International Motorcycle Show Long Beach Nov 2017

Well, it was that time of year and we were all ready to head to the show, I started my Thruxton up, it purred away as it usually does, rode it onto the kerbside and let it warm up whilst I struggled with my Jacket and gloves etc, Sunday morning, all seemed well, Air pressures were checked, chain tension, Oil Level, Fuel level, Brake fluids, Lights function, Horn, signals and lights.


Looking forward to riding to Long Beach with my Girlfriend Jennifer today and her bike was now ready to fire up, but I heard just for a split second, my Thruxton Hiccup and drop the revs a tad.

I turned and looked at my machine and there was Fuel pissing out faster than a Rhino with a Full Bladder. FFS !


Thinking quick I hot kill switch and that shuts the fuel pump off, the motor was warm but not hot but, it sure was steaming from the fuel pouring over the whole motor, so glad it didnt reach the coils.

I put bike away and could see it was a fuel line issue, so had to admit defeat today and jump in the Car and head to Long Beach, that was a bummer as the weather was perfect for a ride.


But, we made it to the show, seemed a lot smaller than the old shows as it used to be held in both buildings, but none the less a great show as usual.

Met James O’Donnell, Scott the Baker from our 59 club and then 2 minutes later Dave and his side kick from the San Diego chapter of the 59 club, so that was quite a coincidence in the first minute of walking in the place.

The show was buzzing and we saw this woman explaining how easy it is to pick up your motorcycle if you are unlucky enough to drop it, Jenn was all up for it, so videoe’d her having a go, so stoked she gave that a try, as it is a very useful tip if you find yourself in that predicament.

I had noticed some cool machines, I only had my Iphone on me but thought I would take some snaps, as people ask me to Blog and show them whats about, so here it is.


Above, one of Kottys machines.


What is not to like about this Vintage Indian, I would be on this and taking around the flat track, leave it in a Tall second gear and start to wear that steel shoe out big time, loved this.


I wish they had fired the Norton up as the straight through Megaphone would be louder than the local Fire Station Alarm, what a wicked Machine.


I saw a lot of Gilera’s back home as a kid, seemed to be tons of them in my area in the 70’s but I bet they are all dried up now?


Vintage Hill Climber would still be fun today, short exhaust pipes would be a Hot and loud ride for sure.


Do not often see these Beemers about and to have one in original condition was epic to see, back home the rain and snow would of eroded this German masterpiece to just a rusting frame over the years.


I still see a few of these around but not so much the Race bikes, except for the 250RR Harley I had in my shop, that was killer too.


Royal Enfields Answer to the BSA, these were and still are a thumping big fun bike I always love the sound of when its on the pipe.


One of our friends wives has one of these and this is a pretty good example of the 175cc, many in the UK when I was a kid.


I would take any one of these out for a Blap, such great memories come flooding back with these Motorcycles.


Tiger Tiger Burning bright, so stoked to see this piece of Mechanical fun.


What I would have done to be able to sling my leg over this as a teenager in England, boy would I of had a Blast on this.


Every ones a winner, right down to the Chrome moly frame, HUBBA HUBBA.


The old Husky 360 Automatic was a popular bike when I was at school.


I remember the first time I rode one of these, the Power band was tremendous, I ripped past my Brother in the Kings Forrest one day, leaving about a 4 inch deep trench all the way up the trail.


Plenty to see and at least one bike here would have a certain connection in your life I am sure.


I think this must of been George Jetson’s inspiration


Could never afford these Ducks back then and still cant today but what awesome machines and these really had a unique sound.


Vincent of anything is cool, this Rapide is begging to be ridden, I have never had the opportunity to even sit on one, let alone ride one but maybe one day, so nice to see.


Another Machine you dont see enough of, Velocette’s were a common machine 40 years ago where I lived, seems the internet has changed all that, never really see them at all anymore.


Baby Duck would probably still cook my Goose.




