Memorial day

 It is memorial day today, I wanted to just send a big thank you to MY Grandad Hall, as a kid I only really knew him as Grandad, but that guy is one of my heroes for sure.

Living in Enfield in North London, My mums side of the family were in the thick of world war 2 and Grandad was in the Artillery. He was one of those brave men that were operating the 40mm Bofor Anti Aircraft Gun, firing at the bombers as they were dropping bombs on them and the rest of London.

My dad’s side were from East London and true Cockneys and also had some terrible bombings but they were evacuated to the south coast for safety.

Grandad Hall was A very brave man- and if it was not for the likes of him and many others, I would not be here thats for certain.



This was a hard and grueling task, as these shells were heavy and you had to be fast, my Grandad  suffered for many years with a leg injury from a shell and never moaned about it, I just wanted to send a big hello to my Grandad Hall and everyone out there and take this day as HIS day for me.

I can’t  take back time, as I wanted to ask him so many questions, but he passed when I was just a young lad and never even dared ask about the war back then, but he was such a great guy, kept himself to himself and it was not until i was older that i realised what he did in ww2 to help protect the country.



He used the Big search lights like you see on 20th centurt Fox openings to spot the plane and also the 40mm Bofar to fire Flak up at the bombers, something that must of been so  frigging scary at that time, but- it had to be done and, as Sir Winston Churchil once said. ” We shall never surrender”

This is what he had to use everytime in the Blitz.


I am so proud of My grandad, he was a quiet guy to be honest and never talked about the war, he was someone I always looked up too and respected.

 Today is a special day and I wanted to share just a little of my family history to you all out there, many of you had family in the services in ww2 doing their bit to make a future for us and I feel humbled on this day to be here, as it was the likes of Grandad hall that made sure that I would have a safe life.

Thank you Grandad, I love you.



Steve Carpenter