Hey there all, I had a great response as to the Blog I did about Girls on bikes and have continued this as I want to promote this as much as I can.
Photos below have been either sent to me by people or I have just googled, but please- if you knw the photographer and the models names, let me know so I can credit them for their work, unfortunatly google doesnt always put the credits to the photos but I wanted to show these great shots and hope some of you will recognise these so we can credit everyone who took them or is in them.
Below is a mate of mine with her Riding mates that I always not only had the utmost respect for, she is great riding a motorcycle and has a variety of them to boot. In the middle is Sarah Bradley,To her left is Kate Strong and then Karen Stevenson, to her Right is Tracy Holroyd Smith.
Girls look great on Two wheels and we so need more of them where we are and am hoping just some of these photos may inspire your other half to get out there and enjoy the fun we have on Motorcycles.
A real couple of Salt & Shakers here, 2 great friends who ride back home. Sarah Bradley and Karen Odare-Sharman.
Hiroko Murakami with her Speed Twin. Ace Café London