Above, well you could get an air brushed tattoo to pass the time, this area was pretty cool, even had a Barber and an open workshop.

ims alloy

Above-A lot of work went into this head light fairing on the Indian.

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Old and New seem to work quite well.

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The Indian seemed More menacing from this angle.

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One of Motone’s Triumphs.

ims motone

Motone had 2 bikes this year and engraving was pretty intricate.

ims long b

So much work in the side car.

ims long b1

Maybe next year they will fill the old Round building with Vendors like they used to as it was lacking vendors to be honest and more show bikes too.

So all in all not too bad but done it all in 2 hours, so hope it gets bigger again as this was lacking in something but lets see what next years event brings.










CRASH HELMETS- How people make theirs Different.

Happy Tuesday


Quick Blog today


As its 106 degrees and I have to do some welding too, some days its just not fair but there ya go, so I thought I would add a little Humor to the page today with a little Blog on Crash helmets, Skid Lids, Brain Buckets, what ever you lot want to call them, we mostly all have to wear them, except for Nevada I know but over here in So Cal we do.


So-here are some crackers that may make you smile today, I know that made me laugh as I added these to my files and thought what better way to get the day going by, then to add these.


Some I like and would wear, the Full face above is cool and still available at some retail stores, very Stealthy and compact, loved it.


This Shark is great, always loved the Camo stuff since I was in the Royal Anglian Regiment and thought this was pretty cool and again, still available today.


Anyone for Tennis, some one has lost their Balls if they are wearing this on the road, havent seen one about anywhere to be honest.


This Bandit full face looks like it has had a Punch right up the Hooter, Bloody awful looking thing.


I like this, whether it means Danger, Hazardous, or Toxic, this is a great and easy design that says it all.

8Custom Crash Helmets are always cool to see and very individualistic, this must get many looks when they are stopped at a major traffic light in the town center on a Saturday Morning.

9I really like the simplicity of this and Orange and Black goes surprisingly well together , yet to see this on the freeways but I am sure at some point I will as its pretty darn cool.


This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, how frigging cool is this, I would wear it for sure, not sure how long until the Old Bill would pull me over but a head turner for sure.


Something a little different too, I am sure many a Car driver will stop and their eyes widen when they see this next to them in the street, very cool indeed.


This is another cool one to wear on Halloween night, riding around with maybe a neon light under it with some dry ice fog belching out underneath it.


Looks a cool idea but not much vision out of that eh?

13                                               You stop and have a double take when you see this coming down the road at night, bad ass and looks the part for sure.


Neat, smooth and very cool, see a few of these about and they get people looking out of the corner of their eye when stopped at a T Junction in Town.


I have seen a few of these about but they need the whole costume to pull the effect off though.

19Custom painted or wrapped Helmets are very popular right now and have seen some great stuff, but never have enough time to get my phone out to take a picture of them though.

20Clowns are really popular too and this is pretty scary, I wouldnt like to look in my Mirror at night and see this thing pulling up behind you on an old back road with no light poles anywhere.

21Pretty effective this Skull design, a lot of time must of gone into these paint jobs and it sure shows it, some clever designers out there taking advantage of their skills, and why not indeed.


I’d wear this to shoot down to the shops or something on Halloween, thats pretty cool looking, hope I see something like this on the road next week.


More Crazy Clown stuff, I think we shall start to see a lot of these designs coming out as a mainstream Crash helmet by the big guns soon as they really are becoming sort after these days.

24This is very cool and very detailed, has a great depth to it, I am sure this was not cheap to do but it sure is effective and hope to see this somewhere like the Sema Show Next month.

25                                                                                                   Now that really is plain weird, bet you cannot stop looking at it though?

28Some talented people out there and sure will start seeing many more one off custom Skid Lids at the shows and the events that we attend during the year, love to see these Custom lids.


This will be popular next month for sure, get your Nan to crochet you a Santa hat for your Lid and a beard to match, easy to do but really effective whilst riding down the road at night.


No idea whats going on here but a lot of work to get this to come out like that, wonder if the Visor will still function as a one piece, looks like that it might do, very strange but cool art.


