Well, I have always thought Kenneth Williams from the good old carry on Movies was such a character, here he is explaining about Thermo Coupling.
Well, the weekend already but thought as I had unusual stuff on today’s quick Blog, I would add this.
Hope that this weekend you enjoy your motorcycle, or at least maybe even do some work on it, most places North of us have snow and ice, so many will be tucked up in their sheds, but gives you time to get a little bit of wrenching done in time for when the Ice thaws out and eventually the Sun beams down again.
We are so Blessed with good weather in Southern California and I do not miss the snow and ice on the roads back home in the UK and and and and and so much snow on the ground I was stuck inside and cannot get out to things, well then its time for the big guns to come out.
Be safe out there what ever you do and wishing everyone a Happy and Safe New Year.
Right i am off into the shed in a tic, but right now I am also adding New parts to my website, so if ya snowed in, you can look at all the goodies on offer on here. Happy Saturday.