Fiddling about in the Barn.

Well, I am sure that you lot must have some parts tucked away somewhere?  With…. “ I will get to it later” Tag attached to it, and I am no different.  I have an old depressed 1974 CB750 Frame that has been sitting around and needs to be given a New life, so- I thought that I would look about my place and see if I can at least mock something up, no idea how it will go, I may change the design a few times but, people ask me what I do at home and I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to share with you lot out there what I do in the Barn.

So, I thought I would just use my iPhone as chat as I try and do a few things to this old frame that I have, sorry if it gets a little boring but you can fast forward if you doze off.

Click the videos below to see what I usually get up to in my abode.

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