Just when you have seen it all eh? Get someone in your family this for a Christmas gift and watch your Nan’s face when they reveal the gift they have been given, Classic!


Thanks for looking today, have a great Tuesday.





General Blog today just a few things I got up to.

How is everyone now that is is Hump Day?  I try and do different things every day to make the week go by a little easier, every now and again I will attach the Phone to my bike and have a chinwag as I ride locally, just to keep some of you in the loop, but thats mostly on Face Book and Instagram etc, but thought I would add the odd rant or rave or just a little chin wag as and when things crop up and I feel the need to talk about it.

It may not be interesting for you but some people like to know what I get up to during the week, or what is on my mind, and this is a good way of showing what makes me tick.

I took the Thruxton out for a test ride as I fitted New Rear Brake pads, the old ones were getting low and I have a squeal that I hate when I brake on the bike, I personally believe its the Rotor but changed brakes and still the same.


The bike will go for another configuration this year as I like to change a few things up, still in the sketching on paper in the garage process right now but I do see a few things I would like to change, for a start, those crappy Wave Rotors, did not like at all.


I love the Thruxton but the Brakes do indeed let it down big time, The front ones I removed and fitted a Beringer caliper and it is way better at stopping when I really need it.


I love the pipes the way they sit and get rid of spent gases, the bike looks pretty cool and always get a thumb up at a few places, these machines are so easy to ride and as long as you keep up regular maintenance, then you are fine as they are so much improved that the original versions that I still love but do not miss the break downs.


I offer quite a few parts for this machine and it’s Sister the T100, as well as the Scrambler too, all fun Machines that I love to work on or take out for a ride in these great California Canyons.

Yesterday I took the Thruxton for a trip out to Chino Air Museum, just for a little ride and thoroughly enjoyed myself, took it easy this time and took in some of the area as the countryside out there is great to look at when at a more sedate pace.


Sunday was a great day to get out, took less than an hour to get to Chino Air Museum, I didnt go inside as I want to do that with the 59 Club as it is a good couple of hours to enjoy all these marvelous aircraft of the past.


If you can get out here to the Museum, it is a super place to hang out, once a year they have the Planes of fame air show which is unbelievable and thoroughly worth the ride out.

I can never get enough of this as ww2 was my thing at school, as well as we grew up next to a few American Air Bases, and where I lived was the

94th Bombardment Group (Heavy) was in ww2.


I learned to ride a Motorcycle on this very runway and it is still there today. I even drove my Hot Rod on there too and of course, where I got my American interest from a very early age.


So, coming to Chino is great as there are artifacts from the very airfield that I rode on as a kid and now I am here in California with some of the planes that were located there back in 1942-45.


Am epic flying machine the Flying Fortress and rightly names as it was super hard to shoot down and would take tremendous amount of damage in flight.


So I am always happy to ride out to this place and a little eerie feeling that the plane and I really do have a connection as we were both in the same place at different times but if it wasnt for that plane in the background, I may not be here today.


So i hung out for a little while, but it was a warm day, so paid my respects and then made my way home via the canyons again. But it will not be too long until we are all back here for a visit and eventually one day my God Son Bradley selves may take the trip from the UK to come out here as he is as mad as planes as I am.


A little run around the block, just in case I missed some stuff and then back onto the Tarmac to head to my home and take my time to enjoy the Sunday at my own pace.


Weather was bang on and I enjoyed my ride through the canyon and stopped off to take a few shots for my Blog on here to try and show you where I go and what I get up to these days.


Passing the State Of California  Corrections Firing rate at a sedate speed too. Ha Ha. And so, on to the twisties and thats what I get another kick out of when there is no traffic about.


Switch backs and chicane corners are fun, as long as you commit to them, this bend was awesome as its a 15 mph limit and off cambered too as well as up or downhill, so much to take in.


Keep your eyes peeled for traffic and of course the sides of the road as there is all sorts of debri from Branches to cans to stones, as well as hidden drive ways and footpaths, be aware.


Looks easy but this is a double bend too and even sharper at the bottom as its almost a switch back and off cambered the other way, but I enjoy that and had a grin all the way there.


I pulled over a couple of times just to take some of the scenery in, not great for photos as the Sun was facing me but took some to show what I was up to and you may like to have a look.


So if you can, ride as much as possible, I feel sorry for the colder climate states as they have such a smaller riding time than we do in California, as well as Canada, but I chose to move to California for that very reason, you always feel better with the Sun on your face.

So hope you enjoyed my little Blog today and hope it gets you off to a better start of the day and makes you smile.

Downed power pole Carbon Canyon 15Sep13

But be aware of your surroundings as you really never know what may be around the next corner, look ahead all the time. Thanks again for watching and, keep an eye out for Crazy Car drivers too.

CC Rd accident 28Sep15

Meet Up with us through out the year and Ride.

Well, I have had a meet up for a few years now, we try and find great places to visit and ride there, it usually a fun event or something you do not often see, anyone can come out with us and thought I would share it on here, you can see the link to the meet up below.

I love 2 and 4 wheeled vintage stuff and if you like things from Vintage bikes, Chris Craft Boats to ww2 Airplanes, then this is the meet for you to take part in, no attitude, just great days or mornings out and something to look forward too.

59 club carpy

So if you know of a great place to visit, i.e, a Museum, Motorcycle shop or venue, Custom car show etc, then drop us a line and we may make a big ride out of it.


Nobody races, so if you want to get your elbows in the tarmac, then carry on and we shall meet you there, we have a great bunch of people, Male and Female and different styles of bikes, but all have the same interest. Motorcycles, and if you like the same thing, we are going to get on well. A Mixture of professions too, from Teachers to Dental Specialists, thats what makes us so entertaining.


No attitudes at all. so come have have fun and see some interesting places, I am sure you will return for more.


People always seem to be happy and enjoy the ride to where ever we end up, so if you want more and even know of some cool places to check out, let us know.

59 club carpy 7

You can call or even Tex me on 714-598-8392 when ever you like too.

59 club oc2




It’s so great to see that the Cafe Racer Scene and Rockers image still holds strong today, – and to see it carried so well in places like Hong Kong – is so enthralling for me as the Cafe Racer lifestyle is now well and truly world wide. For many years – people looked at me in my Rockers attire and just could not work out what I  and my Motorcycles were about, but now, – with the wonders of the Magazines and now- the internet, its so much easier to discover things and if interested in that culture, eventually evolve into it, adding your own twist.


Here is a great Video that explains some what the scene in Hong Kong and I hope to fly over there and meet some of these great people, I have some Brit mates that now live there too and even though we would be on Queens road in Hong Kong, it will feel like the Kings Road in London.


Kenji De is so similar to me and many of my Ton up friends around the world, that have taken on this style for the passion and of course, the lifestyle, it is hard to explain but this style absorbs you like a sponge and I have made so many friends all around the world with the same interests and one day hope to Meet Kenji and his Rocker buddies and do the Ton in Hong Kong.


Enjoy the video, just wanted to share today.

Have a Great Sunday.


Peace & Grease

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Happy Friday, may your weekend be full of Twisties.

Happy Friday all

Well almost the weekend, i have some Major bike stuff to complete but wanted to at least say hello today, time seems to fly past when you get busy in life etc,try and get out on your motorcycle, I shall be supporting my Girl in a ride this weekend.

Have a fun day and if you can get a chance, get out and take some nice smooth roads that are relatively quiet and get into them curves, you dont have to be fast to have fun, I love long winding bends that you roll in and throttle out of, so much fun.

I think I shall book a weekend away in Big bear with my girlfriend soon so we can ride up there although, we have Bonneville Speed week coming up fast.


Life behind Bars

Well, 17 years seems to have flown by and here I am, still playing with two wheeled contraptions.

As a kid , I was fascinated with Motorbikes and at any opportunity I would drop everything to watch , hear or just read about these mechanical machines.

