A Day in the life of Yours truly.

Well, cant believe I am fast approaching 20 years that I have been over here and creating Custom machines and of course, parts to go with it, I have to stop and pinch myself sometimes, but there it is – 2 decades and still moving along, maybe not as fast as back in 2000 but still have a spring in my limpy step.

Now, just yesterday about 10pm, I heard my phone make that familiar “Ping” I thought that it is probably just spam etc but I picked it up and there was a message from a Japanese guy on Facebook, he said “Is this you?” And there was a thumbnail of a picture.

I clicked on it and Bloody Nora, it was me back in 1997 with my Old 1969 Triumph Daytona.


I remember that day like it was last week, I rode it all the way to the East coast from my flat in North London and boy, was that great fun to ride to, the bike kept spluttering at Hemsby but It was only the carbs and a clean out and tune and she was good as new, thats when Osamu Imai snapped this photo of me in 1997.

So I thought I would share that with you, the bike looked a little different 6 months before when I rode it again to Hemsby but I want happy with white and wanted black, here is my Kicking the bike over to go for a ride in 1996 before I painted it Black.

So, cherish every day, as time really does belt along, that was 50 pounds ago too. LOL!



Steve Carpenter

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