Quick Tour of where the Cafe Racers are Created.

This is just a quick tour of the back of the shop and where the Cafe Racers are created, I thought we would use the little camera and try the video mode, and it came out quite well really.
So, turn the volume up and have a look at a little bit of my world and hope you like it?



We have abut an 8000 foot shop and the back is about 5000 of that where we have parts/inventory as well as a few bike lifts, work benches and shelving and that’s where some of the magic is done and many of you don’t see that, a little later on I shall be making more videos to share with you on this website, so stay tuned to that.


I wanted to just walk around the rear of the workshop for 5 minutes or so on a Sunday, so we can show you a little more of the Cafe Racer side this time, as we get many emails asking us about a quick tour of the shop, and this is a good opportunity to share a little bit of the Speed Shop with you all.