I have lived all over the world and seen some fantastic motorcycles and knew that one day I would be lucky enough to reside in the United States of America .

So, in 2000 I entered California and the first Motorcycle I created was a 1976 CB750 of which I gave the Cafe Racer styling.

carpys vw

The livery was in the style of the 1970’s Formula 1 John Player Special Team of Gold and Black.

carp 750 carp7501

This motorcycle caused a huge stir in the American Motorcycle community and put me on the map as as Motorcycle designer and builder.


17 years later and my 50th creation is almost completed , I wanted to build another CB750 and this time use some crazy Candy flake colors of which covered most of the Hondas of SOHC guise.


This time I chose a 1975 CB750F model Super Sport and went with a Black Wrinkle Finish Engine, Dressed out with Stainless Steel Allen Head Bolts throughout.


I also designed a Brand New 4 into 1 Exhaust System that made the Header pipes swing out to the right hand side and then tightly under the chassis and a unique short turn out tail pipe.


I took the stock gas tank and cut out the filler neck and welded it flat, then welded a Harley Gas Cap bung in its place to give this tank a cool smooth appearance .


Next up I took some 18 Gauge steel and hand bent the seat base to the style I was looking for, then I cut another piece of steel into a half circle and hand pounded it on a sand bad and then used my Air Plenisher and shaped it into a cowl, then tig welded to seat base, once that was done I then cut a teardrop shape out of the rear of that cowl, to allow for a unique Tailight for the bike.


I upholstered this seat base with Brown Naugahyde and did tuck n roll design.


I rebuilt the front forks and machined the  lowers to have finned grooves in them, rebuilt the front and rear wheels with polished Hubs and stainless Steel spokes and shoved New Rubber on them.


With 14.5 inch New Shocks makes sure the rear end keeps smooth and some Italian Rear sets clamp tightly to the frame. But still More to do and wanted to show you some progress photos, Hope you like what I am doing here, a little out there but, that makes it more fun. Stay tuned to my Blogs on more as I will ALWAYS be messing around with 2 wheeled Machines.





Join us next Saturday for the 30th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show & Tankfarm & Co. 3rd Annual Vintage Motorcycle Show.

Nothing draws a crowd like the Seal Beach Car Show, and this year’s 30th Anniversary event is set to be bigger than ever. Each year Main Street in Seal Beach closes down to welcome over 25,000 visitors and 550 cars, live music and attractions. Businesses come together along with the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and the City of Seal Beach to produce one of Southern California’s most memorable automotive events. With 30 categories of classic cars, and Cool Motorcycles- there is something for everyone!

Taking place on Saturday, April 29th, 2017, the Seal Beach Car Show is absolutely free for visitors and is sure to leave you with great memories of Seal Beach and the heritage of American classic cars.

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Don’t miss the Seal Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show, held in conjunction with the Seal Beach Classic Car Show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Check out motorcycles from 1979 and older!


The 59 Club O.C. Section  shall be attending from a spectators view and we always enjoy the show, plenty to see, plenty to eat and drink and great people to chat to, be it a Classic 57 Oldsmobile, or a cool 1929 Flathead powered Roadster, there is so many to look at, and- further along the sea front is the cool Motorcycle show that is all part of the same event, growing bigger and bigger each year, check out the old and new of Motorcycles.


Something not to be missed, and everybody is helpful and look forward to your questions about their ride.


Also the weather is always good, parking can be a cow- but they have Free shuttle buses laid on so no problems really.

Come and say hello if you see us as we shall be there taking the whole days event in, drink lots of water as it gets hot there as it did last year.


A fun show for all the family and good music too.

So, if you find you have nothing to do on Saturday, get down to SEAL BEACH as I know that you will not regret it.


We return from previous meet ups and its a fun ride to the show, nice to hang out with like minded people too.


if you would like to ride with us, you are more than welcome too, simply meet us at:


13759 Artesia Blvd, Cerritos, CA

We shall be there at 9:00am!!!


Hope to see you there.

59 club oc




Hey there All

Happy Monday, and by now you have gotten over the chomping of Eater Eggs and the like and now back to reality and into work once more and try and get the week off to a bang, and I want to help by showing an old movie, not in English at all and having the word FARTS as the start just cracked me up.


The movie is called FARTS FEBER which roughly translated means ” SPEED FEVER”


Norwegian propaganda motorcycle movie
Don’t be a motorcycle hooligan and ruin for the other nice motorcyclists – I believe that was the message 🙂


This movie was produced in 1958 it is about 10 minutes in length and is more of a documentary on not to be a Ton Up Boy and if you want speed, go to Speedway.


I see the 250 Jawa  was a predominant bike featured in this film, but there are Many Triumph and BSA’s in the shots and to be honest some awesome footage for the time, loved the roads and the advice on braking back then, teaching road discipline and give way to pedestrians etc.


I don’t understand a word of Norwegian but it didn’t matter as the Rock N Roll Boogie song most of the way through was super cool.


The chunky Speed demon got his comeuppance when he met his demise racing on the road. A lesson there, Don’t over take on a bend.


And wear a Skid lid too, although a few shots of the Ton Up Club guys didn’t have their helmets fastened at all.


Watch all of the movie, its only 10 minutes but well done for back then and some great footage and moving shots to say the least.


it just goes to show that the Rocker scene was strong all over Europe by 1958, so an epic TON UP Movie for me and gets the Thumbs up!


I hope to acquire a copy to keep as this is the first time I have watched this am am surprised I have never seen it before.


I am glad I got to see it and wanted to here today to get your Monday off to a Bang!


Thanks for watching, Ride safe but have fun none the less.




The Damned 1963

Well, when this weird movie came out, I was just a year old, its crappy and black and white but that’s what I love about the old B movies, suspense and thrillers, a few Rockers thrown in and there you go. A totally weird movie, but just for the tacky music and the great motorcycles, clothing and old School England, brings back great memories for me.

Dont take it for seriousness, its a mix of Juvenile delinquents, Social welfare, espionage, Government secrets, and science fiction all rolled into a small sandwich to get your teeth into. It may not be the best sandwich you ate but- you will sure remember it. LOL.


the damned 1963b


Movie Info:

Joseph Losey directed this unusual science fiction effort, which has won a small but fervent cult following. Simon Wells (MacDonald Carey) is an American visiting England, where he meets a woman named Joan (Shirley Ann Field).

the damned

Simon is immediately attracted to Joan, but there’s a considerable obstacle in their budding romance: Joan’s brother King (Oliver Reed), the leader of a violent pack of motorcycle Rockers. King has a barely concealed incestuous attachment to his sister, and he sometimes uses her to lure victims into his gang’s clutches.

the damned 1963

King and his cronies attack Simon, take his money, and leave him stranded, where he’s eventually found by a pair of military security men. Simon is brought to the home of Bernard (Alexander Knox), a scientist working on a secret project for the government, and his girlfriend Freya (Viveca Lindfors), a sculptor.



Joan eventually tracks Simon down in hopes of winning his forgiveness, but another run-in with King causes Simon and Joan to discover a cave that holds a terrible secret: a group of strange, cold-blooded children who were the products of one of Bernard’s experiments gone wrong.


the damned 1963e
The children were genetically engineered to survive a nuclear war, and, as a result, they are radioactive enough to kill anyone who comes in close contact with them. Controversial in its day, The Damned was produced in England in 1961 but was not released until 1963, when Hammer Films booked it as the second-half of a double bill with Maniac. It did not reach American screens until 1965, when it was shown under the title These Are the Damned. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi

the damned 1963a


This is a film not often seen these days.

I have the film and will show it to fellow 59 Club members on a film night to make it more fun.

Here is the whole shooting match if you have time to atch, its slow but its history, a little like a cross between Clockwork orange and Rockers.

These are the Damned 1963 by Alice-Bauer