Tom Ingrams VLV 18 weekender and boy did we have fun and enjoy the Sun, Food and bands that attended this Annual event and be sure to be there next year for certain.

So, below is a few Video from the good old internet to try and show you what was going on for that week, I loved it and am so looking forward to next year and hope many of you can make it as its a brilliant way to blow off steam from the confines of your work place.

So turn the sound up, have a cuppa at the ready and play at your leisure.

Part 3 tomorrow……………………….

Also at VLV18 they even had a fashion show for the Girls,.

The Oblong Box Shop VLV18 Fashion Show

Jiving is huge here and they had a Jiving competition, something I know that my girlfriend likes to learn and we hope to even enter next year.

Below Sofia Wolfe had a few dancing classes all thriough out the weekender, me and jenn caught the end of a jiving one but I saw this on the net ansd thought I would share, traditionally the Stroll is an all Girl dance, but doesnt stop guys having a go.

Someone managed to catch a little of the Jiving lessons that had the dance floor packed.

Now, the jive competitiopn was won by Anthony && Corina From Los Angeles and the crowd loved them, just a fun couple enjoying dancing together, something I hope Jennifer and i will be doing soon.

Now for some Music.

Below is a cool set up that Tom Ingram did and its basically a time scaled camera at the main Ballroom, I saw me and Jenn practicing jiving around 6 minutes 10 but a great idea.

And now, the chop tops.

More car show video


What a great time Jennifer and I had whilst attending VLV18 and, as a VIP Guest of Tom Ingram, I sure needed a break from the shop and this was the perfect way to relax and enjoy something that I really do have a passion for and wanted to relax and take the whole 4 days in and experience the great bands, car shows and people that attend this event every year.

It is hard to explain what this event is all about in just a sentence, for you guys it is just a little insight into the “Scene” I was into back home in the UK for over 3 decades. Everything was fun, and music for all tastes, from Instrumentals to fast playing Double Bass banging Rockers.


We stayed at the Orlean’s Casino and it was packed to the gills but a super atmosphere and music blaring out of every orifice of the casino where ever you sat, we unloaded the car and then went and had a drink and check the area out as more and more pople were driving or flying in for this event from all over the globe.


One of the highlights for me was to get to see Sweden’s ” Go Getters”  Play, as they are a tremendous band and the leader singer plays drums standing up and is quite the entertainer and such a professional sound, clean crisp and understandable, a brilliant set that we stood amongst all the crowd to enjoy, never have I enjoyed standing for so long!


Below is a you tube Video for you to get a wee bit of insight into that weekend. Some obscure stuff too as well as early Rockabilly in the main halls and of course the greaqt 45’s spinning of some of my favorite tracks, but below is just the car show outside that attracted a lot of people and the weather did not disappoint one bit.


Another video off the internet of car show.

Another video of pool side.

one more from the net


The car show was really good, plenty of different cars to look at and we enjoyed walking around the lines of vehicles and also took in all the vendors booths etc.


Plenty of cool stuff to look at, as well as bands playing live as you walk around the giant parking lot, what was pretty cool to see was an old Airstream has been converted to a mobile barber shop.


Suavecito is a Pomade brand that has been out a few years and really took of in California and this Airstream was the perfect business card.


It was a popular attraction that’s for sure and was cool inside as the Sun had started to do its thing and by the afternoon, it was cooking us all.

vegas321Plenty of the pin up stuff all over the place to be honest, I took a few snaps as we walked around the car show and everyone seemed to be having fun, no attitude and a really good vibe at VLV 18, something that is rarely seen at events anymore, so Kudos to Tom Ingram for putting together a great event once more.


I saw some cool hairstyles, clothing etc and even unusual tattoo’es at this event and thought I would share some with you on my Blog.


This Girly had a really detailed back piece of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London in the Blitz of WW2, very detailed and could not help but notice it.


Steady Clothing were doing great and very approachable, people seemed to like everything that was there at the show and too much eye candy to lost on here at this time.


As the Sun was up early, it was a good idea to buy a parasol and there were plenty on parade this day and kept everybody that used one cool.


People meeting up for the first time, or not seen for years was always cool to see, I saw a couple of mates I had not seen in 20 years.


I haven’t seen mark since back in the UK and now he lives out in Oregon, so glad to see him. mark may be known to you as G minus Mark from his pod casts. ”



A great day for checking the vendors out to see what they had to offer at Viva Las Vegas. 18. See if you can make it out next year.


The Girls all seemed to like the 20% off deal as they were busy all day.


Custom Scalloped 60 caddy got plenty of attraction that day and a good opportunity for the Pin up girls to take advantage of a great Backdrop for some cool shots.



The Sun Belted down more than the weatherman predicted and plenty of umbrellas and parasols were needed this weekend.


Yes Girlies, there were Tons of bags for you lot and I am sure Jennifer was loving them all, you can see she had her own one she bought some time ago.


A perfect weekend for hanging by the pool too and if you did not have a bathing Suit, there were plenty of vendors that sold them here.


Always some cool people walking around and everyone was in a fun mood and just enjoying the weekend that awaited them, with sun, food, Alcohol and brilliant bands playing some knock out Music, it was going to be a great event.


Great outfit displaying Route 66, Jennifer had already seen this material a few months back and almost made a costume out the same design, small world eh?


Mr pomp lives down the road from us so was great to see him and his girl, thats his Flaked pick up he painted behind too.

Well, I have run out of time right now, so will Blog this and get back to work, many email me saying they enjoy the Blogs, so I continue to do this.

Stay tuned for part 2.




A Day out with The Ton Up Boys!







carpy59 club



Below is a great little write up  : By Rahoul Ghose | Photos: Manuel Madrid Rivera

They have a super website named. and here is our friend and co-creator of such websites take on the day we invited him and his Thruxton for a ride out with the 59 Club O.C. section.  make sure you save their website as its a lethora of information on rides, events, functions, tips and anything Motorcycle related, for top news and future attractions, be sure to stop by their site as its very informative and the good thing is- its right up to the minute too.


Cruising down an empty 105 at near ton up speeds towards Anaheim and a meet up with the newly incorporated 59 Club of OC, the pain of a 7am Sunday rise seems a distant memory.

Morning fog off the Pacific Ocean makes my helmet and dark tinted visor choice seem a little crazy at the outset — visibility issues aside — but now with the sun peeking through all I can think of is how smooth the ride is on Thruxton999 … rear Ohlins, fork brace, steering damper … all welcome upgrades which handle the grooved concrete nicely at high speed. A predicted hour-long excursion East is quickly looking more like 40 minutes.

The smell of the engine as it warms up — gas and oil mixed with a hint of leather – as well as the roar from my 2 into 1 Arrow, inspire me to crouch over the tank and pull a further twist on the throttle as I pass Crenshaw Blvd. The ton is done long before I have to bank onto the 605. The throaty roar of fourth gear at 7,000 RPM is ingrained in my psyche.

Since my very first bike -– a stripped-down, caféd-out Yamaha Seca 400 -– I have always preferred the racer stance clip-ons offer, and the naked look of a traditional café racer. So a day out with the Ton Up boys just seems natural … surrounded by Triumphs, Moto Guzzis and the requisite custom Honda CB750, with riders sporting their newly badged, black Fifty-Nine Club jackets.


The meet, organized by café icon and builder Steve “Carpy” Carpenter — the newly confirmed OC 59 Club prez, attracts three highly modified Thruxtons, two Thunderbirds 900s, a T100, a Moto Guzzi V7 Racer and a CB750 café racer to the Aléa Cafe, a few warehouses away from Carpy’s own Anaheim-based garage shop, and a mere hop away from the 91.

The ride –- a trip to Venice’s Deus ex Machina back in my own neighborhood, via Long Beach, San Pedro, and the beautiful coastal highway skirting the Palos Verdes peninsula -– promises some nice twists and even a few open stretches, a taste of the Long Beach Grand Prix course, and the luxury of crossing the Vincent Thomas Bridge.

There’s something very comforting, and almost primal, when you hear the dull roar of a group of café racers firing up. But it’s also the camaraderie of walking around bikes and talking upgrades, modifications, the very philosophy of café racers, stripping your bike down to the basics for better handling and performance.

For Carpy, the 59 Club is about nostalgia, but more importantly about that camaraderie, where members want to ride, help others and simply enjoy the moto lifestyle.

“If you ride a traditional old-style Classic, then that’s a big bonus … that’s what we are all about,” Carpy says, referring to the 59 Club membership requirements. “Nostalgia is a key component of the club, but not a big necessity, as long as you are into the Classic-style machines that the original 59 Club had in the day, or in the spirit of, like we are with the Bonneville, Thruxtons, and Guzzis.”





If you like motorcycles, people and promoting the club in a positive way, then joining the 59 club is as simple as attending regular events over a six-month probationary period and then going through the traditional, now 55-year-old, initiation … passing a current or past president at the Magic Ton.

Today’s excursion boasts some 90 F spring LA weather, and at least a few ‘Sunday’ drivers … no you don’t need to turn your wheel right before making a left-hand turn my mind mentally screams more than a few times as I go into avoidance mode around some four-wheelers. But then there’s the beauty of riding in small groups where people look out for one another … where traffic stops inspire off-the-cuff conversations … and passing other groups prompts a steady hail of acknowledging hand gestures.

Along Palos Verdes Drive we ride up quickly on a couple dozen Harley tour bikes in bomber-like formation, but slow down to enjoy the breath-taking coastal view. We are all heading the same way, after all. Even the stop and start routine through Redondo Beach doesn’t quash any enthusiasm.


As the ride wends to a close, we snake through beachside traffic along Vista Del Mar before the final Lincoln Blvd lane-splitting track to Deus in Venice.

Much needed coffee, more bike viewing and talk, a Roland Sands sighting … Westside moto enthusiasts greet their OC counterparts. Riders come into the Deus parking lot … groups head out, greeted by moto officers ticketing those without DOT-approved headgear. But smiles prevail. Just another Sunday in beautiful Los Angeles, the heart and soul of US motorcycling … and all before noon.
– See more at: